all of the vest were killed...

By Spinfoxie

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Alternative Title: 马甲全员be后我被迫吊唁自己 Author: Luo Waterfall When Nishimiya Yuzuki, a graduate of the vest system... More

After all the members of the vest were killed, I was forced to express my condol


102 4 0
By Spinfoxie

Chapter 49

For Oda Sakunosuke, when he mentions Nishimiya Tsukimu, he will subconsciously think of Osamu Dazai.

There was no way he could help it. In the two years he had known Osamu Dazai, he had personally witnessed the change in Dazai Osamu's attitude toward Nishimiya Tsukihi. In the end, he had to send a text message even when he went out to have a drink at night. Forcibly pressing his and Ango's shoulders, they said some very trivial things. Sometimes, with a glass of wine in his mouth, he would remotely help Nishimiya Yuezhen with his math homework.

Ango once patted him on the shoulder and said that Osamu Dazai was really showing off like this.

Odasaku couldn't feel anything about showing off. If anything, Dazai Osamu and Nishimiya Tsukihi were not a couple. He just thought that Osamu Dazai seemed pretty good when he was so obsessed with text messaging. At least he seemed to be in a good mood compared to some moments in the past. There is a subtle sense of anticipation every time I refresh the text message.

Maybe he himself didn't notice this small expectation, it was like being caught by a very thin line. Although it was fragile, it provided a kind of motivation to move forward.

This kind of motivation is too rare for Dazai Osamu, but Oda Sakunosuke feels a little touched.

The first novel he wrote was also about such trivial and ordinary things. The protagonist retired from a job full of crises and began to do what he should do in his daily life, witnessing encounters and partings, and finally unknowingly The land lasted a lifetime. His editor-in-chief, Kobayashi, said that his words are very vital and are the most real miracles born in the slightest moment. Oda Sakunosuke himself cannot feel it very much.

He always felt that it was a miracle that someone like Osamu Dazai could break out of that situation.

"It doesn't matter, there are miracles in the ordinary." Xiaolin was particularly happy to get him to drink that day, "Teacher Oda, you must have seen more magnificent things in your life when you live in Mafia." Everyone drank and was drunk


"Teacher Oda, have you considered retiring from Mafia?"

Odasaku replied at the time: "I am thinking about it."

In fact, I haven't thought about it yet. He already had a good income from writing, but he still felt that this income was not stable.

There may be many kinds of authors. Some can maintain a stable desire for expression, and some can ensure their stable output through commercial techniques. However, Odasaku's obsession with writing a novel is too strong, and after completing it After reading the first book, he was a little unsure whether to continue.

As he continues to write, he doesn't seem to have that strong motivation anymore.

If I don’t continue writing, I feel a subtle reluctance in my heart.

That's how people are, hesitating and struggling, time passes, not everything needs to be decided immediately.

He came to the door of Nishinomiya Yuezhen's house, carrying a bag of books picked by Liang Yuze, and rang the doorbell.

"Go and open the door."

Dazai said angrily, treating himself as the master of the house, and instructing the guests to do their work very smoothly: "You must do something when you live here." This is what he said

. It's as if he has made some important contribution besides sleeping with//being a cat.

The leader Zai glanced at him indifferently and put down the newspaper in his hand.

It just so happened that he was getting tired of supplementing the information about this world. He saw that Osamu Dazai was in a good mood early in the morning, with pink bubbles appearing all over his body, and his mood became more and more subtle.

It was also time to tell him about the future...

He opened the door.

Oda Sakunosuke waited for a while, and before he was about to turn over the key and open the door, the door finally opened.

As expected, it was Osamu Dazai who opened the door.

Maybe because I just got up, I didn't wear my usual suit, but put on a brand new home clothes casually. There is still a subtle smell of life lingering around him, the smell of black coffee and toasted whole wheat toast.

This Osamu Dazai looks a bit taller, a little paler and weaker, his hair is thinner, and the bandages are in the wrong position, and he looks more mature.

For a moment, the thought of "Obama Dazai has grown up overnight" flashed through Oda Sakunosuke's mind, and he was slightly shocked.


It can't be the power of love.

It is said that love can make people grow, but why does Osamu Dazai seem to have grown too much and directly evolved into kidney deficiency? I didn’t see Nishinomiya Yuexi going out in the morning. How about it?

Oda Sakunosuke fell into confusion.

