all of the vest were killed...

By Spinfoxie

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Alternative Title: 马甲全员be后我被迫吊唁自己 Author: Luo Waterfall When Nishimiya Yuzuki, a graduate of the vest system... More

After all the members of the vest were killed, I was forced to express my condol


251 8 3
By Spinfoxie

Chapter 6

Tokyo, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Nishimiya Tsurukage always walked around in a swaggering way, but when he changed into ordinary clothes, drove away the strange pigeons from his side, and put on ordinary black-rimmed glasses and a woolen hat, it was completely invisible. It's the big white bird running around wantonly.

Perfect to blend in with the lively student crowd on the street in the afternoon.

He's here to pick someone up.

"Kai Dou!" Nishimiya Tsurukage jogged for two steps, successfully dodged the crowd of students, and accurately found the boy pushing the bicycle with a girl beside him.

"Huh?" Kuroba Kaito subconsciously hummed. He has a lively and arrogant personality. Although he is exaggerated, he has always been very popular. Now he felt that the voice sounded familiar. He just thought that a classmate from the next class came to him, "Call me." What are you doing—He Yingjun?" His voice became louder.

"Why are you here today?"

"Aren't you happy to come see you?"

"I thought you were preparing for a magic tour in Yokohama."

"Indeed." Nishimiya Tsurukage put on a long sleeve with a loose collar and looked He is tall and protruding, "I just need to come here for some things. I have to go through the admission procedures for Yue Ming. Ah, Aoko, you have grown up a lot." Living next door to Kuroba Kaito's house, he grew

up Our childhood sweetheart, Nakamori Aoko, is now different from the cute little girl she used to be. She grew up in junior high school, and now she looks like a qualified beautiful girl wearing a sailor uniform.

They used to play together when Nishimiya Yuehu still lived here.

But Nishimiya Tsurukage felt a little distant. To Kaito and Aoko, he is more like "someone else's child". He has achieved success early in his career. He can exchange magic with Kuroba Kaito's father. He never gives up on progress and keeps learning new magic. Participated in competitions large and small, and won awards for many of his innovative magic tricks. They had never seen the eldest brother next door playing. Even the younger brother Nishimiya Yuezhen mostly stayed at home silently, with his little one holding an extremely heavy book.

They were walking together on the way home from school, beside the quiet river and the setting sun was setting.

"Have you returned to China recently?" Qingzi asked, remembering the past, "Does he also want to come here to go to school?" "

Well, I'm living in Yokohama for the time being." He will be a freshman in high school next semester and is preparing to live a peaceful life. Nishimiya Tsukihara specially chose a school where she could see Kodome.

Kuroba Kaito: "Yokohama? Isn't it very chaotic over there..."

Nishimiya Tsurukage did not answer this question. His steps were long and he had to slow down to allow the two boys and girls to keep up: "As long as I'm here, there won't be any problem. Are you willing to come to the performance in Yokohama next week? Just treat it like I'm inviting you to travel for free."

Free to play.

But Yokohama was a bit dangerous after all, and both of them thought they should go home and ask their parents.

Nishimiya Tsurukage did not accompany them all the way home. He said he had to buy magic props, so he stopped at the fork in the road and watched them leave.

The setting sun is still hanging on the horizon, but its color is redder, stretching out a long shadow of people and falling on the sandy riverside path. Nishimiya Tsurukage suppressed his smile and kicked his toes on the ground twice impatiently. It was difficult for him to put on an ugly face when he was gloomy, so he just glanced aside coldly. The pigeons that had followed him here at some point stopped on the telephone poles and swooped down -

Gu Gu and Pigeon's method of pulling out your hair!

The two guys in black clothes and masks probably had never seen this kind of formation before, so they only waved their hands to block it. The sharp beaks of the pigeons are specially designed to peck at weak points, such as eye sockets and throats. The talons used to firmly grasp branches can grab people's hair, and then flap their wings to flap at the edges.

The hair and dove feathers are flying, black, white and black.

"Alas." Nishimiya Heying pressed the brim of his hat with an indifferent expression. The two people actually didn't see when he came to them. "You want to attack children, you are really scum." His fingers were not very slender

. The bones are well-proportioned and the muscles are flexible, fair but not weak, and can even explode with unimaginable strength.

"Boom!" "Ah!" "Boom!" "Ah!"

"I don't like violence at all." He murmured to himself, "Maybe your boss will know that I am just a poor information dealer. The hands of a magician How can you use it to hit someone?"

He really didn't hit anyone, he just harmoniously let the front of his head make close contact with the concrete floor beside the river for a few times, as if he was wishing this beautiful river a long life in advance.

"Who sent you here?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me." Nishimiya Tsurukage yawned, "I don't have time to play with you. I happen to have a friend in Tokyo. He likes guys like you who don't like to talk the most. Yes."

Of course, the interrogation must be left to professionals.

Soon after, a black private car stopped on the roadside.

The car door opened, and a young man in a gray suit got out. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a pen in his suit pocket. His hair was combed into three-quarter parts and plastered to his forehead. The man trotted to the passenger seat in two or three steps, bent down and opened the door: "Please."

Then the passenger lazily walked out of the door.

Her short blond hair showed perfectly in the sunlight, and her eyes were a rare green color that was more like a Persian cat.

The three of them were speechless. Nishimiya Heying's eyes met with his, and then they looked away, avoiding the sight and repeating. The vests didn't need to talk to each other to understand everything. He nodded slightly and handed this place over to another person.

When it comes to dealing with troubles, this vest is the only one.

