A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian...

By ThatEpicGirl_

4.3K 149 76

Story takes places about 6-7 years after Hogwarts Legacy events and all characters are 25 or older. *** In a... More

Chapter 1- Prologue
Chapter 2- The Successor
Chapter 3- Past The Horizon *
Chapter 4- Reunions
Chapter 5- Rekindled Spirits
Chapter 6- Shadows Reunited
Chapter 7- Unexpected Encounters
Chapter 8 - A Mysterious Rendezvous *
Chapter 9- Homebound Turmoil
Chapter 10- Legend
Chapter 11- Another Day
Chapter 12- The Spell **
Chapter 13- Catch Me If You Can
Chapter 14- Exposed
Chapter 15- Distraction *
Chapter 16- My Sweet
Chapter 17- Machinations
Chapter 18- The Piano **
Chapter 19- Three Broomsticks
Chapter 20- Exposure
Chapter 21- Veritaserum
Chapter 22- Revelation
Chapter 23- The Ministry
Chapter 24 Discussions **
Chapter 25- Ocean's Calling
Chapter 26- Possession **
Chapter 27- Dark Tides
Chapter 28- There's No Place Like Home
Chapter 29- An Ocean's Welcome
Chapter 30- Tide's Turn
Chapter 31- Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 32- Haunted Practice
Chapter 33- Yule Ball
Chapter 34- Lingering Eyes
Chapter 35- Enchanted Heartache
Chapter 36- Making Waves
Chapter 37- Another Wave
Chapter 38- The Oracle
Chapter 39- Home Away From Home
Chapter 40- The Gift
Chapter 41- Restricted Section
Chapter 42- Desires **
Chapter 43- Masquerade
Chapter 44- The Mansion
Chapter 45- Charade
Chapter 46- Home Again
Chapter 47- Welcome To Leviathan Domain
Chapter 49- War
Chapter 50- Battle
Chapter 51- Divinity
Chapter 52- Waning Hope
Chapter 53- Vita Mortem
Chapter 54- Coronation
Chapter 55- Aftermath
Chapter 56- Dueling Practice
Chapter 57- Regeneration
Chapter 58- In Progress
Chapter 59- Slythering Tongue **
Chapter 60- Affliction
Chapter 61- Subconscious
Chapter 62- Notion
Chapter 63- Decisions
Chapter 64- Union **
Chapter 65- Heaven's Light
Chapter 66- Epilogue

Chapter 48- It Begins

21 1 0
By ThatEpicGirl_

Yvaine POV

My consciousness ebbed and flowed, trapped in a nightmarish cycle of pain. I couldn't discern one type of suffering from another; it was all-consuming and unlike any agony I had ever endured. Morgana's relentless incantations were a cruel backdrop to my torment, and in my moments of lucidity, I found myself silently praying for release, wishing for Posiedon to claim my soul.

The necklace, a vessel for dark magic, weighed heavily on me, restricting my movements and draining my own magical reserves to a mere trickle.

"Now, let's see if all our plans will come to fruition, shall we?" Morgana's voice rang out as she removed the oppressive necklace, and Silas stepped forward with the Orb. With its removal, I could feel my magic slowly beginning to return, a glimmer of hope amidst the pain.

"If you would, please," Morgana motioned for me to place my hand on the Orb. Reluctantly, I made a swift cut on my palm, allowing a drop of my blood to fall onto the relic. As the blood touched the surface, the Orb stirred to life, its ancient power awakening with a soft, otherworldly hum.

As the Orb hummed to life, the chamber reverberated with power, but chaos erupted in the background. Explosions echoed from outside, and the urgent arrival of Realm reinforcements was reported by Tobias. They were storming the domain, searching for the lair. In that very moment, a spell was cast, and a fierce battle ensued. Tobias was blasted across the chamber, a victim of the violent conflict.

Josephine, Gabriel, and Poppy charged into the fray, launching potent offensive spells, while Alaric swiftly cut through the water, his strong arms encircling me as he moved with lightning speed, carrying us away from the fighting.

"Alaric..." I could barely swim much less talk. But we needed to rescue Sebastian and Ominis.

"They reached the Seraphine Domain Princess, we couldn't wait any longer" he reported. The battle for Seraphine had commenced. In order to stop those beasts we need to stop Morgana. Otherwise the Realm would fall.


Queen Serena POV

Dark Horse by Katy Perry

Our forces were ready hundreds of miles before you reach the domain. We wanted to prolong their attack as long as possible and give people a chance to escape to other domains. The closer Morgana's forces got the more it started to feel we might be outnumbered.

