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When they pulled up to Nicole's house they were surprised about how many people had shown up. But then again it was a party, who was going to miss a party? 

Going through the door they had to avoid some rowdy boys before bumping into Nicole. She smiled exclaiming "Belly, you came!"

"Hey, Nicole. You look so pretty." Belly said admiring her gorgeous party dress. Nicole brushed off the comment "Oh, me? Look at you. And you Cordelia." then she noticed the flower crowns "Oh, my goodness. Are those real flowers?" 

Belly nodded while smiling "Yes."  

"Incredible. Well, we have to show Gigi." Nicole grabbed onto Belly hand and tried to pull her away. "Yeah, yeah, totally." she turned to Cordelia and Taylor asking "You guys want to come?" 

"You have fun over there. Okay." Cordelia said noticing the tension between them. When they had left Taylor sighed "Okay. I'm gonna go find a drink." Cordelia decided to follow after her, not wanting to be alone. 

From where she was sat Cordelia could see Jeremiah flirting with someone. She was glad he had moved on from Belly. Cordelia had always warned him that Belly might never have chosen him because of Conrad, but he always brushed it off. 

Taylor and Cordelia walked around the house exploring when they bumped into Steven queuing for the bathroom. Cordelia looked at his phone and saw him looking at different suits "That looks fancy. Personally, I'd rather be comfortable." Cordelia commented making him jump and nearly drop his phone in surprise.  

"Yeah." he shrugged "Uh, well, fancy isn't always better, so..." he put his phone away in his pocket. Taylor sighed "I don't think Belly agrees. She seems fully on board with the fancy girls." 

"No, no, no, no. Look, she's just trying it out. Look, girls like that, they're cool in theory, all right, but Belly's never gonna feel fully comfortable around them." Steven tried to assure her. Taylor scoffed and Cordelia jumped in "Come on, look, she's always gonna need you. All right? You're, like, her number one. You're her best friend"

She nodded silently then she turned to Steven "Come on. This line hasn't budged. Do you want to go upstairs and see if there are other bathrooms?" 

"Yeah, sure." he walked away with Taylor so Cordelia walked downstairs to find Jeremiah.  When she got down she saw Jeremiah with a karaoke machine and she knew she couldn't miss this. He started talking "Testing, testing, one, two, three. Checking out, checking out. All right. This one goes out to Cam Cameron and our favourite little Belly Button."

He started singing Summer Night from Grease and dragged a couple more with him. In the daze Cordelia noticed Belly storming away.

Belly walked around searching for Taylor. She checked all the room and one room she looked in she saw two people making out. Only it wasn't just two people it was Steven and "Taylor?"

"Oh, my God." Taylor said noting her friend. "Belly?" Steven gasped he moved away from Taylor regret clouding his eyes. 

"Oh, my God. Uh... Jesus. Steven..." Belly called after him but he just pushed past and ran downstairs. Belly shook her head "Oh, my... You're hooking up with my brother?" she demanded to know.  

Taylor put her hands up defensively "I swear it just happened." 

"Well, what, you got bored?" Belly asked annoyed at the betrayal "He's planning to ask someone out , you know. Someone he actually likes." 

"You saying he couldn't like someone like me?" Taylor questioned brokenly.  

"No. No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. I..." she breathed out "This could get really messed up. I mean, he's planning on taking her to the deb ball. And all those girls are her friends." 

Taylor groaned "Oh, my God, I'm so sick of hearing about this fucking deb ball. I don't even know who you are anymore." 

"Oh, why? Because I'm not just going along with everything you want to do?" Belly argued "Is that why you threw yourself at my brother? So that you could get back at me?" 

"You know, you act so innocent, Belly, like you're the victim." Taylor stated. "Victim?" she asked "How do I... I'm sorry. Yeah, but..."

"I think you're the self-absorbed one, Belly." Tylor told her "How do you not know that I've had a crush on Steven for years? If you weren't so obsessed with Conrad..." Belly shushed her sternly whispering "What is wrong with you? People are going to hear." 

"Who cares?" Taylor yelled "There's more than one story happening here, but you seem to only care about the one where you're the main character." Belly shook her head "I... I can't deal with this right now. I got to go. Just fucking leave me alone..." then she walked away leaving her behind. 

Cordelia decided after karaoke to play beer pong with the guys. 

"Wait, Cam, have you started the waltz lessons yet? Ms. Covington's a real sadist." Conrad said with a small shudder.  

Cam shook his head "Who you talking about?" Conrad looked surprised "The-the dance teacher. For the ball." 

"Oh. Yeah. Belly hasn't really asked me yet." Cameron explained.  

Jeremiah waved his hand dramatically "Oh, dude, I'm sure she will. Trust me. Yeah." 

"Seriously. If you say so." Cam agreed hopefully. 

"Hey." Belly said coming out the front door. 

Cordelia smiled "Hi." 

"Belly." Jeremiah started laughing "Hi. Where have you been?" 

"Yeah." she looked at Cameron "Um, I-I thought you didn't drink." 

"Oh, it's water." he assured "It's water. Jeremiah's been drinking for me." 

Jeremiah took a long drink "Mm-hmm. I love this kid so much. So fun." he said slinging his arm over Cameron.  

"Um, hey, can we leave? Like, now?" she asked. He nodded and put his cup down "Yeah, um, yeah. Sure, that's cool. Oh. Uh, I'll see you later."

Cordelia waved them off "Yeah, have fun."

Jeremiah grabbed Cordelia and pulled her close "Right Cordy, you're on my team" They had a fun night that when they got home no one noticed the tension in the air between Steven, Belly and Taylor. 

When Belly got home the next morning she found Steven in the garden while everyone else was still asleep. "What, did Taylor leave?" Steven asked.  

"Why? Do you want to go make out with her some more?" Belly asked sarcastically. Steven sighed and held his head "Belly, don't give me shit. All right? I feel bad enough." 

"You should. She's my best friend. And not to mention traumatizing me..." Belly said pulling a face. Steven groaned "Oh, my God." 

"I mean, my eyes. I..." Steven cut her off "Stop being so immature."

Belly scoffed "She really likes you." 

"Yeah, I know. Look, just..." he paused "Can you please just drop it?"

She nodded "Yeah. Not that you deserve this right now... but Cordelia is really lucky and I'm sure she's into you too." 

He sighed "I don't... I don't know, I just feel like she'd find it weird being with me...you know, I mean she wants a guy who'll treat her like...a queen. You know? And I don't got it like that." 

"So, you were feeling insecure, and that's why you hooked up with Taylor?" She asked him. 

He nodded solemnly "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess."

Belly sighed and hugged her brother "Just don't break her heart. Please"

My Summer Girl ( Steven Conklin x OC )Where stories live. Discover now