"Do you want to know what it would feel like to insert a one-millimeter steel needle into your belly button, penetrate it one centimeter every ten minutes, and stir it every ten minutes?" His eyes were reminiscent of inorganic objects such as glass. , speaking in a nasal voice, Lazy Maomao said, "Just right, I don't know." "I

can write an interesting article on this topic."

"Kazuya, tie these two people up and stuff them Put it in the trunk."


Nishimiya Yuezhen eats very slowly, chewing carefully, and always has the aura of being in a daze while eating.

He raised the spoon and held it in the air, held it for a second before mechanically stuffing it into his mouth, chewing it a few times, swallowing, and repeating. So much so that Oda Sakunosuke wanted to get a second portion of curry. Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya had almost finished the crab hotpot takeout, and he was still facing the half-eaten portion of curry rice.

Snails are not that slow.

Dazai Osamu waved his hand in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought your soul was out of body."

Nishimiya Yuehan smiled: "How could it be? I just ate a little slower."

He looked at the curry on his plate. Today's curry was indeed It's a bit spicy. The stewed potato chunks, beef cubes, onions, and red peppers are mixed together and become mushy. The soup is a takeaway, a Western-style tomato soup, red and white.

For some reason, my mind reminded me of the perspective of a vest far away in Tokyo.

Uh, decreased appetite.

How could a waste be locked up and tortured for a day before completely breaking down?

He slowly finished the remaining half of the curry rice, instinctively wanting to wash his hands.

The vest's hands were dirty, and so were his eyes.

【My eyes are dirty too! ] The system was furious with incompetence, and its eyes turned into angry triangular eyes, [Yueyue, let’s not do such dangerous work next time, okay? 】

'Seconded. Nishimiya Yuehan nodded, "Next time I do those things, I will definitely ask you to turn on a filter for me. The blood cannot be red." '

'The green one is good and healthy. '


"The stage is being set up much faster than expected. It will be completed tomorrow morning. The time reserved is more than enough for debugging the equipment and rehearsing." Seeing that the work can be completed ahead of schedule, Nishimiya Yueyu can finally take a rest. , hugged the greedy stupid cat, and also rested, "Brother said that a friend is coming to Yokohama in the next two days." "

Oh?" Dazai Osamu got excited for some reason at the mention of Nishimiya Tsurukage, and asked curiously , "What kind of person is he?"

Nishimiya Yuehu recalled the years of hard work in Tokyo, and couldn't help the weird smile on his lips: "He is a very gentle and friendly person, and he treats me very well. I take every job seriously."

Although I have worked in a dozen small black organizations -

although each of them closed down due to "unknown reasons" -

"I am now the literary editor-in-chief of Kaguang Publishing House in Tokyo, and I study documentary every day. Where’s literature!”

Chapter 7

A few days later.

"It's obviously a 1,000 yen benefit show, so why are the ticket prices so high again?"

[I have to ask you. 】The system is very satisfied these days, lying on the energy bar every day to fish, 【Wouldn't it be nice for more people to like you? 】

Nishimiya Yuezhen held a straw of milk tea in her mouth, sipping and sipping. He sat in front of the computer and looked at the website that specializes in reselling all kinds of tickets. He watched the prices of his magic show tickets getting higher and higher...the prices getting higher and higher...even a person like him would think it was worth hundreds of millions of points. situation.

He earns money in order to spend it, but he is somewhat rational when spending it.

"Isn't it?" He himself couldn't believe it. "I have already set the venue in a chaotic place like Yokohama, and there are so many people who want to come?" He said in a shocked voice: "If

this continues, I will also want to speculate. The ticket price is so high, it’s so profitable!”

[It’s bad for your reputation to speculate too high. 】The system’s calculations are crackling in this regard, 【Let’s donate half of the proceeds from this performance. I'll contact the staff for you. ]


Nishimiya Tsurukage has a whole team to help with the operation, not just one person.

Today is a rare time to be in the same room with Ma Jia. Because he doesn't like overlapping fields of view, Nishimiya Yuzhi always likes to send out all available vests to work. Even if his brain wants to work infinitely as 007, he doesn't want to see another version of himself at home.


He pulled all his consciousness back and let the vest hang up properly.

When he is not directly controlling the vest, the vest's body will fall into a deep sleep and will not die. It will still have the most basic physiological reactions, knee jerk reflexes and so on. Opening one less account would also allow him to take a break. Logging in from multiple places over time would eventually become a bit stressful.

Nishimiya Yuezhen hugged half a cup of milk tea and lay down in front of the computer. In the corner of his field of vision sat his brother who was "taking a nap" on the lazy sofa. He once thought about what it would be like if all his vests were crammed into one room.

If all the vests gathered together, it

would be like a zoo at least!

There must be at least 20 birds on the bookshelf. He has experienced cats, dogs, fish, and even acted as a snake in the grass, and was almost chased and knocked to death with a wooden stick. In order to learn to fly, he used up the wings of a pigeon - I'm sorry, he is not worthy of being a pigeon.

Most vests can only be regarded as ordinary N cards. Only those with excellent potential and abilities like Nishimiya Tsurukage can be regarded as rare and expensive SSRs.

When the system was first bound to him, half of its functions had self-destructed, and almost all programs had disappeared. Only the system for making vests could still be used. And... I don't know if it's a bug, but the number of vests he can make is unlimited. As long as he has enough energy, he can direct and act in a movie.

Even if you really open a zoo of your own at home, there is no problem.

