Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

54.4K 2K 9.9K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



586 25 88
By sun_ve

"Maybe... do you think he's a past relative of mine? My family? I should talk to him!" Hunter says starting to walk over to him

"Wait!" You say and grab him.

"What do you mean wait? He's probably my family- I've never met my family! I've always wanted to learn about my family!" Hunter says.

"Hunter keep in mind we are from the future, any mistakes we make now could lead to disastrous consequences in our own time." You whisper .


"Especially if it comes to our own relations." You say.

"But... I've... Y/n I have no memory of anything from before I was 15. I want to know more about who I am, where I'm from." Hunter whispers.

"Yes I know but meddling with your own bloodline isn't a good idea because if you do something wrong it could lead to you never existing." You say.

"You're right.." He frowns.

"I'm sorry... come on let's go." You say and grab his arm.

Hunter looks at the kid and then frowns. The kids furrows his eyebrows and then runs off back into the alleyway.

??? POV

"Uncle..!" I exclaim and run over to him.

He's sitting against a bench carving something. It looks like a mask. He looks over at me.

"What is it now?" He glares at me.

"Um... I was in the market... well- I wasn't in the market I was peeking around. I saw someone." I say.

He stops carving his mask and sets it in his side. He folds his arms and looks at me sternly.

"And who is it that you feel is so important to tell me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Can't you see I'm busy? I'm working on something." He says coldly picking his stuff back up.

I frown and rub my hand.

"There was an older man who looked just like me." I say.

He puts his stuff back down and stands up immediately. I flinch and take some steps backwards but he keeps walking towards me and grabs me by the collar and stares into my eyes.

"I'm sorry?" He tilts his head.

I start trembling. I keep opening my mouth to say something and then I keep shutting it not then knowing what to say.

"WHERE was he?" He exclaims.

"By the southern side of the market! They were- I don't know they were leaving the town!" I say nervously.

"They?" He asks.

"There was a girl too he was with!" I say.

"You weren't in your uniform I presume?" He says.

"No- I needed to clean it this was all I had." I say.

"...normally I don't want you to go anywhere without it on but I will make an exception... I don't want you being recognized." He says.

"Follow them, I want you to tell me if you notice anything strange. Report back to me at once." He says.

"Yes Uncle." I say.

"Good. Don't disappoint me Caden."

I blink and nod. I run off back in the direction those people went to.

Your POV:

"I wanna go back." Hunter says.

"You can't." You say.

"Y/n I'm so curious." Hunter says.

"Believe me I am too but it's better not to interfere." You say.

Hunter goes quiet and rubs his arm. You feel bad. That was no doubt another grimwalker. It has to be.

You don't know maybe it would be okay to let Hunter interfere to know about his past. Maybe once he comes to the realization what Belos does, he may get away from the emperors coven.

Maybe you should let him.

But we need to focus on Titan blood right now. Getting to eclipse lake is what's important.

You take Hunters hand and travel on. The layout is somewhat the same yet different than your current time.

You look over at Hunter and take his hand. He doesn't look back at you. He's still thinking about that kid and how weird that was.

"...maybe we can try and find him on our way back if you want." You say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, but... don't say or do anything you feel may hurt the future." You say.

"Obviously. I don't plan on it. I just wanna ask him where he's from... um.. get some idea... of my background." He says.

"We'll find him" you say.

After some walking you make it up to the titans knee where it's snowy. And it is also where eclipse lake is located.

"It so much harder to navigate here because of how different the land is. I mean it's all the same." You say rubbing your hands together

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"A bit." You smile.

"You're wearing a big coat and you're cold?" Hunter smiles.

"It's mainly my hands and face." You say.

He smiles and he takes your hand. He guides you over under a tree and he leans against it.

"Come here." He says and grabs your hands.

He holds them in his and his hands are already warm. Why is he never cold?

He gently rubs his hands over yours to try and give you more warmth. His hands are seriously so warm.

"You never get cold do you?" You smile.

"I weirdly don't." Hunter smiles.

"What else did you say was cold?" Hunter asks.

"My face." You smirk.

"U-um I can fix that." He says a little red faced trying to sound confident.

"How?" You smile.

