Goku x Sakura (OC)

Door MiaSolaceSaiyan

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I've been a huge fan about Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Heroes... Meer

Boss Rabbit's Magic Touch
A Wish to the Eternal Dragon
Look Out for Launch
Find that Stone!
Sneek Peek
Milk Delivery
The Turtle Hermit Way
The Tournament Begins
Elimination Round
Smells Like Trouble
The Quarter Finals Continue
Monster Beast Giran
Krillin's Frantic Attack!
Battle of the Elements
The Grand Finals
Number One Under the Moon?
The Roaming Lake
Pilaf and the mysterious force
Chi Chi's first darkness attempt
The Flying Fortress - Vanished!
The Legend Of A Dragon
Cold Reception
The Mysterious Android No. 8
Master Thief, Hasky
DANGER IN THE AIR (Final Episode of Red Ribbon Army Saga)
Bulma's Bad Day
Kame House Found!
Deep Blue Sea
Roshi's Suprise
The Trap Is Sprung
Beware of the Robot
The Pirates Treasure
Blue, Black, Blue
Escape from Pirate Cave
Penguin Village (Dr. Slump Crossover Special) part 1
Strange Visitor (Dr slump Crossover Special Part 2)
Arale vs General Blue (Dr Slump Crossover Special Part 3)
The Land Of Korin
The Notorious Mercenary
Tao Attacks
Korin Tower
Sacred Water
The Return of Goku and Mitsuko
The Last Of Mercenary Tao
Confront The Red Ribbon Army
The end of commander red
The Last Dragon Ball
Who is fortuneteller Baba?
We Are The Five Warriors
A Deadly Battle

A Real Bind

114 6 0
Door MiaSolaceSaiyan

Previously on Dragon Ball…Fearing Goku and Mitsuko would attack The Red Ribbon Army By themselves, Bulma dispatched A probe to search For her two friends and Any sign of trouble. Determining her Suspicion was valid; She assembled Yamcha and The others to assist Goku and Mitsuko In their risky assault. Meanwhile, Commander Red anxiously Awaited the return of Mercenary Tao and the Dragon Balls Hoping was to have taken by from the two young warriors However, it was Goku and Mitsuko Not the hired assassin, Who prevailed and was now on his Way to face the maniacal tyrant. No matter the cost, Goku and Mitsuko was determined To retrieve the Dragon Balls In Commander Red’s possession. For only with all seven Balls could they summon The Eternal Dragon and Restore life to Upa’s father or more importantly, the black suited girl mitsuko or other known as sakura her real name and identity wouldn’t forget her revenge for what they’ve did on her precious home island and the love she held dear her adoptive parents Ryu and rose hilari including the people of her island must be avenged by the help of her boyfriend. And so, Goku, Mitsuko and their friends Have embarked on their most Perilous adventure yet. One that will lead Them to war against The entire Red Ribbon empire. It’s time! The final showdown has begun!


With Yamcha and the others riding the capsule plane, flying fast above the clouds the ex-bandit take in charge to drive on its way at the red ribbon army headquarters.

Yamcha:So far, so good. The navigational radar is clear And all systems check out.

He looked at the map in front of him.

We’ve now reached Cruising altitude.

Oolong:This trip is as far From a cruise as you can get!

Bulma:I don’t know why we even Bothered to bring him. All he does is Think about himself!

Oolong:Why risk my life? Give me one good reason.

Yamcha:You’re going; it’s not Up for discussion! Anyway, I can Remember a time or two When Goku and his partner mitsuko helped You out of a jam!

Turtle:Uh, Excuse me, Yamcha? Do you think there’s Anything that an old turtle Like me can do to help?

Until blonde haired launch pointed her gun against the sea creature for creeping him out but not just him, master roshi, oolong, puar and bulma did the same scared at blonde haired launch's bad side.

Launch(Blonde Hair):I think we could Put ya to good use! Yes sir, turtle soup will Make a nice victory meal!

Master Roshi/Bulma/Oolong/Puar/Turtle:(Screamed)

Turtle:No, Launch, No!

Oolong:That girl is nuts!

Yamcha:Hey, Master Roshi?

Master Roshi:Yeah, son?

Yamcha:Do you have any idea Where Krillin ran off to?

Master Roshi:He went for a swim Across the sea, And some shopping On the mainland. He was too impatient to wait Until he could get a ride.

Yamcha:We could sure use his help, too. Do you think we could Still catch up to him?

Master Roshi:We oughtta be able to spot him if we fly a little lower—Ah!

He was cut off change with a scream that the ex-bandit drive the capsule plane descended on the clouds with fast speed then launch up at the sky with a twinkling white star looking for the bald monk fighter adding for the group.

Yamcha:Cool. Now, everyone


Meanwhile at the red ribbon army headquarters, commander red, officer black and the rest of the red ribbon soldiers are inside the command room looking at the huge screen dragon radar with a world map four green dots means the dragon ball is on its way they haven’t noticed goku and mitsuko are the ones brought them instead of mercenary tao that his already been defeated by the works of the two young warriors.

Commander Red:Please tell me you remembered to Disarm all the defense systems.

Officer Black:Of course!

Red Ribbon Kuma:Checked and Double-checked, Commander!

Commander Red:Good. A shower of missiles wouldn’t Make a very good welcome For Mercenary Tao.

Red Ribbon Kuma:No sir!

Commander Red:Four more Dragon Balls…Did you make the arrangements For the banquet in Tao’s honor?

Officer Black:Yes. It’s all done.

Suddenly, a blinking sound with a purple light was heard but not to loud came from officer black’s pocket.

(Ignore the white light think of it    this is purple)

Officer Black:(Gasps)

He gasp in surprised that he felt his unknown object when his boss turned his head by looking at him raise his brow with confusion.

Commander Red:Hmm? Why are you reacted like that? Is there something on your mind?

Officer Black(Thoughts:I can’t let him know or everybody else what I’ve been up too, or I’ll be in trouble!) (Grunts)

He placed his one hand on the stomach while his whole body shakes and standing up straight pretending he has a stomach ache.

Officer Black:Unfortunately, I do. I need to be excuse myself sir at the restroom. I’ll be back for a minute.

He leaves at the red haired eye patched man on his sight walking towards the door open it and closed behind headed on the bathroom leaving commander red dumbfounded.

Commander Red:Why would he wanna go at the restroom, by a time like this?


Now that his all alone walking at the halls, he found a bathroom went inside immediately. Officer Black move his head from left to right it’s perfectly clear nobody is using the toilet that all soldiers, sergeants, generals, colonels and more. It is a good chance to took out his mysterious object he was holding revealed was another magic dark wrist summoning band given by sakura’s evil alter ego Blake.