After Nishimiya Yuehan sipped the milk tea, after shaking the cup, he could still feel the small pearls that had not been sucked up from the bottom. He hesitated for a few seconds, and in order not to sort the garbage, he chose to pour out the rest and eat it. He brushed his teeth, took a shower, put on his daily pajamas and prepared to rest on the second floor.

[Wait, don’t walk so fast! ] The system stopped him, [Stop, stop here. 】

"What are you doing here?" Nishimong Yuexuan yawned and stopped in front of the stairs.

[You turn around, three o'clock direction. ]

[Eh, yes. 】

【Go over there. ]

Nishimiya Tsurukage looked at Nishimiya Tsurukage who was sleeping on the couch, tilted his head and asked the system: "Why do you want me to watch." [

You are always like this, you don't want to see the waistcoat you pinched. 】The system crossed its two little match hands, "I'm different. Look at this waist, look at these legs, look at this pretty little face. Just treat them as puppets that can be manipulated freely. Why are you hiding? ? 】

A few black lines slid down Nishimiya Tsurukage's forehead when he was praising his vest in the system. He and Nishimiya Tsurukage looked alike, and he felt an inexplicable sense of shame: "Stop talking, I'll just watch." The lazy sofa can only

accommodate The next person is, but the material itself is soft and he is relatively thin, so he can lie down in it at the same time.

"I'm not that repulsive." He pressed against another soft body, feeling the unfamiliar but extremely familiar blood beating and breathing, and successfully achieved the achievement of being close to himself, "I'm just not used to it."

It's okay if consciousness sharing is not turned on now. If it is turned on, wouldn't it mean that you can feel yourself and hug yourself in all directions?

I have to say that the system's ability to pinch people is really powerful, and the vests made are no different from real life. It's still a little difficult to think of them as dolls in my heart.

If it were a doll, how could it be so soft and real?

[Some research says that people need ten hugs a day. If you don’t have anyone to hold you, hugging them is a good choice. ]

"Tong, that's all nonsense without evidence. And I don't lack company. You chat with me every day."

[It's different. 】

"Same." Nishimiya Yuehu said firmly, "You are the same as them, even better."

[Eh... Oops (????)...] The system was embarrassed and turned into a mess of gibberish. , speechless for a moment.

The light blue hair on both sides was stacked together. Nishimiya Yuehan stretched out his hand to brush it away. He stood up and half-knelt on the edge of the lazy sofa. For the first time, he looked at his vested face so carefully from a third-person perspective. It is completely different from what it looks like in the mirror, and the closed eyes cover the icy blue eyes, making the whole look gentle and well-behaved.

He can do whatever he wants.

He poked the man beneath him in the face.

Nishimiya Yuezhen covered his forehead and sighed: "So, why do you pinch it to look so good..."

He really didn't want to pick daffodils and become a pervert, and orthopedics and fake orthopedics would also be sent to unknown places. Yes, he doesn’t want to be locked up in a blank place forever with a bunch of words that cannot be looked at directly!

A minor whose mental age is unknown used his arms to open the distance. He straightened his pajamas and regained his composure: "Tong, I didn't forget him just now. I planned to wait until I went upstairs to regain consciousness.

" I don't think you forgot about him. You are so smart, how could you forget? 】It muttered in the brain, very quietly, "If you sleep on the couch for one night, you will definitely have a sore back and back tomorrow. I am doing this for your own good." 】

"I got it."

Nishimiya Yuezhen wanted to stand up and jump to the stall. The soft lazy sofa deformed due to the change of the stress point, and there was nowhere to put his hands. He simply propped himself on Nishimiya Heying's chest, until Get up -


can't hear.

His senses were sharp. He was stunned for half a second and suddenly realized that all the sounds around him had disappeared, followed by an indescribable shaking feeling, and everything turned upside down.

The nose bone hit Nishimiya Heying's collarbone, which was excruciatingly painful.

what's the situation?

Isn't it an earthquake?

The vibration lasted for a while before it stopped, all the sounds returned, and he could hear those small sounds again.

The sound of wind, footsteps, gunshots.

Nishimiya Yuehan half-intuitively looked at the window of his study room. The curtains were not drawn, and a pale and pale face peeked out from the dark night.


He took a deep breath, got up and opened the window.

"Dazai-kun, you scared me to death." He stood in the window, holding his fingers on the window lattice, looking down at the boy who was still breathing heavily outside the window, "What happened?" Dazai-kun's brown hair was messed up by the wind

, The bandage was also a little loose. He opened his mouth and could almost make a nucleic acid gesture: "Outside - the battle of superpowers - there is a superpower explosion -"

Nishimiya Yuehu said expressionlessly and covered his ears.

"Being affected will cause temporary deafness -"

Yes, he discovered it.

"I came to see you-" Dazaiji said loudly, so loudly, super loudly, "Are you okay-" "

Thank you for your concern-" Nishimiya Yuzhi also shouted loudly unconsciously, "But I don't have anything. Question——"

"Cough cough cough cough..." The two of them coughed at the same time, because their throats were sore and itchy because they spoke too loudly.


Talk loudly like this.

They really look like two fools——...


So, are they the remnants of the Takase Society?" Nishimiya Tsukihi made a cup of tea for Dazai Osamu, and he established a consciousness link with the vest, so now Nishimiya Tsukihi is wearing He was wearing pajamas and holding a tea cup, while Nishimiya Tsurukage was still wearing a shirt and trousers, busy in the kitchen and being a good housekeeper.

"Dazai-kun, you didn't leave the battlefield privately, did you?"

"How is that possible?" Dazai Osamu lowered his head and turned the tea cup around without any guilt, "I didn't expect to come here chasing people. Did I bother you? ?"

