long live, narnia

By moonhecate

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"i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you." - pandora of narnia 【narnia fanfic】 【peter pevensie x... More

act one
01. wonderland
02. she wolf
03. savior complex
04. innocent
05. would've, could've, should've
06. fine line
07. dancing with our hands tied
08. i can see you
act two
09. love is embarrassing
10. i did something bad
11. champagne problems
12. never grow up
14. my tears ricochet
act three
15. right where you left me
16. my love mine all mine
17. i'm your man
18. chinese satellite
19. just a girl
20. waiting room
act four
21. i bet you think about me
22. mr. loverman
23. peace
24. peter

13. lover

1K 40 14
By moonhecate

year 1014

LUCY hummed to herself while Pandora braided her hair. The young girl had always admired the braids adorning the shapeshifter's hair, and often asked Pandora to do the same hairstyle on her. Despite a few hiss that came from Lucy, if her friend tugged too harsh by mistake, there was no sound in the air. Life had been like that for a while. They were all growing up, changing appearances and all. However, it had come as a surprise to all when Pandora aged alongside the Queens and Kings. She was not doing it the way a Narnian would, but rather someone from the Pevensie's world. Many guessed why, but rumours about her stopped spreading. Mostly due to the fear many felt towards her.

It was no secret that one day the Pevensie siblings would stop ruling, and it worried the realm not to know who would come after them. Neither of the siblings seemed to have any thoughts about marrying, and if they didn't then they couldn't have legitimate heirs. Although the High King seemed to be close to arrange a marriage for himself, he quickly denied any word of it. "When I choose who to marry you will know, do not dwell on it." He had told his court, eyes immediately falling to the woman he clearly loved.

Even Aslan had pressed Peter to secure a match. The conversation was only between them, and they wouldn't mention any words spoken to anyone. Some say that Peter had confessed to marry Pandora in secret, and that's why the small-folk heard a loud roar coming from the castle. Some said that he had gotten a maid pregnant, and that Aslan was furious with him. None of this was true, of course, but that Pandora's name was mentioned more than once we can be sure of.

"What worries you, sweet girl?" Pandora wondered softly, Lucy's eyes finding her comforting smile in the mirror.

Lucy herself copied that expression, "I will miss you while you're away." Pandora was accompanying the High King and the army to a raid in the North. It had been years since trouble began there, and they hoped to put a final end to it.

Having finished the Queen's hair, Pandora stepped before her and caressed her cheek. Lucy closed her eyes, tears brimming at the corners of it. Whenever Pandora did things like that, it reminded her of her mother. Which made her remember that she had known Pandora for longer than she had known her. The thought pained her, and she felt guilty each time she thought of Pandora as to someone close to a mother. "It will not be long, and we'll most likely have a feast afterwards. We will dance all night, just the two of us."

"Promise?" Lucy asked in a hopeful tone, making Pandora chuckle.


The windy night was not careful with the royal army. They knew it was a warning, but the King did not back away. And neither did his men. The dragon flying above them didn't help either, although it wasn't Regulus who accompanied them. Peter preferred him at the castle, which Pandora didn't like. He claimed that he was there to protect his siblings, yet Pandora believed they were capable of doing that on their own. As he hadn't listened to her, at all, even ignoring Regulus' roar of disapproval and his siblings' words, she had taken to sky in the form of a dragon. It was clear to all that she was angry with him, and some even joked under their breaths, "There's trouble in paradise."

Peter ignored all the sneaky remarks, knowing they just needed some teasing to calm their nerves. He only cared of the fight approaching, and the dragon that sometimes disappeared in between the clouds. He wondered if she was doing that to cover herself from enemies, or to piss him off whenever he couldn't find her and worry to then see her flying calmly. However, she was not thinking about any. She just liked to fly more than she liked to walk, which she had taken into account on the latest years. So, whenever she fled higher, she felt better. She sometimes believed that in another life, she had been a dragon. Edmund joked that she would be a dove in their world. Due to her confusion, he explained that it was a bird, one that often represented purity.

Then they both laughed loudly at that.

"Let's camp here, and attack at the first sign of light." Peter spoke up, knowing that they were all tired, and also that they would do little at night. The north was obviously colder, but also darker. He knew many of them would have no issue, but he would. And how would he be able to command them if he could not see?

"How do we tell her?" One of his men asked, pointing at the sky with his head. Peter simply turned to Lycaon, who howled at the sky. Many snickered, but he payed them no attention as a smirk grew on his lips.