"It might not be enough" I muttered to myself.

I kneeled down to feel the sand on the seafloor. I scooped up a bit as it still fell through my fingers and looked towards the mountains of coral and aquatic structors.

As I placed both hands on the seafloor a began to chant "Aqua Mare Somnium" repeatedly.

My voice resonated through the waters. As the incantation left my lips, the sea floor beneath me began to tremble. Ripples of magic surged outward from me, causing the coral and sea life to sway in response.

Deep beneath the ocean's surface, where the sea floor met the abyss, the Protectors stirred in their slumber. The pressure on the ocean floor intensified as cracks formed, and ancient, moss-covered stones started to break apart. With each passing moment, the ground quaked, and the Protector's awakening became more apparent.

A deafening roar echoed through the water as massive, stone-like creatures, adorned with coral and sea flora, burst forth from the fragmented sea floor. These magnificent beings, summoned by the spell, were the Protectors of the Realm. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly blue light, and their bodies pulsed with raw elemental power.

Reserved for dire time such as these.

With a subtle, unspoken command, they understood their duty. With immense strength and grace, they surged forward, ready to defend the realm from the encroaching darkness. With the appearance of stone-like creatures, their bodies were a fusion of the ocean's elements, a testament to the deep's enduring power.

The battle for the underwater kingdom had begun, and the Protectors, awakened by the spell, were prepared to unleash their fury to protect their beloved queen and the fragile beauty of their underwater world.

The opposing faction comprised a nightmarish assembly of creatures, both large and small, each possessing its own unique and horrifying attributes. Among the adversaries were not only denizens of the Leviathan's domain but also enigmatic sea creatures from distant domains. These included the fearsome razor-toothed anglerfish, venomous lionfish, and elusive ghostly eels.

Adding to the terror were other nightmarish inhabitants, including the colossal giant squid with its writhing tentacles, the bone-chilling vampire squid with its crimson eyes, and the grotesque goblin shark with its jagged teeth. But even more astounding, ancient, thought-to-be-extinct species like the prehistoric Liopleurodon and the legendary Megalodons lurked in the depths.

These larger creatures appeared to have undergone mystical alterations, their sizes magnified threefold. It seemed as though there were thousands of these creatures, creating an eerie and diverse assembly of marine life that added a profound layer of complexity to the conflict.

The Protectors took the lead in the charge against the enemy. Their initial strike aimed at one of the enormous Megalodons, their weapons descending with unstoppable force.

Their movements were deliberate, their stone-like limbs and coral-adorned bodies emanating an aura of ancient strength. As they surged forward, determination etched across their features, their formidable weapons manifested—swords formed from the very essence of the sea environment. These aquatic blades shimmered like liquid crystal and forged from enchanted coral.

With synchronized precision, they released their spells and incantations, unleashing an unstoppable torrent of magic upon the enemy. The very ocean seemed to respond, quivering in awe at the unleashed power. Their attacks were a symphony of the elements, an intricate dance of sea, stone, and sorcery.

Meanwhile, the united front of Protectors, wizards and Sirens, seamlessly integrated their skills. The wizards cast spells that cut through the water like radiant comets, forming dazzling barriers that shimmered and rippled with magical energy. Torrents of water, conjured from the very depths of the sea, surged forward in mighty waves, crashing against the encroaching terrors with irresistible force.

The underwater battlefield transformed into a mesmerizing spectacle, where magic and might intertwined. The wizards, Sirens, and the myriad sea creatures clashed in a symphony of power and grace. Spells and songs harmonized with the frenetic movements of tails, tentacles, and fins. Brilliant flashes of magic lit up the dark depths, casting eerie, phosphorescent glows on the combatants.

As I continued battling a myriad of adversaries, the ground beneath me began to quake once again, but this time, it wasn't an ordinary tremor; it was the incoming surge of energy that violently knocked me to the floor.

"We meet again, Princess Serena..." a dreaded voice boomed through the tumultuous waters.

As I looked up, my eyes widened in disbelief. Before me stood a foe we had long believed to be buried: Zyphyr, the cursed half-leviathan. He had been a pivotal figure in Gorak's attempted resurrection, and also led to the death of Yvaine's father.

A pivotal figure in my own life before his corruption.

But I must suppress those memories now.

"That's Queen Serena now," I declared with deep resonance, rising back up and bracing for what lay ahead.