"How is that possible? You came here to remind us with good intentions." Nishimiya Tsukihi also smoothly followed Dazai Osamu's intention, "Dazai-kun's job is really dangerous." "Yes, yes." Dazai


's He glanced across the kitchen very quickly, only to see Nishimiya Tsurukage's ponytail moving. The light aroma of tea spread in his mouth, and he felt like expensive and good tea as soon as he drank it.

"There is nothing to entertain you when you arrive suddenly. There are only these fruit snacks. I hope Dazai-kun won't dislike it." Nishimiya Tsurukage walked out of the kitchen with a plate in one hand. His steps were fast and steady. The short journey was like an acrobatic performance. Three fingers were firmly stuck to the plate, as if the plate was part of his fingers.

"Excuse me. Tomorrow is the magic tour, and we seem to have disturbed your rest." Dazai Osamu smiled, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking, "Yokohama is so chaotic, it is really difficult to live here." [

He Are you being told by Yin Yang not to live in Yokohama? 】

"Yes." Nishimiya Tsurukage poked a piece of peeled apple, "Fortunately, there was no danger. I feel even more sorry for Dazai-kun. He is still working overtime at ten o'clock in the evening." ... Nishimiya Yue looked at the sky and drank


. .

He feels sorry for all the people in 007996, which is true.

There is absolutely no yin and yang in his 195 energy points.


Because Nishimiya Tsurukage and Dazai Osamu always quarreled overtly or covertly when they were in the same space, Nishimiya Tsurukage simply chose an excuse to practice magic and went upstairs with a fruit plate.

Once upstairs.

The man with slender limbs and elegant manners fell down on the bed in the bedroom.

Forced shutdown.jpg

Only Nishimiya Tsukihi and Dazai Osamu were left downstairs.

"My brother was really resting just now." Nishimiya Yuehan likes to hold something in his hand, whether it's a cat, milk tea, or ceramic teacup. "He sleeps very deeply. When he wakes up, he will be a little irritated. Maybe I feel not in a good mood."

Osamu Dazai said nothing.

He stared at him.

Nishimiya Yuezhen felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and looked back with an inquiring gaze. He knew that Osamu Dazai most likely came here on purpose. He could definitely calculate the specific range of the explosion. He might even have brought this battle here on purpose. And he didn’t know how long Dazai Osamu had been standing in front of the window. The trap he set here was obviously useless to Dazai.

"I saw it." Dazai Osamu suddenly said, "I saw it all."


His eyes usually dodge when they encounter each other, his eyes are restrained and convergent, but he got too close to his brother while he was sleeping. , that is a completely different style of behavior from usual times, timid, cautious, and with a bit of curious desire. In the quiet room, under the dim light, in such a small position, there is a distance that makes your breath entwine, lingering and tender.

Dazai said he realized it.

"Nishimiya Yueyu." He called out the name completely for the first time, struggling but resolutely finishing the words. His expression was clearly frightened, as if something had escaped his control, "Are you ..."

"Have you had any undue thoughts about your brother?"

Nishimong Yuexiao spat out a sip of hot tea.

Chapter 8

Nishimiya Yuezhen felt that he would be able to control two vests painlessly tomorrow.

Because he cracked.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ] The system laughed wildly, and the stickman's body almost fell apart. It slapped the floor crazily, [I laughed to death hahahahaha, Yueyue, you also have today——]

Calm down.


I can't calm down -

"Ta, Dazai-kun?" He was a little shaky when he spoke, and he lowered his head to take out a tissue to wipe the water, "Why do you think so...I..."

Dazai Osamu looked at the person who was always calm and indifferent. I pulled out one piece of paper after another, feeling extremely embarrassed, as if my pretense of shame had been exposed.

He couldn't say anything for a moment.

after all.

It's too forbidden.

Moreover, he couldn't say a lot of bad things about his brother in front of his brother to make the feelings disappear. That would be too much to deserve a beating. Dazai Osamu added: "I'm just asking, why are you nervous? I support...well, freedom...not so free love."

He was born in a messy environment, so he is not surprised by these reluctances.

"I don't." Nishimiya Yuehu originally had a lot to say, and for a moment he even wanted to say that he and Nishimiya Tsurukage had no blood relationship, so they were not orthopedics, but that would be even weirder. After a thousand turns, his face paled, "I really didn't."

"Dazai-kun, I'm only fifteen years old." He lowered his eyes, "It's too late, it's time to rest. I thought maybe I was running outside. Mafia members are looking for you, let me take you to the door."

[He is so good at talking, please keep him for a while. 】

He drove Dazai Osamu out without any refusal, and stood at the higher door, with one hand on the door frame and his back to the light source, which made his entire facial bones appear darker.

"Let's go slowly without seeing you off." Nishimiya Yuzhi hesitated, "Also, you really misunderstood..." "Yeah,

yeah, yeah." I don't know if Dazai Osamu heard it.

The moon in the West Palace is filled with great sorrow.


A famous name for a lifetime.

Destroyed by dolls.

After Nishimong Yuexi shut himself up in anger for a while, he still had to crawl back and work overtime. He quickly placed an order for a batch of weapons and traps through special channels, planning to arrange some courtyards near his home.

No matter what Dazai Osamu misunderstood, he didn't want others to peep into his affairs in the future.

["Brother and Brother", "Father and Son", "Young Master and Little Mother"...] The system was chattering in his brain endlessly. He dug out some old books from more than ten years ago and displayed electronic documents in his mind. [Let me read you a book...]

"Stop it!" Nishimiya Yuzhi held down the notebook, feeling really ashamed, "What's so interesting about these... System, your network function has been broken for so long, why are you so stocked?" What a bloody novel?"