He glides your hands into his jackets pockets and looks at you and holds your face closer to his.

"Um..." He blushes.

"Go on." You raise an eyebrow.

He laughs a little and looks into your eyes.

"I'm so bad at this." He laughs softly and looks down.

"Bad at what?" You tease.

"I don't know." He smiles.

"I'm not as confident as I look." He says.

"You don't need to be." You say.

"You could tell me to kiss you whenever you want and I would." You nudge him.

His eyes widen and he starts fuming and blushing madly. He runs his hands down your arms and his head falls onto your shoulder. You laugh a little.

"What happened to warming up my face?" You tease.

"Um..." He says muffled into your shoulder.

He looks up at you. And bites the inside of his cheeks.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.

"Please." You say.

He smiles a little and gently pulls your face in and kisses you. His face is warm too. He feels your cold cheeks and he cups them with his hands to warm you up. His lips are hot too and it feels cool against yours. It's refreshing.

Kissing in cold temperature feels so nice. Having just a sudden burst of warmth against your face feels like you're sitting by a soothing bonfire.

He pulls away and looks at you, he studies your face and you watch his eyes glimmer. He comes back in for another and kisses you again. He's so warm.

You lean more against him causing him to lean his back against the tree. Having you in his arms feels addicting. Can he just sit here and kiss you in the cold all day?

His hands run up your hair and he holds you tightly.

"Get a room." A voice says.

You both pull away from eachother in embarrassment. You look around for whoever just said that extremely red faced.

It's that kid from earlier. He's sitting on a tree across from you both.

"TITAN! ITS YOU!" Hunter shouts still a little red faced.

"What? You know me?" He asks and hops down.

"I think so- maybe- I wanna know you." Hunter grins.

The kid puts his arms at his sides and looks at Hunter sternly.

(I drew this at work)

"My names Caden, who are you?" He says.

"Hu- I-I- mean- my names O'Bailey." Hunter laughs nervously.

"And this is uh...Vega." Hunter grins.

"Why do you wanna know me? There's nothing special about me." Caden says.

"First off, why do you look like me?! That's what I wanna know!" Caden says.

"How old are you?" Hunter asks.

"I'm 13, answer the question." Caden says.

"I don't know why I look like you. Um... that's why I wanna know who you are... um figure out if we have any relation." Hunter says.

"Do you have parents?" Hunter asks.

"I don't have a mom or dad. My uncle takes care of me." Caden raises an eyebrow.

Hunter looks over at you and you look at him. Hunter looks surprised.

"Wait- really?" Hunter furrows his eyebrows.

"Uh yeah." Caden folds his arms.

"...who's your uncle?" Hunter asks.

You're not liking where this conversation is going. You tug on Hunters sleeve. He glances at you.

"Thats not important." Caden says.

"Anyway, I want to know why you look like me." Caden glares.

"I don't know why I look like you, that's what I wanna figure out." Hunter says.

"Let's walk and talk." You say grabbing Hunters arm.

"Where are you guys going?" Caden follows you both.

"We're finding something that'll help me." You say.

"Help what?" Caden walks next to you.

"Thats also not important." Hunter says and takes your hand.

"Why are you following us anyway? We were originally gonna come back and find you." Hunter says.

"I was told to. So it's what I'm doing." Caden folds his arms.

"Told by who?" You ask.

Caden goes quiet. He glares at you.

"Stop with all the glaring, we haven't been mean to you." You say.

"I'm skeptical of you both." He says.

"Whats there to be skeptical of?" You ask.

"Um- a guy that looks like me? Are you like me in the future or something?" Caden asks.

Hunter holds his hand over his mouth and tries not to laugh. You nudge him.

"What?" Caden says.

"I wanna know what you guys are and what you're doing." He says.

"We're actually figments of your imagination, you're dreaming." You grin.

Hunter laughs a little.

"Oh, sure. Nice." Caden says.

"What is it you guys are looking for anyway?" Caden follows you both.

"Also not important." You say.

"Why can't you guys tell me about yourselves? I r told you about me." Caden says.

"All except for who your uncle is." Hunter glances at Caden from behind.

"That's classified. My uncle's identity is not of any importance!" Caden says.

"Can you tell me something about you mister O'Bailey?" Caden says.

