all of the vest were killed...

By Spinfoxie

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Alternative Title: 马甲全员be后我被迫吊唁自己 Author: Luo Waterfall When Nishimiya Yuzuki, a graduate of the vest system... More

After all the members of the vest were killed, I was forced to express my condol


101 3 1
By Spinfoxie

Chapter 33

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

Nisigong Yuenan had just gone to bed, and the pillow hadn't even warmed it yet.

He was slightly confused and jumped off the bed to open the door.


Dazai Osamu's face didn't look good.

He stood upright in the darkness, wearing a blue pajamas, and the bandages on his body were not removed even when he was sleeping. At this time, this slaughtered cat, which was still jumping around lively during the day, lowered its head slightly, and its brown hair was almost pure black in the darkness. It didn't turn on the light along the way, but when it saw the door open, its eyes actually wandered for a moment. It fell on Xi Gong Yue's face.



Dazai Osamu stopped talking again.

His lips trembled, swallowing the syllables that were about to blurt out, and continued to stare at Nishimiya Yuexiu, as this moment, he wanted to completely remember the person in front of him and engraved it in his memory forever.

He did not dare to tell the content of the dream.

Nishimiya Yuehu rarely received such a look, and he felt like he was going to be crushed by this heavy emotion.

"Dazai-kun...did something happen?"

The light in the room shone on Dazai-kun's face from behind. For a moment, Nishimiya Tsukihi felt that the butcher cat was going to cry. It wasn't the usual grievance that was pretended to be cute, he was really sad and sad.

"I'm having a nightmare."

Nishimong Yuexiao was surprised.

Dazai Osamu would have nightmares, which was a very rare thing. This person should appear in someone's nightmare.

"It's a nightmare." Nishimiya Tsukihara stepped forward, took Dazai Osamu's hand, and put the cold fingers in his palm to warm them up, "I must have watched too many ghost movies before going to bed." It was already summer,

Dazai His fingers were cold.

Nishimong Yuexan touched his wrist again, and it was also very cold. He glanced at Dazai Osamu's thin pajamas and sighed in his heart.

He suddenly grabbed the wrist and pulled it towards him.

"Nightmares and all that are false." He purred and shaved off the cat's hair. "Dazai is already a cadre of Mafia. Do you need to sleep with other people?" Nishimiya Tsukihiro pulled Dazai Osamu into the room

. .

Things in the room are not so neat and even a little messy. A shelf was made on the wall, and all kinds of rare and weird things were piled in each grid.

There were even more things on the bed. Although it was a double bed that was big enough for four people to lie side by side, Nishimiya Yuezhen piled several large dolls on it, as well as scattered small dolls.

Osamu Dazai took a look and found that the strange-looking long-haired doll he had gotten from playing games two years ago was piled up with a lop-eared rabbit, a whale, and a cat ball. They were harmonious and yet disharmonious.

Like...building a nest.

A soft little nest that still retains some warmth.

Nishimiya Tsukihi pushed and stuffed Dazai Osamu into this small nest.

[Yueyue...] The system takes this into consideration, [Do you think it's possible that the scheming Dazai Osamu wants to sleep with you? ]

'But he looked really sad. '

The soft nest was just big enough for another slaughter cat, so Nishimiya Tsukihi put the quilt on Dazai Osamu. He rested his hands on Dazai's side and sat outside the quilt, with the thin air-conditioned quilt pressed against Dazai's calf. Surrounded by various cute and not cute plush creatures: "Dazai-kun, are you feeling much better now?" ?"

"...Hmm." Dazai Osamu, who was grouped together, had complicated eyes. Even he had never been treated like a child like this.

But it's definitely better.

It was even a little hot...

His calves were slightly bent, and through the quilt, Nishimiya Yuexin's warmth was gradually transmitted to him. Perhaps it was because the hard bones of his calves made it uncomfortable to sit on, so he slid down a little and pressed against Dazai's ankle bones and feet.

It is well known that the ankle bones and the tops of the feet are far more sensitive to touch than the calves.

Osamu Dazai was silent for a moment.

The thoughts that I had suppressed at night suddenly came to a head again.

It was almost time to go to bed. Of course, Nishimiya Yuehan was only wearing pajamas, a white shirt. The top two buttons were unbuttoned, and it was natural to see part of the contents below the neck.

Nishimiya Yuzhi held his arms on both sides, his shoulders were slightly raised, and his collar dropped even more. Because he was almost sitting like a duck, the corners of his pants had been pulled down to his calves, and his slender ankles were pressed against the quilt.

"Dazai-kun, this was the summer festival two years ago. You wanted to win the prize from playing the balloon game."

But he came closer unconsciously, put a hand on Dazai's shoulder, and reached out from He grabbed one of the doll's legs from behind.

Ugly hairy monster.

This little monster has eight legs, and each leg feels good to the touch. Compared to beautiful plush things, Nishimiya Yuehan prefers good-touch things, so he put this strange thing on the bed, and as soon as he put it down, it Two years.

Osamu Dazai pinched one of its legs.

"It's really soft." Nishimiya Yuzuki pinched its other leg twice. "It's just that the legs are too long. Sometimes when I roll next to it while I'm asleep, I feel like I'm entangled with eight legs." Osamu

Dazai Imagine that scene.

He finally forgot about the fragments in the dream and chuckled.

"Yueyue, that sounds so stupid."

"Dazai-kun, who can't sleep because of nightmares, is so stupid."

Nishimiya Yuzhi held the stuffed toy, jumped forward, and got very close to Dazai Osamu, with only one child in between. There was an ugly long-haired octopus. His hair was also loose, and it was a bit fried when not tied up, with a few soft hairs sticking out on the left and right sides.

Dazai Osamu stretched out his hand and pulled out a handful of light-colored hair. He said, "Yueyue, is it the season for you to change your hair?" "

No!" This is a sensitive topic. The plush doll stuck to Dazai Osamu's face, "You're the one who lost the hair!"

As a Mafia cadre, Dazai Osamu was recognized as having poor physical skills, but this evaluation was only relative to a place like Mafia where monsters swarmed. Now it's more than enough to deal with a Nishimiya Yuehe who doesn't even want to go to physical education class. He held the opponent's weak wrist, gently pulled it, and pushed the hairless Yueyue down on the bed.

The little monster's nest was messed up by him, and the stuffed animals were scattered all over the floor.

