DC Superhero Knights: Wolf's...

By WolfHowl715

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Slone Is Back As She Now Works With Shang Tsung To Destroy Kara, They're Not Alone, They Now Work For Their B... More

The Origin of Earth-SN9
Prologue: Villain's Motivation From Damashi
Chapter 1: The Dawn of Earth-SN9
Chapter 2: The God of Fire
Chapter 3: Earth-Prime's First Champion
Chapter 4: Secrets And Lies
Chapter 6: Upward Climb
Chapter 7: Narrow Escape
Chapter 8: Band of Brothers
Chapter 9: Civil War
Chapter 10: Protect and Serve
Chapter 11: For the Empire
Chapter 12: Queen's Gambit
Chapter 13: Deadly Alliance
Chapter 14: Time of Death
Chapter 15: Armageddon
Chapter 16: A Happy Family
Epilogue: The Destinies of The Justice League

Chapter 5: Weird Science

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By WolfHowl715

[Flashbolt157ninja ] [HamatoApple2007 ] [Destiny_angel123 ]
"In The Flesh Pits, Sounds of groaning and bleeding Can Be Heard While Baraka Continues Banging On The Cell."

Kenshi: You've been at that for hours.

Baraka: If you could see, you'd know why.

Chelsea: Guess That's Not Gonna Work.

Kenshi: That's not happening, is it? Keep talking, will you? To keep my mind off this. Tell me about life before you got sick.

Baraka: I was doing well, trading goods up and down the Fartakh coast. My family was comfortable, happy. (dejected sigh) Then Tarkat came. It took my wife, then my children. Cruelly it lets me live for now. I think it enjoys ravaging my body more slowly.

Sam: We're Really Sorry.

"Johnny Then Wakes Up Slowly."

Johnny: Ugh. This hangover.

"Johnny Then Notices Kenshi, Badly Wounded. He Checks On Him."

Johnny: Kenshi! Oh Man, How bad's the pain?

Kenshi: Excruciating.

Donny: That's Gonna Leave A Mark.

Johnny: You saved me. I won't forget that.

Baraka: But you may just regret it.

Johnny: What're you -

"Suddenly They Hear Banging And distant screaming, To Their Surprise, They Are In Shang Tsung's Real Laboratory, The Flesh Pits."

Johnny: What in the... When did we take the left turn into survival horror?

Baraka: This is Shang Tsung's real laboratory.

Kenshi: We're beneath where we were before. That was a false front.

Johnny: Reminds me of this cheap film I did in my early days: The Flesh Pits. Man, that was trash.

"Suddenly, The Knights & The Earthrealmers Hear A heavy door swing open, Which A Unknown Being Walks Inside."

Johnny: Who's that?

Baraka: Our jailor.

"The Jailor Walks To One of The Cells, He Throws A Rotten Meat In The Cell, Which A Infected Tarkatan Starts ravenously eating. The Jailor Then Turns To The Heroes And Walks To Their Cells."

Jailor: How is he?

Johnny: His eyes are gouged out.

Donny: Guess.

"The Jailor Then Picks Up A Medical Kit And Hands It To Johnny."

Jailor: That will dull the pain.

Baraka: You're vile to be part of this.

Jailor: You are Shang Tsung's prisoner... I'm his slave. He has my family. Slone Will kill them if I don't obey.

"Johnny Uses The Medical Kit To Patch Up Kenshi's Wound, He Then Wraps The Bandage Up Around It, Making A Blindfold, Kenshi Then sighs with relief."

Baraka: Why did he pick you?

Jailor: So he could learn how I shapeshift.

Kung Lao: He learned that from you? We saw him do that. It was unreal.

Johnny: So how does it work? You just shapeshift into anything you want?

Jailor: I can shift only between this and my natural form.

"The Jailor Then ShapeShifts From His Human Form To His True Form, Which Baraka Discovers."

Baraka: You're Zaterran. Your race can shape shift?

Jailor: None can except me.

"The Jailor Then ShapeShifts Back, However, Shang Tsung Appears To See His Progress Going."

Shang Tsung: Are they ready? It's time.

Baraka: Time for what, sorcerer?

Shang Tsung: Replication experiments. They begin with your vivisection. I'll use your harvested parts to build new creations. The process is fatal, of course.

Johnny: Like We Won't Go Down Easily.

Donny: Liu Kang won't let you get away with this.

"Shang Tsung chuckles as he walks toward the heroes."

Shang Tsung: That presumes he will ever learn what happened. But when I am done, there will be no trace left of you. And i'm done with you Heroes, the Justice League won't even remember the day you and your families were born. I shall return soon to check progress. I have other matters to which I must attend.

"Shang Tsung Uses His Magic To Travel To Slone's Location, Leaving Syzoth To Do What He Is Tasked To Do."

Baraka: You don't have to do this.

Jailor: It's either you or my family.

"The Jailor Then opens the gate, releasing Tarkatan Hybrids."

