My Summer Girl ( Steven Conkl...

By LittleKitKat15

4.7K 107 2

Cordelia has always had two befriends who had stuck by her through thick and thin. Jeremiah Fisher and Steven... More

Season 1
Season 2


172 5 0
By LittleKitKat15

Cordelia had a long morning of helping the family make the house perfect for Susannah's favourite holiday. 4th of July. After she had finished her jobs she went to chill with everyone at the beach longing about with her new book. 

Belly came down to the group with some drinks she smiled and announced "May I present The Belly Special?"

Cordelia had to admit the drink looked amazing, especially since it was so hot. Everyone else seemed to agree as Nicole awed "Ooh, very nice."

"Those look awesome." 

Gigi smiled and gestured to the floatie next to Cordelia "Uh, we saved you the inflatable unicorn." Belly smiled politely "Well, thank you. You want some?" 

"Yeah." They all agreed and Belly began handing out drinks. Steven brought one over to Cordelia and sat down next to her. 

"You look hot" he said. Cordelia raised an eyebrow at him and he started to stammer "No- I didn't mean it like... I'm so sorry. I meant that you looked hot not that you are hot, I mean you are hot but-"

She smirked "You need some help there?" he nodded "Please" The group around them just laughed at Stevens silliness. Cordelia found herself smiling at Steven she noticed his eyes held a certain spark in them. 

She was snapped out of her daze when Jere yelled "Hey, guys. Check out who I found." he gestured to the boy next to him " It's Cam Cameron." 

Everyone cheered dramatically "Cam!" 

Someone tried to offer Cameron a drink but he shook his head apologetically "Oh, I'm good, man. Thank you, I don't drink." 

"Yes, that's right." Jere said taking an extra drink for himself "More for me." Cameron shook his head with a chuckle "That's fine."

Belly smiled up at her boyfriend "Hi. What's up?" 

"Um... What is that?" Cameron said gesturing to her drink.  Belly smiled and explained "It's a pomegranate margarita." 

It was obvious that Conrad really liked it and that he wanted to get drunk as he chugged his glass. Jere joked "It's not a race, Con." 

"Yeah, save some for the rest of us, please." Nicole smiled. 

Belly nodded in agreement before she was struck with an idea "Okay, wait, wait, wait. But what if it was a race? I mean, isn't that... isn't... Isn't that the premise of, like, every drinking game?"

"You want to play a drinking game?" Cordelia asked surprised. Belly shrugged "Why not?" she asked "I mean, it's the Fourth of July, right?" 

"Fuck it. Let's do it." Cordelia said and everyone joined in.

They tried a bunch of different games and Nicole smirked as she suggested "Let's play spin the bottle"

The group agreed and sat in a circle and found a bottle to spin. Gigi spun first and had to kiss Belly, they decided to make it interesting because there was only a few people. 

The rules were:

. Land on a person once you kiss on the cheek.

. Land on the same person again you kiss on the mouth.

. Land on the person for a third time you have to make out for ten seconds. 

Gigi kissed Belly's cheek then Belly spun and had to kiss Jeremiah's cheek. Eventually when Steven spun he got Cordelia so he pecked her on the cheek quickly. 

They carried on and Cordelia had to kiss Jeremiah's cheek while Jere had to kiss Gigi on the lips for landing on her twice. When Cordelia had another go she landed on Steven. 

"Kiss number two guys" Belly announced loudly. Cordelia shook her head and leaned over and kissed Steven on the lips. He tasted of pomegranate and mint with a hint of cologne. They pulled apart and the game continued. 

After a while they began to tire of the game, but they were also still drunk so Steven was the last spin before everyone did something else. The bottle spun and spun and slowed till it eventually landed on Cordelia.

Their friends all whopped "Come on you two third time means make out sesh for 10 seconds." Jeremiah said getting a timer up on his phone.

Steven blushed "We don't have to if you don't want to Lia" he said turning bright red. She shook her head "It's fine we're just friends it doesn't mean anything"

Despite how casual she sounded she was really scared she'd never had to make out in front of other people, let alone make out with one of her best friends in front of his little sister, their friends and their family. 

He gently grabbed her face and they began to make out. She slowly ran her hands through his hair. Jere unhelpfully decided to shout "Whoa, come on guys spice things up. You got tongues for a reason"

Cordelia shrugged and the two started using tongues. When she had made out with people before it was just boring but with Steven she felt safe and loved, in a platonic way of course.

"And that's time" Nicole said as the two broke apart smiling.

"Right, lets do something else." Conrad suggested as he, Jere and Steven went to start the clams. 

Nicole started to complain "I don't get Conrad. It's, like, one minute he's all over me, and he stays over, but then we don't even fսck, right? And then this morning, he's, like, super into me, he's all over me, and now he's like, "Oh, football." "

"Yeah, no, he's really hard to read sometimes." Belly said with a laugh "Like all the time." 

"Yeah." Nicole paused and looked between Cordelia and Belly desperately as she asked "Do you really think he likes me?"

"Yeah. Yeah, totally." Cordelia assured. Belly was so drunk she didn't think before she covered and said "I mean, he talks about you a lot." 

"Really?" she asked surprised. Cordelia just went along with it "Yeah. Mm-hmm." 

Cam looked at Belly concerned "Hi. You may want to hydrate." he offered her his bottle "Water." 

She just smiled "Cam Cameron, you are so sweet." she turned to the girls "Isn't he sweet?" 

Cam chuckled seeing that she was very drunk " Mm-hmm." she giggled as he suggested "Uh, do you want to go for a walk on the beach?" 

Nicole looked at Belly and said "Belly, by the way, I love that dress." that got Belly's attention and she temporarily ignored Cameron.  

"Really? Thanks, I... Taylor got it for me, actually." Belly said gesturing to herself.  

"It looks really good." Cordelia said. Gigi agreed "Mm, Taylor has great taste." 

Belly nodded "Yeah, I know, right? She totally does. Oh, my God. You know what? Cordelia and Taylor are, like, unidentical twins. Because you're both mega-fashiony." 

"It's true." Cordelia agreed modestly. Belly continued "And you're both, like... baddies, wouldn't you... Baddies." she laughed at herself "And she likes the same summer boy who likes Cordelia, at this point he's made out with both of them which is..." Belly chuckled. 

Cordelia was going to laugh but the words sank in "Wait what?" she asked. Cam could tell something was off so he pressed the idea "Come on. Let's go for that walk."

Belly waved him off "No, no, no, Cam. Yeah. I'm talking. One sec. Look, Cordelia, like, don't worry, because my brother is an idiot. And it didn't mean anything. It didn't mean anything." she insisted. 

Cam pulled her up "Let's go for that walk." 

Cordelia shook her head trying to grasp the situation "Wait, what didn't mean anything?" 

"Uh, them-them kіssіng." Belly blabbered "It was like... He-he, like, loves you. He loves you. And... Wait, does anyone want another drink? I want another drink."

Cordelia got up and walked away "I just need a minute"

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