He put it on and started to speak to it.

Officer Black:Why have you called me Blake?

It’s stop blinking beginning to glow with purple light. The hologram pop out of the band was black hooded evil girl Blake.

Blake(Hologram):Glad you answered. And isn’t it obvious? She’s already coming towards here I can feel her energy along with the monkey tailed boy.

Officer Black:(Gasps) W-Wait! You don’t mean…!


Outside at the red ribbon army headquarters, a one red ribbon soldier riding his jetcopter levitating in the air

waiting for mercenary tao on the forest but they haven’t figure it out it was those two young warriors who is coming instead of the hired assassin that they where the ones defeated him. The red ribbon signal man contacted red ribbon soldier unit 84 to received orders now.


Red Ribbon Signal Man(Radio Phone):Unit 84, unit 8-4. Locate Mercenary Tao and escort Him to the main building.

Red Ribbon Soldier unit 84:Roger that!


With Goku and Mitsuko riding on the nimbus cloud together, both of their faces filled with determination. Getting two more dragon balls, destroyed the red ribbon army base and goku will help mitsuko or her real name sakura to get her revenge.


Meanwhile at the quiet wide ocean with seagulls flying gently on the blue skies, there was the little bald monk fighter krillin swimming all by himself going all the way back home to west city wearing a green cloth bag on the top on his head.


He’s really kind of tired both his arms and legs almost reached its limits to swim.

Krillin:I’ve been out here forever…

A faint sound was heard he stopped swimming for a moment, turned around to see up at the sky.

There was a huge sun and a flying vehicle krillin was confused for what he saw The flying vehicle was clearly loud started to dive down to go after him. His expression held with fear immediately swim himself away.

Krillin:(Yelp, Panting)

Krillin keeps swimming further away as fast as he can from the unknown flying vehicle. He doesn’t have time to look around he was to frightened dive himself down under the water.


He swim fast underwater just in seconds then pop himself out.


After he got away, krillin was having a heart attack that the unknown flying vehicle was levitating in from of him.


He started to swim away again but he stop turn himself around. It’s was really clear it was a capsule plane inside was Bulma and others.

Master Roshi:Krillin!

Bulma:Did we scare you?

Krillin:Nah, I was Just messin’ with ya. What’s up? You have great timing. I was hoping for a ride home!

Bulma:Well, get in, quick!

Krillin:Uh, okay…

He accepted to take bulma’s offer for a ride, but he freaked out that his green cloth bag on his head was gone.

Krillin:Hey! What happened to my clothes?

Bulma:Krillin! Get in the plane!

The bald monk fighter hang his clothes at the plane wing for a fast dry now that he’s inside with the others.

Krillin:Would it have killed You to go back for my stuff?

He shakes himself to dry or using his towel with water droplets the blue haired scientist complain.

Bulma:Ugh! Watch it! If my hair Frizzes, you’re in trouble!

Krillin:Oh! Sorry, Bulma. Did I hear you say Goku and Mitsuko on their way To the Red Ribbon Compound by themselves?!

Master Roshi:Yep, that’s right.

Krillin:What in the world are they thinking?!

Bulma:They’re obviously not thinking! And don’t forget krillin, remember that you, me, goku and mitsuko survive at the underwater sea base with full of treasures on it?

Krillin:Uhh…Yeah! I do remember it. Why’d you ask?

The blue haired scientist started to explained everything to Krillin about mitsuko talk to the red ribbon army headquarters using the radio phone about a threat message to come and destroyed them. After few minutes of explaining, krillin was shocked in horror not just him, also Yamcha, Oolong and Puar.

Except Master Roshi, Blonde Haired launch, and Turtle already knows about it.

Krillin:(Screamed) Now I definitely remember that day! Oh man mitsuko!

Yamcha:This is…some sort of a silly joke is it?!

Oolong:Damn it mitsuko! Why did you have to do that kind of reckless thing!? Does she wanna have a death wish?!

Puar:Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I don’t want my close friend to get killed!

Bulma:Stay calm everyone! She may have say those threatening words without thinking it over, but goku will always stay her side. Don’t forget, he told me that whenever him and my little sis having a hard time on their own, mitsuko will come to the rescue but it’s a good thing sakura will stay out of trouble to take her place and keep on a eye for each other.

Yamcha:W-Well…I guess I couldn’t argue with that one.


Krillin:(Gulp) Oh well, that’s good news! As long as those two will are stick each other without being separated, we still need to help them anyway. Where not entirely sure they could handle the entire army.

Launch(Blonde Hair):Heh, heh! This’ll be fun!

Krillin:You know Launch, Everyone else Sees this as work…But I get the feeling You’re actually Looking forward to it, Like a vacation.

Yamcha:Hey Bulma! Am I going the right Direction here? Look!

Bulma:Hm…You’re on track. Just fly straight.

Yamcha:How much time do we have Before we need to land?

Bulma:Oh. I’d say about half an hour.

Yamcha:How’s the fuel?

Bulma:We’ll have enough.

Oolong:(Chuckles) Well, you two Make quite a team, don’t ya? When’s the wedding?

The shape shifting pig saw the whole scene between them decided to tease bulma and yamcha. They heard what oolong said cause to get blushed with embarrassment.


The blue haired scientist was getting annoyed at oolong’s comment. She turned around punching him at the top of his head.

Bulma:Hey! Knock it off, Oolong!


She get back at her seat cross both of her arms and look away with an angry look on her face couldn’t forget the whole break up thing.

Bulma:Hmph. Yamcha?


Bulma:Don’t think this Means that I’m not Mad at you anymore. But this is an emergency, so we Can bury the hatchet for now. But just for now!

Bulma giving him a harsh attitude at her ex-boyfriend couldn’t forget what he caused the blue haired scientist to be heartbroken in last weeks, months, and more. Everyone inside the capsule plane listened every word she says while looking at her.



Yamcha:Uh… Okay, Bulma. We’ll talk everything out later When we have plenty of time!

Oolong:If we make it to ‘later’.


Back at the red ribbon army headquarters, everyone inside the command room watching the huge wide screen dragon radar shows a world map. The four green dots or other known as the dragons has arrived at the headquarters.

Commander Red:Why where you taking so long yourself at the bathroom?

Officer Black:I’m sorry sir. I drink to much wine to make my system inside go crazy.

Commander Red:Oh really?...If you called that an excuse, your up to something aren’t ya?

Officer Black:What? Oh, no, no! That’s not necessary sir! I’m telling the truth now that I’m feeling better that’s all.

Commander Red:Hmm...

