The Art of Seduction > DAEMON...

By bangtan_parkchim

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"A dragon might not be the only thing you ride tonight." | Where the Dance of Dragons is stopped before it tr... More



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By bangtan_parkchim


Daenaera laid on the silk sheets of the bed, nervous as her thin gown and robes were bundled up at her waist. The cool afternoon air breezed in from the window and filled her nostrils with a calming scent of the sea. Her heart beating hard, and fingers squeezing the bundle of fabric of her dress with discomfort.

It was an odd feeling to have someone poking and prodding at her stomach and her lower half—at least, someone who wasn't Daemon.

She tried to hide her uncomfortable expression, but it was easy for her lover to see it. Daemon stood by the window while the Maester Halsin continued checking over her, keeping a firm eye on the check-up and where the Maester's hands went.

There was concern in Daemon's eyes as he spoke carefully to the maester. "You are too rough. Be gentler with my lady." Daemon's voice was cold and stern. He did not like what he was seeing. "And be mindful your hands do not linger places it should not. Now, do it again but with more care, and more gently." Daemon's tone was like ice.

The Maester stiffened, glancing at the Prince. "Yes, Lord Hand." He continued for a few more moments, before nodding for Daenaera to lower her dress skirt. "You may sit up, Princess."

Daemon looked at the man, waiting for the answer.

Maester Halsin cleared his throat. "It is hard to tell, my Prince..." He admitted slowly.

It is hard to tell? Daemon turned away from the window, now looking at the Maester. "Hard to tell?" He asked in a cold voice. "Does this or not mean the child is still alive, within the womb of my Princess?" Daemon asked him, with an obvious concern in his voice. "I do not want to lose Daenaera over your incompetence. I want a straight answer, do you understand? Did the child survive the moon tea?" He said, as he started to sound a bit more agitated now.

He was about to lose it. Daenaera needed a definitive answer, and he was close to exploding.

"There is no definitive way to know if the Princess is with child at all," Maester Halsin explained, clearly frightened by the man. "She shows no physical signs besides the symptoms she tells me. And if she is, the fetus would be too small for me to feel for—"

Daemon did not let the Maester finish.

"No physical signs?" He asked. He could not believe what the man was saying. "I know she has my child. I am sure I have impregnated her." He looked back at the bed. Daenaera was now covering her face with a blanket.

"That would only be possible if you and the Princess have..." The Maester shut his mouth, and he looked all the more horrified. His eyes going between Daenaera and Daemon, and fear entering his gaze.

Daenaera shyly looked over at Daemon, who had come forth to stand by her. He lowered her dress skirt for her and took her hand, helping her to sit up.

It seemed Maester Halsin's suspicions were right and he looked all the more fearful. "...Please, my prince...This is treason," He whispered frightfully. "We must take Daenaera to the King—"

"Choose your next words carefully, Maester," Daemon warned darkly.

The Maester gulped fearfully. His eyes looking between the young Princess and the Lord Hand. "I cannot say for certain, my Prince," He admitted. "If it's alright with the Princess...I'd like to run further tests. Simple ones, nothing to worry about, I assure you."

Daemon slowly turned to look at Daenaera, as he kept his hand on her stomach. It was the moment of truth, at last. He let out a loud and long sigh, palming her stomach while pulling her closer to him.

Daenaera tried to avoid the Maester's gaze. She looked fearful herself, but for other reasons. And it seemed the only consolation she could get was Daemon's.

She felt some hope inside her heart, and some fear. That was normal.

"Do you have a first idea? An opinion? Even a thought? Anything you can tell us?" Daemon questioned.

"What sorts of tests?" Daenaera finally spoke up, as that was one fear of many for her. "Will it hurt?" She looked at Daemon.

He gently kissed Daenaera's forehead and caressed her hair. "You will be fine, my love." Daemon said in a comforting tone. "I'm sure it is a simple test... but if it makes you feel better..." Daemon's hands went to Daenaera's cheeks, so he could make her look at him. He wanted to see her eyes, when he said this next part. "I will be there, by your side, the whole time."

The relief flooded in her gaze, and she nodded softly.

He stared back down at her intensely. Still caressing her cheek. "Leave us," He ordered the Maester, not looking his way.

The Maester couldn't have left faster.

With him gone, Daemon turned to Daenaera with a heavy sigh and placed his palms on her shoulders. His eyes softening at her. "I am sorry for the pain, my love. But this is important. This is our lives, little dragon." Daemon said as he raised both hands to Daenaera's cheeks.

Daenaera seemed to be staring at his chest but not really there. Her eyes were a bit wide and she looked so filled with a dawning fear.

Everything, all at once, was know dawning on her.

The severity of their situation.

"What will my Father do?" Daenaera asked fearfully, raising her scared eyes to him. "My mother? Rhaenyra? None of this is okay—Rhaenyra will kill me if I am with your child."

