Deception: A Power Rangers St...

By marvelousand2

1.1K 4 7

Justin Stewart felt abandoned by his friends. He knew it was his choice to stay on Earth while the others wen... More

Chapter 1
The Rangers discover Ego
Traveling to the Living Planet
The Confrontation
Deception Revealed
The Final Fight
Act 2: Prologue
Infinity Training
Completing the Task
Act 3
Fighting for Justin

Ranger Reunion

74 0 0
By marvelousand2

Angel Grove 2003

Somewhere in Angel Grove, there is a celebration at a tropical resort called Bulkmeier's where all of the veteran Power Rangers are celebrating. This takes place a month after the events of Ninja Storm. The Ninja Storm Rangers are celebrating their retirement but not everyone was in a happy mood. Tommy Oliver was sitting in a chair in front of the pool with a sad expression. He was still dealing with the fact that Justin is gone. When he found out what happened from the Astro Rangers he was shocked. Tommy was already in grief when he lost his brother David but losing Justin made him feel worse. When the Astro Rangers told him how Justin felt about him and his former teammates he felt guilty. He never meant to abandon Justin, he was so caught up with MIT he forgot to contact him.

When Justin's funeral came he reunited with his old teammates and came to a shocking revelation. Justin's father, Doug Stewart, passed away and he wasn't there to help Justin grieve. He saw Justin's tombstone next to his father's. He saw Cassie hugging T.J. crying on his shoulder, Andros hugging Ashley, Carlos was looking at the casket with a blank expression. Everyone felt guilty for what happened, Rocky thought that if he hadn't chosen Justin as his successor than he would still be here. Adam was hugging Tanya who was crying for her fallen friend. Then there was Kat, she was on her hands and knees crying for Justin, she felt terrible because she was blaming herself for not being there for Justin. She was devastated when she found out how Justin felt about her.

Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts when someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned and saw his ex girlfriend, Kat , looking at him worried. "What's wrong ?" She asked. "Nothing." Tommy said. "I know when you're lying Tommy. What is it ?" Kat asked again as she sat next to him. "It's been hard. The past year. I lost my brother David and I lost another one a year later. I don't know what to do without them." Tommy said sadly. Kat held his hand. "I miss him to. When I found out what happened, It devastated me. A few days before we retired Justin told me that he never knew his mother because she died when he was younger. Then he told me that I filled the void and that I was like a mother to him. I was like a mother to him and I still abandoned him. I never meant to hurt him but I did it just by leaving. If I had known that he tried to contact me, I would have tried to reconnect with him. I would've told him that he was still loved and that he wasn't alone." Kat said and started sobbing. Tommy tightened the grip on Kat's hand and started to hug her.

"I wish I could tell him I'm sorry." Kat said sobbing while Tommy continues to comfort her. Unknown to them they were being watched by the other Zeo Rangers. They looked at each other and walked away. "If I hadn't chose Justin as my successor than he would still be here." Rocky said. "It's not just you Rocky. We're all guilty of something." Adam said. "He's right. When I found out that Justin was your replacement I was skeptical. I never gave him a chance and I had no right to act that way towards him. When I came to you guys I had no experience and I was trying navigate my way through the world and know how to blend in. I was an outsider, but Justin was an outsider to and  the fact that I was never willing to give him a chance despite being in his position it makes me feel worse." Tanya said with sadness in her voice. "When I found out I thought it was going to be temporary. I never gave him a chance because I had to deal the with fact that you were gone." Adam said looking at Rocky. "Justin may be gone but he won't be forgotten." Rocky said looking up at the night sky.

Meanwhile in space, Justin/Adam was flying towards earth with incredible speed. He was ready to steal the zeo powers from the Rangers and destroy them, but little did he know that he would complete his mission halfway. Back on Earth, Adam walks near his car and he was ready to enter but he stopped. He had feeling that something was coming towards him so he turns and sees a bright light. He squinty his eyes trying to see what it is but the light tackles him, pushing him through walls of the building. "What the hell ?" Tanya asked in shock when she sees the damage. She takes her morpher out of her pocket and straps it on her wrist. "Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow" Tanya announced as she morphed. Justin/Adam starts absorbed the Zeo powers from Adam but he notices someone watching him and. He looks to his left to see Tommy Oliver with shocked expression on his face. This distracts Justin/Adam long enough for Adam to escape as he runs away. "No !" Justin/Adam yells in frustration. The Yellow Zeo Ranger aims her blaster at him. "On the ground." Tanya said. Justin/Adam turns around with an angry expression. Tanya looks at him shocked. "Justin ?" Tanya asked. Justin/Adam lunges at her but she blasts him through a wall. Tanya carefully walks towards the destroyed wall. Justin/Adam gets back and tackles Tanya to the ground. He punches her in the stomach and he punches her in the face causing her mask to crack. While she is on the ground Justin/Adam holds out his hand and yellow energy leaves Tanya's body and goes through Justin/Adam's body as he absorbs her power. When he absorbs all of the Zeo power from her body, he picks her up and throws her through a window. The Ninja Storm Rangers try to attack but they are blown away by purple energy.