Officer Black:(Gulp)

Commander red couldn’t keep off his eyes on his assistant or partner. Officer Black has few sweat bullets on his face while he was shaking a little but not to much so that he wouldn’t noticed trying his best to keep his mouth shut prevented to spill the beans. The red ribbon signal man heard a beeping that the green dot was appeared in front of his monitor immediately report commander red and officer black.

Red Ribbon Signal Man:Huh? Sir! He’s arrived!

Commander Red:Good.

Officer Black:(Sigh in relief) (Thoughts:I’m glad he forgot for being suspicious at me.)


Outside at the headquarters, red ribbon soldier unit 84 still remains outside levitating at the air on his jetcopter waiting for the arrival.

Red Ribbon Signal Man(Radio Phone):Unit Number 84! Come in! Come in 84! Do you have A visual of Mercenary Tao yet?

Red Ribbon Soldier 84:Yes, I see someone coming!

He turned his head to looked at the left side to make sure to escort mercenary tao back inside the headquarters. But something caught his eye wasn’t him.

Red Ribbon Soldier 84:Huh?

What he see is the nimbus cloud flying at fast speed carrying goku and mitsuko headed towards the headquarters.

Goku:Now to get those Dragon Balls! This is the moment of truth to start your revenge mitsuko!

Mitsuko:(Chuckles) I’ve been waiting a long time for this! It’s now or never Goku, let’s do it!

Goku:Yeah! Now that’s what I called a brave attitude you have!

The red ribbon soldier unit 84 was surprised he was mistaken finally saw the two young warriors flying straight instead of the hired assassin.

Red Ribbon Soldier 84:Hey! It’s not Tao! It’s those two kids riding on a cloud!


Red Ribbon Soldier 84:Oh, no!

The red ribbon soldier pulled the lever to launch his jetcopter up in the air fast.

Goku:(Growls, Laughing)

Mitsuko:Why don’t you go on ahead first?

Goku:It’ll be my pleasure!

Both of them chases after the red ribbon soldier unit 84 then he started to fire the machine gun on them. The black suited girl make her move to summoned a blue glowing force field surrounded them prevented to get shooted.

Red Ribbon Soldier 84:(Gasps)…No way!

Goku:(Chuckled) thanks a lot mitsuko, now it’s my turn!

Mitsuko:No problem, go for it!

She dissipated her blue glowing force field now the monkey tailed boy’s turn to strike.

Goku:Power pole extend! Go!

He commanded his red stick weapon that it’s started to glow and grow into long size.


Red Ribbon Soldier 84:(Screamed)


He swinged his long sized power pole to crash him causes an explosion. When it’s done, two young warriors move on towards the red ribbon army headquarters.

Mitsuko:(Laughing) Nice job, Goku!

Goku:(Chuckles) that was too easy!


Back inside the red ribbon army headquarters command room, goku already got rid of the single soldier that it’s breaking communication from the signal man.

Red Ribbon Signal Man:I’m losing you, 84! Can you hear me, soldier? Unit 84, what’s happening?

Commander Red:What now?

Red Ribbon Signal Man:The helicopter may have Been intercepted, sir!

Commander Red:What?! How can that be?!

Red Ribbon Kuma:(Screams) Men! Switch the Views on the radar! Sir!

Commander Red:What’ve you got?

Red Ribbon Kuma:It was the monkey tailed boy and he wasn’t alone, the black suited girl mitsuko came too!

All red ribbon men followed what he said that they switch the radar mode to see a visual on the huge wide screen was goku and mitsuko riding on the nimbus cloud together. Commander Red and Officer Black where in shocked that they discovered two young warriors was the one carried the four dragon balls instead of mercenary tao now that his long defeated by them.

Commander Red:(Screams) No! How did Those two brats get in here

Officer Black:The boy and his black suited partner mitsuko must Have defeated Mercenary Tao! How can that be possible? (Thoughts:So Blake was right! She did sense her to come here today. And she also did tell me her real identity was sakura the wanted girl she escapes from the destruction of her home island wearing her black suited disguise as mitsuko. I better wait a little longer until the time comes I did promise Blake not to tell anybody our secret)

The red haired eye patched man wasn’t really happy those two kids got the four dragon balls and charge towards the headquarters. He quickly tells the red ribbon kuma some orders to prevent goku and mitsuko from getting close.

Commander Red:Get that security system Up and running again, And call all available men To their posts immediately!

Red Ribbon Kuma:Yes, Commander!

And so, all red ribbon men activated every security system for blocking goku and mitsuko’s way. Flip up some few switches, press the red button the red small triangles appeared on the monitor, he looked at his orange circle monitor checking for the defense mode.

Red Ribbon Signal Man:Get the defense Shield up right now!

The huge wide screen change back into radar mode world map the four green dots known as the dragon balls that the two young warriors was carrying then many of the red triangles appeared means the defense sequence was activated for blocking on their way ready to attack them.

Commander Red:(Growled)You two little runts! I’ll get you both this time!

Commercial Break:

Commercial Break’s Over Now Back To The Show:

Outside the red ribbon army headquarters, goku and mitsuko riding side by side at the nimbus flying faster almost towards the place.

Goku:Where almost there! No one can stop us to get those two dragon balls and your revenge!

Mitsuko:Heh. You can say that again! Time to kick their butts off!


Goku’s nimbus cloud is going full speed pass through below the forest. But then, multiple red lights appeared on the trees means that the security system has been activated.


The red ribbon soldier looked at his circle orange screen monitor with the few red lines appeared on it.

Red Ribbon Soldier:The calculations Have been completed.

Red Ribbon Kuma:Battle units! Stay alert And await further orders!

Red Ribbon Soldier:Roger!

Commander Red:Do it now!

Red Ribbon Kuma:We’re all set up, sir!

Their huge wide screen monitor on radar mode appearing more red triangles activated more security systems and assemble more red ribbon soldiers too for making the two young warriors outnumbered.

Commander Red:Then its all systems go For two little pest controls!

All red ribbon men flip more switches and buttons to summoned their massive machine guns and other heavy artilleries with a loud sound makes the two young warriors get their attention to look down on the forest.


Mitsuko:W-What the?!

Then it all began to do multiple shooting up in the air at Goku and mitsuko everywhere at the whole forest has weaponry while flying straight at the red ribbon army headquarters.



Goku:Mitsuko quick! Shield us up again before we get hit by those things!

Mitsuko:Right! I got it! While I’m doing that, keep stirring the nimbus cloud okay?

Goku:Of course I will!

With that, she raised her one hand with blue glowing aura summoned once again her blue glowing force field surrounds them for safety. All weapons below all over the forest area keep firing at will hitting on her force field without leaving a scratch or a dent to it.