"Not for long."

With those ominous words, we engaged in a fierce battle. Our strikes were aggressive, our evasions uncanny. Each time our blows met, the ocean rippled as if caught in the throes of a colossal tempest.

Our clash was a seismic struggle, the culmination of years of animosity, vendetta, and heartache. With each thundering blow, we sought to settle the score, to end this chapter of our tumultuous history once and for all.

Had I not been so weak then, we wouldn't be dealing with this entity now.


Yvaine POV

Alaric completed the process of healing me, dispelling the lingering effects of the dark object, and I found myself almost restored to my usual state. We had retreated to the exterior of the lair, taking shelter as we prepared for the impending resumption of battle.

In the distance, the waters were illuminated by spirals of destruction and the casting of powerful magic. This chaotic display served as the primary source of light within the Leviathan domain.

Amidst the luminous turmoil, the Aurors and Unspeakables continued their relentless assault against the Gaunt family and their allies. Their combined forces pressed onward, determined to bring an end to the threat that had plagued our worlds.

Josephine carved her way through the chaotic battlefield, her spear striking with precision as she impaled a helicoprion hurtling towards Garreth.

The impact sent the monstrous creature careening into a group of pure-blood supremacy sympathizers. Now standing back to back, Garreth and Josephine forged a formidable duo, their combat prowess complementing each other seamlessly. They skillfully leveraged their unique abilities to gain the upper hand, even as a relentless swarm of creatures circled them, launching relentless attacks.

"Always gotta have someone watch your back, Weasley" she said with a sly grin as they fought.

Garreth managed a smirk despite the intensity of the battle. "I'll make it up to you, Josie, if we manage to survive this ordeal."

With the focus being on them, Alaric and I stealthily moved about the lair trying to find Sebastian. We stayed in the shadows upon hearing Morgana and Ominis.

"Retrieve Sebastian and meet me at the cliff outside" She said hurriedly to Ominis before aparating. Not giving us a chance to go after her and the Orb.

I desperately wanted to run after him but Alaric shook his head in silent disapproval. "Not yet."


Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses to their peak as I navigated the treacherous underwater terrain. Fortunately, Yvaine's necklace, designed for echolocation, proved to be an invaluable asset for our mission.

Approaching the chamber where Sebastian was held, he was now fully awake and struggling against his magical restraints.

"Ominis, thank Merlin!" he exclaimed, a barrage of questions tumbling from his lips.

I cast the spell to release him before addressing his concerns. "With Alaric. How are you holding up? Can you stand? We're in the midst of a battle, Sebastian, and we must stop Morgana before she fully activates and absorbs the Orb's power. Morgana wants me to bring you to her."

"At least Yvaine's safe, but how do we go about stopping her?" Sebastian asked, still disoriented from his ordeal. I hesitated, not wanting to reveal the grim truth that it would likely involve a confrontation between Yvaine and Morgana.

We hurried through the corridors, dodging blasts and ongoing assaults. Our objective was to avoid confrontations with foes and evade falling debris, all while attempting to navigate through the near-complete darkness.

Finally, we reached Morgana's location outside. There, she stood, using her formidable powers to channel the energy of the Orb. The very air crackled with raw magic as she harnessed its ancient and potent forces, her intentions menacing and clear.

"It's finally time, the moment I've longed for... that I am owed!" she hissed, pure wickedness gleaming in her eyes as she clutched the Orb, its essence seeping into her very being.

Suddenly, I was sent sprawling, knocked onto my back by a forceful blast that had been aimed at her but had deflected with a resounding shockwave.

"Did you really think that would work now, Princess?" Morgana's voice dripped with mockery as the power of the Orb continued to affect her.

"I mean, you did perform the ceremony after all," Yvaine replied with a tinge of defiance.

Morgana carefully placed the Orb down on a pedestal, where it continued to crack with unstable energy. "Careful now," she warned, her tone taking on a sinister edge. With a flick of her hand, she summoned Sebastian and hurled him outwards into the abyss behind her, his body rendered immobile by her magic and completely at her mercy.

I could hear Yvaine's distressed whimper at the dire threat to Sebastian's life. Morgana pulled Yvaine closer to her and then, with a sudden and forceful motion, hurled Sebastian back towards the land where we stood.

As she continued to focus on Yvaine and the volatile Orb, I seized the opportunity to grab Sebastian by the arm, pulling us away from their strike zone.

Preparing to engage at any second, wands at the ready.

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