Castlevania Nocturne: A Guard...

By TriforceofWisdom

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The sequel to Castlevania: Of Darkness and Light. Emmaline Tepes always believed in guardian angels, people... More

Act of Retribution
Angel of the Ocean Waves
The Parting Storm
A Guardian's Promise
The Provincial Life
New Beginnings
Author's Note
Dracula's Legacy
Lioness and Cubs
The Hunt
Mentor and Pupil
Love In a Time of Revolution.
The Mal'akh of Machecoul
Mother and Daughter
Author's Note
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Hall of the Angels
Light at the End
Author's Note
Protector of the Realm
Author's Note
Miracle Maker
The Visitor
Baby Bat
Eyes Unclouded
A Vampire's Nature
The Sires
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Striga and Morana
Blood Price
Heart of a Vampire
A Vampire's Promise
Author's Note
Ange Gardien
The Peacekeeper
History Makers
The Fires of Revolution
The Old Orchard
An Opened Door
Angel's Duet
Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version
The Malbeast.
La Velue
Forgotten Memories
The Pitfall
The Vampire Hunter
Author's Note

Farewell to Good Company

265 16 10
By TriforceofWisdom

The little girl cowered in the darkened hall, clutching her stuffed wolf and sniffling distressed. She'd gotten scared by the thunderstorm and sought out her parents, only to find herself lost and overwhelmed by the vast halls of her home.

"Mommy, Papa?" She cried out weakly as she wandered the dark corridors,clutching the wolf to her heart. A flash of lightning and a boom of thunder sent her darting behind a corner, curled up crying all scared and alone.

"Don't be afraid, my dearest Little Dove. I'm here."

The little girl gasped as the shadow of her father loomed over her. Her eyes capturing the bright gold of hair and gentle eyes. She ran and embraced him, feeling his warm arms around her and his great cape sweeping over her like a blanket. "Everythings is all right. You are safe and you are home. Wherever I am, you are home."

She followed him through the hallway, her small hand gripping his long fingers and the other holding her wolf. Thunder crackled and lightning flashed, and she huddled against him, catching his great shadow in flickering light. He was the biggest thing in her world, mysterious even, but he protected her and he loved her with everything he possessed.

"You never need to fear the dark, Dearest One. As long as I'm around, I will be your light. As long as my heart beats, I will be there for you. Always."


Her dream of memory drifted away from the shuffling movement of her waking world.

Emma heard Richter's soft feet padding in the cabin long before he nudged her awake. "Wake up."

Emma grumbled, wrapped up cocooned in her blanket, and ignored him. "Come on. Wake up." Richter ordered. " I know you hear me."

Emma still ignored him.

"Get up." The small Belmont physically pushed her to no avail. "Come on you lazy...!" He grunted. "Get up!"

Emma bared her teeth from Vance's tired voice creeping into her consciousness. Your boy is awake.

Oh, just because he's being annoying, he's my boy now?

Yes. Vance hissed, too pleased. Get to it Guardian Angel, you're not that resistant.

That's what you think. Emma growled addressing Richter. "Try as you might, little one, you'll not move me."

"Wake up." Richter persisted.

"Why? The sun hasn't risen yet." The sleepy hybrid grumbled.

" You promised to show me arcane magic." Richter stood at her bedside. "Before the sailors get to work on deck. Well they're not now. Come on. Please."

"A few more minutes."


"Fine." Emma relented. "Because you said 'please.'" She sat up and stretched, yawning wide with her teeth bared and her long blonde hair mussed up, looking like a disheveled lion. Richter eagerly waited for her to dress and brush out the thick mane of her hair to look at least somewhat presentable.

"Come on then." Emma buckled her sword and drew her cloak over her.

Emma's eyes absorbed the richness of the sunlight rising over the seas. The clouds turned purple before shifting to a rich orange. She took it in, it was her last sunrise at sea. "Em, do you see something?" Richter tugged her sleeve nervously.

"Just appreciating the sunrise." Her eyes glimmered before yawning again. "What kind of arcane magic do you want me to teach you?"

"Everything." Richter answered excited.

"Everything." Emma whistled. "That's a lot to teach before sunrise. How about I show you a few small things instead?"

The boy nodded practically bouncing on his feet.

Emma smirked. "Thought so." She ended up demonstrating a few rudimentary tricks. How to cast a light orb, lighting a holy white flame, creating small shields to deflect attacks. They were the first things her mother taught her to do and easy abilities to manage, they didn't take up much of one's strength.

"The key is never going over what you can manage." Emma levitated a small palm size shield. "Think of arcane magic as burning a giant hearth in your body. That hearth is your life energy and if you burn it out, you're screwed."

"Mother told me arcane magic was more difficult and dangerous to wield." Richter observed.