Mitsuko:(Laughing) Their firing weapons are to weak no matter how much they tried!

Goku:(Laughing) that’s why your always useful to be with me everyday! But be really careful not to use your old powers or abilities. Otherwise, they’ll recognized you for sure!

Mitsuko:Alright then, I promise!

The monkey tailed boy really glad to hear her words continue to keep navigating his nimbus cloud to go fast while mitsuko is doing her job to keep her blue glowing force field up and running. Weapons are popping out everywhere or the defense sequence at the whole forest area continue to shoot them at the sky acting like explosive meteors but nothing is harming them all thanks to her blue glowing for e field.

Goku:(Laughing) This is great! We don’t even bother to dodge ourselves! I just have to tell my nimbus cloud to go faster without any problems!

Mitsuko:That’s what you think, look ahead Goku!

Goku:Look ahead?...(Yelp)

Not just shooting heavy artilleries are used, that includes multiple medium sized missles also shooting up in the air.

Mitsuko:Just keep commanding your nimbus cloud flying straight faster don’t dodge! My magical force field is strong enough to withstand those missiles I’ll handle the rest!

Goku:If you have a plan in mind, then no problem! You heard what she said nimbus, please go faster!

The monkey tailed boy commanded his flying nimbus to go faster then it obey flying with speed. More missiles still firing behind them until more of them are now firing in front of the two kids. Goku saw it coming but he keeps navigating his nimbus cloud flying straight without stopping then it hit them covered with huge smokes. When it’s dissipated, two young warriors are unharmed without leaving a scratch.

Goku:(Chuckles) Yeah alright! Your magical barrier sure does coming handy! How awesome is that!

Mitsuko:(Giggled) I told you so.

More missiles still firing blocking their way.

Mitsuko:Uh-Oh! More coming! I’ll handle this!

The black suited girl used her other hand covered with blue glowing aura

to stop few of the missiles she is now controlling them like telekinesis to fly them up into the air and dive back below to hit the rest of the missiles each other causing an multiple explosions. Goku seen this, his face lit up with happiness grabbing her face nuzzling it affectionately.

Goku:(Chuckles) That was really cool to control those things! You’re a natural! (Chuckles)

Mitsuko:Aww~ it was really nothing. I’m always be expert of magic whenever there’s trouble. After all, practice makes perfect never neglected some training.

The monkey tailed boy kissed her on the cheek she blushed in red then started to laugh at him happily and he did the same.

Goku:(Laughing) You’re the best partner and my loving brave girlfriend ever! So come on, let’s keep going!

Mitsuko:(Giggles) Yeah! Let’s go onward!

Both of them keep flying straight riding the nimbus cloud when machine guns and missiles are out of the problem, they gasps in surprised few red ribbon soldiers riding on their jetcopters blocking their way on the air.



Mitsuko:It looks like there are more things that they can stop us from getting through.

Goku:That should be no problem at all. Turn off your barrier mitsuko. Both of us will gonna do something different.

Mitsuko:(Giggled) Can’t say no to that.

The black suited girl obeying his orders to un-summoned her glowing blue barrier. He held his power pole tight getting himself really excited for more action and mitsuko had the same feeling as well both of her hands covered with blue glowing aura ready to do some more fighting alongside him.

Red Ribbon Soldier 1:Their here!



Mitsuko jumped herself up in the air but not to high. They started to shoot the monkey tailed boy charged himself with his nimbus cloud in speed attacking the soldiers with his power pole while passing them through destroyed one of their jetcopters.

Red Ribbon Soldier 2:He’s fast!

Red Ribbon Soldier 3:Get the girl! She’s up there! Shoot her!


They started to opened fire at her with their jetcopter guns where she was jumped. She raise her one hand activated her magic to cast a spell to strike them back.

Mitsuko:Adfishio Patentuia!

(Adfishio Patentuia was Gwen Tennyson's magic attack abilities shooting beams coming out from her forehead belong at Ben 10 ultimate alien season which is lame and stupid. So I decided to take place as sailor Venus attack.)

She thrust her one hand in below summoned her magic circle in front of her and shoot multiple blue colored laser beams. The rest of the red ribbon soldiers were screaming in fear causing their jetcopters exploded.

Mitsuko:Well that really got’em!

After she destroyed the rest of them, mitsuko landed on goku’s nimbus cloud for a nick of time prevented from falling all the way down below at the forest then quickly both of them went inside successfully at the red ribbon army base.

Goku:That was the most powerful magic technique you ever used to beat them up easily!

Mitsuko:(Laughing) Thanks for the compliment Goku! But we’re not finished yet! This is just the beginning!

Goku:I am so with you there! Hey! Here we come!

Mitsuko:Both of us are gonna barged in here! So stop us if you can!


Back inside the red ribbon army headquarters command room, commander Red and Officer Black watched goku and mitsuko enter their base successfully which the red haired eye patched man wasn’t happy about it.

Commander Red:You blasted morons! You’re all about as useful As snowshoes in summer! Listen! Keep those two brats Outside no matter what!

Red Ribbon Soldier:I’m afraid it’s too late For that, commander!

Commander Red:(Gasps)

Red Ribbon Soldier:both of the kids are already in sector 12!

Commander Red:(Growled)


The speakers attached from the ceiling was being announced all red ribbon soldiers that the two young warriors has enter the headquarters. They all immediately ran, grabbed their weapons ready to face them.

Announcer(Speakers):Attention all personnel! We have two intruders! Base breached in Sector 12! Do not let those two kids through! Destroy those trespassers on sight! That’s a direct order From Commander Red! All men to Sector 12 immediately!

Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Growled)

Goku is the first one to attack the soldiers. He kick the soldier in front of him and punch the other soldier to the right.

Red Ribbon Soldier 1:(Groaning)


Red Ribbon Soldier 2:(Groaning)


The red ribbon soldier used his machine gun weapon to shoot Goku but missed it everytime. He charged at him give him a flying kick on his chest.


Goku:(Yell, Grunts)

Four more red ribbon soldiers used their weapons to shoot the black suited girl. She run towards them using her agility to dodge in a blink of an eye she crouch down spread her legs performed her attack spinning bird kick to knock two of the soldiers down.


Two red ribbon soldiers:(Screamed, Groaning)

When she stopped spinning, Mitsuko flipped her forward, jumped high over them then landed on the floor behind and launch herself to deliver a punch right on his cheek and kick the other one on the gut.


Red Ribbon Soldier:(Groaning)


Red Ribbon Soldier:(Screamed)

Both of them are now out cold including dropping their weapons. Goku ran into her slammed their own hands with a high five for a great teamwork.