Jailor: Put them in the chambers.

"The Hybrids Then Charge At Them And They Fight Them Off, However, One of Them Took Kenshi As He Struggles, Along With Johnny, They Throw The 2 In The Chambers, However, Kung Lao Easily Overpowers Them, He Manages To Get His Hat Back, He Throws It, Which Tears The Tarkatan Hybrids In Half, Baraka Had Manage To Tear Through Them, Giving The Knights A Chance To Save Them."

Chelsea: Baraka!

Baraka: We Will Handle Them! Go!

"Chelsea Then Sees Multiple Tarkatan Hybrids Coming At Her."

Chelsea: You Got A Problem With Tarkat?

"The Tarkatans Then Try To Attack Her, But She Proves Too Quick For Them, She Manages To Tear Them One-By-One, However, When One Tarkatan Is About To Strike, Baraka Stabs It, Killing It And Thus Saving Her Life."

Chelsea: Thanks.

Baraka: There is nothing more foul.

"Chelsea Realises That The Jailor Activated The Mechine, Which The electricity zapping hurts Johnny & Kenshi Even More."

Kevin: You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Kung Lao: You spoke too soon, Baraka.

"Suddenly, A Super Tarkatan Hybrid Smashes The Normal Tarakatan Hybrid's Head, It Roars It The Heroes."

Sam: Hate Those Things!

Baraka: You're an unwelcome glimpse of my future.

"The Super Tarkatan Hybrid Charges At Them And Tries To Attack Them, But Sam Easily Binds Him, Using His Constructed Chains, He Slams It Around And Throws It At Baraka, Which He Tears It Apart With His Blades."

Sam: That Was Easy.

Baraka: Enough distractions.

"Sam Then Creates A Constructed Hand Which Rips Open The Chambers, Thus Freeing Johnny & Kenshi, Before They Leave, They Were Confronted By The Jailor."

Jailor: I'm ruined! Shang Tsung & Slone will punish me for this by torturing my family!

Kevin: But...Weren't They Lying To You For Once?

Jailor: You and that Tarkatan will pay......for their suffering, Blue Beetle!

"The Jailor Then Tries To Attack Kevin, But He Blocks It With His Shield Conjure, Before He Could Break Through, He Was Knocked Down By Baraka."

Jailor: You won't escape. I won't let you!

"The Jailor Then Attacks Again, Trying To Break Through The Shield Conjure, However, He Suddenly Tries To Strike The Other Heroes, But They Dodge Out of The Way, Which Sam & Baraka Knock Him Down Again."

Sam: Sorry About That.

Baraka: We are leaving.

Jailor: Then kill me. If I die, maybe They'll spare my family.

Baraka: No. I won't murder you.

Jailor: It's mercy, not murder. Not that what l've done deserves yours.

Baraka: You were protecting your family. I would've done the same.

"Before The Jailor Could Reflect On His Actions, Shang Tsung Appears And Realises That His Experiment Failed, Angered By What The Heroes Have Done."

Shang Tsung: What has happened here?

"The Heroes Help Kenshi, While Johnny Grabs Sento And Arms Himself With It."

Shang Tsung: Syzoth, you fool. You've let them ruin everything!

Baraka: We're going, sorcerer.

Donny: And we're taking you with us.

Johnny: Liu Kang would like a word.

Shang Tsung: As I have said to Supergirl before, I cannot be apprehended so easily.

"Shang Tsung Then Casts A Spell That Releases The Gas."

Johnny: Yeah, I got a bad feeling about this.

Shang Tsung: I bid you farewell, Heroes. Cheer up, Syzoth. I'm reuniting you with your family.

Syzoth: They're dead? Slone killed them?!

Shang Tsung: Many moons ago. Before I met her. She and I do hate loose ends.

"Syzoth, Now Realising That Slone Killed His Family, Gets Angry And Charges At Shang Tsung, But He Quickly Disappears."

Johnny: We've gotta get out of here.

"Syzoth Then Tries Opening The Door But It's Locked."

Kenshi: What's Wrong?

Syzoth: The door must have sealed when the gas was released.

"Baraka Then Turns Around And Spots Sam With A Green Construct Sledgehammer, Created From His Ring, Which The Tarkatan Moves Out of The Way."

Baraka: Stand aside.

"Sam Then Slams His Green Sledgehammer Which Smashes The Door, Giving The Heroes A Chance To Escape."

Sam: Hurry!

Syzoth: Follow me. This way.

Kenshi: Leave me. I'll just slow you down.

Johnny: What? Shang Tsung finds you, he'll kill you.

Kenshi: Look at me, Cage! I'm useless. Don't risk your lives to save mine.

Johnny: Hey. You are not giving up. The Taira need you, remember? We are gonna get back home and figure out how to help you. Got it?
"Outside Shang Tsung's Laboratory, The Heroes Had Manage To Escape."

Syzoth: We can't linger. We'll be captured.

Kung Lao: We need help getting Kenshi to the portal at Sun Do.