Nishimiya Tsukihi lay on the bed and gently adjusted his position so that he could lie more comfortably: "Dazai-kun, are you happy?" At

this time, Dazai Osamu felt that Nishimiya Tsukihi didn't look so good.

Even though he lay flat and gave up struggling, there was still a fox-like cunning in his beautiful blue eyes. This cunning was usually hidden by his gentle expression and could not be seen at all. Only now, after putting down all pretense before going to bed, can we see the... huge amount of bad ingredients contained in this body.

Even if both hands are held down, raise them high and hold them above your head.

Another button popped open, and the hem of the shirt was lifted, revealing a slim waist.

Dazai Osamu felt that his eyes could not fly around at this time, otherwise he would not be able to come back. He looked into Nishimiya Yuzhi's eyes and suddenly poked the other person's cheek: "Yueyue, were you a little fox in your last life?"

Nishimiya Yuzhi: "?" Osamu

Dazai felt that the touch felt pretty good, so he poked her twice more.

He finished the thought he had been hiding for who knows how long, finally relaxed, loosened his grip and lay down next to Nishimiya Yuexi.

"Dazai-kun must have been a cat in his last life." Nishimiya Yuzuki said in a resentful voice, "I owe you a cat hand."


Nishimiya Yuzuki retrieved the dolls as much as possible and stacked them again. He reached out again, tucked Dazai Osamu's quilt corners, and lay on the outside of the bed.

The only warm yellow lamp on the bedside was also turned off.

In the darkness, one could feel Nishimiya Yuehyun slowly sliding into the bed, trying to bury himself in a more comfortable position amidst the rustling sounds.

He couldn't see anything, but Osamu Dazai suddenly felt a claw pressing his arm, and the tip of his nose was rubbed by something soft. Probably because he realized that he was kissing in the wrong place, the man in the dark froze, moved up, and kissed his forehead again.

There were strands of hair sliding across the face, leaving an undetectable smell of Nishimiya Yuzhi's home shampoo.

Milk and sea salt flavor.

"Good night, Dazai-kun who has nightmares."

Osamu Dazai: ...


Who can sleep here——


Nishimiya Yuexi covered himself with the quilt and no longer cared about the life and death of the two screaming chickens.

He is sleepy.

Dazai Osamu went to bed late and woke up early.

Some young humans have high spirits.

Countless times, he had the desire to go to the bathroom or bathroom. However, after Nishimiya Yuexi fell asleep, he started to grab things randomly and hugged them. He originally grabbed a stuffed toy at random, but today there was a warm and large slaughtered cat lying on the bed.

He reached out and fished it out, trapping Dazai Osamu firmly in his arms.

His tightened arms pressed against Dazai Osamu's chest, and his fingers unconsciously hooked a section of the bandage.

The distance between them was even closer, so close that he could feel Nishimiya Yuelong's breath hitting him again and again, and the sound of his heartbeat was so obvious.

No matter it's his.

Still my own.

Osamu Dazai started to go crazy.

He has no desires and desires, is cold-blooded and cold-hearted. He is the youngest cadre in the history of Mafia. He is 18 years old this year. He has never had any love, never engages in romance, and never thinks too much - that is impossible


Dazai Osamu didn't know how long it took him to fall asleep, but he woke up quickly.

Finally, at a certain moment in the morning, he escaped from the clutches of a certain octopus and the little sea king and slipped out.

He moved lightly, and it was even quieter, almost silent, because the carpet in Nisigong Yuexiao's bedroom made it even quieter.

Some daylight can be seen in the corridor outside.

At four or five o'clock in the morning, the light was still dim, the stars were bright and dark, and there was only a faint white on the horizon, with a faint hint of dark orange.

The sun wasn't out, so it was naturally a little cold.

Dazai Osamu stood in the corridor on the second floor. The heat under his thin pajamas dissipated, but the charming thoughts that had been lingering in his mind all night... did not


Instead, it became clearer after calming down.

Those chaotic thoughts that could only exist in fantasy have never been so close to reality at this moment. His brain has always been flexible and can turn the most bizarre plans into reality. Now with crazy ideas swirling in his mind, he began to automatically conceive of practical methods.

Osamu Dazai squatted down beside the corridor on the second floor, next to the display cabinets, some shiny things. He grabbed the corners of his clothes and tried his best not to laugh out loud in the dark.

——What could be happier than knowing that a little sea king is willing to respond to him?

Although he may have been fished by the ruthless little sea king again.


Osamu Dazai!

Dazai Osamu decided to give his little Neptune a surprise!

He wants to cook breakfast himself!

There are a lot of equipment in the kitchen of Nishimiya Tsukimu's house. Once Osamu Dazai sneaks in, the danger will double and increase a lot.

He took a look at the various knives and felt that each tool should have the same function.

Kill the rice! Kill the vegetables! Kill the meat!

He searched again and found that his favorite crab food was not in the refrigerator, so he had to scoop out a spoonful of rice and choose several side dishes according to his mood that looked very suitable for Nishimiya Yue.

Dazai Osamu wants to make porridge.

He put the spinach on the cutting board and raised the knife.

After calming down, Osamu Dazai remembered more details about last night's dream. The dream had no basis, and he shouldn't have cared about that senseless sadness, but Osamu Dazai felt that this dream was a bit special. It was like a prophecy that had befallen him, reminding him of something.

He had an inexplicable intuition that it was not him who was sad in that dream, but the emotions of other people he sensed, and they were mixed together like a mountain or a sea.


Why does he sense other people's emotions?

He is good at worrying, because seeing through other people's emotions and guessing other people's thinking is his innate talent. This talent is also a kind of pressure. If his voice can be embodied, he will be annoyed to death all day long.

At least after living for so many years, Osamu Dazai refused to empathize with others.

Exceptions can be made for the few who care.

If something happens to Oda Sakunosuke.

——Dazai Osamu chopped the spinach leaves to death with a knife.

If Nishimiya Yuzuki...

- Dazai Osamu raised his knife and chopped the spinach stalk to death.

If they were together...

- Dazai Osamu stabbed a fish to death.

When Nishimiya Tsukuru woke up, there was no one around to touch Dazai Osamu, only him and the disturbed quilt. What happened at night seemed like a dream. He felt in a daze that nothing happened last night, and there was no knock on the door.

He yawned and got up.

So I smelled a strange smell.

Nishimiya Tsukihira: ...