"Shh, shh." He shook his head and brought her into his embrace, hugging her comfortingly while caressing her hair. "Do not think about your father, or Rhaenyra, or anyone else. Think about us. I am with you, and no one can touch you. You are safe, my love. Nothing and no one will be able to hurt you. Not while you are with me," He said in a comforting tone.

Daenaera eyes welled with tears. Her hands were gripping the back of his tunic, desperately. "And if I am not with you?" She asked in a whimper. "What if the King comes and demands to take me away from you?"

"I will fight," Daemon said. "If need be, I will fight for our love. Nothing and no one will be able to separate us."

Daemon's tone was firm.

Daenaera was his, and anyone who touched her had to be ready to face him.

Her lips quivered. "And your children? Your wife Rhaenyra? What happens to them?"

After a moment of silence, Daemon finally answered the best he could. "I am yours, Daenaera. All of you belongs to me." He paused for second, as he looked at Daenaera with a reassuring smile. "Let's do the tests. I have been anxious for far too long. I want to know the truth."

He then gently leaned towards Daenaera and kissed her for a couple of seconds. When they pulled away, his gaze turned dark and serious.

"I am yours and you are mine, little dragon. And if I can't have you," He whispered while staring into her eyes. "No one can."

Many hours later, Daemon decided to give Daenaera a break from the whole pregnancy scare. She seemed more and more paranoid and fearful by the hour and he knew there was really only one way to calm her.

He wanted her to forget about everything else but him. Because none of it mattered—not when they were together.

Daemon decided to take Daenaera on a small walk. A walk that was meant to cheer her up after such an anxiety-inducing day.

He had been there for her every step of the way, but now he wanted to just spend a bit of regular, relaxing time with his beloved Daenaera. She deserved it, after all.

He gently took her hand and started leading her towards the beach, near the shoreline. The sea breeze was nice, it was something that was able to calm a fearful, nervous person like her. At least for a little bit.

With the sun setting in the distance, Daenaera walked barefoot with her dress skirt in her hands to lift as she neared the water.

She had that pretty smile on her face. Giggling every time the water rose up on the bank and kissed her feet.

Daemon smiled at the sight of Daenaera's happiness. Her laughter, her enjoyment of being on the beach and feeling the waves. The sunlight caressing her face, and the way she held her skirt as she walked.

It was something so innocent, and so tender...He knew that Daenaera wanted to stay in that moment. A moment filled with peace and with no worries or fears.

He wanted that as well.

She lowered down to touch the water with her fingers, smiling. "It's cold," She told him.

"Yes, you are right." He said with a charming smile on his face. "Would you like for me to warm your fingers?" He crouched behind her, to gently grab her hands and warm them.

Daenaera's skin was always cold, Daemon knew that fact very well. But Daenaera was like a ray of sunshine to Daemon, the sun was always there for him.

The Rogue Prince smiled happily at his love.

With him now beside her, she took the chance to splash him with the water playfully and laughing as she saw his expression.

He felt the water hitting him unexpectedly, and his expression changed from amusement to mild shock as he quickly looked at Daenaera.

"Hey, what was that for?" He asked her.

That feeling of innocence and joy together was something they both needed.

"I do have to punish you for that, don't I, my love?" He said in a playful tone, as he stood up slowly.

Daenaera laughed madly now, shaking her head as she backed away in anticipation. "No, wait, Daemon, it's cold!" She squealed, backing away from him. "It's cold!"

Daemon couldn't help but laugh at Daenaera's reaction. She was so cute and adorable, always acting as if she was a bit afraid of the consequences of her acts.

He couldn't help but step after her, trying to reach her.

"Come here, little dragon" Daemon said to Daenaera, as he tried to reach her and grab her with one of his hands. "Come here, so I can warm your lovely cold hands, and kiss you."

"I don't trust you," She claimed while laughing, still backing away.

Daemon continued to chase Daenaera, trying to grab her hand and bring her back to him. They were like a couple of children, running and laughing together.

"Come on, my love," he said, as he finally reached Daenaera and gently grabbed her by the waist. "I swear on my life that I won't hurt you," Daemon said reassuringly, as he tried to gently pull her towards him.

She was still giggling softly as she let him pull her close, staring up at him with those big doe eyes.

Daemon finally got his beloved Daenaera close to him, and then he turned her around so Daenaera could face him.

The Rogue Prince looked at Daenaera's eyes, and he saw everything he liked to see in them.

Her innocence, her sweetness, and her love.

"I swear, there's not a better thing in this world than you, my sweet," He whispered with a charming smile, as his hands squeezed her waist and gently pressed her against him. His forehead pressed against hers as he breathed her in. "You are everything."

She smiled sweetly, in awe of him.

She always was.