[I used to love reading it, and I have downloaded a lot and haven't finished it yet. 】

Nishimiya Yuehu was negotiating the price of a batch of bullets with the opposite party, and the system was reciting the story of how the family brothers fought against each other until they went to bed. Nishimiya Yuehan bargained for a price and asked if the postage could be fully included. The system was singing about the emptiness, loneliness and coldness of the purdah compound.

Nishimiya Yuehe can speak falsetto. He uses an anonymous account. His tender and crisp voice at the age of fifteen has become deep and rough: "300,000 US dollars. As part of the reward, I can add a batch of high-quality gems. The quality is It's very high. Don't worry, it's a 'safe' way. How about 30% to 70% of the profit after the auction? You can get 30% of the profit directly... Oh, it's too reluctant to have two together!" The other side said: "What two

? Together?"

Nishimiya Yuzuki: "Nothing, there are two aquamarines over 30 carats in the cargo, and some of them can't fit in the box." "

Then it's settled, see you at Yokohama Bay in three days."

He hung up the phone .

"System, if you read it again, I won't play with you anymore!"

[Okay...] The system closed the window of the strange novel without finishing it, [You don't have to substitute Yueyue for what I'm reciting. You two are not related by blood. 】

"Who will take the place of two together..."


Two or more can be collectively called a group.

Most local residents of Yokohama have never seen such a large group of people, bustling just to squeeze in to watch a magic show.

There are especially many girls, and there are also quite a few teenagers, many of whom are young people. A large number of them came to Yokohama a day or two in advance, and the hotels were fully booked.

At that time, Nishimiya Yuehu never thought that he could make a career out of his career by earning some extra money. He only learned magic because the black feather pirate from next door would do all kinds of little tricks for them. His thoughts slipped to the elegant gentleman next door, and then to Kaito, whom he spent his childhood with. Unfortunately...

His eyes darkened, he smiled again, and blended in with the crowd to check in and check in.

Even if it was his own performance, he did not take any privileges.

The performance venue is outdoors, and the promotion stated that this is a welfare performance for the people of Yokohama, and the proceeds will be donated to Yokohama for local economic development. There are no special auditoriums, but the venue is divided into different areas. Areas A1 and A2 are the best seats.

The entire park has been booked and packaged to look different from before. Even Yokohama locals can't hide the surprise in their eyes. They were holding hands and talking and laughing, or sitting on a bench. As the sky gradually darkened, small lights of various colors lit up everywhere, reflecting a fairy tale that could only exist in fantasy.

The wind chimes on the tree are jingling, decorated with gift bags and pieces of paper. When you open them, you can get some small gifts and blessings. They are all hairpins, hair ribbons, medals and other objects, and the words spoken are also ordinary.

But who doesn’t like such a stable and ordinary life?

The special gift bag was stuffed with several genuine gems. Everyone can draw three gift bags based on their admission tickets. Most people can't resist the temptation of blind boxes and queue up to wait in line to draw gift packs.

Nishimiya Yuenan himself is the same.

[Take the one on the left, the one on the top of the branch looks good too. 】

He took three gift bags and opened them one by one. Sure enough, there were no gems, only two hairbands of different colors and a silver metal medal. The relief on it was a pattern made by a special designer, "Clouds and "Crane", it looks very good, and you won't lose money if you smoke it - so said the non-chief system.

Nishimiya Yuezhen walked along the river and reached the A2 area at the front. Next to the lake is some fairy tale-style furniture and dolls.

Some light blue and light yellow parrots stood on the candlestick supports and sang to the crowd of onlookers.

“Welcome—” sang the first row of parrots.

"Come here -" sang the second row of parrots.

"Oh oh oh oh!" the onlookers clapped, very curious about these smart parrots.

"Oh oh oh oh!" the parrots sang back.

【Oh oh oh! 】The system also sang happily. In order to teach these parrots to sing, it has been a parrot vest for a long time and communicates with these plush chirp balls! The melody is almost engraved into the DNA.

So Nishimiya Tsukihi did not leave, he simply sat down and asked the staff for a free cup of lemon tea, stirring ice cubes while listening to the chirping of the system and the parrot.

The show started in an hour, but there were already a lot of people in the park. Nishimiya Yueyu sat on the seat by the lake, watching the people coming and going very quietly, and he became a part of it.

He is very happy.

He likes such a peaceful life.

"So you are here." A familiar voice.

Nishimiya Tsukihi raised his head and saw a few familiar people walking over. Mori Ogai, Alice, Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, and Ozaki Momiji and Hiratsu Yanami, whom he had never seen but heard of, were all wearing casual clothes. It was obvious that Ozaki Momiji and Alice had dressed up specially. They were holding hands and looked very beautiful in the crowd.

Alice's golden hair was tied into a high ponytail, with a delicate hairpin pinned to the side, which was "Moon and Rabbit". It looked like she had just gotten it from a gift bag.

Four people could sit at one table, so they divided them into two tables, one for children and one for adults.

Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya had not yet opened the gift bags they had drawn. They bet on who could win a better prize - and both of them actually won a small gemstone, so they began to compare purity and carat size.

African Chief Alice & Nishimiya Yuzuki: ...

Some people’s quarrels are just like Versailles!

"Brother Heying has so many fans." Alice could only talk to Nishimiya Yuehu, who could still communicate normally. "I'm really looking forward to today's magic show. Can Brother Yuehu also do magic?" Nishimiya Yuehu shook his head: "

I I have never learned it."

