
By carolinavanity

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{Book 3} With the help of my new family and friends I knew things would be easy planning mine and Nicks weddi... More

Before you read...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 25

101 3 0
By carolinavanity

Laura’s POV

My hands were on Ethan’s chest as he starred at Estefania and a million things were running through my mind; except what she said next.


 I moved my hands from his chest and in the blink of an eye I saw Taylor on top of Ethan punching his face over and over again, I wanted to do something but I couldn’t move.

“Taylor!” Nani screamed

Michael held her back as Cameron and Zach tried to push Taylor off Ethan. Somehow they were successful and all I could see was my brother’s face filled with blood. Valerie was hugging Nani closely keeping her from seeing the bloody scene, but when I looked at Taylor he looked like he hadn’t even been touched. Taylor tried to move back to Ethan as he tried to stand up but Nani’s crying brought him back and he went over to comfort her; all he cared about was her.

“Oh no Ethan” I reacted as he tried to walk to the coupled “outside!”

Cameron notices me freaking out and tries to get Ethan to go out.

“Don’t touch me kid” Ethan spat

“Get out of our house NOW!” I yelled

For some reason he doesn’t fight with me and all eyes are on us as we step outside. Cameron follows behind us with a towel in hand and throws it to my brother who starts to clean his face.

 Where do I start? I can’t even look at him..

“Will you leave us alone Cameron?” I sigh

“I can’t do that” he says standing beside me

 “He’s my brother Cam, he won’t hurt me”

We stood in front of our house minutes from it being midnight and I can’t believe this was happening, Cameron doesn’t say a thing and starts to walk away but to stand next to his car; he wasn’t ready to leave us completely alone.

“You planned on no one ever finding out about this didn’t you...” I began

“And nobody would have found out if that bitch had kept her mouth shut like she had these past few years”

I didn’t even hesitate to slap him across the face.

“You never love her” I said with disgust

“I loved her, why else would I waste all of my high school years on her?” he laughed rubbing his cheek “but she didn’t want to give me the one thing I wanted.”

“So you thought you could force her to have sex with you?”

“Look what happened, happened-”

“No. You tried taking advantage of one of my friends and who knows how many other girls. You did ruin her life, because until Taylor came around she never grew close to another guy after you left. I can’t believe I never noticed before!”

“Well of course she got close with that guy, he can buy her everything. Easy love.”

“You don’t know anything do you? You can’t buy love.”

“I’m done with this little conversation Laura”

Too soon he turns his back to me and starts walking down the street.

“Ethan! Where are you going?” I start yelling as I follow him “ETHAN”

He walks way too fast for me and I feel Cameron grab my arm making me stop.

“Let him go, he doesn’t have anywhere to go. He’ll come back” he assured me

I watch my brother walk down the lit up street and knew Cameron was right he had to come back.

“Hey” he smiles wrapping me in a hug

I laid my face on his chest not wanting him to let go of me. All I needed right now was his arms around me as he strokes my back.

“This night couldn’t have gone worse” I grumble

“Taylor could have killed Ethan and we would all be in the ER right now…”

“Don’t even joke about that!” I laugh a little looking back up at him

Cameron pulls my chin up so my lips can find his and he smiles a bit before kissing me.

“Merry Christmas”

“Oh yes” I blush “And I have a gift for you”

“Me first!” Cameron begs


We make it back to the house and the scene seems calmer but Estefania’s eyes looked swollen from all the tears. First thing I go do is hug her.

“I’m so sorry”

“Don’t be” she sniffles

“Whenever you’re ready to talk we’re here” I say looking at Val

“Yeah I know.” She tries to smile “not now though, I’m gonna go back to Taylor’s tonight”

“You sure”

“I have not say, he wants me to go”

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I ask

She only nods and Taylor comes back to her side excusing them both from the party. The mood was definitely ruined and Michael decided to leave as well but not before I handed him a gift from all us girls; a MasterCard giftcard. Zach stayed with Valerie because they still had to finish exchanging gift, I was sure Zach was going to love his gift from Val; a new microphone to record from home. As they walked over to our room I decided that I would let Cameron show me his gift here in the living room.

“Close your eyes” he says


All I hear is footsteps shuffling around the room and then he’s back at my side. My heart was racing, I was dying to know what he got me.


Cameron’s POV

She looked so cute smiling to herself as I returned with the gift.

“Alright, here you go.” I smiled handing her an envelope

I’m sure she was expecting something bigger but nonetheless she grabs the envelope and hesitates to open it.

“Go on” I encourage

Carefully ripping the side she slips out the gift. It takes her a second to realize what the gift is but when she does, her eyes went wide.

“You didn’t…” she gasped double checking the papers

“I did”

“A trip to Barcelona!” she screamed

“You can use those tickets whenever”

“Cameron you’re amazing thank you” she beamed “I love you so much, this is ajdskaj”

She kissed me right then and we both smiled in between each kiss.

“You’re very welcome love”

“Now it’s time for your gift!” she claps setting the tickets on the coffee table “come on”

I grab her hand and expect her to take me over to her room but instead I’m surprised by her taking me to the garage.

“I don’t know how I’m going to outdo this gift” she says turning on the lights “I just hope you love it”

“I’ll love anything you give me babe”

“I hope so” she lets go of my hand “now go look under that sheet”

I look to where she point and it’s a green slip at the end of the empty garage. Hesitant I put my hand on it and step back as I pull it off; no way.

“Do you like it?” she asks

“I-I-I love it!” I say running over to her.

Picking her up from the ground I spin her a bit. I can’t believe she got me an all-black Yamaha R6 motorcycle!

“Ahh, hope you won’t love that thing more than me” she laughs

“Of course not and I’ll prove it to you right now”

I begin to walk while I still carry her and quickly pin her against the wall.

“Cameron! What if Ethan gets back?” she panics

“Then we gotta do this quick” I wink as I pull down her tops sleeve to kiss her shoulders.


I feel someone shaking my arms way too early.

“Five more minutes” I whine covering my face

“Cameron get up!”


“Don’t do this now, I need you. Ethan never came back last night.”

I knew that had to be Laura’s worried voice so I knew I had to wake up.

“He didn’t?” I yawn

“No, he’s not here and it’s not like he’s in my room; Val and Zach slept there.”

No wonder I was on the couch…

“Help me look for him?” she begs

“Okay” I wander off the couch and fetch my shirt “Have you looked around the neighborhood?”


“Alright, let’s start there then we can look at the mall areas”

I grab my car keys and head to the front door with Laura behind me. Not even a few steps out and I find Ethan sleeping on the front porch with a bottle of what looks like wine in his hands.


“Ugh Ethan” she shakes her head.

“Let me get him” I say

We both drag him inside and I place him on the couch watching Laura squat next to him.

“I want him to tell me about that night, maybe there’s something wrong with him. The Ethan I knew would have never tried raping someone.”

I don’t say a thing and sit back to watch Laura try and heel her brothers wounds with a first aid kit she owned; even after all he did she still wanted to help him. I was dating one of the most beautiful/caring people in the world.  


i feel like this story is going to end up being longer than any of my previous stories so i hope you're enjoying it and all the drama 

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