He had an ominous premonition, so he ran down from the second floor and saw Dazai Osamu happily running out of the kitchen, with a pot of unknown paste in his hand, gray and gray, like a corpse after it has been soaked. Not buried yet. Mixed in it are incomprehensible things, perhaps one ounce of spinach riddled with resentment, three ounces of cod shrouded in death, two ounces of rice from the land of despair, and some mushrooms rich in sadness.

"Yueyue, I made porridge!"

Nishimong Yuexiao quickly returned to the stairs.

"Thank you, I'm not hungry. I'm going to catch up on my sleep."

Today is Saturday, there are no classes, and Oda Sakunosuke's book signing will only start at three in the afternoon, so Nishimiya Yuki can freely catch up on his sleep.

He very much hoped that Osamu Dazai could remove those weird things from his house before he woke up.

Nishimiya Yuezhen was worried and silently called the hourly worker to come over to work. He also specifically reminded him to be careful that the kitchen contained some toxic gases.

When Dazai Osamu cooks, he is a person who is very addicted to food.

In the afternoon, it was still some time before three o'clock, and the venue for the autograph session was already crowded with many people.

Nishimiya Tsukihi and Oda Sakunosuke hadn't seen each other for a while, and he soon saw a stiff Oda among the crowd.

In order to make Oda Sakunosuke's image better in the eyes of book fans, he was held down early in the morning and began to make some image modifications. Hair must be taken care of well, and facials should be taken care of as often as possible, just as a temporary fix. Finally, he was given a suit and forced to change into formal clothes.

"Mr. Kobayashi...are you really going to do this?" Oda Sananosuke saw himself in the mirror and felt that every hair on his body was shining, and his dull hair seemed to have been polished.

"Of course, look, it's only two o'clock in the afternoon, and there are so many people lining up outside. Oda, you are already a great writer." "


"So when are you going to write the next one?" "

..." Oda Sakunosuke paused suspiciously and made a cooing sound, "I'm writing. Ah, Dazai and the others are here." "Odasaku

!" Dazai Osamu felt uncomfortable seeing such a glamorous Odasaku. , he was short of arms, and wanted to reach out and scratch Odasaku's silly hair, "You are so cool today." He was

stopped by Nishimiya Tsukihiro.

"Good afternoon, Oda-kun."

"Good afternoon."

Oda Sakunosuke's eyes paused and fell on Nishimiya Tsukihira's hand grabbing Dazai Osamu's wrist.


I haven't seen each other for a while, and I feel like these two have a better relationship.

Is it his imagination?

Seeing that Nishimiya Tsukihi and Dazai Osamu seemed quite natural, the editors and colleagues who were familiar with Nishimiya Tsukihi also greeted each other, and no one had any doubts about the relationship between the two little ones.

Oda Sakunosuke gave up thinking.

It would be a good thing for Osamu Dazai to make more friends.

"Teacher Natsume, you are here too."

The elder held his cane and came in from the door: "Oda-kun, congratulations."

Oda Sakunosuke introduced: "This is Teacher Natsume, who has helped me in my writing. You have provided a lot of help. It’s great that you can come.”

“Don’t take it seriously, don’t take it seriously.” Natsume Soseki has a very rare temperament, which is both settled and sharp. He is like a gentleman who came from a long time ago. , people working in literature around him felt a certain aura and were in awe of this teacher Natsume.

He joked to lighten the mood: "Oda-kun and I are pen pals. If he hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have been able to get in. There were too many people queuing up." "...Wow." Dazai Osamu came to Oda Sanosuke's side and

said He asked in a low voice, "Odasaku, you have a pen pal and you didn't tell us."

Oda Sakunosuke: "Isn't it normal to have a pen pal? Natsume-sensei has helped me a lot."

Soon, some people around him remembered I heard this name somewhere, so I gathered around Natsume Soseki and said, "My cousin studied at Tokyo University and has heard of your name." "

I have also read Mr. Natsume's book."

"You can sign it. "?"

Dazai Osamu and Nishimiya Yuzhen, the two fishermen, stepped aside.

Dazai Osamu: "Why do you think Odasaku has become a celebrity, and the people around him are also very powerful."

Nishimiya Tsukihiro: "He is indeed a celebrity."

"Then can we hug his lap in the future?" "

But Ori Tian Jun’s family has five children, do we have any fun?” “

I’m not here to break up that family, I just want to join it.” Dazai Osamu and Nishimiya Tsukihichi chatted in the corner for a while, “Yueyue, I’ve been there lately. I picked up a pair of brothers and sisters. I originally wanted to cultivate one of them because of their special abilities, but now it gives me a headache."

Nishimiya Yuzuki was surprised: "Eh? Dazai-kun, you actually picked up a child like Odasaku? "

Well, his name is Akutagawa Ryunosuke, and he is an orphan in the slums." '

The system... Dazai actually picked up children, and picked up two...'

[Can a person like him really raise children? 】

Nishimiya Yuzhen is also worried: "If I am with Dazai Osamu, wouldn't I like to be a father?" I'm not ready to experience the life of raising cubs...'

He subconsciously thought that the two cubs Dazai Osamu picked up were similar to the ones Odasaku picked up. They would cry and fuss, and even had to be coaxed to sleep and fed. Feed porridge.

【No! What are you thinking about, Yueyue! You can’t want a man who makes you happy to be your father. 】

"Dazai-kun, did you take pictures of those two children? I want to see it."

Dazai Osamu had already guessed that Nishimiya Tsukihi would be curious, so he took out his mobile phone and pulled up the secretly taken photos. In fact, although he complained, he still liked those two children, but he didn't know why every time he faced Akutagawa Ryunosuke, his face would involuntarily tighten, and he would immediately be angry at Akutagawa's various operations.

On the screen, a brother and sister stood together. They were both weak in body, with sweat on their foreheads, but their eyes were determined.

Nishinomiya Yuenan was silent.

He will always remember the people who chased and killed Snake all over the street.

'It's over... I'm sure they can't get along well. I originally thought he was a four or five-year-old kid, but he turned out to be fourteen or fifteen years old. '

[And so cruel. 】The system is also panicked.

"What's wrong? Do you know Akutagawa and the others?"

Nishimiya Yuzuki shook his head: "I just think it's good that they can meet Dazai-kun. Life in the slums must be very hard."