"I heard that Nishimiya-sama learned magic from Mr. Kuroba Toichi!" "I was doing touring magic shows all over the world at the age of fifteen, and at the age of eighteen, I won the international magic award with the title of 'Magician's Olympics' The young genius who won the highest prize in the league competition has the aura of being better than his predecessor." "And he is really handsome!" A

scary voice came from the fan group not far away, holding up a light sign: "Nishimiya-sama! Nishimiya-sama !"

[Lord Nishimiya! 】

'Oh! System, you parrot! '

Maybe it's because of the bustling atmosphere, but the waiting time didn't feel long.

When the time came, the bells from high up rang out the past chimes, and the whole place couldn't help but fall silent. The birds scattered everywhere also stopped singing and flew down the branches towards the stage.

The curtain of the stage slowly opened.

Just like a huge black and white picture scroll or a three-dimensional picture book for children, monochromatic cartoon objects are scattered on the stage. Although there is only black and white light and shadow, the branches, grass, mushrooms and flowers are lifelike under the light, as if they are really there. A forest of fairy tales.

Clouds and cranes, the moon and rabbits, the wind blows and the grass moves, the birds sing softly, while the stars twinkle and the moon's shadow is charming.

Wearing a black and white hunter's uniform, a young man who got lost due to exploration was confused and naive. He walked silently through the dense forest and returned to the original place. He sighed, and people also sighed. He frowned, and people also frowned.


A colorful sparrow suddenly landed on the black and white crescent moon, and then took the initiative to fly in front of the young man.

That was the only color in the forest, the bird down, and the young man reached out to touch it.


center on him.

The world has color.


"Wow!" After the opening, the audience applauded, shocked that so many decorations on the stage turned into colors in an instant.

The decoration on the stage is no longer static, but shakes slightly, turning into a gorgeous dynamic painting. Nishimiya Tsurukage, who was playing the role of a hunter, jumped up and caught the corner of the golden crescent moon. He found a magic hat from behind the slender piece of paper. He looked at the hat in confusion, as if he was wondering how such a small moon could be hidden behind it. Such a hat.

After tinkering again, he took out a cloak from the magic hat.

As soon as the cloak turned, he changed from a hunter back to the familiar magician, a magician from fairy tales.

"Good evening!" He bowed and saluted with his hat, "Gentlemen and girls, tonight we don't have to think about the world, we just need to enjoy -" -

this fairy tale of light and shadow.

The audience applauded even more loudly. Even those who were panicked by the continuous chaos in Yokohama briefly abandoned their heavy worries and immersed themselves in this fairy tale-style performance. This is a welfare performance for the people of Yokohama.

Even Osamu Dazai was quiet.

"I can't tell." He whispered, "Could the venue we built have such an effect?"

Rather than the effect of the venue, it is better to say that Nishinomiya Tsurukage gave life to the stage. Without him, the decoration of the stage would be just decorate.

He somewhat understood where Nishimiya Tsurukage's popularity came from.

Because of the large group of people around him, everyone applauded. Even Mr. Mori, who was a little jealous because of Alice, calmed down and looked at the stage, his purple-red eyes filled with brilliance.

Are you going to put aside everything tonight and just treat it as a fairy tale...

Dazai looked around and saw that only Nishimiya Yuzhi was still calm. This person seemed to be distracted and kept the same posture for a long time. Wait...

"Ranbu, where were you just now?" A calm voice said.

"I'm just going to get a bottle of soda." The black-haired boy sat down not far away with a bottle of Bozi soda. Unlike others, his tone was a little disdainful, "Magic is all false. If it is not given by others, Only Ranpo-sama doesn’t want to come if you have a ticket!”

Many people around heard this sentence, and Nishimiya Yuehu also followed the sound and looked over.

"Magic and stuff, can't you understand it just by looking at it?"

"Ranbu!" the silver-haired elder next to him scolded him.

What a big lie. But he was so confident and dressed like a detective, which aroused some people's interest.

Magicians and detectives are always at odds with each other. Xi Gongyue's mind moved slightly.

A classic magic trick by Nishimiya Tsurukage was being performed on the stage. Under the lights and music, a huge stained glass box was pushed up and opened to show everyone that it was empty.

Great transformation into a living being.

Although the black-haired boy said he was not interested, he couldn't help but look at the stage, hoping to directly find out the secret of the magic show. But all magic is just a visual deception, whether it uses light and shadow, movement, props or assistants, to him it is essentially just a more beautiful reasoning game.

The lights dimmed as expected, and the bright paradise suddenly became dark. Everyone screamed in surprise and became slightly commotion.

But the next second, the lights came back on, and the magician was still standing on the stage.

And in the box.

But there is one more living person.

Moreover, he is a young man who has been dressed up with black cat ears and tail. He has long and narrow green eyes, fair skin and slender body. He is also as beautiful as someone from a fairy tale.

"Oh! Wow!" the audience applauded.

——The random cat in the box looked stunned.

Chapter 9

For the sake of effect, the lights on the stage are usually much brighter than they appear. Nishimiya Tsurukage stood under the light with an undetectable narrow smile on his lips. He did not let the audience discover:

"Little detective, meow, and I will let you go." "

..." Edogawa Ranpo has a pair of extremely beautiful green eyes, like a cat, clear and indifferent, slightly narrow and long. He rarely opens his eyes and always squints them. After all, most things in this world are not worthy of his careful attention.

but now.

Cats glare at people!

As if in an instant, he was changed into cat ears and tail. A spotlight shines above his head, and the painted glass casts beautiful light and shadow on his face, which is psychedelic and hazy. Everywhere he looks is filled with twinkling lights and silhouettes. Edogawa Ranpo was stunned for a moment.