The dragon descended the skies, very slowly as she was enjoying the windy night. She slowly became smaller until she reached the ground, where she stood as herself. Lycaon looked smug, "Like that." Pandora shook her head with a roll of eyes, walking past Lycaon to the tent that was being built for her. Peter stared after her, as she hadn't even glanced in her direction. While everyone moved away from them, Lycaon placed the back of his hand over the King's chest, "Wait until everyone is asleep, at least." The blush was clear under the moon's light, the werewolf's eyes rolling as he chuckled to himself.

Pandora's fingertips caressed the page she was reading, moving it to the side so she could start a new one. Many were writing about the Kings and Queens' many battles and victories that came along. But that also meant that she was mentioned many times over. At one point, she believed to have read her name more times that she had read those of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. But she never spoke of it, as no one spoke about the rumours going about the realm.

Remus, who currently sat around a fire with other knights, sipped from his ale as one of them said, "I'm telling you, he's terrified of her, and her dragon."

Lycaon rolled his eyes, "He is not. Regulus has helped his family many times, and so has she. They are part of his family, of his home." He didn't include himself, but all around did in their heads. The Pevensie siblings had travelled to a world where they knew no one, and had built a family of their own with some of the people of their court. Pandora, Lycaon, Regulus, Sol...

Remus quirked an eyebrow, "Then tell me, brother, why didn't he allow Regulus to come along? Surely a dragon will be of plenty of help." Lycaon did not know how to respond. Partly because he didn't understand either, but also because his brother was questioning a King's decision loudly. Peter was very respected, of course, but he overestimated the folk's patience.

"He hasn't been very smart lately." A knight mumbled, although they all heard. When he noticed all eyes on him, he said, "What? Haven't you noticed? He has been here for long, yes, but he is not from here. Pandora has always helped him understand, but he isn't listening lately."

"Well, you know what they say..." Another one said, Lycaon's head hanging low as he wished not to hear what was coming next.

"What is it?" Someone asked.

"That Pandora would be a better fit to reign Narnia." With that, Lycaon stood up abruptly.

"It may be a good time to go rest. You all had too much ale." He walked away, oblivious to the wide eyes that followed him. They hoped they hadn't screwed up. They knew the Pevensies wouldn't hang them for that, but maybe Pandora would. What they didn't know, was that Lycaon had Aslan's voice in his head, whispering a prophecy that had haunted him for long.

"And when the true Kings and Queens trip to their world, a better Queen will rise. Loved by all, and feared by some. Long lived she will be, until she is welcomed by the sea. Dragons will die with her, and we all shall follow."

Pandora was about to turn another page when someone entered her tent, she looked up quickly, a dagger in her head at the ready. She sighed in relief when she saw who it was, placing the dagger in a small table. "You should be resting, my King."

"I could not." He smiled sheepishly, "Not without seeing you, at least. I am too used to your presence by my side. Sleeping without you is worst than war."

She chuckled, despite not wanting to smile to him at the moment. She was embarrassed to admit that she also needed him at night. Too familiar with his body lying next to her, sleeping without him would be more complicated than anything she had ever done before. "Many will fight you on that."

"I'm sure of that. But it is only because they haven't slept next to you, my love." He came closer, smiling to himself when she did not try to move away.

Pandora gave him a look, "You think too highly of me."

"I have my reasons." He caressed her cheek, making her eyes flutter close. She hated to melt under his touch, but it was impossible for her not to. Against her better wishes, she pulled away and gave him her back while she placed some space between them.

"You have seen me, then. Let us rest for tomorrow." She cleared her throat, not noticing him following her. The hand on her side was more than surprising, but also welcomed.

"I am not sure rest is what I need." He whispered into her ear. Her head turned to her right, meeting his lips softly.

"We are not at the castle, my King. Here... we cannot." She whispered with a shaky breath.

Peter shook his head slightly, "We can whenever we want to. Narnia is ours." His hands on her waist turned her around, so she could face him. "I am yours, Pandora. I hope you know that." The shock on her face didn't waver as his hands trailed down on her body, "Just as you are mine."

Pandora loved to fight. The blood on her hands never seemed to cease her anger, but the sound of screams did seem to calm her at times. She was ruthless, and reckless, and cold. And yet, as she laid facing Peter, she did not want to fight anymore. "I love you." She whispered in the dark.

Peter smiled brightly, "I love you." He replied. They giggled, as if they were still teenagers, drunk in love. "At first, I thought I couldn't love you more than I already did. But each day I find myself falling in love with you even more. Tell me, how is that possible?"

His words moved her, they truly did. Pandora was unable to formulate an answer, tho. So, she replied with, "Because I am fantastic?"