Dazai Osamu put away his mobile phone: "Me too It's very hard. Akutagawa Ryunosuke couldn't understand me at all. He was too impatient. Although his supernatural power is powerful, he can't use it at all." "

Dazai-kun is so powerful, he will definitely be able to teach them well." Nishimiya Yukihiro Thinking of another thing, "Oda-kun is now supporting himself through writing. Will he consider leaving Mafia? I remember that he works at the bottom of Mafia and is very tired." "Maybe, Oda said

he is considering it. But Mafia's current salary is pretty good, maybe he wants to save more savings."


Three o'clock was approaching, and Liang Yuze, who was dizzy after drinking too much last night, also appeared. He and several people present After saying hello, we started to host this autograph session.

There were so many people. Nishimiya Tsukihi made a rough estimate and felt that this autograph session would be held from afternoon to evening, and maintaining order would be very tiring. If it weren't for the strong physical strength of everyone present, they would have collapsed.

He and Dazai Osamu were the youngest and weakest-looking ones present, so they were responsible for some chores - the most important thing was that others did not dare to instruct them to do work.

Big boss and Mafia cadre, he is only seventeen or eighteen, so it is most suitable for him to work quietly as a supervisor.

After about a while, Nisigong Yuexiao suddenly saw a few acquaintances.

It was Kuroba Kaito, Nakamori Aoko, and Hakuba Detective Koizumi Anko. They also came to line up for the autograph session, and they had already entered the venue.

Dazai Osamu noticed Nishimiya Tsukihi's stiffness and asked, "Aren't those Kaito and Aoko? The other two are also your classmates?" "Yes." Nishimiya Tsukihi mainly didn't want to see

Koizumi Anko.

He was a little wary of the other party's magic.

"I'm going to buy some food for the staff. Everyone is very tired today. I didn't do anything. I'm sorry." "Do you

need me to go with you?"

"No." He was a little honest, " I’m the one paying anyway.”

Nishimiya Yuenan slipped away.

Osamu Dazai continued to sit where he was, pretending to maintain order. He looked at the boys and girls in the team. He was quite familiar with Kaito Kuroba and Aoko Nakamori, and knew that they were childhood sweethearts and there was no pressure from competition. The other...brown hair, brown eyes, 1.8 meters tall, male.

"I can ask the butler to buy autographed books for you, as many as you want." He was clearly tortured by the queue, "Why waste time here." Even the voice sounded a bit like him


He is a dangerous person!

Dazai Osamu saw Koizumi Anko again, and this one was also a little impatient. Her face is extremely beautiful, and her long burgundy hair is extremely conspicuous in the crowd. Her beauty has surpassed that of the celebrities and idols we usually see. It is more like a beauty that directly touches the soul, and there is a hidden danger. Like a beautiful poppy flower.

No one would hate this beauty.

Alarm bells rang in Dazai Osamu's heart.

Are the average looks of high school students today so good?

He paid more attention and found that most of Koizumi Anko's attention was on Kuroba Kaito. She deliberately moved closer to Kaito, her movements were extremely ambiguous.

Osamu Dazai relaxed a little, and it seemed that Kaito Kuroba was very popular walking among the crowd. Anyway, as long as these students are not obsessed with Yueyue, it will be fine.


He saw Koizumi Anko's lips opening and closing. Those two beautifully shaped, slightly charming lips were close to Kuroba Kaito's ears. With the subtle movements, the translated lip language was... "You are Kaitou Kidd.

" Right."

Osamu Dazai:...?

He didn't forget Kaitou Kidd. Nishimiya Yuenan must have bumped into him that day, and maybe had a conversation. He also knew that the police searched Nishimiya Yue's home that night, but found nothing.

Dazai Osamu suspected that Nishimiya Tsukimu was covering up Kaitou Kid. He had seen photos of this phantom thief. Under the moonlight, the man in white had a flowing cape, and his monocle reflected white light. He looked extremely gorgeous.

It reminds me of that nasty big white bird.

Dazai Osamu guessed that Nishimiya Tsukihi might have thought of his brother, so he protected this strange thief of unknown origin.

Danger, too dangerous.

When he came to Tokyo this time, Dazai Osamu also wanted to catch the tail of Kaitou Kidd to see which guy had attracted Nishimiya Tsukihiro's interest.

It’s up to him to send a creature like the Phantom Thief to prison!

"Anko, you're kidding again." Kuroba Kaito joked, "Although we both know magic, my magic is much better than that thief." Hakuba glanced at him with an incomprehensible look - these

days At the end of the day, he has discovered the true identity of Kaitou Kidd through DNA testing.

And Qingzi... is jealous of Hongzi.

"Isn't that Dazai-kun?" Kuroba Kaito was worried for a while, and finally found a way to change the subject, "He is here too."

He waved to Dazai-kun.

Dazai Osamu's secret observation was discovered, so he walked over openly and greeted Kaito and Aoko.

"Are these two your classmates too?"

"Yes, you are here, what about Yueyue? Yueyue should be here too." Kuroba Kaito and Dazai Osamu exchanged a look to express their support. The gratitude of a good brother.

"Yueyue went to buy food."

Baima Tan and Koizumi Hongzi listened to the two of them talking about Yueyue, which was very strange.

Koizumi Anko originally didn't pay attention to anyone except Kuroba Kaito, but when Osamu Dazai came over, her temples jumped inexplicably. Looking at this beautiful young man, his eyes narrowed: "The causal thread on your body... is very strange." "


The heir to the red magic frowned slightly. He was obviously not as tall as Dazai Osamu, but he was very arrogant. She looked Dazai Osamu up and down. Magic gave her some unique abilities. Her sixth sense was often countless times stronger than normal, and she could see many things that ordinary people couldn't see at all.

Now Dazai Osamu gave her a very bad impression. She felt like she was facing a living devil.

From behind this devil, I saw many twisted threads, making it a mess.

She suddenly asked: "Do you want divination?"

"Divination?" Dazai Osamu thought for a while, nodded and agreed, "Yes."

Then asked: "Can I also divination the relationship with other people?"

Koizumi Anko:?


Dazai Osamu looked forward to it: "Your classmate, Nishimiya Yuzuki."


In the queue, she picked up a crystal ball and followed the queue while doing divination. However, everyone around her thought it was normal, and no one was curious about what this beautiful woman was doing carrying a crystal ball with her.

"Can I ask about Yueyue's bond with others?" Osamu Dazai chirped from the side, "It's about who he likes the most." Kuroba

Kaito also followed suit: "And who his best friend is. "

Aoko... Aoko didn't want to participate at first, but she was also curious: "Can I ask Hongxian?"

