His Angel

Bee_Vomit_Queen tarafından

63.2K 1.6K 531


Before we start
Chapter 1 - The Bells of Notre Dame
Chapter 2 - Longing To Leave
Chapter 3 - One Day Out There
Chapter 4 - A New Arrival
Chapter 5 - Festival of Fools
Chapter 6 - It All Comes Crashing Down
Chapter 7 - Within Stone Walls
Chapter 8 - God Help The Outcasts
Chapter 9 - Not A Monster
Chapter 10 - Heaven's Light
Chapter 11 - Hellfire
Chapter 12 - The Search
Chapter 13 - A Girl Like You
Chapter 14 - Hide The Evidence
Chapter 15 - The Court of Miracles
Chapter 16 - An Attack On Notre Dame

Chapter 17 - Smite The Wicked

3.5K 106 35
Bee_Vomit_Queen tarafından

Quasimodo triumphantly burst through the door, his fist raised victoriously as he yelled out, "We've done it, (Y/N)! We've beaten them back! Come and see!"

However, when not a sound was heard, he looked over to his sister, only to be met with the tear-stained cheeks of Esmeraldo. He looked over at the hunchback his eyes full of sorrow as he clutched the unconscious girl tightly to his chest.

"(Y/N)? Wake up! You're safe now." Quasimodo tried to coax her, walking over to Esmeraldo, and nudging her cheek with the back of his hand. "(Y/N)?"

He looked over to Esmeraldo, who shook his head as more tears escaped.

"Oh, no."

He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want it to be true. He frantically picked up a spoon, filled it with water and let it pour over her mouth, with Esmeraldo holding her head back in his own desperation to see her move. But she did not even drink and the water simply glided down her chin.

"Oh, no." He shakily said as he clutched her hand, weeping in dismay.

Esmeraldo watched on as tears continued to trail down his face. He looked down at the beautiful girl that had captured his heart and it bled at the sight of her.

"I-I never got to tell her that I l-l-loved her. I never got to say it back." He confessed as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

They both mourned, a brother for his sister, and a man for his true love. Both so caught up in their grief that neither of them noticed as Frollo slithered into the room. It was only when his hand was placed upon Quasimodo's hunch and his shadow loomed over them, was when they were aware of his horrid presence.

"You killed her." Was all Quasimodo could muster out, his tone weak but filled with anger.

"It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you can forgive me."

His words only fuelled the anger burning within Esmeraldo. He glared up at the shadow that loomed over them, clutching (Y/N) as close to him as possible, as Frollo's uncaring eyes didn't have the right to gaze upon her.

"There, there, Quasimodo, I know it hurts." Frollo softly stated, slowly pulling a dagger out from behind. "But now, the time has come to end your suffering, forever."

Esmeraldo was the first to notice the distinct shape of the dagger and he raised his head in alarm and whipped around, shouting out, "Quasi!"

He looked up and noticed the dagger was about to plunge down and he acted fast. Quasimodo turned and grabbed onto both of Frollo's wrists, wrestling with him for a bit before throwing the old man across the room. He now had the dagger and stood over Frollo, who cowered away from the angered man.

He held up his hand, trying to reason with Quasimodo as he spluttered out, "Now-now, l-listen to me, Quasimodo- "

"No, you listen! All my life you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now, I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!"

A cough suddenly sounded and all the men gazed over to see (Y/N) as she shakily rose from her position in Esmeraldo's arms. She looked around with some confusion before her eyes landed on her brother.

"Quasimodo?" She asked, making him drop the dagger in surprise.

She then turned to her side, seeing Esmeraldo stare at her in shock, tears erupting from his eyes.

"(Y/N)!" They both cried out, with Esmeraldo pulling her into his chest while Quasimodo raced over to her side.

They were both so happy to see her alive...but not all shared in this sentiment.

"She lives!" Frollo sneered, unsheathing his sword.

"No!" Quasimodo yelled.

Esmeraldo immediately snatched up (Y/N), running out like a mad man. Quasimodo was quick to follow as they exited the room and swiftly turned a corner. Frollo rushed after them, sword grasped tightly in his grip. But as soon as he turned the corner, he was surprised to find that the trio had disappeared.

He looked around wildly, sword held out and ready to strike. He jumped around another corner, hoping to catch them, but they weren't there either. A sudden thought crossed his mind and he slowly inched his way over to the edge and, as he looked down, he immediately saw them. Quasimodo held on to a gargoyle sticking out of the wall, with Esmeraldo clinging to his back and (Y/N) clinging to him.

"Leaving so soon?" Frollo remarked as he swung his sword down at them.

Quasimodo dodged his attack, swinging out of the way. "Hang on!"

He then continually swung over from gargoyle to gargoyle with Frollo trying to cut him down with every swing. However, his sword became lodged in one of the gargoyles, giving Quasimodo the opportunity to climb back up.

(Y/N) was the first to climb over the railing and it was then that Frollo had regained his sword. He took a swipe at her but Esmeraldo was quicker, leaping over and pulling her away just in time. They landed on the ground as Quasimodo climbed up, ready to strike if Frollo decided to attack the people he cared about.

"I should have known you'd risk your life to save that gypsy and your sister. Just as your own mother died trying to save you." Frollo revealed, in a wicked tone.