Goku:(Chuckles) Good job beating them up!

Mitsuko:I don’t have a hard time on them! So come on, let’s go!

Goku:Right! Follow me!

Mitsuko:Okay then!

Both of them ran straight leaving the out cold red ribbon soldiers alone then they stand on the handle bars. Goku took out his dragon radar to switch it on top where the two dragon balls shows to the left direction.

Goku:Alright mitsuko, let’s go that way!

Mitsuko:Roger that!

They both hop off landed on the ground then run to follow the dragon radar where the other two dragon ball is. But they where really confused couldn’t see any red ribbon soldiers for stopping the two kids.

Goku:I wonder where everyone went?

Mitsuko:Don’t worry about that, whenever we see another one of those soldiers I can practically feel their energies.

Goku:Oh yeah, that’s right! You can able to sense them where they are! Alright then, I’ll be counting on you mitsuko!

Mitsuko:(Chuckles) Anything for you at all!

The black suited girl keep tailing her partner. Mitsuko’s senses kicks in felt multiple energies where goku’s going at the right corner.

Mitsuko:Stay on your guard Goku. Their hiding over there where you follow your dragon radar!

Goku:Is that’s so?...Well okay then!

Both of them made it. Mitsuko’s senses came true what they see was many more red ribbon soldiers holding their guns with few sand bags, big gallon cans and boxes for their defense ready to shoot them.

Goku:(Yelp) Y-You where right mitsuko! They really are hiding in here! Take care of them quick!

Mitsuko:With pleasure Goku! Get behind me!

Goku:Okay, got it!

Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Crackling)

Red Ribbon Soldier 1:Ready boys, Fire!


They began to shoot multiple bullets flying towards them the black suited girl wasted no time to raise only on finger coated with blue glowing aura to control the bullets to stop. All red ribbon soldiers gasp in shocked for what they are seeing just now mitsuko twirl her finger in circular motion turned all the bullets targeted at them.

Mitsuko:Here! You can have them back!


She move her finger to do multiple shooting at their own bullets they are now screaming in pain.

Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Screamed)

When it’s done, they are knocked out cold spreading everywhere unable to move their bodies because the bullets attached all over them. Goku looking at her with a wide grinned on his face.

Goku:(Chuckles) Thanks a lot! Your really talented with your magic abilities beating more of those bad guys yourself!

Mitsuko:Your welcome Goku. It wasn’t that hard to take care of them anyway.

Goku:Hahahaha! That’s the way I like it! Let’s keep going!

Mitsuko:(Giggles) Yeah! Lead the way!

They went inside the hallways until they spotted one red ribbon soldier holding his weapon bazooka.

Red Ribbon Soldier 6:We’ve been expecting you two!

He quickly fire his weapon both of them duck down together to dodge it in time causing his shooting bazooka an white explosion goku and mitsuko look at them with a glare.

Goku:You missed us!

Mitsuko:You’ve gotta do better than that!

Red Ribbon Soldier 6:(Screaming)

Goku/Mitsuko:(Growling, Grunts)

Red Ribbon Soldier 6:(Groans)

Two kids give him a hard kick together then he knocked out including dropping his bazooka weapon.


Two red ribbon soldiers:(Grunting)

Two soldiers used their guns to shoot them goku and mitsuko charge towards those soldiers to attack.


The monkey tailed boy attack him with a punch on the face.

Red Ribbon Soldier 7:(Screaming)

The black suited girl attack the soldier dog with a kick on his gut.

Red Ribbon Soldier Dog:(Groans)

Two soldiers are now passed out landed on the floor. Before they moved on, mitsuko stopped moving for a while she senses somebody is coming to the right on the opened entrance. Goku halt his running turned his head looking at her with confusion.

Goku:Huh? Hey what’s the matter mitsuko? Why are you stopped running?

Mitsuko:…You’ll see what I’m talking about.

Goku:Huh?...Talking about what?

She moved her head up spotted two security cameras attached on the ceiling so she raise her hand covered both of them with blue light then clench her fist to control her magic to destroy them causing an explosion but not to loud. The monkey tailed boy yelp in surprised couldn’t understand for what she’s doing and inside the right side opened entrance, there was a purple haired woman hiding in the shadows looking what she’s doing as well makes her confused too.

Goku:M-Mitsuko, what did you that for?!

Mitsuko:Those two things on the ceiling Goku, their called security cameras. It will record everything what where doing in here persue this whole base so I’m not really allow it including my secret identity too.

The monkey tailed boy finally understands what she’s talking by pounded his owned fist on his palm.

Goku:Oh I see! That was some smart thinking you did!

???:(Whispering:Her Secret Identity?)

Mitsuko:Thanks! And that’s not all.

Goku:Huh? There is?

Mitsuko:Of course! That’s because both of us are not alone.


Goku:Was it another one of those red ribbon weaklings?!

Mitsuko:Much worse than that…

She turned her head looking at the right side opened entrance to call loudly the unknown red ribbon person.

Mitsuko:HEY YOU!


???:(Whispering:What the?!)

Mitsuko:There’s no need for you to hide yourself anymore just get outta there, before I make you!

Goku:Uhhh…Mitsuko? Who are you calling at?

Mitsuko:Just watch…

The purple haired woman while she held a gun still hiding in the shadows heard loud and clear don’t know what to do. If she tried to run away, very positive goku and mitsuko will chase her. Commander red’s orders killing the two young warriors are a serious matter she decided to walk out slowly out of her hiding place. Once she came out of the shadows, the purple haired woman revealed herself as colonel violet eating gently her chewing gum. Goku gasp in surprised that she finally appeared herself change his expression into a serious putting up his fighting stance ready to fight.

Goku:So my partner was right both of us aren’t alone to show yourself in here. So who are you?!

Colonel Violet:You two may call me colonel violet. I’m part of the red ribbon army.

Mitsuko:Before you continue to chat with us, where going to do that privately.

The black suited girl covered both of her hands with blue glowing aura clench both of her fist tightly slowly raise it. Goku and colonel violet feel their own feet shaking coming from the floor. It won’t take long that mitsuko used her magic to pulled out a few cement pillars covering each exit and entrance way.

Mitsuko:Now that’s taken care of, I think it’s time for me to spill the beans.

Colonel Violet:So your telling me, you’ve used your little magic to close all entrances and exits just because you want a private chat for the three of us?

Mitsuko:That’s right. And to think I see your face again a long time ago to team up such a evil organization to demolished my home island!