Koizumi Anko: ...

Do you think the witch is a wishing machine?

She had actually divined Nishimiya Yuenan a long time ago, but the things about Nishimiya Yuenan were too complicated, and she couldn't understand it even after asking Lucifer. And...

Koizumi Anko lowered her voice and spoke in the faint light refracted by the crystal ball, telling the content of her divination:

"I saw the shadow of the God of Death behind him."

"The same goes for you." She looked at it Osamu Dazai, "There is a lingering breath of death around you. Light and darkness are about to be separated, and your decision has already been determined."

In silence, they were pushed forward by the flow of people until they stopped.

Oda Sakunosuke: "Um, signature, I've signed it."

I can still write ()

Chapter 34


They finished the autograph session in silence and went out through the exit on the other side.

"You mean, something will happen to Yueyue?"

Koizumi Anko shook her head: "I am only responsible for conveying the prophecy."

The divination of Dazai Osamu and Nishimiya Yuzhen made her a little tired. This kind of complex prediction is not simple. It can be done. After Koizumi Hongzi left the venue, she excused herself to rest and went home to conduct deeper divination.

As for Detective Hakuba, his attention was temporarily focused on Dazai Osamu: "Are you familiar with Nishimiya Yuzuki?"

He was too familiar with Dazai Osamu's information. The charges against this person were piled up, and it could be printed out in a long form. One volume.

Osamu Dazai glanced at him: "Yueyue and I slept together yesterday."

The three high school students looked like "What the hell did I hear?" and were shocked by Osamu Dazai's harsh words. They found a coffee shop near the autograph session and sat down, and the four of them occupied a small table.

"You can't believe in things like divination." Kuroba Kaito knows Koizumi Anko's ability, and he has also encountered her predictions. "Anyway, she predicted that something would happen to me last time, but it was resolved." Aoko

: "Kaito, when were you?" Aoko didn't remember this at all.

"It's not an important thing..."

"Is Yueyue not in good health?" Dazai Osamu thought about this issue, "He seems to have to go for a physical examination every once in a while."

Hakuba nodded: "And He never exercises."

"It just so happens that this year's physical examination is coming soon..." Osamu Dazai was worried, "I hope there won't be any problems. How do you know he never exercises? Are you familiar with each other?" He turned his gun and pointed at Hakuba Tan

. .

"We've only known each other for a few years."

"Aren't you worried about the prophecy on you?" Kuroba Kaito asked Dazai.

"Me?" Dazai Osamu tilted his head slightly. One of his eyes was still wrapped in a bandage. His body under the clothes had suffered countless injuries. Life and death, illness and pain had become a part of his life. "If the God of Death I would like to be grateful for your willingness to pay attention to me..."

The three high school students were speechless.

"I'm going back to Yueyue first."

Nishimiya Yuzhen didn't know Koizumi Anko's prophecy. He saw Osamu Dazai coming back, carrying desserts from a nearby coffee shop.

"Why are you going to buy food..." He took the food from Dazai Osamu. This flavor was obviously specially chosen by Dazai. "How troublesome." "

But I want to give it to you."

Dazai Osamu's expression There is nothing unusual about it, he is still a happy butchery cat. He dismantled some things and helped Nishimiya Yuexi distribute them to the staff present.

"Yueyue, are you going to have a physical examination in a few days?"

"Well, I have made an appointment with a personal doctor this year." There are a lot of things. In addition to food such as bread, there are also heavy items such as water and drinks. Each time, he had to bend down to move. After a few times, Nishimiya Tsukihi held his waist and took a breath, "I haven't exercised in a long time." There were many

people in the venue, and even if the air conditioning was turned on, it wouldn't have much effect. There was a little sweat on his forehead, which was shining brightly under the light, and the ends of his hair were loose, so he held the hair tie in his mouth and tied his hair again.

"..." Dazai Osamu was extremely sincere, "Yueyue, is your waist not in good condition?"

Something that looks good but has poor practicality - Nishimiya Yuzuru's waist.

"Have you?"

Nishimiya Yuehan coughed slightly. Anyway, he just knew it, and it was impossible to admit it.

"Yueyue, can you introduce me to your personal doctor?"

"Huh? Dazai-kun, you also want to treat your waist?"

"I don't need to treat it." Dazai's child held up his chest, wearing countless bandages and wounds, "My body ...At least my waist is better!"

"Yes, yes..."

"I just want to get to know each other." Osamu Dazai continued to ask, "The doctor Yueyue is looking for should be very good, and he must be better than the doctors in Mafia. "

Dazai-kun, I remember that Mr. Mori told you not to abuse drugs? Have you ever..." Nishimiya Yuzhi turned around and faced Dazai Osamu, frowning slightly, "Abusing drugs will cause great damage to the body. , Be careful of kidney overdraft, and you will become a disabled cat."

Dazai Maomao was found in the dark history, and he was scared.

In addition, Nishimiya Yuezhen was actually quite perceptive, so he did not dare to ask any more questions.

He sat aside and continued to wait for Oda Sakunosuke's autograph session to end.

Nishimiya Tsukimu has always disliked Osamu Dazai trying various suicide methods. Normally, if he was found out about hanging himself in water, he would definitely make eighteen calls in a row, be gentle and gentle, and have a polite chat with Osamu Dazai. It didn’t sound good, and then he took the fastest car and ran to Yokohama with the intention of stabbing Osamu Dazai to death with his eye knife.

——Since it was agreed that Osamu Dazai would be a kitten, then Dazai’s whole body would be the property of a sinister landlord.

People will develop habits after being controlled for a long time. Once, Osamu Dazai was unfortunately injured during a mission and his calf was broken. He even worried about whether Nishimiya Yuezhen might mistakenly think that he did it on purpose.

Fortunately, Yueyue only asked a lot of questions with great worry and was simply concerned about Dazai Osamu's condition.

The duties of some owners and kittens.

Now Dazai Osamu wanted to know the specific physical condition of Nishimiya Yuzuki and wanted to push the relationship in another direction, but he encountered difficulties.

Nishimiya Yuezhen's physical examination has always been handled by a mysterious "private doctor", and even he has not found any information. Moreover, in the past, even if Dazai Osamu knew that there were many people around Nishimiya Tsukuru, he did not carry out all-round surveillance - if he did, Nishimiya Tsurukage would definitely be forked out.

He dared to secretly inquire about what was going on around Nishinomiya Yuexin and grasp the general situation.

