Her Inked Scars

By LaylaMango

241K 7.3K 511

"Don't worry, princess. I'll be gentle with you," Celeste whispers in my ear as I whimper into the crook of h... More

Some A/N
a party
pastels suit you
home time
alone time
nap time
strong medication
dinner plans
dinner time
hangover breakfast
business talks
calm fantasies
drunk secrets
secrets spilled
bedtime story
good morning
a very good morning
anxious rage
the test
family messages
the car ride home
movie naps
protective girlfriend
the truth
i'm here now, princess
holding her close
craving shopping
love you, baby
my queen
the end

a confrontation with them

4.1K 155 7
By LaylaMango

POV: Celeste

How the fuck could she not tell me sooner?

It's our kid, how could she not tell me she's pregnant?

By my estimate she's already been pregnant for about a month and has already been suffering from pregnancy symptoms. How the fuck did I not notice sooner?

She's been distant but not distant enough that I wouldn't notice her throwing up frequently. It already looks like it's been rough for her. How ignorant to her problems am I?

I need to settle so many questions with her when I get back home but I have more important problems right now. I have to deal with this asshole of an ex and Nyoka's mother first.

On a normal day I would have just stayed home with Nyoka to comfort her and talk about it but I've already called in some old favours I had saved up for this so that I know I have some strong reinforcements in case he has anything planned. If he's willing to assault Nyoka in broad daylight then I don’t know what other ridiculous move he'll pull.

My family has a lot of powerful people that are indebted to them so I'm just using them up. I'll never admit it to Nyoka and I try to keep myself far away from my family’s business but it does come in useful on occasion.

As I pull up to Nyoka's apartment, most of the others are already there, waving me over as I get out of my car.

"Long time no see, Carlos. Oh, or is it Celeste now?" One of them asks.

"Don't be fucking ignorant or you'll be next," I hiss back. My patience is at its end. Let's just get this over with.

I snatched Nyoka's key before I left so that I can get into the building though by the looks of it someone has already broken into it and busted the door. The others follow me in, not questioning me since I already gave them a brief on what's going on and why I dragged them here.

I storm up the stairs, my vision turning slightly red as I see them all standing there. Nyoka's mother, vile ex and her old 'friends'.

All their eyes land on my squad as I stand before them, crossing my arms as I interrupt them from breaking in to Nyoka's desolate apartment.

"Can we help you?" He sneers as he stops picking her door's lock.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to break into that apartment," I respond, not shying away as he steps closer.

"We forgot our keys. Just trying to get home," he hisses.

We're basically the same height so as he tries to tower over me her just ends up looking directly into my eyes.

"This isn’t your apartment. So get lost," I hiss back, stepping up to him. If he does anything I have plenty of people that won't hesitate to beat him to a pulp or shoot him dead, though I'd prefer we don't resort to loud guns.

Nyoka's mother speaks up, finally revealing her horrible croaky voice that just drills into my head. I roll my eyes as she softly asks him to stand down and talk it out with me. As he refuses she starts talking instead.

"I take it you know my daughter, Nyoka," she says as sweetly as she can. "And I take it you know where she is."

I nod.

There's no way I'm telling them where she is. Especially not now.

"All I want is to see my little girl again. Please just let at least me see her," she pleads.

"Why? So that you can manipulate and gaslight her into back with that asshole?"

"I was wonderful to her!" He interjects. "I was the best thing that ever happened to her! She's just ungrateful for me!"

"Are you that fucking delusional?" I spit back. "You were abusive to her! You traumatised her and you deserve to be locked up for what you did to her. I'm not letting you lay another finger on her. I don't know what the fuck you've managed to convince them to think but it's fucked up."

They all start trying to refute but there's no chance I'm listening to any of them. Just from the way he speaks to me I can see how he would be able to convince them if he tried hard enough.

As they all start trying to convince me that he was sweet and gentle with her I have to ignore my phone as it begins ringing in my pocket. It keeps ringing multiple times as we argue, starting to piss me off.

I order some of the men behind me to keep them busy as I answer the call, immediately on edge with whoever has disrupted me.

"What the fuck is it?"

"Ma'am, its Nyoka," a female voice says.

I'd hired a maid a week or so ago to take better care of my house but I never get phone calls from her.

"What about her?"

"Is that about my daughter?" Nyoka's mother cries, trying to push through the barricade of men between them and me. "Let me talk to her! Please!"

"No," I snap. "What about her?"

"She's in the hospital. She passed out suddenly a few hours ago and started breathing funny so I rushed her to the hospital," she tells me, clearly panicked.

"Well is she alright now?"

"Just about, but there's more of a problem than that so the doctors asked that you come to see her immediately," she says, out of breath.

"I'm a bit busy," I tell her, glancing at Nyoka's mother as she continues trying to break through the men holding her back. "Can't it wait?"

She disagrees, repeating that I need to get there quickly for Nyoka's sake. I sigh and tell her I'll be there soon, hanging up before I turn back to face the others. They keep insisting that I let them speak to Nyoka, her old friends joining in as well.

"Alright, shut it!" I interrupt, silencing them all as I yell. "None of you are seeing Nyoka as long as I live. I have to go else where so shut it and leave or I'll get a restraining order on all of your ass'."

"You can't do that," he sneers. "There's too many of us, and they'll never believe you."

"Try me," I hiss, turning to leave, speaking to all the men I'd gathered. "Make sure they leave and are tossed far away. On the side of a road if you like. I couldn't care."

I quickly leave them to deal with it, rushing to my car and driving as quick as I can.

Please can Nyoka be alright. I may have been mad with her. I may have yelled at her and abandoned her when she needed me, but I don't want her to come to any harm.

I don't want her or my baby to come to any harm.

Alright, guys...
Thanks for reading but I do have something I need to say.

I'm not going to stop writing this until it's at a somewhat satisfactory ending but I do want to ask that if you're not enjoying, you can just stop.

There's no need to leave mean comments. It's a waste of your time and mine.

I will just delete any rude comments so if you don't like this story...

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