The leader in front of him, Zai, fell into more confusion.

"I'm here to deliver the book." He raised his arm stiffly and showed the contents of the bag. "I've already said hello to Yue." "Yes." The adult version

of Osamu Dazai

lowered his head and carried Oda's bag. When he picked up the bag, he didn't move his eyes.

This is a new experience for Oda Sakunosuke. He is already used to Osamu Dazai jumping around in front of him, especially when it comes to Nishimiya Yuki. He thought that when he showed up here in the morning, Osamu Dazai would come over and chat with him for an hour about how to get along with Tsukihi Nishimiya.

Osamu Dazai really likes to use him and Ango as a place for emotional counseling.

Sighing again that Dazai Osamu had become too quiet after his maturity, he walked into the house and smelled a stronger aroma of breakfast.

And a familiar voice.

"How long will it take to open the door?" Osamu Dazai said in a bad tone. If he guessed correctly, the person who came to visit Nishimiya Tsukihi must be a male - maybe another fish in the fish pond, and now Nishimiya Tsuki He happened to be away from home, and he really wanted to throw away all his competitors.

He held a piece of bread in his mouth and turned his head.

"Odasaku——" His face suddenly turned from gloomy to clear.

Oda Sakunosuke:.

In an instant, the hair on his head stood straight, and there was no reaction. However, he rarely had the idea of ​​​​running away.

Two Osamu Dazai!

The first one and the next one, he couldn't be in some kind of hallucination, right?

As expected, the younger Dazai Osamu was still as lively as before. Before he finished eating a piece of toast, he had already pushed out his chair and ran over: "Odasaku, why are you here so early?" He took a look and almost guessed it

. .

"Did Liang Yu send these books?" He pointed in the direction, as if he could make the decision, "Just put them in the study room." "How could

he ask Odasaku to send things? But Odasaku, it's great that you can come here."

He was so lively, just like the big white cat meowing next to a person's legs when he smelled the aroma of breakfast. Odasaku hesitated for a few seconds, and then asked: "Are you Dazai? So who is this?"

"It's also Dazai." Osamu Dazai explained impatiently, "He's just an unimportant person anyway."

The leader Zai nodded with complicated eyes.

"That's it." Oda Sakunosuke finally accepted this magical world.

--How can it be.

He put the book in the study room in a daze. When he came back, he saw two Dazai Osamu sitting on the dining table eating breakfast. One of them was still greeting him: "Have you had breakfast, Oda Tsukuru? You can come and eat together." "

That's weird.

Ango would be frightened when he saw it, Nakahara Chuuya would go crazy when he saw it, and Osamu Dazai's enemies would want to commit suicide when they saw it.

"There's no way to explain it right away..." Dazai Osamu himself didn't know how to explain the existence of the leader Zai to others. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was okay to let this dangerous person stay away from Yokohama and live here peacefully for a month. The best choice.

The only bad thing is that it will have an impact on Nishimiya Yuehu.

He suddenly thought... Even Odasaku didn't accept the two Dazai immediately, but Nishimiya Yuzhi didn't have a particularly violent reaction, nor did he ask any more questions. He didn't care about things other than himself at all. In a sense, he was better than Mafia. People who are still indifferent...

No, Yueyue is not indifferent at all when she goes to bed at night.

"Dazai, this won't have any impact on you, right?" According to legend, a doppelgänger is a particularly bad omen. Seeing your own doppelgänger often means you are going to die.

"How is that possible?" Osamu Dazai replied nonchalantly. "Although there is definitely an influence - but it has nothing to do with the doppelgänger." "That's good."


Sanosuke couldn't hold back and observed more. He glanced at the adult version of Osamu Dazai, and he noticed the gaze and smiled palely.

This smile looks similar to Osamu Dazai at first glance, but it is completely different.

Oda Sakunosuke felt the indescribable sadness contained in this. In fact, he and Ango often saw Osamu Dazai expressing this kind of emotion in the past, a huge amount of despair caused by the entire rotten world. Fortunately, this emotion became much less common later - Nishimiya Tsukihiro added to Dazai Osamu every once in a while. Be happy.

It had been a long time since he had seen Osamu Dazai so sad, and he didn't quite understand why this sadness was directed at him.

Did he do something?

"Our Oda here has also published a novel," Dazai Osamu suddenly said, "and he has won the Newcomer Award, and he is still very young."