So now comes the problem.

Death, except for random accidents, must have factors. Nishimiya Yue's poor health may be one of the factors, and his other social circles may also be one of the factors.

The first type of dangerous person is himself.

Mafia cadres, spokespersons of violent organizations, have done many shady things, including extraordinary punishments. In the same way, all the people Nishimiya Tsukihi knew in Mafia can be counted... Although Dazai Osamu didn't want to admit it, he himself was indeed a huge source of danger.

The second category is the Xiaguang Literary Society that he manages.

The seemingly harmonious workplace contains countless dangerous people. Although everyone seems to have been cleansed, who can guarantee that they will not make mistakes again?

What's more, there is Ryo Yuzawa. Other editors and assistants Dazai Osamu have come into contact with, and they feel that they are just normal people who have been exposed to black, but Ryo Yuzawa is definitely a pure black. As hard-wired for violence as he is.

The third category, wineries...

Gin and Aoki Rei, in Dazai Osamu's opinion, are punished too much than himself...

And if some scattered factors are also included, Nishimiya Tsurukage, Nishimiya Tsurukage's brother, is still walking in In the gray area, the young tame Kuroba Kaito seems to have gone off to become a phantom thief. There is a detective in the class who has been in contact with criminals all year round, and a woman who doesn’t look ordinary... wow


Dazai Osamu began to scratch his hair randomly.

Why is the daily life of his family Yueyue so dangerous——


Nishimiya Tsukihi saw Dazai-kun sitting there thinking. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly started scratching his head with both hands, and the cat became autistic.

"Yueyue." Dazai Osamu raised his head from his silence, "Come here."

Nishimiya Yuzhen walked over.

Osamu Dazai grabbed his hand.

His own prophecy is that darkness and light are separated, which coincides with his and Nishimiya Yue's state.

——It’s very unpleasant.

He grasped Nishimiya Yuexin's fingers so tightly that they turned white, and he pulled the person to his side with a force of his arms. Dazai Osamu hugged the person and felt that the seventeen-year-old Yueyue was not as soft as the fifteen-year-old Yueyue.

"When can we go back?"

"Soon. I guess there's still another hour." Dazai Osamu sat on the folding chair, while Nishimiya Yuzhi stood, so he could reach out and touch an anxious, clinging to him. He stroked the Zai Mao in his belly, wondering what was wrong. "If Dazai-kun is tired, we can go back first?" "

Some of my classmates should have come just now." Nishimiya Yuehu felt like he had guessed. When he reached something, he said, "Have you met Anko-san? She is very talkative and likes some magic legends. Just listen to what she said." "Yeah." Dazai Osamu just felt that Yueyue was really good

. Very sharp.

In fact, he didn't believe it either, but he had just had that kind of dream last night and met Koizumi Anko, so it was really hard not to think more about it.

After the book signing, everyone was exhausted. Odasaku, who was shining brightly before the autograph session, had already turned into a look that had been ravaged by life. His back was almost soaked with sweat. He was numb while signing autographs. He could only feel that his stubble was growing faster. Ten times more.

It was successfully completed.

Because Dazai Osamu seemed to be inexplicably anxious, Nishimiya Tsukihi did not attend the party at night, but took Dazai home.

The kitchen was temporarily abandoned, and the two simply ate something.

Nishimiya Yuezhen, who had not exercised for a long time, had seriously exceeded the limit of exercise today. Her legs and feet were extremely sore at the moment, and she felt like standing was a kind of torture. He wished he could fly back to bed right now and free his legs.

However, we still have to take care of Dazai Osamu’s mental health.

"Dazai-kun, do you want to sleep together tonight?" He poked Dazai Osamu, who had been looking at him in a daze, "You have been in a daze for too long."

Dazai Osamu nodded quickly.

He made a plan while eating and felt that the safest way was for him and Mori Ogai to take a leave. As a Mafia model worker, he could take all the leave he had not taken before and live here.

72 hours a day, monitor everything that happens openly!

Nishimiya Tsukihi picked up a sandwich on the plate and stuffed it into the mouth of Osamu Dazai who didn't know what he was thinking: he always felt that Osamu Dazai looked at him in a strange way, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Then I'm going to take a shower first." He stood up, holding the back of the chair with both hands, and pushed the chair into position.

Take a few steps.

Nishimiya Yuezhen could still feel a sticky gaze stuck on his back.

[Yueyue, you shouldn’t let Dazai Osamu live here. 】The system made some sad sounds, 【His eyes look like a pervert now. It's the kind of pervert you met as a child who wants to lock you up forever and raise you as a canary. ]

'I feel it too. He

turned around and said, "Dazai-kun, what have you been looking at me for... is there something on my back?" "

No." Dazai Osamu continued to stare, "I just want to see you." "Really?" " Really



about when I take a shower?"

Nishimiya Yuzhi said expressionlessly: "Dazai-kun, what are you hesitating about?"

Dazai Osamu: First of all, I swear that I am not a pervert.

The day's work was over. Master Ge went downstairs with an umbrella and found that the cold noodles shop was closed.

She turned around and went to the Yufen store, only to find that

the milk tea shop was sold out and the bakery had turned off the lights.

Master Pigeon could only go back upstairs, open his notebook, and continue writing updates.

Chapter 35

"If you keep watching..." Dazai Osamu hesitated, wavering, his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, and then suddenly quickly said, "Yueyue, are you really willing?" "..." Nishimiya Yuzuru

's The expression is indescribable.

【abnormal! There is a perversion! ]

Osamu Dazai pulled the back of the chair, and Maomao poked his head in. He looked obedient and innocent, not thinking about anything.

——It’s over, Yueyue will think he’s abnormal.

Nishimiya Yuezhen turned around, reached behind his back with one hand and took down his hair tie, causing his hair to fall loose. He stepped up the stairs and rested his fingers on the railing.

"I'm going upstairs." He stayed there and glanced at Dazai Osamu vaguely, "You can't see me anymore."

He turned around and went upstairs.

Dazai Osamu suddenly realized what to say, and he almost overturned his chair in his excitement, creating a chaos. The slaughtered cat stood up as quickly as possible.

Then he started to hesitate again.

Wouldn't it look too perverted to rush over? The eighteenth of the month has not arrived yet.

He was too excited to run over, which seemed like he was immature.

Walking over it seemed... too bland again. Yueyue saying that means that he tolerates some of his own perversions. In this case, not being perverted enough will make the other party's expectations frustrated.

