Ahsoka Tano One-Shots

Par TwentyFunnyBunnies

126K 2.6K 2.9K

Ahsoka Tano: Jedi padawan of Anakin Skywalker, grandpadawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, commander of the 501st, friend... Plus

Driven Away
Couldn't Stay Away
Ahsoka's Haunted Life
Young Blood, Old Eyes
Modern AU
Modern AU | Part II
Happy Birthday, Ahsoka!
Torn | Part 2
What Happened On Mortis?
An Unexpected Encounter
An Unexpected Encounter | Part 2
The Family Life
Are You An Angel?
Dad Moment
Training Retreat
Memories around the Campfire
Rare Merchandise
Rare Merchandise | Part 2
Priority, Not Dislike
One Save Against A Thousand Losses
The Death Of Kix
A Little Celebrity
Eat That
Holiday Celebration
Veins of Fire and Ice
Veins of Fire and Ice | Part 2
Prepare For Your Eyes To Bleed
A Mission To Shili
Too Young, Too Mature, Too Much
More Than Friends
C to the K
C to the K | Part 2
Ahsoka The Zombie
May The 4th Special
Mess Hall Clean Up
Mess Hall Clean-up | Part 2
A Mission to Shili | Part 2
And The War Drags On
A Mission To Hoth
A Mission to Hoth | Part 2
It's a Togruta Thing
Night at the Med-bay
Nice to Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life
Nice To Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life | Part 2
A Crowded, Empty Cruiser
Reach For The Stars
There's A Last Time For Everything
Teamwork | Part 2
Who Did This To You?
Who Did This To You? | Part 2
Who Did This To You? | Part 3
Execute Order 66
Caf | Part 2
Anakin... What. The. Kriff.
The Cutest Little Bundle of Commander
Aw, Dang it, I Chipped a Nail
Pool Party
Dream Duty
Dear Anakin, Obi-Wan, and 501st
Obi-Wan... lives?
Commander Cody's Guide: How to Drink
Big Brothers, Big Face-Palm
Performing Arts Credit | Modern AU
Battle Log: If We Don't Make It Out Alive
Disappointment for Dinner
How Many Older Brothers?
The Perfect Padawan
The Imperfect Master
Grand Padawan Hunt
Bye Bye, Little Butterfly
Scars Open Wide
Safer Ground
Baby Jedi
It Was Christmas Morning | Modern AU
Like a Deadly Ballerina
Rex, You Come Down!
Snippets with Snips
Lend Me an Arm | Febuwhump Day 1
Flinch Test | Febuwhump Day 2
Like An Animal | Febuwhump Day 3
Pretty Little Pet | Febuwhump Day 4
Tattoo | Febuwhump Day 5
Secrets of the Force | Febuwhump Day 6
Not Okay | Febuwhump Day 7
I Think I'd Have a Heart Attack | Febuwhump Day 8
So, so Dead | Febuwhump Day 8
Okay is Okay | Febuwhump Day 10
Purple Rancor on the Wall | Febuwhump Day 11
Orange Hot Pain | Febuwhump Day 12
Casually Almost Died | Febuwhump Day 13
Happy Birthday to You | Febuwhump Day 14
A Long Ride | Febuwhump Day 15
Get Down! | Febuwhump Day 16
Another (un)Happy Landing | Febuwhump Day 17
Daylight Savings | Febuwhump Day 18
You Deserve This | Febuwhump Day 19
One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Febuwhump Day 20
Why Doesn't She Like Me? | Febuwhump Day 21
Track Sleet | Febuwhump Day 22
A Walking Grave | Febuwhup Day 23
One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Part Two | Febuwhump Day 24
Free Falling | Febuwhump Day 25
Give Me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Febuwhump Day 26
Warm Fire, Chilly Floor | Febuwhump Day 27
Another (un)Happy Landing | Part 2 | Febuwhump Day 28
Give me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Part 2
You Deserve This | Part 2
What to do With the Kids?
Blue Moonflower
Purple Moonflower
An Unexpected Encounter | Part 3
Take a Day
Some Days Are Worse
When You Leave Your Padawan Home Alone (With a Gaggle of Clones)
Your Master My Master
Warm, Welcome Arms
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 2
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 3
Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 4
Like They Knew Each Other
Crimson, Scarlet, Ruby Red
Hacking and Coughing
Kiss the Floor | Whumptober day 1
Mind of a Medic | Whumptober day 2
Too Blasted Tired | Whumptober Day 3
It Should've Been Me | Whumptober Day 6
Anakin the Limp Noodle | Thanksgiving Special
The Battle After Battle's Won | Whumptober day 7
Magic Medic Hands| Whumptober Day 9
At Least a Goodbye | Whumptober Day 10
But Not Today | Christmas Special
She Meant It | Christmas Special 2.0
I'm So Sorry...
Just a Nobody Turning Eighteen
Just Fangirling in the Background
She Will Prevail
I Fell Down The Stairs
The Most Epic Game of Capture the Blue Milk Ever
Forever Grateful
Here On Earth Everything's Different
Kriffing Expendable
Like Herding Tookas
Lead Me Through the Night
Padawan to Padawan
I Will Fight for You

When the Galaxy Goes Still | Whumptober Day 4

453 16 24
Par TwentyFunnyBunnies

Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This was requested by DyslexiccRatt and is actually whumpy unlike the last part. 

