Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

54.5K 2K 9.9K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



938 36 139
By sun_ve

"No, it's your turn to sleep we talked about this." You said.

"I know but I want to be the first to respond if there's something out there!" Hunter says.

"If there's something out there then I will wake you up? Okay?" You say.

"No- I want to be there with you so I can help-"

"Don't underestimate me! I'm just as strong as you!" You say.

"I'm not! I just want to be able to help!" He says.

"You can help.... By sleeping." You smile a little annoyed.

"No, I was so positive it would show up last night but it didn't so just let me patrol tonight!" He says.

"Go. To. Bed." You say grabbing his arm and dragging him to the room.

"I swear to Titan I will lock you in there if I have to." You say.

"Then I'll break the door down." He shrugs.

"Hunter! I swear to Titan! Will you just let me patrol tonight like you promised???" You groan.

"Just this once!" He says.

"No! I will use sleeping nettles on you if I have to! You're exhausted you stayed up all of last night, and all of today you don't think I've noticed?" You say.

"I'm fine-"

"No- you've been wobbling a little all day and constantly rubbing your eyes, it's time for you to sleep." You shove him in the room.

"Y/n." He says.

"No." You say.

"Y/n." He says again.

"No Hunter! Can you just please listen to me??" You ask.

He glares at you.

"Please??" You say.

"...damn it! Fine! But just get me as soon as you notice anything! And I swear to Titan if you don't-"

"What you'll kill me? I doubt that- you'll what?" You smirk.

"....shut up."  He grumbles and goes back to the room.

"That's what I thought." You fold your arms.

"Night." He mumbles.

"Goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite." You grin and close the bedroom door.

You sigh and make your way to the front of the boat.

2 hours pass and it's been empty and quiet in the boiling sea. You wonder if Hunters asleep or not. Hopefully he is.

You've sort of been humming to yourself and pacing around the boat doing nothing. Well you have been reading more of Hunters book and scoffing at some parts. It's kinda funny knowing this is what Hunter reads.

"So much violence and blood." You say flipping the page.

Boo jumps out of your pocket and crawls up your shoulder. You smile and look over at her.

"What do you think Boo? Of Hunters favorite book?" You grin and show her the pages.

Boo hums.

"He's so strange... not in a bad way though." You smile.

"It's a nice way." You grin.

You make your way to sit on a bench and put the book down on your side. The sea is quiet and there was nothing for what seemed like miles. A large empty open sea.

It's calm. But so calm it's getting tiring.

"Boring isn't it?" You ask.

Boo makes a soft little coo noise.

"No, I'm not really that nervous. This thing may not even be out here. It's been 200 years right? Maybe it's dead." You say.

"And maybe the monster isn't even that dangerous. Maybe I could take it on myself and let him sleep." You smile.

Boo makes a soft little noise.

"I don't know how I'll pass time. Maybe I can draw light glyphs again." You say and sit on a bench, pulling out some paper.

You gently start drawing against the paper tapping the glyphs you draw. The little light glyphs float up into the sky once more.

You sigh and decide to lay your whole body down against the bench. Lightly tapping the light glyphs every now and then watching them drift into the sky.

"I can make stars myself tonight." You mumble watching your light glyphs float into the air.

Boo mumbles a little and curls against your stomach.

"...yeah. Itll be fine." You say softly.

You watch the stars in the sky and smile softly to yourself. Tomorrow morning you should arrive there huh? That's soon. And he said the flower changes places, so as soon as you get there we need to start looking.

"I hope this flower works." You say gently.

Boo hums.

"...I know... I have a slight feeling it might not work, but I shouldn't be thinking that. I need to stay confident." You sigh.

"I'll be fine. It'll all be fine." You smile.

"If... this doesn't work... then... we need to find a way to get titans blood." You say softly.

"But... that might not even work because... the isles are all dried out clean of Titan blood. I wouldn't know where to find a drop." You mumble.

Boo grumbles.

"I know I know, I'll stop thinking. It'll be fine." You sigh and rest your eyes.

"I'll be fine." You close your eyes.

A load thump suddenly wakes you up.

"Shit- I fell asleep didn't I?" You exclaim and immediately sit up.

You look around to see where that noise came from. You get up off the bench and start walking around the ship. Shit this isn't good.

You pull out your staff and pace around the ship trying to look for any signs of what that noise was.