Being photographed by so many media, even he would feel a little ashamed! Detectives should be famous for solving crimes, not for playing with cat ears!

"You did it on purpose." He was trapped in the glass box, with his palms pressed against the glass. He could feel the gap left around him, so that he wouldn't be unable to breathe, but it was absolutely impossible for a person to pass through in a short time. "Hold a grudge. Stingy, you are such a bad-tempered adult."

"Hey." Nishimiya Tsurukage made a cat-like sound.

Although it is impossible for the little detective to cooperate with the performance, the performance still has to go on. Nishimiya Heying picked up a corner of the tablecloth and covered it on the box with a shake of his hand. Edogawa was walking around. Through the glass and the hazy fabric, he could vaguely hear the waves of applause outside.

what happened? It was the first time that he felt so heartbroken.

Obviously this magic happened to him, but he didn't have a clue.

Cheating by people with super powers? No, that's not right. The man in front of him doesn't look like he has supernatural powers. His confidence comes from other things.

And since they were so far away at that time, the noise on the stage was louder than expected and he shouldn't be able to hear him. Lip sync? Did he look in his direction at that time?

This person must have other channels to observe the area where he is.

His field of vision suddenly went dark again. When he opened his eyes again, he had already sat back in his original seat, with the Bozi soda in front of him that he had just opened.

"Ranpo, you just..." The president looked at him in surprise, obviously also shocked by the magic.

Completely confused -

Edogawa Ranpo stared at his fingertips and then at the person performing card tricks on the stage. It's a very simple magic, it just relies on the movement of the fingers to hide the cards. In theory, anyone can do it as long as the speed is fast enough.

But how did he get to the stage just now?

"What's the principle of that magic trick just now?" Edogawa Ranpo heard a table of people chatting not far away, "Selecting the audience at random from such a long distance?" "Dazai-kun, you can't reveal the secret of magic casually

. And I don’t know what method my brother used.”

“Are you sure your brother didn’t use any supernatural powers?”

“Of course.” Nishimiya Yuzhi replied, “He respects magic very much.”

Edogawa ran over and touched it little by little. , standing near the table.

As he walked over, the president followed him. As another person approached, Mori Ogai's eyes fell on Edogawa Ranpo, the young man who had just appeared on the stage. With a startled glance, he felt that this young man looked like an unpolished jade.

The two sides' eyesight collided.



What a coincidence.

You come to take care of the children too.

Mr. Silver Wolf and the current leader of Mafia are sitting separately. Tonight, old friends meet, but it is rare that they do not have to confront each other. Fairy tales, there is no life-and-death fight.

"Aren't you the one on the stage just now?" Nakahara Chuuya was facing Edogawa Ranpo's table, so he was the first to see the person approaching Ranpo. He was a little excited tonight and was very enthusiastic, "The magic just now was good. It's wonderful!"

Alice also saw it. She waved her little hand and said childishly: "Are you asking for help?"

"No." Edogawa squinted his eyes again. He could naturally tell what kind of people the two tables here were, but tonight was such a fairy tale that he judged that there would not be any danger.

There were no empty seats, so he went back and dragged an empty chair by himself, and forced himself to share a table with them.

"Hello." Nishimiya Yuehan greeted him.

Edogawa nodded wildly, simply and directly: "You are his brother, but is the real relationship really like this?" "

You are people from Port Mafia, working under the stupid uncle. You..." He looked at Alli Si, "You don't seem to be human."

After two words, everyone at the table fell silent.

Even Mori Ogai next door fell silent.

Each table here counts as one, and it is the simplest and least "pretentious" among all the places in China. And it looks quite human, more human than human.

The president actually told him not to expose other people's affairs casually, but how could Edogawa Ranpo understand this? To him, these two sentences were not debunking at all, they were just ordinary statements of facts, just like everyone said hello.

Mori Ogai was a little wary and stunned, but mostly he was appreciative. Osamu Dazai was a little angry, but he covered it up well. He didn't like the feeling of being seen through. As for Nishimiya Yuezhen, he was more or less frightened, but fortunately he was always calm and did not panic. He said, "Are you a detective?"

"A detective." Edogawa Ranpo, who was not tall, put his legs on the chair and crossed his legs. He was a little unhappy. It was obvious that the people in front of him didn't like what he said, but they all put on smiles and pretended to be mysterious.

He had no clue about the reasoning game called magic, which made him a little irritable. But when I encounter an unsolvable riddle, my heart is scratching my head to find out what the answer is, and I must get the answer.

Nishimiya Yuezhen silently pushed the snacks in front of him.

This black cat looks so angry with him... I didn't expect the detective from Yokohama to be so careless. The people I know in the United States are obviously... There is still

applause from all around. After several large-scale magic tricks, the performance is about to come to an end. .

Nakahara Chuuya was out of state: "The magic trick just now, how did you get to the stage?"

This sentence solved the problem, and Ranpo's attention was immediately directed to this. He was so angry that his cheeks puffed up and turned into a little fried animal: "I don't know either!" "

But the magic just now was really wonderful." Zhongyuan Zhongya was also a particularly good audience. Everyone applauded and he applauded too, taking into account the atmosphere. group, "When you suddenly appeared on the stage, everyone was stunned. They thought it was the little black cat that had become a spirit." The

magician on the stage was fishing small animals out of his hat, and he caught a white rabbit. However, a black cat's head also came out, followed by several white birds.

Dazai Osamu also nodded, with a smile on his face: "It's very cute."