He was tangled in a knot on the spot. Nishimiya Yuzhi's footsteps had already reached the stairs, and Dazai Osamu floated upstairs in a daze - "I

can handle things like taking a bath by myself."

The daydream was overthrown. .

Nishimiya Yuezhen stood at the door of the bathroom holding the clothes he wanted to change, looking at a really perverted slaughtered cat, his eyes gradually filled with disgust.

"Dazai-kun, can you take a bath?" He said in a coaxing tone, "I won't drown in the bathtub, be good." He

always felt that it was okay to find a beautiful partner, but he couldn't find someone stupid. Dazai Neko looks very stupid now that he has lost his mind. It always feels like he became extreme because of some stimulation.

'Look, it's normal for me to stay away from Koizumi Anko. '

'Even a man like Dazai would be worried about the gain and loss because of an unwarranted prophecy. We are just ordinary people, and we should know in advance that such things should not happen in the future. No matter what happens, just face it calmly. '

[No, Yueyue, what you should think about most is...are you going to let Osamu Dazai like this into your room? He is full of bad intentions. ]

Nishimiya Tsukihi didn't care whether Dazai Osamu left or not. He closed the bathroom door, turned on the hot water and measured the water temperature after taking off his clothes. He was extremely calm.

'If he has the ability, he will come in. '

——You can't play it after you come in anyway.

'Dazai will definitely not dare to come in now, the kid is thin-skinned. '

As soon as the hot water washed over me, Nishimiya Yue's mood improved a lot.

Well... I don’t know what will happen to such a thin-skinned kid in the early stage.

There was more than one bathroom in his house. By the time Nishimiya Tsukihi finished washing his hair and came out of the bathroom wrapped in steam, Dazai Osamu had already finished washing it.

He was wearing pajamas and standing at the door of his room just like last night, with his hands hanging down.

"Yueyue, you've finished washing."

[I saw the tail, did you see it? ] The system pointed and said, [Good or bad, Yueyue, you gave in too much. At this time, you should tell him that you are too tired and want to sleep alone, and let him suffer outside the room. Let people in after it's almost done. 】

Nishimiya Yuenan: ...Who did you learn this from?

His hair was still damp. Sitting in the room, Dazai Osamu volunteered to help him dry his hair.

Long hair is always a little harder to dry and tends to get tangled. Nishimiya Tsukihi found a more comfortable position and lay half in Dazai Osamu's arms, letting Dazai Osamu do whatever he wanted. Although he has been rich for a long time, Nishimiya Yuezhen has never hired a housekeeper or servant. He always feels that he is not suitable for being served by others.

Now that I'm using Zaimao, I feel like I've suddenly gained the comfort of lying flat.

You can feel Osamu Dazai's fingers passing through his hair, picking up part of the hair without letting the hair dryer get too close or too far away. The touch and pressure of the fingertips is more like a massage, numbing and itching. .

And it’s very warm to be in someone else’s arms.

Osamu Dazai is indeed very lovable when he pleases people. It is difficult to hate a good-looking and smart cat. He smelled the fresh smell of shower gel on Dazai Osamu's body. It came from his home. After getting used to it, he could smell something else.

It's light and quite comforting.

I was already tired, but after taking a shower and washing my hair, this feeling of exhaustion was amplified. In addition, Nishimiya Yuexin was nestled in the room he was most familiar with, the light was soft, quiet and warm.


Dazai Osamu blew for a while and found that the person in his arms had completely stopped moving. He was extremely soft and was leaning on his shoulder defenselessly.

He took a breath and turned down the wind power of the hair dryer to make the environment quieter.

The ends of the hair were still a little damp, and if you were not in good health, you couldn't sleep with your hair wet. Dazai blew it dry carefully and straightened Nishimiya Yuki's neckline.

He carefully placed the person on the bed.

Today is completely different from yesterday.

Dazai Osamu quietly put away his things, went out and turned off the lights. During this period, he thought about whether to clear the table - forget it, he was only wearing pajamas and wanted to go back to bed.

When he returned to the bedroom, he found that Nishimong Yuexiao was already asleep. Half of her face was buried in the pillow, and her hair curled up and slipped into her collar. He looked quite peaceful, holding the corner of the quilt with one hand. He had no expression when he was asleep, only a cute and beautiful face.

Osamu Dazai also touched the bed and found a gap where he could lie down among the pile of things.

He lay down gently.

When this happens, those thoughts disappear. The air settled quietly, and he didn't want to do anything.

Dazai Osamu suddenly felt that he was a little embarrassed. It was clear that Mafia was best at violently invading territory, annexing it, and taking it for his own, but he hesitated here, and finally stayed at a certain border, not daring to step forward.

He turned off the light and covered himself with the quilt.

The movement was very small, but Nishimiya Yuehe still woke up.

He was a very light sleeper, and Osamu Dazai could imagine him curling up with a frown on his face, possibly hiding under the covers, trying to escape the sounds of the outside world.


A small animal came under the quilt, and Nishimiya Yuzhi's forehead rested on his arm.

"Tie it up." He was very sleepy and his voice was very long, "A friend said... When you are in a bad mood, you should post it more often." You don't need to think about it to know which

friend it is.

"The best way to cure nightmares is..."

Dazai Osamu wanted to say something to respond to him, but Nishimiya Yuzhi said a few words that were incomprehensible and fell asleep again.

Dazai Osamu laughed silently in the darkness.

I probably won't have any nightmares tonight.

When you are too tired, you may not sleep well. That's what happened to Nishimiya Yuezhen. He rolled over and didn't know what he grabbed or pushed down.

Dazai Osamu sat on the floor with a confused look on his face.

what happened?

He felt aggrieved. Anyone who was kicked out of bed while sleeping would probably feel aggrieved. Even though Nishimiya Yuezhen looked innocent when he was sleeping now, the force with which he suddenly pushed someone was really strong.

Dazai Osamu threw himself beside the bed and stared at the culprit for a while.

The culprit is still sleeping.

This matter can only be settled in the morning. Dazai Osamu glanced at the time. It was almost four in the morning, and he could still catch up on some sleep. He got back into bed again.


Dazai Osamu originally slept facing Nishimiya Yuzuki, so he could hug him from behind, a bit like a pillow. As a result, Nishimiya Yuehan, who was particularly restless tonight, turned over and they were face to face.