Oda Sakunosuke: ...

Why does he think Dazai Osamu is showing off?

"Congratulations." He saw the leader Zai cast a look at him, a heavy look that would kill him if he didn't agree. "Can I take a look at your published novel?" "Yes." There is nothing that I can't agree


. of.

"There should be some in the study." Dazai Osamu said, "Yueyue bought several copies."

Odasaku immediately stood up to get them.

He spent a very heavy morning at Nishimiya Tsukihiro's house. He was sandwiched between two Dazai Osamu. As expected, the younger one ran over and grabbed him and started to talk about some details of their relationship that he felt he couldn't continue to listen to. The other one ran over and grabbed him. She stayed close to him, not far or near, flipping through the book, reading word for word, sentence by sentence, very seriously.

There is always a subtle sense of shame when someone you know looks at your work in public, especially if you look at it very seriously. Oda Sakunosuke tried to escape countless times, but was caught by another Dazai and had countless dog food poured into his ears.

He listened to a lot of thoughts that belonged solely to DK, and they were vacillating. Dazai Osamu's enemies would definitely laugh out loud when they heard this, mocking him for not being able to fire the arrow.

His mind was dealing with the affairs of the two Dazai, and it finally became completely confused.

Oda Sakunosuke grabbed the gloomy-looking Zaimao by the shoulders: "Yue Zhen likes you, but he is not an adult yet. Dazai, you should also pay attention to your propriety." "Oh..." Dazai Osamu said "like" in the affirmative

. It hit him, causing another critical hit to a certain extent, and he fell down in a daze.

"Dazai." He called the other Osamu Dazai, "It's time for me to go back. I still have a few samples sent by the publishing house. If you want, I can give them to you." The leader, Zai, holding the book

subconsciously He raised his head: "...can I?"

"Of course."

Two Dazaisu, one on the left and one on the right, made Oda exhausted: "If... you can go out, you can go get it now."

The leader finally raised his eyebrows. A small smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Oda Sakunosuke was relieved.

"Next time." The leader Zai closed the book and put it on his knees. When he was surprised, his expression was exactly the same as Dazai Osamu's. "Next time, give it to me, Odasaku." Oda Sakunosuke finally broke free from Zai Zai's sandwich

. .

Only Dazai Osamu and the leader Zai were left face to face.

"Odasaku is so kind to you." Osamu Dazai resented, "I was not even given a printed sample book by him." The

leader Zai glanced at him.

He had to say that he felt that this Dazai Osamu was too happy. He was already a little overwhelmed with blessings and did not know how to cherish them at all.

"There are some things, I think it's time to tell you." He put the book aside, crossed one leg, and lazily changed from a leader with a poor mental state to a leader on vacation. "Limited to the rules, I You can't say it directly."

"Cherish the people around you." He lowered his eyes, "Believe in the prophecy appropriately."

Osamu Dazai's heart skipped a beat.


The leader Zai looked at him.

Osamu Dazai breathed a sigh of relief.


The leader Zai still looked at him.

Dazai Osamu's heart clenched.

Then he heard the leader Zai say: "It's not just that."

"It can be stopped, right?" He looked at the leader Zai, "You got that thing, you knew the future, so you became the leader, within the operable range Gui changed the future - looking at you now, you should have succeeded. Maybe at least half of the success." The

leader Zai smiled: "It's time for you to return to Yokohama."

He could only remind you so much. What happened to Mimic did not happen within a month. In fact, Mori Ogai started planning very early. Now that the world has developed to this point, Mori Ogai's plan is almost 80% complete.

The only difference is when it breaks out.

Osamu Dazai here only became a cadre this year and has already begun to train Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Except for Odasaku who was supposed to be working at the bottom of Mafia and started writing a book, it is no different from many parallel worlds.

So, Mimic will probably arrive this summer.

War ghosts from foreign countries.

Even if Dazai Osamu here can't do it...he will still try his best to prevent certain tragedies from happening. It's nothing more than repeating the miracle a few more times.

Dazai Osamu was still thinking about what would happen in Yokohama when he heard the leader Zai say: "Let's talk about something else." "


"Let's talk about what the hell is your idiot love brain thinking."

Dazai Osamu took a second. Furious: "You are an idiot!"