This smile was not the kind of heartfelt satisfaction that Nakahara Chuuya had, but a mischievous one. Although Edogawa Ranpo couldn't read people's hearts, he couldn't read them. Wisdom told him that the brown-haired boy in front of him was acting maliciously.

He suddenly remembered something.

Edogawa walked around and touched his head.

Two furry, black, and pointy things.

The cat ears are still there -


Was he just carrying those cat ears through the crowd to move a stool?

The chaotic cat opened its teeth and claws and swallowed the thick snacks on the table in one gulp!

The show is over.

There was thunderous applause, and under the slow shaking of the stage decoration, the strange picture was completely unfolded. Nishimiya Tsurukage once again saluted the audience, and the backstage staff and assistants who had made guest appearances in previous performances also came on stage.

Now it's time to cheer. The enthusiastic fans are chanting and screaming, all trying to get an autograph.

There were so many people that the staff had to start maintaining order to prevent stampedes and accidental falls into the water. Nishimiya Yuehu also stood up and wanted to leave area A2.

No success.

He was swept away by the crowd.

"Interview! How does it feel to have just been selected as the lucky audience member to appear on stage?" "You are so lucky! To be selected, can I shake your hand?" "Honey, those cat ears on your head Do you want to sell it? I have plenty of money."

Many people, countless people. They surrounded Edogawa Ranpo. It was just an interview at first, but soon, the black cat's head was rubbed by a hand that came out from nowhere.

Another handful.

It was hell.

When Edogawa scrambled out of hell, there was only one black cat-ear hairpin left on his head, and God knows who took the other one away. His hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled. Most of the normal spectators around him had already left, including a few people at the table just now.

Only the president was waiting for him.

"President..." Ranbu felt a little aggrieved unconsciously, and ran over with his lips curled up. There was no one around the powerful and ferocious Silver Wolf, and it was very quiet.

He raised his head and wanted to say something to the president.


The president stretched out his hand with a cold face -

he rubbed the head of the black cat with only one ear left.

Pet the cat first!


Nishimiya Yuenan likes the bustling world, but he doesn't like such a crowded situation at all. He is small, and when someone squeezes him, he is pushed away without the ability to resist, and everyone he knows disappears.

Nishimiya Tsurukage was also surrounded by fans, which was extremely troublesome.

He finally broke away from the crowd and hid on a quiet road with an artificial lake next to it. There were very few colored lights and the light was extremely dim.

Nishimiya Yuezhen simply stood by the lake, sorted out his clothes, and carefully folded the cuffs.

"Gulu gulu gulu..."


This scene seemed familiar. Nishimiya Yuzhen stood on the stone by the lake and looked down at the pale face of Osamu Dazai.

"What on earth are you doing, Dazai-kun?" He was confused, "Playing the role of a water ghost?"

"I'm entering the water, gulu gulu..."

"But the water in the artificial lake is only 70cm!"

"Guru gulu gulu..." Dazai Osamu I rolled over and sat up from the water. As expected, the water was unusually shallow and I could sit without being submerged. Two water plants were stuck on the top of his head and entangled with the bandage.

——The pretty water ghost acts cute online.

"There were too many people." He was wearing black clothes, which became darker after being soaked in water. His wet hair was tangled and stuck to his white forehead, clean but ghostly. "Then I fell into the water!" Nishimiya Yue said

. I don't believe it.

He stood on the stone: "Isn't it cold when you soak in the water? Let me pull you up."

But Osamu Dazai did not move.

He sat in the water. The water at night was dark, a color that could engulf people, and his clothes were darker than the water. From this angle, the kite-like brown hair was stained with ink, and there was no trace of light, leaving only the pale complexion.

A drop of water just dripped from the hair, slid across the eyelids, followed the curvature of the face, and gathered at the tip of the chin.


so quiet.

"Tonight is so good." His tone didn't sound like he was feeling good at all, it was plain and weird. "Fairy tale, a dream for adults." "The night is meant for


"Fairy tale Does having a sweet dream mean anything? When you wake up, it’s still the same. Has there been any change? The world is still decaying and destroying, as do I, and so do you. Nishimiya Yuehu, I really want to ask him, is there really any change? Is it necessary to indulge in these false dreams?"

"You can ask him yourself." Nishimiya Yuzhi squatted down and tried to keep a level line with Dazai Osamu, "It's just a relaxation, it doesn't need to be meaningful. You see, everyone is It's a good time, at least for the moment."

"Get up, it won't be good if you catch a cold."

He stretched out a hand.

"How can there be so many meanings? Now is the meaning of now. Living is the meaning of living. Dazai-kun is here, which is the meaning of Dazai-kun. Just like tonight's lemon tea with ice cubes, the melted ice cubes melt the ice cubes. Meaning. At least I like the smell."

He took out his other hand, which was slippery and cold.

They fell together on the soft grass.


Osamu Dazai shook his hair, and the small dark green lights on the willow tree next to him flickered, and the water droplets on his body also flickered.

Cool, but energizing.

He pressed Nishimiya Tsukuru: "I have one more question."


The sound of the audience opening gift bags came from a distance: "There are so many little things with moon elements." "Don't you know, Nishimiya Tsurukage?" I have a younger brother with '月' in his name, and he dotes on his younger brother!" "Really? I'm so envious!" "

The detective said that the relationship between you and your brother is not real. I want to know..." Dazai Osamu's eyes Burning.

It is the light of curiosity, the fire of gossip.

"What's the relationship?"

Xiao Deng Shuoshuo asked.

The two water plants stuck on Dazai Osamu's head.

Glowing green!

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