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It had been at least a week since the date incident and it was now Belly's birthday a fun occasion that took place in the summer house. It was a tradition for Belly to have mickey mouse pancakes, then have presents, we'd all do some fun stuff and include Belly before finishing with Susannah's special birthday dinner. 

Steven was in charge of cooking the pancakes this year "Golden brown and crisp. That's how it's supposed to look." he said. 

"How's it going over there?" Laurel asked strolling over to make sure it was perfect.  

Steven did a chef's kiss jokingly "Look at these pancakes. It's ready."

There was a shuffle of a person coming downstairs and Belly saw everyone in the kitchen and she smiled "Morning, everyone." 

"Happy birthday!" everyone yelled. Susannah smiled and hugged her "There's the birthday girl, looking like a vision in floral."

"Happy birthday Belly." Cordelia and her mom said giving her hugs.  

Steven smiled and nodded in acknowledgement "Happy sweet 16, Bells"

Jere, as usual, spun her around happily "Now Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday." 

"Thanks, everyone." Belly said breathless from all the hugs. 

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Laurel said finally. Belly hugged her "Thanks, Mom." 

Cordelia's mother grabbed the pancakes off the stove and put them on a plate "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." Belly shook her head sincerely "Actually, I'm not really, uh, hungry." 

"Oh. Shall we open gifts?" Susannah suggested noticing the dimming mood of the room. Even Cordelia was confused Belly always had the mickey mouse pancakes.  

"Oh, you're gonna love mine." Cordelia said.  

Everyone sat in the living room around Belly and took it in turns giving her gifts. Laurel's gift was opened first and Belly found a book "It's a first edition. I got it from a rare book dealer." 

"Thanks, Mom." Belly said with a slightly confused smile on her face. Laurel shook her head " Turn to the bookmarked page. It's your favourite poem."

Belly smiled "Oh, yeah. I remember Susannah teaching us to recite this. "For whatever we lose..." 

Jeremiah and Cordelia joined in looking at each other jokingly "Like a you or a me..." 

Everyone finished "It's always ourselves we find in the sea."  Belly chuckled "Thank you. I love it." Laurel nodded happily "You're welcome." 

"Okay, open mine now, Belly." Susannah ushered the box into her hands. Belly opened it and gasped "Oh, wow. They're gorgeous. Thank you, Susannah." Belly held up a beautiful pearl necklace. 

Susannah smiled and got up to fasten it "My mom gave me these pearls for my sweet 16. Radiant, isn't she? They look great on you, sweetheart." 

"Don't forget mine" Cordelia's mother said handing Belly a small box with matching Pearl earrings and bracelet.

"Oh, we're next. Jeremiah said giving her the box from him and Cordelia "Here."

Belly opened it and laughed "Thank you." she held up the little silver chain with two different charms. 

"It's a good-luck charm to help you pass your driving test." Jeremiah said. Cordelia added "Mine's a symbol of love because my Belly's such a romantic" Jeremiah laughed.  

Belly did too "Perfect. Thank you." 

Steven quickly exclaimed "Think fast, Belly." as he hurled a package at her nearly hitting her in the face. "What?" she exclaimed barely catching the parcel.  

Laurel shook her head at her sons antics "Steven." she scolded. Belly opened it and found a Princeton jumper inside "Wow, Steven, I can't believe you actually spent money on me." 

Steven shrugged "Relax. I just didn't want you stealing mine next year when I get in." 

Laurel turned to him surprised "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton." Stevens eyes widened, Cordelia could tell he hadn't meant to tell his mom so he explained "You know, I-I think I'm gonna apply for some scholarships, and Dad thinks I can get some financial aid. I-I don't know. I'll see if I get in."

Cordelia patted his hand "I'm sure you will" Steven nodded thankful for her assurance "Okay. Thanks Lia" 

Cordelia's mother turned to Conrad "Um... Conrad, uh, do you want to give Belly your present?" 

He shrugged and admitted "Sorry, I forgot." 

"Uh, that's... that's cool." Belly said trying not to look hurt "Um... I wasn't really expecting anything anyway, so..." 

Conrad's face fell "Oh, so I got to go. Um, I promised Cleveland that I'd show him some knots today, so... Happy birthday, Belly." then he left. 

Cordelia nudged Jeremiah to signal him to try and cheer Belly up. He took the hint and slowly suggested "Hey. Why don't we take my car and practice driving before we have to pick up Taylor from the bus station."

Belly nodded "Sure."

She and Jeremiah left and Cordelia decided to go help with the dinner for a bit before Taylor arrived and made everyone get in the pool.  

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon