Shamless Y/n Milkovich

By something605

18.4K 148 16

Y/n Milkovich is the little half sister of Mandy Milkovich. She's not really related to Mickey or Terry, 'cau... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14

Part 3

1.4K 13 1
By something605

*Y/n and Mickey going in side the house, it was already 5:30pm, so the party almost started*
Debbie: Y/n where the fuck where you, you said you would hurry.
Domenique: She probably met a sweet guy and decided to fuck before she come's back.
Y/n: Shut the fuck up, Domenique.I would never do such a gross thing.
Domenique: Oh yeah, why wouldn't you?
Y/n: Cause I'm not a fucking slut, like you.
Debbie: At this point y/n's right, you're a real slut Domenique and no one likes you besides Carl, so before you open your slutty
               mouth, you should rather be thankful that we didn't attack you with a knife.
Carl: Guys stop being so rude to her!
Y/n: She started.
Ian: I really don't want to interrupt you in your discussion but what happend to your arm y/n?
Mickey: Oh Ian can speak you upstairs?

*Ian nods and they got upstairs where Mickey told him everything, he told Ian to tell no one and not to mention it.*
*At the same time downstairs ...*
Carl: So what happened to your arm Y/n?
Y/n: First of all why do you care and second it's nothing of your damn business.Debbie, can I talk to you?Alone?
Debbie: Sure, let's go to our room.
Carl: Why 'our room'?
Debbie: Fiona told me y/n is going to stay with us for a while and she'll stay in my room.

*Debbie and Y/n going into 'their' room*
Y/n: I'm really sorry for being late, my father attacked me with a bottle of beer, she crashed the wall and a splinter got into my
         arm.That's why there is a big plaster.
Debbie: Holy shit are you okay?
Y/n: Yeah, I'm, I'm fine.
Debbie: It's okay that you came late but the Party is going to start in a few minutes, that's why I need to tell you, I need our
               room tonight.
Y/n: You, uhm, you wanna sleep with Derek?
Debbie: Yes I will.
Y/n: Okay if it makes you happy.

*Both are going downstairs to welcome the first guests*
*Many people are there, drinking, dancing, making out.It's getting really late. 9pm.Debbie comes up to y/n*
Debbie: Hey, I'm gonna go upstairs now, could you please watch the guests a little but just to make sure the house still stands
                after I wake up?
Y/n: Yep sure.

Nice here I am sitting alone on the stairs with a bottle of Vodka in my hand.Watching the people.I was so tired but I just kept drinking to stay awake.I looked at the bottle and it was almost half done.I feel so akward and disgusted because of what happened with Terry.It makes me wanna throw up.Shit, I really have to - ... I ran to the toilet and threw up.Eww.I washed my mouth out with water and took another sip from the vodka.As I wanted to walk back to the stairs everything was going to be blurry.Shit I really drunk to much.But it was still okay, I made my way back slow and carefully but I made it.There I am again sitting on the stairs, drunk and traumatised.

*Carl sits down next to y/n*

Y/n: What, what do you w-want?I don't need someone to judge me when I'm already low.
Carl: I just wanted to ask if everything's fine.I mean the bottle in your hand is almost empty.And as I can see and hear you're
          really drunk.
Y/n: N-no i'm not, not drunk. And if you excuse me now I'm going out-outside.
*Y/n's vision is very blurry and her head is a little dizzy, she's trying to go outside holding on the wall so she won't fall down*

*Y/n's been at the outside for a while now, with a cigarette in her hand, smoking.*
*Carl come's outside*
Carl: You're still here?
Y/n: Yep. Watching the sunset.
Carl: Y/n there's no sun it's 2am in the morning.
Y/n: No I see her, there she is. *Y/n pointed her finger at the streetlight*
Carl: *laughs* That's just a streetlight.Come on I'll take you to bed.*Carl hold his hand out*
Y/n: *grabbed his hand and stood up* Why are you so nice to me?
Carl: Can you keep a secret?
Y/n: yeah
Carl: I maybe pretend like I don't like you but, secretly I'm totally into you.
Y/n: *blushes* Really? Then, why are you with domenique?
Carl: She's really good in bed.
Y/n: *chuckles* And why are you telling me this?
Carl: 'cause if I'm lucky you're going to wake up and remember nothing.
*Y/n's arm around his neck to have something to lean on.Her other hand in his so she won't fall down the stairs.They stopped infront of Debbie's room but, there were coming groans out of the room.*
Y/n: *laughed* Debbie and Derek are in there *hihi*.
Carl: Alright come, you're going to stay in my bed.
Y/n: What about Domeni-
Carl: She left a few hours ago.It'll be fine.
*Carl opened the door and brought y/n into bed*
Mickey: What's going on?
Carl: I don't know she drunk very much, almost a whole bottle of vodka and then she went outside to smoke.I've never seen her
         like that and I never knew she smokes.
Mickey: Well, 'cause she doesn't.*Walks towards Carl's bed where y/n lays in and kneels down to face her.* Hey y/n, is
               everything okay?
Y/n: Oh Mickey, we both know the answer of that.I feel nauseous.
Ian: Carl get her a bucket.
Carl: I'm on my way.
*Carl set a bucket next to his bed, rolled her on the side so she could puke into the bucket.He changed her T-shirt into an old one of his, so she wouldn't ruin her shirt.She was already asleep.Downstairs he send the guests home and got upstairs again.He layed down in his bed next to y/n but, a little away frome her and fell also asleep.*

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