The monkey tailed boy listen every word she say. He gasp in shocked wouldn’t have thought mitsuko found more someone she remembered from her terrible pasts that joins to demolished her dear home island, her people and her two adoptive parents. Goku turned her head at colonel violet with a hateful glare.

Goku:(Growled) Was it true for what my partner said? Where you?!

Colonel Violet:Your home island? The only thing I remember is that little girl named sakura hilari was hers. Then she escaped for her mother’s help.

Mitsuko turned her head to looked at goku was to ask permission to revealed herself now that she seen colonel violet again. The monkey tailed boy looking at her back staring for a few minutes, then he closed his eyes with a nod.

Mitsuko:Well your in luck. Because I’m going to revealed myself.

She begins to take off her black bandana, black sunglasses and black mask on her mouth dropped it on the floor. She moved her head slowly looking at colonel violet revealed herself as sakura.

Sakura:Surprised to see me alive and well?

The purple haired woman locked eyes on her with a shock. Everytime commander red and officer black give orders to many soldiers, generals and colonels to spread themselves across the earth finding for the wanted girl while collecting the dragon balls then added new orders to kill the black suited unknown person. She finally revealed herself that she have known a part of the destruction and pain had caused her.

Colonel Violet:I wouldn’t believed my eyes…it was you all along disguise yourself as black suited girl mitsuko? No wonder I heared you earlier about keeping your “Secret Identity” in checked.

Sakura:That’s right. Since my island is gone by the explosion because of you and your red ribbon army pals, and got your answer, I think it’s time to do some punishment.

(Cracked Knuckles)

Sakura:You ready for this Goku?

(Cracked Knuckles)

Goku:Heh! I can’t let’s this slide for all the trouble she and the red ribbon army had done for you.

They where about to attacked her now, colonel violet raise both of her hands a sign of surrender.

Colonel Violet:Hey, Hey now. Let’s not make this really hasty…I have a reason for it you know.

Sakura:Then make it quick! Don’t you see Goku and I have some unfinished business to do?

Goku:I’m totally agreed with her explain now, before we lose our patience!

Colonel Violet:The reason I help those guys is because…I am secretly myself disregard army’s goals and never obeyed their orders I only valued with money and treasures.

Two young warriors cancelled their battle stance looking at her with confusion for what she’s talking about.

Sakura:You…only care about their valuables?

Goku:Uhh…Money and…Treasures?

Colonel Violet:You see kids, my boss and all of his men doesn’t know my real role is so I decided to keep it a secret myself without finding themselves out. I’ll prove it to you.

She took out her gun the only weapon she have. Goku and Sakura observed her action weather it’s a trick or not. But what surprised them is the purple haired woman drop her gun on the floor and stomp hard used her foot to destroyed it.

Colonel Violet:Now do you see? Neither of you two will believed me or not, I chose to leave you kids alone and continue your own things. You have the dragon balls with you right? Then, the other two are in the hands of my boss and I know pretty well it is almost the end of the red ribbon army which I don’t care anymore.

Sakura was remained silent still looking at her for a moment with a blank look. And as for her boyfriend goku his face still held a confusion.

Goku:So…if your planning not to stop us and don’t care about the red ribbon army anymore, does that mean you change your ways? You where only pretending to help them even if her home island is destroyed?

Colonel Violet:You guess it right kid. I have no desire to follow their orders and part of this army anymore. My only well being is to take advantage to get some loot all the money and treasures on the red ribbon army vault then get the heck outta here in this crazy place. I’m not really interested joining in this chaos and destruction you two have caused.

The black haired girl moved her head up eye to eye at colonel violet with a normal look.

Sakura:This is because of my revenge with goku to assist me doing this for my home island, all my people and my adoptive parents they raised me years ago. I couldn’t let it go for this but as for you, I listened every word you say.

She raised her one hand covered with blue glowing aura activated her magic to control the cement pillars slide them down to opened the right entrance behind the purple haired woman.

Sakura:Don’t get me the wrong idea for this just because I listened to your obvious reasons…..Go.


Colonel Violet:Well…it looks like your heart is set…Thank you so much for understanding. Maybe one day, you’ll find in your heart to forgive me and I think I have just the thing for making it up to you.

She stuffed her one hand at her pocket took out a small sack and throw it to Sakura.

Colonel Violet:Here, catch!


She opened the small sack to see what’s inside and Goku too really curious about it. Both of them gasp in surprised it was six gold coins was a reward given by her boss commander red.

Sakura:Why…are you giving this to me?

Colonel Violet:Like I said, I changed sakura. Which that wasn’t enough to satisfied me all I want is more.

She ran towards the right opened entrance but she stopped her tracks turned her head looking at the two young warriors one last time.

Colonel Violet:And don’t worry…your secret is safe from me just for the three of us. Good luck getting the other two dragon balls…(Wink).

Then she finally looked away from them started to ran off leaving Goku and Sakura alone going towards the red ribbon vault. The monkey tailed boy face at his girlfriend still holding small sack of gold coins watching her run away without having a fight. She sigh in sadness sakura felt a hand place in her shoulder without looking at him.

Goku:Sakura…I know your sad and confused right now…but I had a feeling that she help us out.

Sakura:I…I know.

Goku:You do?

Sakura:It’s just that…I can feel emotions within her that…she really did change and pretended to help the evil organization and all she ever wanted is money and treasures…she’s really telling the truth Goku.

Goku:If she is, then deep down, always remember what my grandpa Gohan said, whenever any enemies disregards following mean people’s evil ways, the key is to help, giving a chance and let any person go that they didn’t want to do any bad deeds.

Sakura:Master Gohan…

She silence and think herself for a minute the righteousness words of her master makes her really clear any people couldn’t work for the bad guys anymore realized that doing some deeds for innocent people suffer, false hearted and dirty tricks is a terrible thing to do. She got out of her thoughts looking at Goku with a bright smile at her face.

Sakura:(Giggles) you know what? Your right! I guess I did the right thing to let her go. Let alone money or treasures is always gone through her head.

Goku:(Laughing) It looks like your spirits is went back up already huh? For a second there your gonna stay upset or something.

Sakura:Well not anymore though. I guess I’ll accept this kind of apology gift of hers anyways.

The black haired girl summoned her magic circle then poofed out her magical storage bag she opened it placed it inside. She took out her adoptive older sister bulma’s pink bag pack with four dragon balls inside them giving to her boyfriend Goku.

Sakura:Here Goku. You’ll be in charge holding this for now.

The monkey tailed boy nodded in agreement grabbed the pink bag pack wearing it hanging on his back. She poofed away her magical storing bag get her black bandana, black sunglasses and black mask on the floor looking at goku full with determination.

Sakura:You ready to get back to business?