He goes to the inside of the building and he blasted everyone in the room to the ground. He walks to up Adam and absorbs the rest of the Green Zeo power from his body. Kat stands in front of Justin/Adam holds her hands up. "Justin stop. Why are you doing this ?" Kat begs. He backhanded her, knocking her to the ground. Kat falls on the ground and she looks up at Justin with fear. He holds his hand ready to blast her but he is blasted in the face. She looks to her right and sees Tommy in his Red Zeo Ranger form using blaster. Justin/Adam keeps backing away until he is grabbed from behind by the Blue Zeo Ranger. "Pick on someone your own size." Rocky said. He punches Justin/Adam to the ground and throws him against a tree which causes him to fall on the ground. Justin/Adam gets back up looking angry and he lunges at Rocky tackling him to the ground. He absorbs Rocky's zeo power which causes him to demorph.

Justin/Adam stands over Rocky and starts punching him but he doesn't notice Tanya coming behind him with a sword in her hand. Justin/Adam continues to punch Rocky until a sword comes through his chest. "Ouch." Justin/Adam falls to the ground motionless. Tanya helps Rocky off the ground and they look to see if anyone is injured and they find Tommy and Kat helping the veterans. Rocky and Tanya run up to Adam who was looking tired. "Adam, are you okay ?" Tanya asked. "Not so much. I feel like my energy has been drained." Adam said. "Same thing with us." Rocky said gesturing to him and Tanya. They heard loud noises coming from outside and they saw that Justin/Adam's body was no longer on the ground and they saw that he was flying into the sky. " Was that really Justin ?" Tanya asked. "I'm not sure. But if it was then why did he attack us ?" Rocky said.

After the attack at the resort, most of veterans went home but the Zeo and Astro Rangers stayed to figure out what was going on. "I thought you said Justin died." Tommy said pacing in the room. "We thought he did. He didn't have a teleporter so he couldn't have teleported off the planet." Cassie said. "Maybe his celestial powers saved him from dying." Carlos suggested. "Even if that did happen why would he attack us ?" Andros asked. "I believe I might have an answer for that ?" Alpha 7 said. "What is it Alpha ?" Ashley asked. "When Justin was attacking I did a body scan and memory scan on him. It seems that he was given a energy boost and his mission was to take the Zeo power." Alpha 7 explained. "What ?" Zhane asked. "Wait you said energy boost. What kind of energy does he need ? From what I can remember he nearly has god level power." T.J. asked in confusion. "Justin was given the Infinity Stones which are also one of the greatest powers in the universe." Alpha 7 explained. " I remember Zordon teaching us about the Infinity Stones but why did he take our Zeo powers ?" Tanya asked. " I didn't go deep enough in Justin's mind enough to see that. But I do know that someone gave him a task to steal the Zeo power and destroy the Rangers. I also found some shocking news that he killed the Gold Zeo Ranger and stole the power." Alpha 7. They group looked shocked and looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect Justin to kill anyone. "Well we're lucky that he didn't kill any of us. But he stole my Zeo power and he stole Rocky and Tanya's Zeo power but he didn't get Kat or Tommy's power. That probably means he'll be back." Adam said. "That's right Adam. He won't stop until he's completed his mission. He has most of the Zeo power and the Infinity Stones and that makes him one of strongest creatures in the universe. I identified the person who gave Justin the mission, he is called the High Evolutionary but the only thing I found associated to him was a place called Orgo Corp. But we have to go to space in order to travel there." Alpha 7 explained.

"Then we go to space and find this Orgo Corp and find Justin. It might not be easy but we should give it a try." Kat said. "Kat's right. When have the odds against us ever stopped us." Tommy said in agreement. "I guess this it. We're going to space. Tommy I think you should lead this one." Andros said. Tommy nodded. " Adam, Rocky, Tanya, I know Justin took your Zeo power but until you get those back you have you use your other powers." Tommy said. Adam, Rocky, and Tanya nodded.

Meanwhile they went to the military base where Astro Megaship was and they flew ship out of Earth's atmosphere. Everyone was getting ready for the journey and they were nervous and hesitant at the thought of possibly fighting Justin. "Everybody ready." Tommy asked everyone. Everyone nodded at him. "Alright. Let's go to Orgo Corp." Tommy said. He put the Astro Megaship in Hyper Drive causing the spaceship to go at incredible speed leaving Earth and going to its destination.

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