He was really fed up with the fact that the leader Zai looked at him with eyes that could see through everything. Being suppressed by his more mature self was a very subtle feeling, much better than meeting an enhanced version of Sen. Ogai is even more annoying.

"You are very self-aware and have no refutation of your love brain." The leader Zai put the fingers of his hands together, inexplicably more like Mori Ogai. He leaned forward slightly, "I thought you had lost your mind after being addicted to love. Completely abandoned."

"Yes." Osamu Dazai calmly declared loudly, "I have a partner, but you don't." "

Really?" Leader Zai asked subtly, "According to all the futures I have seen, you are the only one Someone who took the initiative to come forward and was deceived of his body and mind."

"...Although Yueyue is indeed a little bit confused, it's not like he's cheating."

The leader Zai couldn't comment: "What kind of person do you think he is?"

Zai Ke's biological body can always grasp other people's thoughts. There are almost no people in the world. There is nothing that cannot be seen through. Although Osamu Dazai was a little over-tempted, and his mind was blown away by the lust, he still told the truth when questioned: "Cute, cold, and well-behaved, but not obedient. Overly mature." , is too plain, has a good impression of everyone that comes from nowhere, and always feels that he inherently owes the other person something." "I

like to move around when I sleep, and I like to hold something." He added at the end A meaningless sentence, just to poke the head and kill it.

"It seems that you know." The leader, Zai, didn't care anyway. He was not the one who was focused on getting closer to Nishimiya Yuehu. "Then you should know very well..."

Dazai was hesitant and entangled in every possible way at other times. At this time, he used his best words. Quickly replied: "He must like me!"

"Oh." The leader Zai replied slowly, "I hope you will always understand clearly that it is just a liking." It

is far from being called love.

after awhile.

Osamu Dazai answered.

"...Me too."

It can't be called love, but being together is enough. There is no need for thunder to strike and fire from the earth. It is difficult for Nishimiya Yuexi to have intense love and hatred. After all, the purpose of his life is to live a stable life.

Dazai Osamu made a final attempt to flatter himself: "Maybe I'll get tired of it first." "

Can he accept your life in Mafia?"

"...At least it seems okay now."

"That's just Because he didn't see your behavior with his own eyes."

Dazai Osamu felt guilty: "I have been very gentle this year, as a Mafia cadre."

Nishimiya Yuzhi likes a stable life and can accept certain unstable factors, but he is very Obviously being a Mafia cadre is a very unstable job, extremely dangerous, and... too violent. Osamu Dazai rarely talked about work with Tsukihi Nishimiya. He can talk about those things with Odasaku, a retired assassin who doesn't kill people, because even if Odasaku doesn't agree, he can accept it, and so can Ango.

He always only chatted with Nishimiya Tsukihi about a few unrelated work-related interesting things. For example, Nakahara Chuuya's dirty hat flew away and it took him a long time to find it back, and Mori Ogai cried because Alice ran away.

There was so much blood on his own hands that he couldn't wash it off.

It's also impossible to be sure whether Nishimiya Tsukihi will care about him continuing to do those violent things in the future.

It should be unacceptable to see that he is still diligently completing his studies and still getting up to go to school when he is extremely tired.

"Mr. Mori will not let me leave." Dazai Osamu sighed, "It's not like everyone doesn't know my relationship with Yueyue. If I defect, Mr. Mori may not come directly to arrest people - although Mafia's rule is that misfortunes never come unforeseen Family members, but who knows if this old fox will abide by it. At worst, he said that he would come over to see Yueyue during non-working hours, and he happened to catch a defector or something." The leader Zai: "Then, try

another method?"

At school Life is nothing fun.

Recently, Kuroba Kaito is running Kaitou Kid's job. He is very busy at night. Because of his involvement, Hakuba Detective is also working overtime like crazy. One person plans carefully to steal gems and create puzzles, while the other person spends the same amount of time solving those puzzles and trying to catch Kaito Kidd.

Po has a tendency to develop into a mortal enemy.

He was running away from him, and they were all

catching up on sleep in high school classes.

There is one more Nishinomiya Yueyu who is catching up on sleep today.

He is actually quite obedient. Although he secretly plays with his mobile phone during class, at least he does not get into fights like some of his classmates. He is already very peaceful in this class with many monsters and monsters.