Goku:(Chuckles) Oh yeah! I’m so ready for back in action!

Sakura laughing happily at his behavior before she wear them back covering her face, the black haired girl pressed her lips on his. His eyes widened in surprised and immediately change it into soft ones used both of his hands to cupped her face, closed his eyes and kissed her back passionately. In seconds, they pulled back then chuckled together.

Goku:My heart only desire to love you forever and ever sakura not anybody else will replaced you.

Sakura:Oh Goku…you don’t know how much I love you very much and I say the same as you think.

She is now put back her black bandana, black sunglasses and black mask disguising herself as mitsuko again.

Goku:Ready to go?

Mitsuko:Yeah let’s go! But this is gonna be my last day today for disguising myself like this so, call me mitsuko for now okay?

Goku:(Giggles) That I will obey you, mitsuko!

Two young warriors nodded each other and headed their way straight moving on to pursuing the entire base.


Meanwhile, Back with Bulma and the rest of the gang riding their capsule plane, Yamcha was in front taking in charge of driving headed straight at the red ribbon army headquarters to back up goku and mitsuko.

Master Roshi:Where is it? How much further till We reach their base?

Bulma:Don’t worry, we’ll see It soon enough.


Oolong:We must have missed it. Let’s go back to Where we started!

Yamcha:No, we didn’t pass It up; it’s too big!

Oolong:Take a hint! Let’s go home!

The shape shifter pig doesn’t really much interested to go at the dangerous place to save two kids, Bulma placed her hand at oolong’s head cause him to scream.



Bulma:A-ha! See that snowy mountain? The headquarters is On the other side. I’m sure of it!


The ex-bandit followed her orders to go straight at the snowy mountain in full speed to go at the other side where the red ribbon army headquarters is. There was a snow mountain with windows on them a one red ribbon soldier dressed on his blue snow coat just like at jingle village had spotted them riding on their capsule plane using his binoculars. And something is moving under a pile of snow. The small screen map started to beeping Yamcha look at it there was a red dot says that something’s right behind them.

Yamcha:Hey, Bulma? Look out the back and see If anyone is following us.

She do what he say looking outside the window.

Bulma:Uh… I don’t see anything Out there but snow.

Yamcha:You sure?

Instead Bulma doesn’t see anything behind, oolong see something under the snow follow them at the left side.

Oolong:Oh, no… I think I see something! What is that Bulma?

The rest of the gang saw it too was a green finn came out of the snow for making bulma surprised.

Bulma:It’s a shark!

Krillin:Did you say shark?

Puar:Sharks don’t live in snow!

Then it finally revealed was a long green missile popping out of the snow tailing them behind.

Puar/Oolong/Bulma:It’s a missile!


The green missile started to fly chasing them while yamcha doing his best driving the capsule plane fast preventing from getting near to explode.


Krillin:It’s right on our tail!

Bulma:I’ve seen this before. It’s a chaser missile! They’re programmed To never give up.

Master Roshi:Now that’s persistence!

Oolong:See, I told you we Should’ve gone home! Mommy!


The small screen map beeping shows that the chaser missile keeps following them no matter how much Yamcha try to dodge or avoided, it keeps tailing their tracks.


Bulma:Oh! I bet that’s it…That’s how it works…

Oolong:What do you mean?

Bulma:Okay, I think it’s activated By a heat source.

Yamcha:So, what do we do?

Bulma:Get rid of the booster jet.

Yamcha do what she says since she’s the smart one knows everything, the booster jet has been removed on the back of the capsule plane. The long green missile abandoned chasing the gang following the new target then it hit causing an explosion with smokes.

Bulma:See, it only chases The source of the heat. It’s a bit unsophisticated By modern day standards.

Krillin:Well, it still almost got us!

Master Roshi:That’s some quick Thinkin’ there! Now, how about Some quick kissin’?

Bulma:You will never touch these lips!

All Gang:(Laughing)

They where all laughing at bulma and master roshi’s antics thanks to the blue haired scientist advice, the chaser missile is gone. Yamcha activated a spare booster at the back of the plane then blast off at the sky with a sign of a white twinkling star continue headed straight at the red ribbon army headquarters to back up the two young warriors.


Back at the red ribbon army headquarters, the purple haired woman named colonel violet removed the blanket found some stashed of money to put all inside at her pocket. A red ribbon soldier her warned about goku and mitsuko.

Red Ribbon Soldier:Colonel Violet! Come quick! Some kid with a tail and the other one wearing a black suited clothes are taking over! Colonel Violet? What’re you—

Colonel Violet:No time, my boy. I have a previous engagement. I’m sure you men Can handle it. See ya!

After that, she ran off while the money she stole flying out he looked at her with shocked mixed with confusion.


Back with the two kids, a red ribbon soldier used his machine gun to shoot them inside the window.



They ran on top of the roof to avoid it standing themselves on the tower. They started to shoot them both they quickly separated goku landed one of the air hover car.

Red Ribbon Soldier 8:Hey!


Red Ribbon Soldier 8:(Groaned)

The monkey tailed boy giving him a quick punch then immediately hop off. He turned his head to see a roof ahead.

Red Ribbon Soldier 8:(Screamed)

It was to late for him to move over or dodged it ended himself hit at the red roof causing it to explode.

Red Ribbon Soldier 9:Kill black suited girl mitsuko! Shoot her now!

Red Ribbon Soldier 10:Roger that!


Mitsuko:Vortresses Nebulai!

She created a bright blue glowing force field to reflects the shooting bullets reversing back to them.

Red Ribbon Soldier 9 and 10:What the!—(Screaming).

They quickly ducked down their heads to dodge their own bullets from firing while shooted on their air hover cars. When it stopped, they moved their heads slowly they gasp in surprised mitsuko was gone in front of them frantically move their heads from left to right trying to find her.

Red Ribbon Soldier 9:W-Where did she ran off too?!

Red Ribbon Soldier 10:I don’t know, but we can’t let her escaped!

Mitsuko:Do you really think I am?

Red Ribbon Soldier 9:Huh?...(Screaming)

Red Ribbon Soldier 10:What the heck?!

She quickly gave him a swift punch on his face.


Red Ribbon Soldier 9:(Groaned)

She hop off and landed another hover air car to kick him also at the face.


Red Ribbon Soldier 10:Argh!

She jumped off again soldier 9 moved his head and he screamed in panic that he was hit by the white wall causing an explosion. Then soldier number 10 also exploded himself by hitting on the tower.

Goku:Mitsuko! Kamehameha Time!

Mitsuko:Right back at ya!

Two young warriors are in the air side by side by cupping their hands together enchant the words in unison.


