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After a few hours of working together they all looked perfect and were being presented with their escorts. She wore her beautiful white dress and tiara as she held onto her bouquet of roses.

Cordelia could see Steven across the isle and he smiled reassuringly at her. 

"Gigi Boucheron, daughter of Richard and Cecily Boucheron. Gigi is a student at Northfield Prep School. She's ranked at the state level in singles tennis and is a talented vocalist. She raised $4,000 for North Children's Hospital."

Next it was Belly's turn "Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park. A student at Chesterbrook High School where she is captain of the varsity volleyball team. Isabel is also an avid swimmer, and this summer raised $5,000 for the county women's shelter." 

Then it was Cordelia's turn "Cordelia Summers daughter of Robert and Sarah Summers. A student at Nightingale High School, it is her birthday today and she had just turned 17, when she was younger she was a ballroom dancing champion. Cordelia raised $8,000 for Cancer Research."

Cordelia walked down with Steven and had he photos taken, she was so nervous, there were so many people watching her in the big endless room. She spotted Susannah and her mother in the crowd in awe which gave her the confidence to carry on. 

She handed her mother the bouquet. "You look beautiful, my little girl"

"Thank you" she whispered back as Steven led her to the floor and they bowed and curtsied to their families.  

Paige smiled and announced "It is my honour to introduce this year's Cousins Beach Country Club debutantes." there was an applause before she continued "And now introducing this year's debutante escorts." 

Cordelia watched the dance she had never seen Steven and Jeremiah look so happy dancing before, it made her happy too. 

"That was incredible. You were incredible." Cordelia told her boyfriend when they finished. 

"Thanks" he smiled. Liam walked over and gestured to Stevens suit "Nice fit. Though, I'm surprised she didn't make you wear a matching tux." 

"Actually, that was the plan, but..." Steven sighed "Well, couldn't afford it after our last game."

Liam laughed "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would put you out." Steven didn't smile or laugh he just shrugged "Yeah, how would you know?"

"I... I mean, you can have the money back. No worries. I mean, we play for fun anyway." Liam said reaching for his wallet. Steven shook his head and looked at Cordelia "No, it's fine. You won it, you keep it."

"Alright man. If you say so." he winked at Cordelia "Bye pretty lady"

Cordelia felt Steven wrap his arms round her waist defensively. She laughed "Why are you being like this?" 

"Being like what?" he asked innocently. She shrugged "All weird and insecure. I wasn't like that about the whole Taylor thing."

He loosened his grip with a sigh "Yeah, well, I don't know, I'm just... I mean, I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I don't exactly fit in here."

Cordelia's eyes softened "Steven..." 

She was cut off "No, I-I grew up in the suburbs of Philly, all right? Not even that nice of a suburb. I drive a Honda Civic. I don't go to benefits or balls, whatever this is. I'm... I'm-I'm nothing like him or anyone else here." Steven told her.  

"And that's a good thing." she told him "You're here with me, not him or anyone else. I chose you." Steven smiled and spun his girlfriend round with a kiss "Yeah, you... you did, didn't you? I love you."

When Paige announced the waltz everyone got into their correct places to dance. Cordelia noticed Belly was alone she asked them "Hey. Hey, have you guys seen Jeremiah?"

Cordelia looked around briefly and shook her head apologetically "No." she continued to search for him but he'd seemed to have disappeared. 

"Please don't step on my toes." Steven said

"Shut up Steven" she reminded him "I'm the pro here besides you have to be nice to me today It's my birthday"

"I remember. I have a very special surprise for you when we get to the beach house." he had a mischievous sparkle in his eye so she raised her eyebrow "Nothing like that, I promise."

The couple danced the waltz with perfection effortlessly when it finished the two leaned in to kiss. When they broke apart they went to talk to Belly and Conrad, who had stepped in for Jeremiah.

"Hey. Hey, Jeremiah, where were you?" Belly asked. 

Jere didn't look at her but instead he looked at his older brother "Conrad, we need to talk, all right? It's important. It's about Mom. I found something out."

"Um... Yeah... We'll-we'll talk about this later, okay?" Conrad told him. 

"No, it's important." Jeremiah insisted. Cordelia was confused and curious, what was going on. 

Conrad placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "It's okay." 

His eyes widened "You already know, don't you?" Jere spat "You've known this whole fucking time and didn't tell me?" he tackled his brother and the two started fighting.  

Steven tried to break the two apart as the girls stood there confused. A crowd had soon formed around the brothers. 

Susannah ran over yelling "Stop it. Both of you, stop it. What is going on?" 

They pulled apart and Jere's voice broke as he said "Mom..."

Conrad sighed and explained "We know, Mom. We both know." Susannah's face fell which worried Cordelia even more. 

"Know what?" Belly asked. 

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum