Unusual Everyday Eeveelutions

Von sonictheforreal1243

809 68 109

Join Indigo, The Indigo and speedy Umbreon, Shift the Fast-hovering, Azure-furred Jolteon, Sean the Red Flare... Mehr

Birthday Surprise
Alternate Versions
Forest Disappearance
Corruption Attack
The Imposters
Gold City
Golden Throne
Frosty Adventures: Sea Blues
Frosty Adventures: Alone
Preview #2
Frosty Adventures: Winter Date Part 1
Frosty Adventures: Winter Date Part 2
A Lonely New Years
The Doctors Office
Melly's House
Purple's Interlude: Prologue
Purple's Interlude: The lab
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Neutral Ending)
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Yandere Ending)
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Good Ending)
Purple's Interlude: The recruitment
Purple's Interlude: The tower
Purple's Interlude: The Incident
Meeting Team Shooting Stars and Space Cousins
Blast n Flash and The Hunter
Kelly, the Greedy Princess

Gold Mines

18 2 0
Von sonictheforreal1243

Cast for this chapter:

Indigo arrived at a village in the mountain. He came to the mountains to discover a hidden gold mine.

Indigo: Huff... Finally... These mountains are annoying to get up. Anyways. I should take a walk around the village.

Indigo walked into the village and looked around.

Indigo: Alright. First up. I'll need to find a map of the mountain and gather some information. Why don't i check out a map in the shop.

Indigo walked over to the shop.

???: WOAH Watch out!

An Umbreon riding a cart crashes into Indigo

Indigo: Ow...

???: My bad Kid, I'm so sorry!

Indigo: Don't worry about it! I'm perfectly fi..... You look familiar....

???: Oh? Is it the great Mulberry the explorer familiar to you?

Indigo: No.

???: Of course you don't. New around these parts?

Indigo: Yeah! I'm here exploring.

???: SO You must be a fellow explorer eh? Nice to meet cha! The names Mulberry!


Species: Umbreon

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Nature: Adamant

Nickname: Supernova

Moves: Crunch, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Quick Attack.

Info: Mulberry is a well-known explorer and takes on requests. Mulberry is also a fun person to have around during adventures. He travels light with only a rope, and a belt. On the other side. He misses his three kids along with his wife who were separated from him after an attack. He wishes to see them, but he focuses on exploring and helping others out.

Mulberry: What's your name Kid?

Indigo: Oh I'm Indigo. Nice to meet you sir!

Mulberry: Haha! You got a similar name genre to me Indigo. And no need to be so formal!  Just Call me Mulberry!

Indigo: Alright then.

Mulberry: Why don't I invite cha over to lunch at a restaurant nearby? Foods on me today!

Indigo: That would be nice! Thank you, Mulberry!

Mulberry: Follow me. I'll take ya to the restaurant.

Indigo followed Mulberry to the restaurant. They ordered some food and had a chat.

Mulberry: So what brings ya over to the village kid?

Indigo: The reason I'm here is because some a rumor about a golden city inside the mines. and its somewhere in the mountains.

Mulberry: You're here because of those rumors? Ha! I'm investigating those rumors too.

Indigo: Thats great! Could you tell me anything about the rumors?

Mulberry: I've written notes all about it! Ha! I'll have you take a gander at it.

Indigo: Great! Lets finish our food.

Indigo and Mulberry continue to eat their food. Mulberry noticed how Indigo almost resembled him.

Mulberry: Hey kid, I can't help but notice something about you.

Indigo: *swallows food* what is it?

Mulberry: I had a kid. He was just like you. Young and curious.

Indigo: You had a kid?

Muberry: Actually... I have 3 kids and an amazing wife.

Indigo: You must really like your family.

Mulberry: Yep! but something bad happened when I was with them.

Indigo: What happened?

Mulberry: We were separated after some darn glitch attacked our homeland. The nerve of him.

Indigo: You were separated from your family?

Mulberry: Yep. That attack forced me to de-age back to being 32 years old.

Indigo: ...

Mulberry: Trust me kid, it happened.

Indigo: I see...

Mulberry: Just looking at you reminded me of one of my sons.

Indigo: You're not the only one with a wish to find your own family. I was separated from my own family. My Brother and Sister, my Mom, and My Dad.

Mulberry: That must sad for kid like you.

Indigo: Yeah, but i have great friends! They're all eeveelutions by the way.

Mulberry: Heheheh. Its good to make lotts of friends.

Indigo: Yeah.

Mulberry: Enough of this sappy stuff, we better finish up and get the notes from my house.

Indigo: Ok.

Indigo and Mulberry finished up their food and went to his house.

Mulberry: This is my house. The base of all operations.

Mulberry's house had a board that was covered in photos and strings. A tv, and a long table with a map covering it.

Indigo: Wow... I've never seen a house that's empty.

Mulberry: As the chief leader of the Legendary Mulberry Exploration Squad, I'm always on the move!

Indigo looked around and examined the board with pictures all over it.

Indigo: What are these pictures?

Mulberry: These are the leads i've found so far.

Indigo: A Cave?

Mulberry: That's the entrance to the mines. And so far, I've written down a note about what rumors has been said. Read this.

Indigo read the note that was given to him.

Indigo: "There was a bright light that appeared in the mines." And this one says "Miners went in to explore but they were stopped when it became too dangerous for them".

Mulberry: And that's why the Legendary Mulberry Expedition Squad is on the case! HAHA!

Indigo: If you're an expedition team then where is everyone else?

Mulberry sat in despair with his head facing down.

Mulberry: We don't talk about it.

Indigo: uh...

Mulberry: Don't worry! It's always just the Legendary Mulberry!

Indigo: Right...

Mulberry: Say kid, why don't we work together on investigating the Golden city! Think of it as being exploration partners?

Indigo: Hmm.... I guess it's better to have an expert on the party.

Mulberry: Alright! Now that's what I'm talking about. Kid, welcome to the Legendary Mulberry Expedition Squad!

Mulberry wrapped his hand around Indigo.

Mulberry: Think of the adventure we can experience together!

Indigo: (This guy might get a bit carried away)

Mulberry: And as part of the squad, you get this badge!

Mulberry opened up a drawer and took a badge out. He handed it over to Indigo from him to wear.

Indigo: alright. This badge looks fitting.

Mulberry: Prepare yourself Kid, We're heading straight to the mountains!

Indigo: I don't need anything. I'm a light traveler.

Mulberry: Isn't that so? I'm also a Light traveler, all I need is my hat and my trusty rope!

Indigo: Trusty rope?

Mulberry took the rope off of the hook and placed on his belt. He put on a cowboy hat.

Mulberry: Ready Kid?

Indigo: I'm ready.

Mulberry: Great, Follow me kid.

Mulberry and Indigo exited the house made their way to the village entrance. They were stopped by a group of kids.

Mulberry: Well, hello there everyone!

The Kids: Hello Mr. Mulberry!

Mulberry: Well, hello everyone!

Riolu: Mr. Mulberry, Do you have any stories to tell us?

Pancham: We wanna hear some stories!

Mulberry: I wish i could stay and tell some stories. But Mr. Mulberry has another exploration to do with his new partner!

The Kids: Woah!

Aron: Do you have any stories to tell us mister....

Indigo: Call me Indigo.

Aron: Mr. Indigo

Happiny: Mr. Mulberry. Can we join you on your adventures?

Mulberry: Sorry Kids, I can't take ya out on adventures. They're usually dangerous.

The Kids: Aw....

Mulberry: I'll tell ya what, When I come back, I'll tell you all some stories when we return. In the meantime, why don't you all stay safe and eat your veggies to become strong like me!

The Kids: Ok! Goodbye Mr. Mulberry and Indigo!

The kids ran away.

Mulberry: Those kids really are something huh?

Indigo: I guess your deeds affected them.

Mulberry: I defended the Village before, they all look up to me!

Indigo: You really love this village do ya?

Mulberry: Yep. say, why don't we hit the road.

Mulberry started walking with Indigo following him. They took the path to the mountain that was marked on their map.

1 hour later

Indigo and Mulberry climbed up the mountain and reached the mines. Indigo used his speed to climb up while Mulberry climbed up with a rope. They looked at the mines, it was filled with glowing crystals and torches.

Mulberry: That's the place!

Indigo: It looks like its an ordinary cave. I bet Sean would have a fun time with this.

Mulberry: Sean?

Indigo: Oh sorry, Sean is a friend of mine. He has an obsession for gems and crystals.

Mulberry: Isn't that so, maybe we can invite him next time.

Indigo: hahah. Sure.

Mulberry: Alright Fellow Mulberry Expedition Squad Member, Lets head on inside the cave!

Indigo and Mulberry walked inside the mines. They took a minecart that would take them deeper into the cave.

Mulberry: Keep an eye out for suspicious things, if you see it, say something.

Indigo: Alright... (Wait... my curse was acting weird. Everything started to turn dark, and the only certain people or things are noticeable. Can I redo that same circumstance?)

Indigo tried to redo his curse ability, but he couldn't do it no matter how hard he try.

Indigo: (Nope... Bleakness are you there?)

Indigo called Bleakness from his mind, but He didn't answer.

Indigo: Great. Bleakness isnt there. I can't even get help from him.

Mulberry: Hey Kid, you, okay?

Indigo: Oh uh... Yeah! Sorry...

Mulberry: You were talking to yourself.

Indigo: Its a habit I can't rid of but don't worry about it hahahahah!

Indigo had to laugh it off. Mulberry joined him in laughing.

Indigo: (Good thing he laughed with me otherwise It would be embarrassing)

Mulberry: Hey look. The light seems to be coming from there!

Indigo: Lets stop the minecarts here.

Indigo pulled the break to slow down the minecarts.


The minecarts stopped in its tracks. Indigo and Mulberry got off and walked on over to the light spot.  When they got over to the light spot, they took a look at the hole with the light.

Mulberry: So that's the light that everyone heard about.

Indigo: Its so bright that it's starting to hurt my eyes.

Mulberry: Well Kid, Lets go down.

Mulberry jumped down from the caves.

Indigo: wait we're jumpin- ah I'll stop asking questions and join him.

Indigo jumped in the hole and landed at the bottom.

Indigo landed in a small pond. He got off the water and shook off the water in his body. He caught up with Mulberry.

Mulberry: Well kid, looks like we need to solve a puzzle.

Their path was blocked by a door. Above the door was a carving with a pattern. and on the ground were two small, elevated platforms.

Indigo: I wonder where the instructions for this puzzle are.

Mulberry: Let's take a look around.

Mulberry and Indigo examined the area around them, but nothing was found.

Indigo: Nope. Looks like we need to stand on those two platforms.

Mulberry: Good Idea kid.

Mulberry and Indigo stood on the two platforms. They heard clicking noises and looked at the statutes. The statue's eyes were glowing. The air around them got weird.

Indigo: The atmosphere around here is different... What's going on?

Mulberry:  I don't know kid.

The are changed from a cave to a Golden Colosseum that looked like it was eroded. Liquid gold dripped from the ceiling and slowly solidified itself.

Indigo: It seems to be solidifyi-

Indigo was suddenly hit with the curse's ability. His view darkened with only the gold liquid invisible in his view.

Indigo: (That same thing happened again... Is it tell me something about them?)

The Gold Liquid completed itself by solidify. The Solid gold changed shape to into two golden umbreons.

Mulberry: They're copying us!

Indigo: I don't think they look friendly.

The Goldeon Copies attacked them with Dark Pulse but Indigo and Mulberry were able to dodge.

Mulberry: Hey Kid, Can ya fight?

Indigo: Yep!

Mulberry: Lets go kid!

Battle start

Golden Copy #1 and #2 has appeared.

Indigo and Mulberry were sent out.

What will Indigo do?





What move will Indigo use?


Dark Pulse

Shadow Ball

Hyper Beam

Indigo used Crunch on Golden Clone #2

Golden Clone #2 HP: 167/354

Mulberry used Shadow Ball on Golden Clone #1

Golden Clone #1 HP: 0/206

Golden Clone #1 has fainted.

Indigo and Mulberry gained 10000 Exp

Indigo Leveled up to Level 53

Golden Clone #2 used Crunch on Indigo.


What will Indigo do?





What move will Indigo use?


Dark Pulse

Shadow Ball

>Hyper Beam

Indigo used Hyper Beam at Golden Clone #2

Golden Clone #2 HP: 0/354

Golden Clone #2 fainted.

Indigo and Mulberry gained 10000 EXP.

Battle end

Indigo: Is that it?

Mulberry: Seems like it.

The area returned back to its normal state and the doors were opened.

Mulberry: Huh. I was expecting these enemies to be harder to hit.

Indigo: I think I know why, Those enemies were made out of pure gold. Gold is a soft metal which is easily bendable. In other words, they're not durable so they have a weak defense.

Mulberry was astonished by Indigo's knowledge.

Mulberry: Wow kid, I see that you've hit the books.

Indigo: Actually, it was common knowledge. Does that mean you didn't know about that?

Mulberry: Of course I do!

Indigo: Right.... Let's go.

Indigo and Mulberry walked deeping into the caves. They've come across a yellow waterfall with golden crystals on the walls.

Indigo: Yellow water? That's a rare sight.

Mulberry: Of course it is but I've been to many places before.

Indigo: You did? ( Wait, why am I asking that question? He's an explorer.)

Mulberry: Yeah, I'll show ya the pictures one day.

Indigo: Al-


Indigo stepped on a pressure plate that was perfect camouflaged on the rocky floor.

Indigo: Great... another trap.

Indigo's sight darkened.

Indigo: (Really, I need to see clearly otherwise U won't know what the trap is!)

Mulberry: Look up!

Indigo looked to what he saw was a golden boulder with very sharp spikes all over it.

Indigo: Uh oh... Its a death trap!

Indigo's sight reverted back to normal.

Indigo: I think we need to run!

The boulder drops from the ceiling and began rolling down. Indigo and Mulberry started running for their lives.

Indigo: RunRunRunRunRun!

Mulberry: Aaaaah!

Indigo and Mulberry ran as fast as they could to avoid the boulder.

A minecart came into their view.

Mulberry: There! we can hop on.

Mulberry and Indigo jumped and landed on the minecarts. Indigo then start the cart and made it move. The boulder was still rolling so they had to outrun the boulder with the speed of the minecarts.

Mulberry: Hang on tight!

The minecarts steeped down the railroads and made a jump onto the next set of tracks. The boulder jumped but broke the wooden part of the tracks, causing it to break apart in a chain.

Indigo: Uh oh... the tracks behind us is breaking apart!

Mulberry: WHAT!?

The tracks broke apart below them, causing Both the pokemon and the carts to fall into a deep hole.

Indigo and Mulberry: AAAAAAAAHH!




30 minutes later

Indigo: ...

Indigo woke up from the long fall and got up.

Indigo: Mulberry?

Indigo called Mulberry's name but he didn't answer.

Indigo: No answer... Bleakness?

There was no answer.

Indigo: What the hell is Bleakness doing?

Indigo's rings glowed to light up the darkness. He began walking through the darkness until he reached the end point.


Indigo: ...

A wind softly blew past Indigo. But wind was unusual in a cave unless if there was an opening.

Indigo: Wind? But I'm not moving fast... and I'm very deep... Should I keep going?


Indigo: What?

> Collecting Data...

Indigo: (What is going on)

The dark cave glowed up from the golden crystals.

Indigo: Woah....

