My Summer Girl ( Steven Conkl...

By LittleKitKat15

5.5K 110 2

Cordelia has always had two befriends who had stuck by her through thick and thin. Jeremiah Fisher and Steven... More

Season 1
Season 2


282 5 0
By LittleKitKat15

After dinner Cordelia went upstairs and changed into a pretty blue, short, sundress she got in a sale last week. It was beautiful and made her look like a true daughter of the sea. 

Steven knocked on the door "Come on Lia, you nearly-" she walked out and Stevens draw dropped. He quickly played it off "Finally, you girls take forever." he looked at her again "You do look good though"

"Thanks Steven. Come on lets go get Jere and Connie I want to head off soon. Or we'll be late like last year" she reminded and the two headed downstairs. 

"Damn girl you look so good, you didn't have to dress up for me" Jeremiah joked looking her up and down. She shook her head and bat him on the shoulder "Shut up Jere".

"Yeah" Steven added. Cordelia cocked her head to the side waiting "Clearly she dressed up for me" he added. Once everyone was ready they said there goodbyes and left Belly at home with the Mom's despite her protests.

Everyone started singing along to karaoke in Jeremiah's jeep as they drove down to the beach. Cordelia smiled, this was how the summer should be. When they arrived Steven stuck with Cordelia while Jeremiah was dragged away by some desperate girls and Conrad went to make out with Nicole. 

They sat down on a log, drinks in hand. "So why are you and Jere working this summer?" she asked curiously. Steven shrugged "I mean I have to pay to get through college this year and I don't want to have to rely on my mom and dad."

Cordelia nodded "You want to be independent, I get that. I think it's pretty cool"

"You're not mad?" he asked. She shook her head explaining "I thought I would be, I mean I was at first but then I realised that just because we're best friends doesn't mean we have to do everything together. You and Jere want to have jobs this summer and I respect that"

Steven looked into her deep blue eyes and saws she meant it "Wow, who are you and what have you done with the Cordelia Summers I know."

She shook her head but something caught her eye in the distance, or rather someone. "Steven, is that Belly?" she asked pointing to a girl in a pink dress with long dark hair. 

Cordelia and Steven rushed over "Cordelia!" Belly called out hopefully and Cordelia saw why. There were a bunch of guys looking at her.  

"What are you doing here?" he asked then he saw what she was wearing "And I-I'm sorry, wh-what are you wearing?". Cordelia looked at the dress and knew Taylor was involved. 

The older guy behind her tried to sling his arm round Belly but one glare from Cordelia made him hesitate. "I invited her. Who the fuck are you guys?" the guy asked.  

"I'm her brother." he yelled "She's 15, you pedo." 

"I'm-I'm almost 16." Belly defended but Cordelia shook her head slowly telling her to shut up. The guy retreated "My bad."

Steven and Belly started arguing so Cordelia decided to tag along behind until Belly pulled away hard enough for her to fall to the ground. She knelt down quickly asking Belly "Belly are you okay?"

They also happened to land in front of Conrad and Nicole. "Belly?" Conrad asked. 

Belly looked hurt as she stared at Conrad and Nicole "Who are you?"

"Nicole." the girl explained "Conrad and I went to the deb ball together last summer. It was after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges."

Belly scoffed "I thought you said that deb balls are bullshit, and all debs are sheep."

Conrad tried to defend himself "I didn't... You're such a brat."

"Well, you're an asshоlе." Belly retorted. Cordelia couldn't describe the relief she felt when Jeremiah ran over and helped Belly up "Belly. You came! Great, we can all hang out, you guys." 

"I'm about to take her home. Come on, we're leaving." Steven said grabbing for Belly's wrist again. "Are you kidding me?" she asked looking to Cordelia for help. 

Jeremiah tried to distract him "Okay, Steven, chill out. Come on. Go-go hang out with Cordy or something." Cordelia nodded and grabbed Stevens hand "Let's go. Come on." 

Stevens harsh glare softened as he looked at Cordelia "Fine. But just stay right here and don't talk to anybody." he instructed Belly. 

"Okay. All right. Chill." Belly said sitting on the log. 

Steven stayed by Cordelia's side all night and looked after her when she got really drunk. "Right I think you've had enough of that " he said taking the booze bottle out of her hand. Cordelia tried to take it back as she pouted "Stevie come on. I'm just having fun, please"

Her face got really close to his but he quickly pulled away "No Lia I'm going to see if they have anything other than alcohol so you can sober up a bit before we get home" he walked away and Cordelia quickly hunted for some more beer as she danced to the music. She was having so much fun until someone yelled "Cops! Get out of here."

Everyone started yelling and running away. Cordelia accidentally ran straight into a cop as she tried to escape. "Excuse me young lady have you been drinking." he asked sternly. 

Even drunk Cordelia knew not to lie to a cop "Yeah, I only had a little though. I'm not driving either, my best friend is designated driver" she looked around confused " He's around here somewhere."

Suddenly Steven and Jeremiah ran over "Cordelia, there you are. Thank you for finding her officer. We lost sight of her for a moment then." 

"Right sorry kids but we're going to have to speak with your parents about this." The policemen lead them to Jere's red jeep and Cordelia fell asleep in the back of the car next to an even drunker Conrad. 

Cordelia sighed. Her Mom was going to kill her. 

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