From all fluff to no fluff. Cold turkey day!

Read on if you dare. 

It was easy, during a war, to feel like the planets were spinning too quickly; to feel like time was passing in a messy, unceremonious blur riddled with pain and loss and hardship; to feel like an empty shell flowing through the motions of wallowing in grief.

The war was like a crooked IV in Anakin's veins. It hurt, but it pushed painkillers through his blood. It numbed him. And numb was better than hurt. Sure the IV ached in his arm, but why pull it out when he grew more and more attached to that beautiful numbness it provided everywhere else?

He let the time blur and the galaxy buzz, nursing on the numbness.

But what happens when the IV is rudely ripped away?

Withdrawal symptoms.

The moment Ahsoka fell was the moment everything came crashing back to Anakin. Time stopped blurring, the planets stopped spinning, and the galaxy went still. Absolutely, terribly still. Suddenly he could feel again and oh it hurt.

He sat in the waiting room of the Halls of Healing. Cool air flowed from the vents in the top corners of the room, chilling Anakin to the bone. His muscles throbbed sorely from excretion and sitting in the chair for so long, but he couldn't be bothered to notice.

Maybe he was hungry, but he wouldn't know because his stomach was tied in knots.

Every time a healer walked through, Anakin's heart would spike. He'd heard nothing of Ahsoka's condition, which couldn't possibly mean anything positive, and the healer at the desk was beyond tired of his constant asking.

The minutes passing made him more and more fidgety, twitching and squirming. He wanted to cry... or punch something. Either one would have the same effect. It was times like this when his movements became so feverish that he'd like to get up and obliterate whoever caused this damage. But the droids had done it this time, and they'd already been wiped out.

But he wasn't satisfied. Droids weren't satisfying in the way beings were. They had no expressions of surprise, then dullness as the life leaked away and–

"Master Skywalker."

Anakin shook himself from his thoughts. Ahsoka didn't like it when he ruthlessly killed anyway. He glanced up hopefully at the young humanoid healer with large, purple eyes.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin said, his heart thundering in anticipation.

"Padawan Tano is ready for visitors," the healer waved for Anakin to follow her down the hallway.

"How is she?" Anakin asked, his chest burning with worry and anger when the healer hesitated for several beats.

"Stable," she said quietly.

"Okay, but how is she? Is she in a lot of pain or anything?" Ankian prompted, impatience swelling.

"No, not in any pain at the moment," said the healer quietly, and when Anakin frowned and opened his mouth again, she held up her hand with a sigh.

The young healer brought them to a stop next to a door. "Padawan Tano, unfortunately, is–" she paused to palm open the door, "--comatose."

Anakin's heart dropped.

He clambered over to her bedside and tumbled into the chair. "Oh, Ahsoka."

The healer looked at him with sorrow in her large, violet eyes. She said a few more things but Anakin didn't listen. He only knew she left when the door clacked gently shut behind him.

Anakin took in Ahsoka's form and once again the galaxy went still.

Ahsoka lay there so motionless she could've been dead. She'd lost most of her color, a sickly gray plaguing her montrals and skin. Though her sternum rose and fell steadily, Anakin had to watch too intensely to see it. It was too slow, too small.

She was too small. Between the bed that stretched far past the length of her figure and the humming of all the machines hooked to her, she may as well have been a child.

Oh wait.

She was.

In a war.

And now a coma.

The urge to cry or drive his fist into something (or maybe both) consumed him. Face burning with rage, he pounded the wall with a flat hand. His palm tingled and prickled from the impact and he huffed out an angry breath.

What the kriff did Ahsoka do to deserve this? Nothing!

If anyone should be in that bed, it was Anakin. And yet Ahsoka ended up there anyway.

She shouldn't even be in the war.

Anakin swallowed hard. If only he'd been faster, stronger, better... if only he'd been there to ward off the danger.

But he hadn't been there.

He'd failed.

Swallowing hard, Anakin brushed his fingers against the back of Ahsoka's hand. The iciness of it had him recoiling. Togrutas were naturally cool-skinned, but this was too cold, even for Ahsoka.

Again he reached out, this time his fingers enveloping her tiny, light hand. He folded both hands around hers to try and warm it if only a little. Maybe she'd respond?

Of course, she didn't. He shouldn't have hoped. He knew it was hopeless.

Anakin tried to swallow the forming lump in his throat as he began tracing her skin. Up a finger, around the knuckle, down a finger, around the knuckle, to the wrist, and back again.

And finally, finally, the urge to cry swallowed him whole, and a pathetic whimper escaped him, tears stinging his eyes. He lifted Ahoka's hand, pressed her cold knuckles to the bridge of his nose, and sobbed.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ahsoka," Anakin shuddered out. "I failed you."

And the galaxy went perfectly still.


Word Count: 920

Published: 18 October 2023

I feel... poetic. And also my arm is sore because I have to hold it up while I type because I'm broken and have a cast that doesn't let me use my wrist. And no I will not stop bringing this up because I pity myself... and it's the most interesting thing that's happened to me in a fat minute. I'm a boring person :) 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have an ideas!

Bye, peoples!

Continuer la Lecture

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