Sam: Yeah, And We Have To Find Kara And Get Her Back Home.

Baraka: I can take you only to the city's gate. Tarkatans are forbidden inside.

Syzoth: I'Il see you the rest of the way. It's the least I can do to make amends.
"At The Living Forest, The Heroes Were Walking While Following Syzoth."

Johnny: Man, this reminds me of Wicked Planet. We had this forest in the second act —

Kenshi: The manticore battle?

Johnny: Yes! It was a pain to shoot, but man did it come out epic.

Donny: It Sure Did.

Kenshi: I can picture it exactly.

Sam: Speaking of Which, What Is This Place?

Baraka: This is the Living Forest.

Kung Lao: Aren't all forests living, Baraka?

Baraka: No others have trees that house the souls of the dead.

Johnny: Whoa, wait a tick. We're talking ghosts?!

Baraka: Good ones, not evil.

Chelsea: You guys know anybody in here?

Baraka: Some distant relatives.

Syzoth: You will find no Zaterrans.

Kevin: Why not?

Syzoth: Warm bloods don't welcome us. So we keep to ourselves, living underground in Zikandur province.

Kung Lao: Then how did you meet Shang Tsung?

Syzoth: That I could take human form made me a freak among my people. I was terrorized and run out. Starving and beggared, I joined a travelling carnival. Turned out there are many who would pay good money to see my "gift". Back then, Shang Tsung was a huckster. We crossed paths and he saw what I could do. When he began to learn real sorcery, he asked to study me. When I declined, Slone took my family hostage.

Johnny: Well. That's an offer you can't refuse.

Syzoth: He's dangerous. And he has plans. He, General Shao, Rain, they are conspiring.

Kenshi: To do what?

Syzoth: I can't say for certain. I've only overheard fragments.

"Suddenly, The Heroes Hear distant roaring, Which Syzoth & Baraka Rush To See What That Was, While Donny Follows Them."

Donny: Wait For Me!
"As They Pursuit What The Ruckus Is, They Spot A Woman Using Her Blade, Which She Tears The Tarkatans One-By-One, Unfortunately, She Spots Donny Stopping In Front of Her."

Unknown Woman: Quan Chi sends more demons?!

"The Woman Charges At Donny And The Others To Attack Them."

Donny: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait! You're making a mistake!

Baraka: Wait! We're not —

"Donny Then Dodges Out of The Way, But The Woman Doesn't Give Up Easily."

Unknown Woman: With each of you I kill, my absolution grows nearer. Shedding your blood brings me closer to the light.

Donny: But you got it all wrong! I'm not——

"The Unknown Woman Begins Attacking Donny As He Panics While Dodging, Before She Could Deliver The Killing Blow, Baraka Blocks It With His Blades And Knocks Her Back."

Donny: Man! She almost killed me.

Baraka: Whoever you are, we are not demons.

Unknown Woman: If not demons, what are you?

Baraka: He's Zaterran. I am Edenian. Or I was before my Tarkat affliction.

Unknown Woman: Outworlders and a Speedster?! Apologies. I'm glad I've caused neither of you permanent injury.

"The Heroes Then Walk In And Saw Donny Safe And Sound."

Kenshi: (sniffing) What is that?

Johnny: Just keep swimming.

"The Heroes Then Spot A Woman With A Blade."

Johnny: So. Who's our femme fatale?

Ashrah: I am Ashrah, demon of the Netherrealm.

Johnny: Demon? You look human, mostly. And what's a Netherrealm?

Kenshi: The monks covered that with us. Did you sleep through every lesson?

Johnny: That one, apparently.

Kung Lao: NetherRealm's Abyss But Real.

Johnny: No Kidding.

Ashrah: I appear nearly human because I've purged most evil from my soul. When I'm done, the last vestiges of my demonic form will fade away.

Kevin: Why were the demons after you?

Ashrah: They were sent by Quan Chi, my former master. I was part of his Sisterhood of Shadow. He wanted......still wants, dominion over the realms. I renounced him when I realized that I could not help him defile them.

Syzoth: And now he wants you dead.

Ashrah: Precisely. I followed Quan Chi from the Netherrealm, here. He's building devices that steal souls on a mass scale. He's testing the first on the dead that reside in the forest.

Baraka: Why steal souls, Ashrah?

Ashrah: To harness their power. To what end, I don't know. But I do know that it's to aid the designs of another sorcerer......Shang Tsung.

Johnny: Dang It. That guy's everywhere.

Kenshi: You're sure Quan Chi is here.

Ashrah: My kriss senses him. He's nearby.

Johnny: Nope, no. We're getting you home.

Chelsea: We have a job to do. Quan Chi could lead us to Shang Tsung.

Baraka: Your Liu Kang is right. Shang Tsung's a danger that must be dealt with. I will aid you.

Syzoth: As will I.

Johnny: (sigh) I guess the ayes have it. Motion carries. Ashrah, lead the way.

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