"And she was right." Emma nodded. "Elemental magic draws from the world around you. The earth, the sun, the rain, the sea, every atom in between."

"What's an atom?" Richter asked.

"The base of every element in existence." Emma answered before she digressed. "Never mind that. The fact is elemental magic (and the majority of magic classes) draws its energy from the outside." She swept a hand across her surroundings. "Arcane magic. Magic of the Soul, draws from here." She patted her chest. "That's why it's so difficult to maintain and master, and that's why arcane mages are rare."

"How did you become a mage?" Richter brimmed with curiosity. Emma loved seeing him so bright and interested.

"Years of practice." Emma answered plainly. " Also my mother was an arcane mage, and a damn good one at that. She taught me everything I know."

"Do you believe...if I ever get my magic could teach me? Really teach me?"

"Of course." Emma smiled heartened. "When you get your magic back, I know you will when the time is right." She clutched her grumbling stomach. "Oh dear, looks like I gotta refuel myself. Let's get some breakfast, never do magic on an empty stomach."

Richter followed alongside her as they walked down into the galley. Anyone passing them might have assumed they were mother and child. "They might as well be." Stanley, the ship's carpenter murmured once to the Captain. "The boy never leaves her side now."

"Morning Gus." Emma greeted the ship's cook.

"Emma! Strange seeing you up so early. Out on deck with the young lad?"

"Yes, he begged me to demonstrate some of my magic tricks. One day he'll make a great mage and best even me." She ruffled the boy's hair. "If my magic comes back, but even then I don't need it." Richter proclaimed. "I'm a Belmont."

"So I've heard." Gus chuckled.

They filled their plates with breakfast. Soon the rest of the crew arrived to stock up on morning grub. Richter kept close to his guardian, though Emma was laid back and amiable with the crew as if she'd been part of it for years. It would be a bittersweet parting when they reached land.

Three weeks flew by so fast. Soon they'd reach the port of Le Havre , where a carriage would take to the estate of Jocasta, the midway point between the port and their destination. From there, Emma and Richter would travel together to the commune of Machecoul, ending their weeks-long journey from across the sea.

"I wish it came sooner." Richter said impatiently. "I'm tired of being on this boat." That got a chuckle from few of the crew. "Soon." Emma said. "Silas says we'll reach France by the end of tomorrow."

"Finally. It's so boring to see the same thing every day." The crew laughed together in good humor. "Aye you get used to that when you're a sailor like us." Seamus smiled. "You find ways to entertain yourself and pass the time."

"Good thing I'm not a sailor." Richter responded sourly. "Emma can we practice knife throwing again? I'm close to beating you."

"You wish, kid." Emma grinned. "Let me enjoy my bacon first. Who knows when I'll have it again."

Gradually the crew left and Emma returned on deck with Richter. She couldn't believe how attached he was to her, when only three weeks ago, he wanted nothing to do with her. The serpent's attack and the rescue were the changing point. After that, Richter gradually warmed up to her. At first asking her about her powers and her travels, then growing to wanting her to teach him.

Richter still hadn't recovered his magic, but he was fascinated by Emma's use of her own, especially with the sword at her whistling command. She was a swift and powerful warrior, extremely intelligent despite being quirky and a tad absentminded. Though part of him still resented her for showing up too late for his mother's aid. He would resent that of her for many years, but he no longer hated her. Or was angry at her. By being his new guardian and mentor, Emma was making amends for her failure to save Julia's life.

Emmaline thought of her new role the same way.

"I understand being a little stir crazy." Emma told Richter afterwards as they watched the ocean from the deck. "It's a nice ship, but it's still a ship. There are only so many places to explore after a few weeks." She stretched. "It'll be good to touch my feet on solid land. Europe, never thought I'd be back so soon. I wonder how things have changed."

"You've been to Europe?"

"I was born there." Emma revealed. "In a country to the east, it's been a long time."

As much as he desired to, Richter didn't ask further. Emma had a way of revealing things about herself in casual conversation. Whenever Richter asked about her past or who she was, she never gave a direct answer. He eventually had to learn not to ask Emma questions about herself, and she would tell him in her own time through talk.

As if he learned anything important about his guardian through conversation. Mostly obscure and odd things, like how she loved apples and couldn't eat anything with garlic because her stomach was sensitive to garlic. Or how she could imitate any bird-call with her whistle to control her sword, which she jokingly named Stabby McStabbington when she inherited it ( It may have been a joke, but the damn thing actually responded to the name a few times!) Learning Emma's mother was an arcane mage was the first crucial thing he learned of her, and that only made her more of a mystery.

Emma whistled the tune of one of the sailors' working songs, which evolved into actually singing it to herself.

"Aye sing it lass!"

"Sorry!" She yelled embarrassed. "I didn't mean to break your focus!!"