"I'm 21. And similar to you, I have no parents, and was taken care of by my uncle." Hunter says.

"See why I wanna know who your uncle is?" Hunter glances at him.

You grip Hunters hand tightly.

"What's wrong are you okay? You seem on edge." Hunter says.

"No. I'm fine." You nod.

You're actually nervous. This really seems like all this is leading to the theory he is a grimwalker. You think this confirms it. What is also making you on edge is that this kid might not live for very long, if he's a previous golden guard by chance.

This is making you worried.

"What happened to your parents?" Caden asks.

"I don't know, it's not a part of my memory." Hunter says.

Caden looks up at Hunter with a concerned look.

"It's not a part of mine either." Caden says.

"All I remember is... waking up in..." Hunter mumbles.

"Dirt?" Caden asks.

Hunter looks at Caden sternly. Caden also looks at Hunter sternly.

"Who are you?" They both say at once.

"Guys." You say.

They both look up at you.

"We're here. Let's focus." You say trying to make them change the subject.

"Right." Hunter says and takes your hand tightly.

"What are we looking for?" Caden asks.

"Can he help? I like this guy." Hunter smiles.

"Look, two of you at once is already weird. And I don't want you both snatching this thing. I can't have you bringing some to- uh- you know who. I need to keep an eye on you." You say.

"I'm not going to!" Hunter blushes.

"What is it? And if you don't want him taking it why would you even bring him with you?" Caden asks.

"Wait outside and we'll come back." You tell him.

"No, I'm curious." Caden says.

"What's your name again?" You ask him.


"Caden. I need you to please wait here for us and we will come back and you can ask as much questions as you want." You say.

"I wanna come. I won't touch anything, I'll be quiet if you want." Caden says holding his hands together.

"You should let him come he's a mini me!" Hunter grins.

"I'm not a mini you! you're saying that like I'm a child! I could kill you if I wanted to." Caden says.

"I'm 21." Hunter smirks.

"That doesn't mean anything! I have the skills to kill you if I wanted to!" Caden says.

"But if you really are a future me then I wouldn't wanna kill you because in the end that would just be me killing myself if you think about it..." Caden says.

"How do you have the skills? You train?" Hunter asks.

"Yeah. I have for about a year now." He says.

"Your earliest memory is when you were 12?" Hunter asks.

"Yeah, waking up in dirt." He says.

"Mine is when I was 15." Hunter says.

"Guys!" You say.

"Can he please come with us? Please?" Hunter asks.

"Please?" Caden says.

"Okay! Fine! Just don't touch anything both of you!" You say.

"Yes ma'am." They both say.

Hunter still holds your hand and talks to Caden at the same time. You examine the cave.

"So why have you been training exactly?" Hunter asks.

"Because Uncle told me to so I can fight any of the bad people." Caden says.

"What bad people?" Hunter says.

"People who don't know better. Especially those with palisman. He says palismen are dangerous." Caden says.

Hunter looks down at flap tucked under his shirt. He nervously pats his shirt and nods slightly looking away.

You tuck Boo away as well.

"But don't must people have them?" Hunter asks.

"Most people do. Uncle says they don't understand, and he'll fix it one day." He says.

"Jokes on you I've been training for 6 years." Hunter smirks.

Caden blushes and folds his arms.

"Why have you been training?" Caden then asks.

"Well I'm a guard. That's self explanatory." Hunter says.

"What kind of guard?" He asks.

"That's private." Hunter says.

"How are we supposed to learn anything about eachother if you're not gonna tell me things about you." Caden says.

"You won't tell me who your uncle is." Hunter says.

"Because I don't want anyone hurting him. He's already struggling as he is." Caden says.

You stop in your tracks and look around.

"What's wrong?" Hunter looks at you.

"I'm not sure where to go... it's split by all these entryways..." You say.

Hunter stares at it for a moment trying to think. He's been here before he has to remember. Then again this is eclipse lake in the past, it could be different.

"Let's try this way... if there's nothing this way we will head back." Hunter says.

You nod and hold his hand as Caden follows behind you.

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I don't own sbg or the characters, all belong to the lovely lilredbeany on webtoon. That said, please enjoy!!