"It came from over here." You mumble and walk over to the direction it came from.

You hold your staff out and hold it firmly so it won't accidentally slip out your hands. You glance around and notice a sudden box moving.

You furrow your eyebrows and walk over to the box.

"Come out!" You exclaim.

Suddenly that's when you see it. A large tentacle slithers around the box and pulls it into sea. Oh shit.

"Fuck- I hope that wasn't an important box..." you stutter and approach the tentacle.

The tentacle thumps back onto the ship and literally almost scoops you into the sea but your quick enough to jump over it.

"Shit-" you mumble and go through your bag.

You pull out a fire glyph and quickly slam it against the tentacle. It bursts into flames before you and a loud powerful screech is heard at the bottom of the ocean.

It was enough to make you loose your hearing you quickly cover your ears and plummet to the ground. That had to have woken Hunter up definitely.

Suddenly more tentacles burst out of the ocean and wrap themselves around the ship. You quickly go through your bag and grab more fire glyphs.

Looking out at the sea it was monstrous. The tentacles grew bigger and bigger and slitgetead all across the deck of the ship. You had to run to make sure they didn't hit you.

One of the tentacles grabs your leg.

"NO! Let me go!" You exclaim and slam a fire glyph on it.

Another screech is heard and this time Hunter comes out with his staff in his hand. He looks around wildly for you.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" He quickly runs over to you.

"It's- I don't know what it is but that thing you were talking about this has got to be it." You say frantically throwing the burnt off tentacle off your leg.

"What is it? Is it a serpent?" He asks.

As soon as he says that the surface of the water breaks and out of it comes a giant... octopus squid looking thing... you don't know where it's mouth is or it's eyes, in fact you can barely make it out. It bursts out of the water and into the air. The water flows up and over your ship and you and Hunter get splashed with the sea water and the whole deck of the ship gets wet. He quickly grabs you so you don't slip away.

It then splashes back into the sea causing mkre water to spray out of the ocean and hit your ship. Completely drowning you and Hunter the water collapses against the ship quite violently and you and Hunter almost get pushed away from one another. Thank god he was holding you close.

You both cough from the water all over you and you quickly get back up on your feet.

"Are you okay?!" Hunter says.

"Fine- fine- what do we do? What is that??" You say.

"It's a kraken. I didn't think they were actually real. Come on! This ship has a canon, can you help me bring it over?" Hunter says running over to the other side of the ship.

You run over with him and eventually see the canon. Hunter grabs it from one and and starts wheeling it over to the main part of the ship. You grab the other side and wheel it as well.

"Do you have a not get fire glyph on hand?" He asks and holds out his hand.

"Yes- here." You say and hand him a fire glyph.

"Perfect. Okay- you angle it I'll fire it." Hunter says.

"Okay- shit-" you shake trying to aim it at the kraken.

Hunter holds up a canon ball and drops it down into the canon. You focus on angling it, to... wherever it's weak point is.

"Where do I aim?!" You exclaim.

"Anywhere! Wherever you think it's mouth is!" He says.

You try aiming it at it's messed up face. It's tentacles are crawling all over the ship, but you try to ignore that and focus on killing it.

"Now!" You exclaim.

He then slaps the fire glyph on the lighter end of the canon and it shoots a firey canon ball straight at the Kraken.

It makes a loud screeching noise, you and Hunter quickly cover you ears and squeeze your eyes shut.

"Okay! Here's what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna go on flapjack and try blinding it! You keep aiming and firing!" Hunter says.

"No way! I'll blind it you fire! I don't know how to work the canon!" You exclaim.

"Shit- fine! Just be careful!" He exclaims.

You quickly get on boo and fly towards the kraken, it's huge. You circle around it trying to find where the hell it's eyes are while Hunter prepares another canon ball.

You slap fire glyphs all over it to try and hurt it and potentially blind it. It screeches but it doesn't seem to be doing any critical damage. It's probably just feels like a pinch to them.

Hunter fires some canon balls at it and it doesn't seem to be doing some damage on it either. It's starting to rain as well. This isn't good.

"CAREFUL!" Hunter suddenly yells.

You look behind you and see a tentacle coming your way but you blast it with your staff. Hunter let's put a relieved sigh.

"WHATS A KRAKENS WEAKNESS?!" You shout continuing to slap fire glyphs all over it.