It was very dark. Dazai Osamu had to open his eyes wide to see the other person's facial features, but his warm breath was very close and entwined. Nishimiya Yuzuki was slightly hunched over, with his knees just touching Osamu Dazai's thighs, his arms placed beside his cheeks, and his five fingers pressed loosely on the bed.

Dazai Osamu looked at it for a while.

Looked at it for a while.

He reached out and stuffed the paw between them back into the quilt, and stuffed his fingers into his palm.

There are no calluses on Nishimiya Yuzhi's hands, except for some near the knuckle of the middle finger of his right hand, which were worn out during his high school studies. The palm of his hand was soft and slightly warm. Maybe it was because Dazai Osamu put his fingers into his palm, so the hand unconsciously shrank a little. He held it in reverse, and the soft fingertips pressed against the back of Dazai Osamu's hand.

Dazai Osamu touched it, and suddenly thought of the first time he met Nishimiya Yuzuki. At that time, Yueyue, who was only fifteen years old, had delicate wrists, and the rope turned red when rubbed. It doesn't seem to be much better now. You can see patches of beautiful colors when you pinch it.

Nishimiya Tsukihi is used to holding on to something while sleeping. He will grab the doll when it is stuffed with its legs, and when he can't grab the thing, he will start pinching the corner of the quilt. Dazai Osamu put his fingers in and held them, then...

it's time to go to bed.

He closed his eyes. In fact, his brain had turned into a world of color blocks and lines, and his thoughts were flying out of the sky. They were some weird and unplayable content.

Even though I knew I should go to sleep immediately at this time, I still wanted to.

Then, the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't sleep.

Zaimao tucked himself into the quilt and tried to find a place to bury some of his excessive thoughts. He also arched up, huddled in bed and thinking wildly, turning into a Dazai cat ball that automatically heated up as his body temperature increased.

Until Nisigong Yuexiao suddenly woke up and sat up.

Osamu Dazai:! ! !


Osamu Dazai hid instinctively, remained motionless and began to pretend to be asleep.

He had never thought so fast before, faster than being caught by the enemy and needing to escape immediately. Osamu Dazai spent all his energy controlling his breathing and heartbeat, and then thought: Yueyue seems to have really woken up, not a sleepwalker

. .


He didn't dare to move, his legs were bent there in an uncomfortable position, almost close together, and his waist was stiff, so that he could be lifted out to make a lime sculpture in the next second. Only the half of his head outside the quilt looked particularly peaceful, sleeping in a relaxed state.

If Nishimiya Yuezhen lifts the quilt, he can have some peaceful social death.

'System, I'm so sleepy...'

[I'm so sleepy too...]

It was the system that woke up Nishimiya Yuezhen because something unexpected happened. Nishimiya Yuezhen could hardly open his eyes, and his mind was completely blank for a few seconds. He sat on the bed and was stunned for a few seconds.

woke up.

He glanced at Dazai Osamu and found that he was still sleeping soundly, with his furry head pressed into the pillow, looking particularly like a balled-up, fried kitten.

Nishimiya Yuezhen carefully took out his hand from the quilt.

Strange, did you hold Dazai Osamu's hand before going to bed?

He quietly got out of bed and tucked the quilt back in place.

Dazai Osamu seemed to be almost completely buried under the quilt, which was not good for breathing, so Nishimiya Tsukimu pulled the quilt down a little, pulled it to Dazai's neck, and pressed it down to remove any gaps.

He did not forget to chat with the system: "Dazai-kun's body is really good, just like a small stove." '

'I heard that every time he gets injured or gets sick, he can be up and running soon. I'm really envious. '

[But he doesn't cherish his body and takes risks every time. Yueyue, you can't imitate him. 】

Nishimiya Yuenan just sighed a little.

'He didn't seem to be sleeping well, and his face was red from being smothered in the quilt. '

'I hope Dazai-kun can sleep a little longer. '

The system made its unprofessional observation: [I think you woke up very softly, so he should still be sleeping. 】

Whether Dazai Osamu is awake or not, Nishimiya Yuzuki is already unbuttoning his own buttons and planning to change out of his pajamas. As a result, the sound of buttons popping was too obvious in the darkness. He pressed the collar of his clothes and glanced at Dazai Osamu.

Probably... wasn't woken up.

He simply didn't unbutton it, and took off the only piece of clothing by holding the hem of his clothes, then took a piece of regular clothes from the hanger and put it on.

Dazai Osamu: ...嘤.

He hates that his hearing is too sharp and his imagination is too good. He clearly didn't see anything, but it seems that he has seen everything. He also feels that this kind of imagined pictures can never replace the real scenery, and will only cause endless confusion. fantasy.

Then it evolved into a more painful act of pretending to sleep.

He heard Nishimong Yuexiu finish changing clothes, softly walking out of the door, and the bedroom door slowly closed.

He was finally alone in the room.

Dazai Osamu suddenly let out a hot breath and froze there, unable to move. It was suffocating him to death - indeed, patience and perseverance are beautiful qualities.

Dazai turned into a soft liquid cat again. Nishimiya Yuzhi had just tucked the quilt, but it was messed up when he moved, and he slid back into the quilt to shut himself up. Adolescence and some rapid thinking made Dazai Osamu finally think of something at this moment.

He is now completely lying on Nishimiya Yue's quilt, beside Nishimiya Yue's pile of dolls that have been with him for a long time. Even though what the tip of the nose smells is more of a faint scent of detergent and the smell of cotton and other things that are permanent, it gives people a subtle and crazy illusion.

——This little nest is filled with the aura of Nishimiya Yuehan himself!

A cat bug began to scurry under the quilt.

Roll, roll, roll.

Dilly dawdle.

at last.

At four o'clock in the morning, Osamu Dazai felt a basin of cold water poured on his head.

Although he is self-disciplined, Nishimiya Yuzhi never likes to get up early and struggles every morning. Moreover, he was obviously very tired today, and Dazai Osamu was already prepared to stay in bed until ten o'clock.

This point.

What do you do when you get up?

Osamu Dazai sat up in a daze, feeling that the strange images in his brain had affected his thinking. Otherwise, he would have thought of this problem long ago.

He lifted the quilt and let the air dissipate the suffocating heat.

He wanted to see what Nishimiya Yuezhen was doing now.

An early update, I'm going to separate this chapter out.

Because I had a lot of fun writing about innocent and impure love posts.

Osamu Dazai, a cat-like insect whose whole body is soft and has only (?).

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