Two beams of light flying and merged into one big powerful blast and hit it on the red ribbon huge mansion where commander red and officer black is inside the command room causing to shake including an explosion.


Commander Red:What’s happening?!

Officer Black:(Gasps, Grunts) (Thoughts:No not yet! I need to wait the right signal for Blake!)


It’s also been exploded few buildings inside the base both of them landed down on the floor and keep running the red ribbon soldier tiger spotted them order his men to attack.

Red Ribbon Tiger:You guys, their over here!


Two red ribbon soldiers:(Growled)

All red ribbon soldiers shooting goku and mitsuko as best as they could to stopped them no matter how try they outnumbered them but failed. They never knew two kids aren’t normal or having super strengths, Goku draw out his power pole and mitsuko’s hands covered with blue glowing aura then the red ribbon army soldiers charge at them with their guns.


Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Groaning)

The monkey tailed boy attack them with ease three times with his power pole.


Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Groaning)

She activated her magic spell “sennyu invisubis” to levitate few rocks to hit them including her punches and kicks.


Inside at red ribbon army headquarters command room:

Red Ribbon Kuma:Sir! Those two kids seems to be headed Straight for Wing Number Eight!

Commander Red:Just as I suspected! Those persistent little brats after the Dragon Balls!

Officer Black:We’re not planning to escape in this place against them?

Commander Red:What a silly question! Of course where staying! We refuse to hide away from those two little squirts!

Officer Black:(Thoughts:Hmm…I guess escaping isn’t the best option after all or Blake wouldn’t like that heck of a news.) To think we hired our best assassin tao to take care of those kids but sadly defeated by them. We still need to stay here to do some unfinished business with those two kids?

Commander Red:Darn straight your right! Those two brats still no match for the red ribbon army! (Growled)

Officer Black:Yes Commander.


Back with the two young warriors, looked again his dragon radar headed straight at the eighth wing building where the two remaining dragon balls are.

Goku:Follow me mitsuko. This dragon radar shows the two dragon balls must be in that building!

Mitsuko:Alright then, lead the way!

While goku and mitsuko are running, a red ribbon soldier placed his eye on the curser with a number on top speed counting and stop at “56” he immediately shoot his weapon rifle. Mitsuko sense it raise her hand coated with blue glowing aura control the single bullet to stop then twirl her finger to reversed it flying back at him. The red ribbon soldier saw it coming, he comically dodged it shooted straight on the wall.

Red Ribbon Soldier:(Yelp)

Mitsuko:You better not lay a single bullet on my partner, or your gonna regret it!

Red Ribbon Soldier:(Shrieking) S-S-She’s!...So Dangerous!

Goku:That bad guy is trying to shoot me? (Chuckles) thanks for saving me! I couldn’t help to admire your skills.

Mitsuko:(Giggles) Your welcome! I think I’ll teach you the basics of magics when this is done.

Goku:Wow for real?! (Laughing) Thanks! I’m looking forward to it!


Back at the red ribbon army headquarters command room, red ribbon kuma see on the screen map which Goku and mitsuko has made where they are going.

Red Ribbon Kuma:Those two kids made it to Wing Eight, And we’ve lost half of Our men already, sir!

Commander Red:And I don’t care! Maybe you don’t believe This army is unstoppable, But I’d bet my life On it! Hurry up! We’re going to the Eighth Wing!


Both of them run out of the command room headed at the tall white building called the eighth wing where the five star ball and the six star ball had kept inside. Commander Red and officer black came out of the elevator his officer closed the double doors then the red haired eye patched man panted in exhaustion while holding the chair.

Commander Red:(Panting) Ah! I will never let those brats Take you two away from me. That boy and black suited girl will never beat me!

Officer Black:(Thoughts:Even if I try begging him both of us needs to flee this place, he wouldn’t even think about it. I’m beginning to get so curious, why the boy and the wanted girl sakura wants those dragon balls so badly anyway?) Commander Red, please. The odds are against us. The Kid with the tail and the black suited girl are incredibly strong, sir. The complex is in total chaos. Besides, their already put our Best officers out of commission Before they even came here. Are the Dragon Balls really Worth all this trouble?

Commander Red:(Growling)


Back with goku and mitsuko, both of them couldn’t stop knocking out half of the red ribbon soldiers with ease. They used their guns to shoot them but they always missed a lot.

Goku:(Yells, Grunting)

Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Groaning)

The monkey tailed boy punch on his face and kick the other one at the stomach.

Mitsuko:(Growling, Grunting)

Red Ribbon Soldiers:(Groaning)

She attack him with a swift kick at his chest and did the same the other one aiming at his left neck.

Now that four of the red ribbon soldiers are knocked out, goku and mitsuko went finally inside the eighth wing building then putting up their battle stances in case there are more. But everything in the place was empty and quiet.

Mitsuko:So…which way now Goku?

Goku:Hold on, let me check the dragon radar again.

He took out his radar click on top of it the two yellow dots shows it’s right on top.

Goku:Look mitsuko! It says that, we have to go higher.

Mitsuko:If it’s true, the dragon balls are on top on this building. It has to be there.

Goku:Bulma build this thing, so it’s never wrong. But where are the stairs?

Mitsuko:There are no stairs in this place. The only thing it has, is that elevator Bulma told me about eversince you, me and our friends went to the amusement park. But she doesn’t tell me how it works.

Goku:Then, we don’t have time to use it. Where in a hurry here so follow my lead okay?

Mitsuko:Mm-Hmm! Understood!

They crouch down and jumped themselves high using their fists to break the ceiling together went to the next floor causing the red ribbon soldiers gasp in surprised saw them now.

Mitsuko:Well…That was a great plan both of us come here.

Goku:Thanks for the support! Let’s keep this up!

Mitsuko:Okay then!


At the top floor eighth wing, commander red growled with frustration watching on his monitor two young warriors keep up the pace knocked out more and more red ribbon soldiers. Officer black standing behind him.

Commander Red:Those Fools! They didn’t even Know how to work an elevator. Somebody explain to me how The world’s strongest army Could lose to those two imbeciles?!


Goku and Mitsuko are closing in on their goal Of confiscating the Dragon Balls From Commander Red and the black suited girl’s real identity sakura will fulfill her revenge. So far, the Red Ribbon Forces have been Unable to withstand Our two young heroes assaults. But for how long can Goku and Mitsuko Sustain their offensive against These overwhelming odds? Hopefully, long enough for Yamcha and the rest of the gang To come to their aids! Because if Commander Red Has his way, Then the two young warriors is about to be Stopped in his tracks! You won’t want to miss round two Of this important battle, Next time on Dragon Ball!


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