Calls erupted from the working crew urging her to sing along. "Okay then." She shrugged giggling. Her clear voice rang throughout the deck.

I'll sing you a song, it's a song of the sea
Row, me bully boys, row
Oh, I'll sing you a song if you'll sing it with me
And it's row, me bully boys, row

The crew chorused back.

And it's row, me bully boys
We're in a hurry, boys
We got a long way to go
And we'll sing and we'll dance
And bid farewell to France
And it's row, me bully boys, row

While the first mate is plating the captain a board
Row, me bully boys, row
He looks like a peacock with pistols and sword
And it's row, me bully boys, row

Together their voices rung out on the open sea.

And it's row, me bully boys
We're in a hurry, boys
We got a long way to go
And we'll sing and we'll dance
And bid farewell to France
And it's row, me bully boys, row

The captain likes whiskey, the mate, he likes rum
Row, me bully boys, row
Us sailors like both but we can't get us none
And it's row, me bully boys, row

And it's row, me bully boys, we're in a hurry, boys
We got a long way to go
And we'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to France
And it's row, me bully boys, row

Well, farewell my love, it is time for to roam
Row, me bully boys, row
The old blue peters are calling us home
And it's row, me bully boys, row

And it's row, me bully boys, we're in a hurry, boys
We got a long way to go
And we'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to France

And it's row, me bully boys, rowAnd it's row, me bully boys, we're in a hurry, boys
We got a long way to go
And we'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to France

The crew applauded across the deck and Emma took a playful bow.

"You can sing too!?" Richter gawked at her.

"Well everyone can sing!" Emma blushed modest.

"But she's got the voice of an angel!" Called Seamus.

"The most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life!" Marveled Phillip.

"Aw fellas, I'm not that good, you should hear my mother!"

So Emma's mother was an Arcane mage and a good singer. Richter was learning a lot about his peculiar guardian today.


Emma and Richter retired to their quarters to escape the heat of the day. There, Emma wrote in her journal and read her book, while Richter played with games found in the drawers. An hour later, they heard a knock on the door. "The Captain requests your audience, Ma'am. You alone."

"Will you be okay for a bit?" Emma asked Richter.


Emma nodded. "I'll lock the door. Don't open it for anyone but me. I should be back soon."

The Captain's cabin was bigger on this ship, but it retained the same scent of spices and burnished wood. In any other ship with any other captain, she would never go inside the captain's cabin alone. She understood why her presence was requested: sometimes it was relief to be yourself among people who truly knew who you are.

"There's the Lady of the Ocean waves, and the spirit of my ship. Come, rest your old bones and have a drink with me." The Captain greeted her like the old friend that he was, the coat he always wore now hung on the wall, no longer needing to cover the glyphs on his arms and shoulders.

"Old bones? Compared to you I'm a baby." Emma remarked taking a seat across from him at the table. "How long have you walked this Earth in mortal form?"

"Longer than I can remember." The captain replied vaguely, pouring two glasses of wine. "Long enough where I forgot my old name long ago."


"But not the names of the people I've known and crossed passed with, and you Miss Emmaline? You are one of the most extraordinary people I've known in all my hundreds of years."

"Thanks...I think.." Emma sighed. "I'm definitely one of a kind. At least in this millennium. Did you ever come across my older brother? His name was Valerius, and he was my mother's firstborn. He was the ancestor of the Belmont Clan."

"Shame to say no." The Captain answered. "But I'd be lying if I told you his name wasn't known to us. For the nature of being half angel and half human, and breeding a whole line of vampire killers, the youngest being that boy you've taken under your wing. Family always finds each other I say, and he was blessed to find you."

"I just want him to be safe." Emma fidgeted her fingers on her lap. "He's my family. I'll do everything in my power to ensure nothing can ever hurt him again. I have to. I promised his mother and I can't make the mistake of......" She clenched her fist and began to cry.

The captain took her fist in his large hands. "It ain't your fault, and it ain't your mistake. The hardest thing about walking this Earth and helping the people of the world, is you can't save everyone. Even if you ran to her rescue and plunged your sword through that dastardly vampire's heart, it might have happened the same way regardless. That vampire wanted her blood and if you saved her that night, he would have killed her another night."

The Captain's glyphs faintly glowed on his black skin and Emma felt peace. It was interesting to have another angel do the same trick on her, and she was thankful for it; it made her feel less alone. "You couldn't save Julia Belmont, but you saved her little boy. I am sure her soul is at peace knowing the protector she sent him is doing a good job."

"Thank you." Emma wiped her tears. "I know she is."

The Captain patted her hands in his. "Not a problem. Just remember, young Guardian, for every life you can't save, there is always another you can. More than one sometimes. It puts a good feeling in your heart that helps quell the pain of losing someone."

"I'll remember it." She breathed, letting her own glyphs prickle across her arms.