> Beginning the next and Final trial....

Indigo: Next trial?

The ground below Indigo began to glitch which caused Indigo to phase through the floor and fall down. he landed on a minecart that was rolling down the tracks.

Indigo: Final trial huh?

Indigo spotted Mulberry infront of him.

Mulberry: Hey Kid!

Mulberry slowed his cart down to catch up with Indigo.

Mulberry: Where were you?

Indigo: We were separated when we fell down.

Mulberry: Makes sense.


A giant golden Corviknight broke through part of the railroad behind them.

Indigo: Ya know what, I was expecting a boss fight to happen.

Mulberry: Well I guess w e gotta defeat that thing.

The Golden Corviknight moved forward to turn around and prepared for an attack.

Indigo: Watch out!

Mulberry: I got this! Take his

The Corviknight charged in with Steel wing but Mulberry attacked it with Crunch.

The Corviknight took damage and was knocked back. It got serious and started firing Air cutter towards Indigo and Mulberry.

Indigo: I got this.

Indigo jumped off the minecart and started using his speed ability to push the minecarts forward, avoiding the attacks. The golden Corviknight stopped its attacks and charged in at Indigo and Mulberry with its Brave Bird Attack. Mulberry and Indigo made their minecarts jump and hit the golden Corviknight.  The Corviknight took damage and was knocked back in the air. It yelled out its cry at the same time it became even more serious. It's body changed to a red tint color.

Indigo: I think it's getting even more serious now!

Mulberry: Then We'll have to get serious aswell!

The Corviknight repeated the same attacks. After 7 hits later, The Corviknight began making its last attack by breaking parts of the railroad with bravebird. Mulberry and Indigo jumped their carts again. Indigo used dark Pulse to attack from behind. As expected, The Goldeon Corviknight took damage. It took enough damage to start exploding as any normal boss would.  After that, The Corviknight exploded, dropping a special golden object. Indigo leaned over and caught the item.

Indigo: What is this?

The Golden item was a key with a shape of an eye at the end of the key.

>Trial Complete.

Mulberry: What was that all about?

Indigo: Hmm... I think this is some sort of test to see if we'er worthy enough to reach our destination.

Mulberry: Hey look, there's our end.

Indigo: Finally!

The minecarts reached their end and Indigo and Mulberry got off the carts.

They were met with a goalpost and a large door.

Indigo: A goalpost? This isn't sonic, this is Pokemon!

Mulberry: What?

Indigo: Nothing... (I should stop breaking the fourth wall.)

Indigo spun the goalpost.

>Indigo and Mulberry has passed Gold City Act 1
> Rings: 0
>Score 10000
>Time: N/A

Indigo: Ooookay?

Mulberry: That was weird but moving on! What's with the large door?

Indigo: I don't know. Maybe this key will help.

Mulberry examined the door and spotted a keyhole.

Mulberry: I found a keyhole. try puttin the key in it.

Indigo inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it around. The key faded away into dust.


The cave began shaking with rocks falling from the ceiling.

Indigo: Gah!

Mulberry: Wo-oah!

The doors slowly opened up and revealed a golden light that was blinding to them.

Mulberry: Sweet Arceus! What is that blinding light?

Indigo: My eyes hurts! Lets go it. and see what is behind it!

Indigo and Mulberry proceed on by walking into the light. After walking through the light, their views became clear as the light faded away.

Indigo and Mulberry were amazed by the sight they saw. Infront of them was a forest with a large city behind it. The City was filled with yellow lights and most buildings were made out of gold. And in the center of the city were two pyramids, one on the ground and one inverted in the air.

Indigo: Woah.... I know that the rumors about something strange in the caves but I wasn't expecting to find a city buried in the depth.

Mulberry: (So the rumors about a golden city were true.)

Indigo: Well, what are you waiting for? We got more exploring to do as an L.M.E.S. squad member!

Mulberry: You're right... You have the same courage as one of my kids used to have.

Indigo: Heheh.

End of chapter


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