Originally, he didn't come on Monday and Tuesday because he took a sick leave. Now he came to school on Wednesday, and his face was pale, which was indeed consistent with the term of sick leave. The teacher felt a little distressed and asked him specifically if he wanted to go to the infirmary to take a rest.

Nishimiya Tsukihiro: ...

He certainly can’t say that he lay down just because the math class made him sleepy.

In order not to fall asleep again, he took out his mobile phone and fished openly in class.

——Handling Nishimiya Tsurukage’s work.

Nishimiya Tsurukage had to leave for a month, and the tasks he was burdened with had to be completed, so he had to work overtime to complete them. And you can't be discovered. You can only put layer upon layer on your IP address, put thousands of layers on yourself, and then negotiate with the original partners.

[Russian Bastard: He Yingjun, Xiaobai was buried for two days, will there be any impact? 】

He replied.

[Gu Gu Gu Gu: It may have an impact on IQ. ]

[Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu: It’s not a big problem, it has no brain to begin with. ]

[Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu: Fei Jia, pet consultation is paid by the minute, thank you. ]

[Russian enemy:...]

Work is already so difficult, and cheating Fedor for a small amount of money has become the happiest little thing.

When the day's work was over, he was extremely tired and went home in a daze, dragging his schoolbag.

I want to masturbate to a butchered cat to relax.

"I'm back."


Zaimao is indeed a kind of creature that is very suitable for relaxation. He hugged Dazai Osamu and purred the other person's head.

"Dazai-kun, have you stayed at home all day today?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you to come back." Dazai-kun received a hug and squinted his eyes contentedly, "Yueyue, I've been thinking about my future work." "Yes

. ?" Nishimiya Yuzuki was too tired to think, and concentrated on stroking Dazai Osamu's head.

"What do you think, if I become the leader...ouch!"

Nishimiya Yuzuki pulled out three of Dazai Osamu's hair.

Relax (but the blood pressure rises instantly)

Today’s 9,000 pinches are also completed!

Comments on Modo Modo (reach out)

Chapter 50


Looking at a few soft brown hairs on the palm of his hand, Nishimiya Yuehyun doubted his life.

Obviously Dazai Osamu's hair is super soft and fluffy, and it feels very smooth, but this person's character...

"There's no reason." Dazai Osamu touched the back of his head and felt that the loss of three hairs did not affect the volume of his hair, but it was still very good. Feeling aggrieved, he leaned on Nishimong Yuexi, "Isn't it good to be the leader, so that I can support Yueyue." "I can support

you..." Nishimong Yuexi felt a headache, "I'm not raising you. I can't afford it."

"Then you raise me...don't you think raising a Mafia leader sounds awesome?"

Nishimiya Yuehu thought it was true.

Very tall and cool looking.

But there was no shortage of leaders among the people around him, so he could only squeeze Dazai Osamu's shoulders and push him away: "I don't think it's good for Dazai-kun to be like this now." "When you become a leader, you have to give instructions to others

. Don’t you feel heartbroken when the money has to be deducted from your card? You’d better be a cadre. If you become a cadre, you can earn the same money while fishing. You can fish with a salary.” Nishimiya Yueyu advised. After a while, he lowered his voice and said, "Being a leader is very busy... Then you won't be able to come and play with me."

He rubbed Dazai Osamu's cheek angrily.

"I want to take a rest. What's for dinner?" He carried his schoolbag and moved to the room. "Is lunch delicious?" "

Supper... how about crabs? I want to eat crabs from June. I ordered them for lunch. Takeout..."

"Did Mr. Dazai have a good meal?"

"He has been in the study all day." Osamu Dazai didn't like Nishimiya Yuzhi calling him "Zai", so he helped carry his school bag, "I don't care about him. ."

"Odasaku brought some books this morning and put them in the study."

Nishimiya Yuzhen nodded and went straight to the second floor.

Osamu Dazai finally discovered it belatedly.

He gained a sulky Yueyue.

This feeling is a bit novel, because Nishimiya Yuehan often agrees to many things unconditionally, and usually he is the one who is comforted - it seems that he rarely sees Nishimiya Yuehan when he is in a bad mood.

Dazai Osamu secretly recalled it and found that Yueyue's temperament was quite suitable for being a power bank. He would recharge everyone he met around him every day. If anyone was in a bad mood, he would increase his efforts and charge it specially.

"I'm just usurping the throne and becoming a leader..." He stood downstairs and complained softly, "Do you need to be sulky..."