The Captain took a drink of his wine, and Emma hers. "Once you finished your journey and  brought the boy to his next of kin, what do you plan on doing? Will you leave him and be off on your way in the great wide world? You are his protector, but once he's safe with his family, he won't need protecting. He won't be in danger."

"He's a Belmont." Emma sipped her wine. "He'll always need protecting. Danger always finds them. No, I don't plan on leaving once he's with them. Not in the foreseeable future. His next of kin are actually mine. My descendants if you can believe, I want to get to know them even if it will hurt me later on." She felt her heart warm, not from the wine. "And they are not my only family in Machecoul; my mother is there."

"Of course." Smiled the Captain. "She'll be over the moon to see you again, it's been over a hundred years since she's seen her own daughter."

"At least in person." Emma said guilty. "Remember that transmission mirror? I've used it to talk to her over the decades. We've seen each other's faces so  she knows I didn't disappear off the planet."

"Ah but that ain't the same as seeing each other face to face."

"It isn't. Which is why she's in for a hell of a surprise when she sees me at her door. She thinks I'm taking Richter to his grandmother's kin in Avignon. Not my descendant who she has known  for years and is right down the road from her."

"I wish I could see her face!" The Captain laughed. "She'll be overjoyed you're in her neck of the neighborhood and there to stay. Her own daughter, flesh and blood, returned to her after over a century."

"Yup." Emma swished her glass. "I'm looking forward to it. Just the concept of having her and my family around me again. I've missed that." Tears welled in her eyes. "I miss my mom."

"You'll see her soon enough." The Captain said. "What of your father? Is that still a sore subject?'

Emma downed the sourness in her throat with a big sip of wine. "If he wants to join the family reunion, he can get his butt out of his dusty old coffin and find us himself."

"Oh." The Captain chuckled surprised. "Still a sore subject. My apologies."

"Don't worry about it." Emma drank her wine. "It's complicated."


Emma slept off the wine in her cabin while the crew worked in the heat of the day. Richter couldn't believe how much she could sleep, and how deeply. "Must be the wine." Vance's voice sounded in the cabin. "Even without, that woman could sleep through a monsoon." His shadow appeared standing over her sleeping form.

"Stay away from her!" Richter picked up the dagger Emma had given to her.

"Relax boy, I'll not hurt her. No more than I would hurt my own daughter." He gazed at her dozing. "Let her rest. She's done enough to earn it. You should rest too, Belmont cub, tomorrow we will make land, and begin the next leg of our journey. After that, who knows. Will you grow to become my kind's worst enemy? Or will you become a protector of the innocent?"

"Both."Richter said proudly.

"Let's hope so." Vance laughed. "There are enough mindless killers in the world." He vanished into mist and receded into his hiding place.

A few hours later, Emma awoke well rested and hungry. She, Richter, and even Vance were invited by the Captain for a final dinner with the crew. (Vance declined, saying he was hungry and tired of drinking herbivores.). The mess hall was warm and lively with chatter from the sailors.

A pang hit Emma's heart realizing how close she became with this crew and how it was highly likely she would never see them again. A toast was made (Emma and Richter's mugs were of water), and when the music began, Seamus called a request.

"Let's hear a final song from our gracious guest!" Others raised their glass cheering in agreement.

"All right then!" Emma struck her mug down grinning. "Only if the Captain sings with me!"

"Aye!? Putting me in the spotlight are you?" The Captain exclaimed humorously. "Well I might not have as good a voice as yours, but why not? It is our last night together." Emma nodded, strumming the lute and singing along with Captain.

Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme

Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine
Come lift up your voices all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

The Captain's  rung clear and baritone, thrumming with equal power.

Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well
For her style and her beauty, sure none can excel
There's a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee
There's no man in this wide world as happy as me

Here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Emma looked out onto the crew, remembering their faces, and sung the verse.

Our ship lies at anchor, she's ready to dock
I wish her safe landing, without any shock
If ever I should meet you by land or by sea
I will always remember your kindness to me

Here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Richter watched them in amazement, though he wouldn't know the full truth until years later. At that moment in time, he knew the Captain and his own Guardian were extraordinary people.

Emma sat with her legs stretched out on the ship's prow later that night, listening to the waves and taking in the sight of the moonlit sea for a final time. She closed her eyes, breathing in the salt air and letting her hair ripple in the wind when another's consciousness connected to her mind , faint but ever present.

Little Dove.
I feel your wings beating on the wind.
Ever closer to me.
Closer to my heart.
You are coming home.

Her heart fluttered before she steadied herself. "Not home. I'm going to France where I'm needed. Where our  family is. You're welcome to join us."

The consciousness receded from her mind like a vampire fleeing the sunlight.

"Of course." Emma growled, staring up at the moon. So much for always being there for me.

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