Their lips brushed together as her hands reached up to caress his jaw carefully.

"You fear nothing," She whispered. "Nothing, right?"

His eyes were locked with Daenaera's eyes as they were so close. "I fear losing you." Daemon's words were full of truth. He was just being honest. "But otherwise, yes, I fear nothing."

"Why do you ask me that, my love?" The Rogue Prince asked in a soft voice.

Daenaera's eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. Her emotions overwhelming her. "I love you," She started. "You know that, don't you?"

Daemon felt a tingle in his chest when he heard Daenaera say those words again.

It felt as good the first time as it did the tenth time, or even the tenth thousandth time.

"And you know I love you, don't you?" Daemon said in a soft voice.

Their eyes were still locked at that point, and Daemon's head slightly leaned forward. She nuzzled her nose with his in turn.

"Thank you," She whispered in High Valyrian. "For taking me away from that wedding. For protecting me and loving me all this time. For just...being you."

Her hands caressed his cheeks.

"Letting me love you, Daemon, is the most wonderful thing you could have ever done for me."

Daemon closed his eyes for several moments, taking in Daenaera's words.

She was speaking to him in High Valyrian—meaning these words were to be heard for his ears, and his alone. These were her deepest feelings, her heart on her sleeve.

Oh, not even the gods could save him now.

"Your love is my honor, my dearest Dany," He whispered back so gently.

Daenaera's love was the most wonderful thing that had happened to Daemon so far in that chaotic life of his. He had been hurt for so many years... Daenaera was his healer, just by being there.

And he kissed her with everything he had.

In the blink of an eye, they were back in the main chambers of the Keep.

Their eyes filled with desire and passion.

Bodies aching and hearts pounding.

Daemon's body felt as if it was on fire at that moment, he felt a burning desire for Daenaera.

He could feel how close they were as he put both his hands on Daenaera's waist, and he slowly pushed Daenaera against the wall. He opened his mouth to speak.

But her thumb pressed over his lips to silence him.

"Shhh...No more talking," She whispered, leaning up and capturing his lips in a deep kiss.

Daemon felt as if time had stopped for him in that moment. Nothing but him and Daenaera mattered, nothing more. Their kisses, their caresses, their touch...

Daenaera had the ability of making Daemon feel whole again. She didn't need words to speak to Daemon, Daenaera's touch was all Daemon needed.

He pulled Daenaera closer to him, making her feel the heat on Daemon's body. There was a burning desire, a fire inside Daemon that only Daenaera was able to extinguish.

Their tongues clashed as they began to undress each other, and only when they were finally bare did he lift her onto his waist and carried her over to the bed.

Their bodies together were something so natural. Their breaths were fast and their hearts were beating like crazy...

Daenaera's words had not been a lie... Daemon had never felt true desire until her, and the way he felt for her was like wildfire.

He gently placed her in the bed. He knew he needed to be careful, not to hurt or scar her body in any way. He needed to be patient, slow, and thoughtful.

Daenaera was a Goddess to Daemon. Her body deserved to be worshipped.

Daenaera's back arched and her hands stroked through his hair as he kissed down her neck and chest. He took one of her nipples in his mouth while fondling the other, pinching it until she let out a small whimper.

His large calloused hands ran up her thighs, spreading them open so he could properly settle in his favorite spot, and his fingers dug into her soft flesh with need.

She was already panting and shivering.

Daemon smiled against her breast when he felt her nudge him further down. And he stole a glance at her through heated eyes as he nuzzled her stomach for blissful moment—if Daenaera wasn't pregnant already, he was going to make damn sure to get the job done tonight.

Finally, his head lowered to the spot between her legs where his mouth dove for the warm, wet spot—and he savored the way she moaned and her thighs squeezed his head.

He could die a happy man if he suffocated like this.

"Daemon," She called out his name in bliss.

He continued his work, sucking hard on that sweet spot until she finally came with a cry of his name.

By then, she was already sensitive and shaking, yet she still pulled his body over her own until his weight was heavy on her.

Daemon smiled at her before kissing her lips tenderly. He ran his length along her warmth and felt her tremble, while he groaned in anticipation.

It was Daenaera who reached down and adjusted his length, and he slid into her with the love and obsession of a man lost in the heavens.

He let out a moan, hugging her body to his and burying his face in her neck as he began thrusting into her.

Slow and deep, filling her to the brink until she let out those sweet noises she made before pulling out, and repeating.

"Dany," Daemon grunted, lost in her completely. "Oh, my love, you are divine."

Daenaera's legs shuddered, as she hugged his back and moaned into his ear. Her satisfaction known.

The bed rocked and thudded into the wall.

And as they were so lost in their bliss, and beauty of their love-making—suddenly, the harrowing screech could be heard in the distance.

...The screech of dragons approaching.


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