In fact, he could completely accept this proposal, as long as the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Osamu Dazai was picked up by Mori Ogai at the age of fourteen and joined Mafia at the age of fifteen. He has now become the youngest leader in the history of Mafia... How should I put it... His training direction is almost to be a leader.

Although Nakahara Chuuya was polished by Mori Ogai at the same time as him, and the two were promoted at about the same speed, Nakahara Chuuya's training direction was more like a good general. In the past, Mori Ogai gave him a big picture and said that he would teach him what a leader is, but looking at Chuuya's current appearance, trust, obedience, loyalty, good is obvious that he can only be a cadre who manages one side.

If nothing else happens, the person who will succeed Ogai Mori will most likely be Dazai.

The problem is that Ogai Mori is now in his prime, and Osamu Dazai has had too many surprises. First of all, his growth rate may have exceeded Mori Ogai's expectations. At this moment when Mori Ogai is far from retiring, his ability is enough to support the operation of Mafia, and even if neither of them is willing to think about this, they We still have to admit that the possibility of Dazai Osamu usurping the throne and succeeding in usurping the throne is very high.

Secondly, unlike others, Osamu Dazai does not have the sense of belonging and loyalty to develop in Mafia for a long time. He just wanted to find something exciting to do in the boundary between life and death, and to find the meaning of existence with the hope that it was unlikely to be found.

With such instability, Mori Ogai himself understood that Osamu Dazai might not be suitable to be the leader.

But he couldn't help but cultivate.

Even if the training is successful, you still can't help but be suspicious.

——It’s so awkward.

Dazai Osamu cursed the leader in his heart, then quickly went upstairs and quietly pushed open Nishimiya Yuzhi's room.

The sulky Nishimiya Yuezhen was holding the ugly octopus, squeezing and tying its eight legs.

Dazai Osamu lightly double-marked.

——Awkward Yueyue is still very cute.


Xi Gong Yuexiao didn't answer.

"Are you angry?"

"No." He lay back and fell on the bed, "I'm just a little tired." "

I don't have to be the leader." Dazai Osamu moved to the bedside little by little, "Just a thought That's it. Maybe you can persuade me and I won't go."

"Really?" Nishimiya Yuzhi's tone was very calm, "If I persuade you, will Dazai-kun give up his original decision?"

Dazai Zhi didn't intend to lie at this time, so he didn't answer directly.

He just complained softly in his heart: Xi Gong Yuexuan himself was obviously not the type to listen to advice.

"You'll know if you give me some advice." He also lay down.


Nishimiya Yuzhi sat up, placed the doll on Dazai's head, and arranged the eight legs. It looked like the god Cthulhu had descended on his head, and he poked Dazai's face. Press to create a small pit.

"If you are not doing it for yourself, then forget it."

"You will be very tired, your hair will fall out, you will lose your freedom, and you will encounter more dangers." He leaned over and pecked the place where his finger poked. At the first touch, he said, "You will suffer from kidney failure."

"I'm done persuading you." As soon as he got out of bed and stepped on the ground, Osamu Dazai grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Nishimiya Yuexi took advantage of the situation and lay back down again.

"What's wrong?" His back was pressed against Dazai Osamu's lap, which was not comfortable, but he reached out and brushed Dazai Osamu's hair leisurely, and lightly ran his fingers across the side of his face, "I've finished persuading you. It's time to prepare dinner."

Osamu Dazai held it in for a while.

"You cheated." Zaimao looked like he was about to make a fuss, "How can you persuade someone like this!" "

Like this."

Osamu Dazai looked at Nishimiya Yuehan pretending to think, and paused for a few seconds. He smelled a lot of things inexplicably. There are a lot of bad thoughts. Every time Nishimiya Yuezhen makes such an expression, he is risking bad intentions.

"You can persuade me not to do this." He smiled happily, wagging his tail crazily like a little fox, "I also want to see how Dazai-kun persuades people." If Dazai-kun also uses his

method If Dazai Osamu doesn't use his method - then Dazai Osamu loses in a sense.

"Yueyue, you are so bad..."

Zaimao looked gloomy and could only rub Nishimong Yuexin's hair wildly.

"You also said that I would be bald and suffer from kidney failure." He looked at the light-colored hair in the palm of his hand, "Obviously it was you who first——"

He was persuaded by Nishimiya Yuehu again.