"Now I'm going to do what I should have done twenty years ago!"

Frollo threw his cape over Quasimodo's face, making him lose his footing and fall. Quasimodo had managed to grab hold of the ledge but also grabbed onto Frollo's cape, sending the wicked man falling over as well.

Quasimodo still held onto the cape, with Frollo clinging to the other end. In a panic, (Y/N) rushed over to her brother, grabbing his hand and hoping she could help pull him up. Quasimodo looked up at her, as she pleaded with him to hold on. Frollo used the distraction to swing over to a gargoyle and pull himself up to stand on it.

"Hold on... Hold on." She begged as her brother slowly started to pass out from the scorching heat below.

Esmeraldo rushed over, trying to help her pull her brother up. But they both slowly turned to watch as Frollo stood to full height, sword ready to strike them down and they gazed up at him in fear and alarm.

"And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!"

Esmeraldo covered (Y/N) with his body, both fearing the worst. But, as if by divine intervention, the gargoyle that Frollo was standing on began to crumble beneath his feet. Frollo lost his footing, falling over and grabbing onto the gargoyle for dear life. But his luck had run out. The gargoyle's eyes seemed to glow like the embers of Hell, scaring the wicked old man as the stone beast finally dislodged from the cathedral and sent Frollo plunging into the fiery, lava-like substance below.

"Quasimodo! Quasi!" Esmeraldo urged when he noticed that his hand was starting slip from both his and (Y/N)'s grasp.

But it was no use as Quasimodo slipped and fell.

"NO!" (Y/N) cried out, attempting to reach out for him but was held back so that she didn't fall as well.

Quasimodo fell right along the building and was thankfully close enough for Phoebus to catch him several floors below. Both (Y/N) and Esmeraldo watched, with relief filling their souls, as Phoebus pulled him in.


Phoebus held Quasimodo close as he started to regain consciousness. He looked up to see Phoebus smiling down at him and he grinned before hugging the blond man close. Phoebus chuckled, returning the hug but they pulled apart as they heard rapid footsteps headed their way.

"Quasi!" His sister cried, leaping into his arms, and nearly tackling him to the ground.

He hugged her back tightly before they both stood back up. It was then that Esmeraldo also embraced him and Quasimodo chuckled, bringing everyone in for the hug.

But, when they separated, Quasimodo looked over at his sister, taking her hand gently in his. She gave him a confused look but he didn't pay her mind as he also took Esmeraldo's hand and connected it with (Y/N)'s. The couple stared at one another as Quasimodo gave them some space, both grinning joyfully.

And, in that moment, Esmeraldo took his chance to confess. "I love you, (Y/N)."

She giggled with excitement as the couple embraced each other in a passionate kiss. Quasimodo watched on with a smile, at ease with knowing his sister was happy. Phoebus watched on too...though he was somewhat displeased by the scene, he shook it off and smiled as well.


As the night faded away, with the hot liquid cooling down and with the sun now risen, it was time to come outside. Phoebus was the first to exit the church, followed by Esmeraldo and (Y/N) who were hand-in-hand. The crowd cheered at seeing them alive and the atmosphere lifted to one of happiness and relief.

But, as the cheering died down, (Y/N) turned to face the door, holding out her free hand to her brother, who was hidden inside. He looked over at her, uncertain if this was a good idea, but she simply gave him an encouraging smile and he slowly reached out to her.

He stepped outside, shielding his eyes from the bright sun for a moment, before facing the large crowd. They all stood, silently watching him, unsure on what to do and say. That was until a young girl moved forward, taking brave steps up towards where Quasimodo stood. She made to touch his face but he flinched away. This did not deter her as she made to touch his face once more, this time being gentler.

As her fingers delicately cupped his cheek, he melted into her embrace, smiling at her acceptance. She smiled up at him, taking his hand in hers and leading him over to the crowd, who started to become more and more open to his presence.

"Three cheers for Quasimodo!" Clopin shouted out.

The crowd erupted into cheers, picking Quasimodo up off the floor and hoisting him into the air. He laughed and raised his fists triumphantly. Phoebus was right there by his side as the crowd started to carry him away in celebration.

Clopin grinned at the scene, picking up the young girl and using his puppet to make her giggle.

🎵Clopin: "So here is a riddle to guess if you can. Sing the bells of Notre Dame."

(Y/N) watched on as the crowd carried her brother away and she couldn't help as her heart swelled with pride and happiness. Her brother was finally free.

🎵Clopin: "What makes a monster and what makes a man?"

🎵Chorus: Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells."

From above, Victor cried at the scene before him, overflowing with joy. While Hugo popped a bottle of champagne and Laverne waved Quasimodo off while also sending a goodbye kiss to (Y/N).

🎵Clopin: "Whatever their pitch, you can feel them bewitch you. The rich and the ritual knells!"

🎵Chorus: "Bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells."

(Y/N) giggled as Djali jumped into her arms, grinning over at Esmeraldo who smiled right back at her. He suddenly captured her face in his hands and began to kiss her like there was no tomorrow and she eagerly accepted, finally being free herself and able to love the man who had claimed her heart, just like she had claimed his.

🎵Clopin and chorus: "Of the bells of Notre Dame!"

The end

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