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Every year we come back to the place where I was born. 

Cousins, with its golden, sunlit beaches and beautiful sapphire oceans.

Susannah always laughs when me and mom bring up the ocean saying that it was the reason she was so adamant on my name. 

Cordelia Summers 

The name Cordelia translates in Celtic to "Daughter of the Sea" 

And ironically my last name is Summers obviously meaning "Summer"

Fitting for a girl with golden hair and blue eyes who loves the beach and ocean and the season Summer. That's why cousins is my favourite place and why I can't wait to go back. It's been less than a year since I've seen the other part of my family. 

There was Belly and Steven, Laurels two kids, then there were Susannah's boys, Conrad and Jeremiah.

Conrad was 18 while Steven was 17 ,Jeremiah and I are 16 and at the moment Belly is 15. Despite our age differences we've always been close.  

Last time they'd seen me in person I had glasses and braces, along with a horrific taste in fashion. But now that I'm nearly 17 I've changed. A lot. 

I was no longer the immature little girl who left Cousins Beach House last year. 

I'm Cordelia Summers, a beautiful, intelligent woman and I'm going to have the best Summer ever. 

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Where stories live. Discover now