Dazai Osamu immediately stopped talking, as quiet as a chicken, and expected to be persuaded again. If he could receive such advice every time, he could run to the cliff a hundred times a day and rein in ninety-nine times.

'System, check Dazai Osamu's favorability. '

【80. 】

'80... 80 can't persuade a slaughtered cat...'

Nishimiya Yuezhen sat up.

"Stop making trouble. If you make more trouble, you won't be able to eat dinner." He quickly tied the Octopus' legs together and just put it on Dazai Osamu's head. "I always feel that if I don't cook, my family will be very busy." The world is about to become a takeout world."

Dazai Osamu struggled for a while, and finally asked a question:

"Yueyue." He opened his eyes wide, as if he took this issue very seriously.


"Are you giving this kind of persuasion to me alone, or are you giving it to everyone else..."

Nishimiya Yuehan slapped Zaimao into the bed.

So at dinner time, the leader Zai was called out of the study by Nishimiya Yuzuru. The first time he saw Dazai Osamu, he knew that this man was hopeless.

Sex can make one's mind dim. It is true that sex can make one's mind dim.

How could someone float into the sky just by being coaxed?

He had fed this Dazai so many things during the day, and now he might have fallen into the ocean of love.

The leader, Zai, sat at the dining table and lamented that his peers were really raised crookedly. At the same time, he took a few more bites under the urging eyes of Nishimiya Yuexin.

Gradually get used to the life of being fed.

After dinner, Nishimiya Yuzuki originally wanted to take his leader Zai out for shopping. Unfortunately, he really ushered in finals week. He had so much homework that he wanted to hit the wall and die. He didn't know how Kuroba Kaito and Hakuba Tan got there. It’s a time like this to go out and mess around.

He can't do it anyway.

"There's only one week left, and it's over in one week." Dazai Osamu cheered beside him, "You can even me, Yueyue, in just math, so math homework is no problem at all." "No, Dazai-kun

, If you continue to make noise, I will shut you out."

Nishimong Yuexan threatened in a gentle voice, patiently irritating.

Dazai Osamu really calmed down a bit.

He could only sit aside and watch the sophomore students pitifully face their homework. It wasn't difficult, but it was annoying enough. Since Nishimiya Yuzhi was extremely persistent in playing the role of a good student, he did not persuade him to tear up his homework and flush it down the toilet.

Moreover, if you do your homework, you can avoid Yueyue taking her leader Zai out for shopping...

"Dazai-kun, are you free?" He suddenly heard Nishimiya Yuezhen say,


"Come closer."

Seeing Nishimiya Yuzhi looking like he was about to whisper a secret, Dazai Osamu leaned forward, looking forward to what he would say with great concentration. The two of them were suddenly very close, and they could almost feel Nishimiya Yue's breath on their ears.

With this gesture, he might be trying to persuade him not to argue... Dazai Osamu thought wildly.

He received two major assignments.


A dignified Mafia cadre was overwhelmed with high school homework today and couldn't move.

But being expected like this, he was embarrassed to show off, so he helped fool him seriously for a while. Dazai Osamu actually has no formal education. Most of his knowledge comes from self-study and Mori Ogai's teachings, plus a lot of practice. Facing this kind of homework unique to high school students, it felt strange and tricky for a while.

When the two of them were tortured to the point of exhaustion, Nishimiya Tsukihi took the initiative to protest and help Dazai press his temples.

The technology is just okay.

"Yueyue... I will go back to Yokohama tomorrow." Osamu Dazai said reluctantly as he lay in the soft countryside with his eyes closed, "As a cadre, it is really difficult to be asked to take five days off and then be asked."

" Hmm."

"You're on vacation and you'll come to me, right."

"Of course."

Then Dazai stood up and pressed Nishimiya Yuzuki's shoulder.


He looked at the young man who was obviously a little tired, moved closer and touched the side of his face, and then separated again before he could react.

Very seriously: "I want to advise you to stop talking to others."

Nishimiya Yuzhi blinked: "Otherwise?"

"Otherwise..." Osamu Dazai shook him, "Otherwise, what happened will not be broadcast! "

Families, bad news, bad news, because the hamster I raised gave birth to six cubs, so my dad decided to reduce my living expenses...

So this month's target is written at 300,000, raising rats.

Humans are worse than rats ()

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