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As Cordelia and her mother pulled into the beach house's driveway she heard a scream. 

Not just any scream though, It was Belly's scream. She smiled to herself, Yep Summer had started. She jumped out of the car and walked up behind the boys silently as they laughed at Belly's misery.

"How's the water?" Jeremiah asked teasingly. Cordelia rolled her eyes, same old Jeremiah. Somethings never change. 

Steven and Conrad just kept laughing. Cordelia leant against the fence post waiting for her golden opportunity to arrive. 

Belly winced "Guys, I hurt my ankle." they stopped and looked at her cautiously "Come on." she pleaded grasping on the side holding her hand out. Cordelia shook her head as Conrad stupidly leant down and grabbed her hand. 

Belly's pain turned into a smile as she pulled on his arm making him fall into the pool "Yes. Got you."

Conrad grunted as he fell and collapsed into the water ,sending Steven and Jeremiah into another fit of laughter. Cordelia chose her moment and walked over tapping the two boys on the shoulders. They turned around confused then saw Cordelia making them smile.

But that smile turned into a frown when she smirked and shoved them both in. Steven and Jeremiah slipped into the pool nearly landing on Belly and Conrad. 

She smiled and called out "Now Summer has started"

When everyone got out of the pool and began to dry off they headed inside and said there hello's to Cordelia and her mom.

Steven turned to Jeremiah "Did your mom get that-that fancy cheese or whatever...?". Jere nodded "Dude, don't worry. She went out yesterday and got all of that."

Cordelia looked at Steven and Jeremiah "Hey guys" they looked over at her curiously as she continued "Anyone want to be really helpful and maybe grab my bags from the car"

Jeremiah nodded and spun her around "Anything for a beautiful lady, Cordy" Steven agreed too "Sure Lia"

She pecked them both on the cheek "Thanks guys"

"Cordelia!" her mother called beckoning to the kitchen, "Come and let Susannah and Laurel see you" as she turned to leave she watched the two boys fight to get out of the door and she chuckled to herself. 

As she walked in she heard Laurel complain to Belly "You're dripping water all over the place."

When Cordelia walked in the room went silent until Belly gasped "Wow! And I thought I looked good." 

Susannah and Laurel looked at each other "Laur." she whispered "They're gorgeous." Laurel nodded in agreement whispering "I know." 

"You have always been lovely girls, but, oh, look at you both." Susannah said looking at them. Cordelia had to agree Belly and her looked so different to last summer.  

Bely shrugged saying "I think I look pretty much the same."

Cordelia scoffed in surprise "You do not look the same at all."

Cordelia's mom nodded "She's right you're growing up. You're in bloom." she looked at Laurel reminiscing "Laur, she's you all over."

"People always say I look like my dad." Belly told them.  

Susannah shook her head "No, when your mom and I first met, she looked just like you." 

"Except I had no boobs at all." Laurel added. Belly and Cordelia grimaced and laughed "Gross, Mom."

They were about to keep chatting but the boys ran in like a herd of elephants with Cordelia's luggage. She rolled her eyes "I'll check on them, It sounds like WW3 up there" Cordelia ran up the stairs to see the boys arguing about who grabbed the most bags. 

"Guys, what are you doing?" 

Jeremiah turned to her "Well you see Cordy-" Steven cut him off "I was going to grab your bags when Jere decided to make it a competition and so we're trying to decide who won by bringing up the most bags the fastest. I mean obviously I won"

Jeremiah shook his head at Steven. "Guys chill. All I did was ask you to bring my stuff up. Didn't realise you guys loved me this much" she said nudging them.

They both nodded and Cordelia saw a faint blush appear on Steven's cheeks. She brushed it off as a trick of the light. "Well see you later, I gotta unpack" and she ushered them out the room, "If anyone needs me I'll be in here." 

Just as Cordelia finished organising her last few books she heard a scuffle behind her and a pair of hands covering her eyes "Guess who" the person asked. 

She turned around and saw Jeremiah smiling at her "Hey Jere, what's up?"

He sighed "I want to say sorry about earlier." Cordelia nodded "It was pretty childish"

He gave her a pointed look "Anyways I wanted to see if you'll come swimming with me before dinner" he paused before adding a "Please" 

Cordelia looked at him as if he was crazy "Obviously. I love the sea!" she added "We should ask Belly if she wants to come along"

"She can't" he explained "She's gong with Laurel to a whale of a time" he sighed dramatically. Cordelia let out a little aw and reached to ruffle his blonde curls "Has my Jerebear still got a school girl crush on Belly"

He shoved her off "It's not a crush Cordy" he collapsed onto the bed with a sigh "I'm in love with her"

"Maybe I should go with her. I need some new books" Cordelia said trying to lighten the mood. 

The look of bewilderment as Jeremiah sat up and looked between her and the overflowing bookshelf behind her "Aw, man, Cordy." he complained "I've been wanting to go in the ocean all day, but I've been waiting for you to get here. Please. Pretty please. Pretty please!" he begged. 

She couldn't resist "Yeah, yeah, screw it. Let's, let's go swim." 

"Yes." he punched the air in triumph "All right, I'll meet you outside, okay?" he said leaving the room. 

"Okay, I'll be right down." Cordelia said getting her costume ready. 

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Where stories live. Discover now