Peter rolled his eyes, smiling while she laughed, "Yes, that might be it." His arms, which were wrapped around her, brought her closer so her laugh was trapped into his chest. And they stayed like that until the camp was back alive, and they had to separate and pretend like nothing happened.

When time came to rode north, Peter stared after Pandora as she rode besides the general, planning with him. His eyes were so soft, that Lycaon was surprised later on in battle, when they turned to the opposite. Peter was planning something, that much could be seen. It intrigued Lycaon to know what exactly. Peter, aware of his curious eyes, knew that no one would see it coming. No one.

Pandora was true to her word, and when they came back from the north, their victory brought a feast to celebrate. She had spent the whole night with Lucy, dancing the night away. Peter had been watching, drunk in her laugh, that could be heard all around. He was sure that the sound of her happiness was the only music played that night, oblivious to anything happening around him. Lucy couldn't be more happy, enjoying Pandora's presence all night. They hadn't separated at all, not even to go to the restroom. And when time to rest came, Lucy asked Pandora to lay besides her. She even told her a story, that eventually made the Queen's eyes close, and her breath to slow. And when they both woke up, they found Susan on the other side of Pandora, both of the latter's arms wrapped around each of the Queens.

A couple of days passed by, while all recovered from both the battle and the celebrations. Then, the castle was back alive. Everyone followed with their duties, as always, and that meant many court meetings that left Pandora exhausted. One day, the High King called everyone in the castle to the throne room. They were surprised to see part of the small-folk there, gawking at the castle's beauty. Lycaon stood next to Lucy, with Mr. Tumnus and Luna. Their brother, Remus, was in the front row, where the High King had asked him to be. Pandora entered rather confused, muttering, "What is the meaning of this?" Peter watched her coming closer, her dark dress with red all around it making him lose his mind. It was one of his favourite, and he always made sure that she knew it.

Peter nodded to his side, where she usually stood whenever the Kings and Queens received visits from the small-folk. One she stood on his right, everyone could see the confusion on her face. If Peter had called them all there, it meant that he had important news to share. Which confused her even further. He always told her everything, the realm didn't know anything before she did, not even at the same time. So what was it about, then? Gasps were suddenly heard, as Aslan slowly stepped into the room. Peter didn't miss the way Pandora's back straightened, as if she was a child whose father was about to scold. Aslan smiled at all of them, but the lion himself didn't seem confused.

Sol came forward, bowing before the siblings. She then sat besides Aslan, her eyes locking with Lycaon's. Pandora and the werewolf glanced at each other, an understanding hidden behind them. Aslan and Sol had the same look on their eyes, as if they knew something the rest didn't.

"Thank you all for coming." Peter spoke up while standing, every head bowing before he signalled at them to stand up. "As your High King, I always think about what is best for Narnia." He started, looking at everyone sitting before him, "That is why, I have taken so long to choose a bride." Gasps were heard all around, one coming from Lucy. Peter took a breath before continuing, "I know that whoever I marry needs to be a fine Queen. Someone I can trust, someone you can trust. Someone that loves Narnia more than anything, more than me." His head turned to Pandora. Now, that was something to gasp about. Everyone was speechless as she stared at him in shock.

"No." She whispered to him, shaking her head. Pandora was sure he was doing this with the best of his intentions. But she also knew Aslan would be furious.

He didn't care.

"I have chosen Pandora of Narnia to be my wife, and your future High Queen." He turned to the crowd, which was silent for a second before it erupted into cheers. Pandora was still, she didn't know where to look at, what to do. For the first time in her life she didn't have a plan. Lucy and Susan were smiling so brightly, their faces hurt. Edmund was cheering louder than anyone. Lycaon and Aslan were simply looking at each other, the latter with a face that said, Don't question it.

Pandora was stunned even as Peter held a hand for her to take. Everything was a blur, even if she stood next to him, holding for dear life. Remus now understood why Peter wanted him at the front. He wanted him to see, that Pandora was his and his only.

"I love you, my Queen." Peter whispered into Pandora's ear, trying to bring her mind back to life.

She turned to him, eyes slightly wet. It suddenly hit her, that he said they would marry, and no roar was heard. That Aslan was smiling as well. That maybe, it wasn't a bad idea. And maybe, they could be happy together. That he would be only hers, and she wouldn't have to spend another night without him. Pandora slowly felt the excitement blinding her, "I love you, my King." She said with a smile, turning to the crowd and laughing when she saw them all so happy to have her as their High Queen.

author's note!!!

the happiness is gonna fade next chapter, fyi

enjoy it while it last! toodles!

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