Lightning??? Shit that's it!!


"YOU'RE JOKING!" He exclaims.


"Y/N BEHIND YOU!" He yells.

You quickly turn around but you're too slow to react and you're suddenly grabbed by one of the krakens tentacles.

"Shit." Hunter mumbles and quickly runs to get glyph paper.

The kraken starts gripping you tightly like you're a stress ball you try to breathe. Shit it's up to Hunter now. You try squirming to get o it but it's grip only tightens and it's flailing you from side to side you start getting dizzy.

"WHAT DO I WRITE?!" He yells

"J-just write them side by side and slap it against a canon ball and fire it!" You try to say loud enough.

"And please hurry!" You exclaim, still trying to breathe.

"Shit- okay." He mumbles and quickly tries drawing the 2 glyphs on one paper.

He draws them side by side like you told him to and he stares at the glyph combo nervously. He's praying that it looks right and he's done it right. He quickly runs over to the canon and tries to keep the paper dry from all the water pouring down.

He hesitantly grabs a canon ball and looks at the glyph paper. You struggle to breath and you slowly start feeling yourself being squeezed terribly tightly.

"Hunter-!" You exclaim.

He quickly slaps the glyph combo on the canon ball and throws it into the canon. He aims it towards the krakens face and then grabs another fire glyph to light the canon.

"And... now!" He exclaims and fires the canon.

As the canon shoots it looks as if an electric bolt fired from the canon. And immediately the lightning bolt pierces through the krakens face. It's grip on you slightly loosens and your able to breathe again.

"Yes! You did it!" You exclaim.

The kraken stays there in shock and slowly plummets back down into the ocean. It slaps against the water hard making more water burst into the air and slosh the ship with more water. Hunter falls backward and lands on his behind. As soon as it falls you hop onto your palisman and fly back on deck.

Hunter quickly stands back up and when you hop down on deck his first instinct is to grab you and pull you to him. As soon as he has you in his arms he runs his hands through your hair and drags your head close to him and he kisses you.

You gasp a little but kiss him back. It's cold, you both are cold because you both are soaking wet from all that water getting on you. Everything's cold except your lips on one another's, seeming like the only source of warmth at the moment. He replants his lips on yours again and again, as well as you doing the same. Each kiss is warmer than the other.

His hands squeeze you close to him tightly. He doesn't wanna let you escape his arms. He was worried sick watching you fight that thing.

Hunters grip on you is so tight you start wondering if the kraken is still strangling you.

"N-not so tight-" You cough and break the kiss.

"I-I'm sorry- You're alright? Are you hurt? He didn't break anything did he?" Hunter asks, holding your head to look up at him.

"I'm fine- just... sore." You say softly.

Hunter holds your head close and stares into your eyes.

"...As long as you aren't hurt." He drags your face back up to his and kisses you again.

You close your eyes and he drags his hands down to your waist and pulls your body onto his. You feel a shiver down your spine but you allow him to hold you like this. Your rest your hands against his chest and gently grip his shirt.

He's fast paced and eager with the kiss. Geez he really needs to kiss you right now. Like badly, but you don't care because you need to kiss him just as badly. You reach your hands up to his head and hold it dearly.

He bends his head closer to yours and he breathes quickly every time his lips leave and then quickly come back. You grip his body tightly and you both start to waddle and loose your balance because of how eager you both are kissing.

"Shit-" you breathe in between a kiss.

You stumble backwards and eventually fall against the doors to the bedroom. Hunter doesn't dare let go of you for a second still eagerly kissing you, he doesn't care if you were to both fall on the floor right now he would still kiss you over and over again.

He grips your back and pulls yourself closer to him and savors the feeling of your lips against his. It's the best feeling in the world.

Your backs against the door and his body's against yours. You breathe shakily and reach your hand out to grab the door handle, but Hunter grabs your wrist and presses it against the wall of the door before you do.

"What are you doing?" He pants.

One his his hands is holding your waist and the other gripping your wrist.

"Nothing- just..." you says out of breath and shake your hand off his grasp and open the door.

The door to the room opens and you both look at each other. Hunter catches his breath and stares at you confused.

"Come here." You say and grab his shirt collar pulling him in the room.

Hunters eyes widen as you yank him in the room. Once you're in you pull him back against your body and collide your lips together again.

And you immediately slam the door shut.

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