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The next morning Cordelia headed over to the Country Club with Steven for their first dance lesson. 

"Hey, Belly." Cordelia said as she turned up just after them.  

Belly ran over and hugged her "Hey. I'm so sorry I was such a mess yesterday. I... I really hope I didn't screw things up that bad." 

"It's okay. We're good." Cordelia assured as she looked at Steven. Belly looked between her friend and her brother and her smile faded into sock "Wait are you guys, like, together?" 

"No" Cordelia said. Steven spun her around "Well not officially." he gave Belly a quick poke playfully "Could have been if it wasn't for you being a Tasmanian devil." 

"Be nice." Cordelia scolded him "We've all been there. The first time I got drunk, I Face Timed each one of my exes, one by one, and made them tell me why we broke up." Cordelia said laughing.  

Belly joined in with the laughter "Whoa." 

Steven's head snapped to her "Exes? Can I get, like, a ballpark figure?" Cordelia shook her head with a scoff and refused to answer.

Just then Paige walked in "Attention, everyone. Please welcome our debutante waltz instructor, Ms. Covington, all the way from Ms. Covington's School of Ballroom Dance in Newton." politely they all applauded. 

Ms. Covington smiled "Thank you, Paige." when she looked on the debs her smile fell "As you all know, the waltz is the most highly anticipated part of the ball. So, please join your partners now... Come on. And we will begin with fundamentals, starting with the box step. 

Cordelia zoned out on the old lady, she knew how to waltz. She took ballroom and Latin classes as a child. She knew how to do them all, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Waltz, Viennese waltz, she could do any of them.

Steven on the other hand appeared to be struggling "Hey, are you alright?" Cordelia asked.

He shook his head as he watched his feet, "Lia I have no idea what I'm doing right now"

"It's okay. Ignore her and listen to me okay. Step forward with your left foot...Move to your right...Close your left foot to your right foot...Step back with your right foot...Move back and to your left... Close your right foot to your left foot." she instructed.

Steven kept listening and he managed to do it and he smiled joyously "I'm doing it."

"I know I can see" Cordelia smiled.

"Now that we have the steps, let's pick up the pace." Ms Covington said. Steven seemed to be able to quicken his pace slightly. He only fumbled a few times but apart from that he was perfect.  

Cordelia looked over to Belly who was dancing with Nicole, she accidentally stepped on her again "Okay. Are you sure you're okay?" she asked as Nicole winced. 

"I'm fine." she assured unconvincingly. A blond boy tapped Belly's shoulder "Hey, ladies. Mind if I have this dance?"

"Yes. Actually, she's all yours. Belly..." Nicole handed her over to Jeremiah. Belly's eyes darted around nervously "Jeremiah, you're gonna get me in trouble with Paige." 

Jere looked over to Steven and Cordelia "Hey." he whistled. The pair spun over and Steven cucked his blazer to Jeremiah "Okay, Harry Styles." Cordelia teased as they waltzed away.

"Shut up Cordy. How's this? This better?" Jere asked Belly with a hint of sarcasm and mischief in his eyes. He walked over to Alexa smirking "Hey, Alexa. Play "So Pretty." "

The Alexa responded immediately and stopped the waltzing music " "So Pretty" by Reyanna Maria. Sure."

Jere started dancing and eventually everyone started dancing like it was a party and not a dance lesson. Paige burst through the door an unimpressed look on his face "What is going on here? Alexa, stop." the music came to an abrupt halt "Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool?" 

"We had a "code brown." Yeah, we lost the keys to the chemical closet." he lied. Paige grabbed her keys and chucked them at him "There you go." 

He caught them and nodded "Thanks." he gave Belly a wink as he walked away "Catch ya later, Bells." 

"Get going, Jeremiah." Paige said very angry at his antics. She turned back to the debutantes "All right, everyone, let's try that again... this time, without the theatrics."

And so they carried on for another 20 minutes before they were eventually allowed to leave. Unluckily just as dance lessons finished his shift at the snack shack had started.

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Where stories live. Discover now