How to Fight For Your Dragon

By OneArtsyGamer03

31.3K 1.3K 755

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "How to Fight for Your Dragon" :) ... Ah, Berk. The seaso... More

This is Berk
Flying Free
Dragon Trappers
Next Plan of Action
The Dragon Rider
A Mother's Love
The Dragon's Nest
Beautiful as the Day I Lost You
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Defending the Nest
Soul of a Dragon
Battle at Berk
Challenging the Alpha
This is Berk


1.1K 63 34
By OneArtsyGamer03


Third Person P.O.V

"No!" Valka gasps, reaching for her fallen friend.


"Oh my gods," (M/N)'s eyes widen as Malin cries out in pain and sadness.


Hiccup shakily exhales as he flips his mask up, (Y/N)'s heart sinking as she watches Drago's Alpha rise triumphantly.


"No!" Astrid leans forward, her eyes wide as Eret watches in disbelief.


Drago's Alpha pants heavily as he snorts, raising his head and letting out a thunderous roar.

The dragons' eyes all shrink as they listen to his command, quickly flying to his side and swarming their new leader. They land and bow down to him, under his command.


"We have won!" Drago smirks, "now, finish her!"



Valka gasps as Cloudjumper struggles to fight for control, roaring as he staggers and shakes his head.

The Bewilderbeast roars, making Cloudjumper dive down to try to avoid his order. The Alpha spews ice at him, freezing his tail and causing him to struggle.


"Hold on!" Stoick bellows, swiftly rushing to Skullcrusher. "Skullcrusher, go! Come on, Gobber!"

"Right behind you, Stoick!"


Malin swerves left and right, frantically shaking her head with whimpers as (M/N) struggles to hang on.

"Malin!" She yells in concern, gasping as Malin suddenly dives downward.


(D/N) roars, spotting the two as he quickly races to their aid as Toothless remains back, Hiccup watching in concern as (Y/N) watches her mother closely.


(M/N) grunts as Malin flies up, spiraling before she slips from her saddle. Malin shakes her head, looking down at (M/N) with a cry as she starts to dive down to catch her.

(D/N) flies quickly, his wings causing a loud sound to echo through the air as he swiftly catches (M/N) just as she was about to reach the ground.

Malin rumbles in relief, quickly flying to his side and remaining close as he carefully lowers (M/N) onto her, the two joining Toothless.


Dragons attack Cloudjumper, attempting to stop Valka as she cries out, nearly smacked off of him.

They fly near the Alpha, making him roar as Valka's fingers slip from Cloudjumper. She screams as she falls, Stoick yelling as he leaps from Skullcrusher and grabs her, his back slamming into the wall of ice.

He holds her safely in his arm as he uses his axe to slow their fall, landing on a ledge. They stagger forward before Stoick regains himself, quickly pulling Valka back and behind a small piece of ice as the Alpha searches for them.


"Stop!" Hiccup's voice bellows, he and (Y/N) swooping down to Drago. "Stop!"

Toothless lands, (D/N) next to him heavily breathing in a rage as he sharply glares at Drago.

Hiccup slides off Toothless, (Y/N) glaring at Drago as she climbs off (D/N). Toothless watches Drago closely in a defensive position, (D/N) lowly hissing as he remains close at (Y/N)'s side.

Hiccup removes his helmet, tossing it to the side as he looks to Drago, who snickers and shakes his head.

"You two are the great dragon masters?" Drago muses, raising a brow as Toothless lowly growls.

Hiccup calms Toothless, walking a few steps closer to Drago as (Y/N) stays at his side.

"You, the son of Stoick the Vast?" Drago continues with a sneer, jerking his staff to Hiccup as Toothless continues to growl. "What shame he must feel."

"You--" (Y/N) starts, cutting herself off with an angry huff as Hiccup gently grabs her hand, reassuring her as he faces Drago.

"All of this loss, and for what?" Hiccup demands as he narrows his eyes at Drago. "To become unstoppable? To rule the world?"

Drago simply nods in agreement, looking back at the dragons.

"Why?" (Y/N) questions, making him look back at her in amusement. "Dragons aren't our enemies. They are compassionate and have emotions like we do!"

"They--they are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together," Hiccup agrees, making Drago roll his eyes as he plants his staff in the ground.

"Or tear them apart," Drago roughly replies, moving his cape to the side and popping off his prosthetic arm.

Hiccup gasps softly, (Y/N) wincing before shaking her head with a small sigh.

"Seems like one already tried to tear into your little girlfriend," Drago sneers, making (Y/N) instinctively move her arm behind her back as Hiccup grunts and looks back at her.

"That wasn't the same," she harshly replies, making Drago scoff.

"Of course it is," he scoffs, attaching his arm back to its spot. "You see, I know what it is to live in fear." Drago growls out, approaching the two.

Hiccup backs away a step before holding his ground as Drago slowly moves to his side, (Y/N)'s hand resting on her blade's handle as she closely watches the man.

"To see my village burned, my family... Taken," Drago continues, shaking his head. "But even as a boy, left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons..."

He walks past Hiccup with a scoff, walking to his staff and grabbing it as he looks up at the Bewilderbeast.

"... And liberate the people of this world."

"Then why a dragon army?" Hiccup questions with raised brows, confusion lacing his words.

"Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons," Drago replies, as if it was obvious.

"Or you need dragons to make others fear you," (Y/N) speaks up, making Drago glance at her. "To conquer them."

"To control those who follow you," Hiccup glares at Drago. "And to get rid of those who won't," he finishes, recalling Stoick's story.

Drago lets out a dark chuckle, looking back at the dragons flying overhead.


"This hatred you have for dragons..." (Y/N) carefully chooses her words as she sppeaks. "I understand what it's like losing your family. But I didn't let hatred and vengeance cloud my conscience. Dragons don't want war. They don't want to fight."

"The world wants peace," Hiccup backs away a step, lightly pushing (Y/N) back further as Drago approaches them.

Toothless lowly rumbles as he walks forward with Drago's steps, (D/N) hissing with his scales spiking as he walks to (Y/N)'s side.

Hiccup walks to Toothless, setting his prosthetic tail-fin so he could fly by himself.

"And we have the answer back on Berk," Hiccup continues, stopping Toothless and gently petting his head. "Just let us show you--"

"No!" Drago snaps, his voice low and dangerous. "Let me show you!"

He lets out a shout, swinging his staff around roughly as he faces the Alpha, Hiccup dodging back and running into Toothless to avoid it as (Y/N) draws her sword, aiming it at Drago.


The Alpha rumbles lowly as he swiftly turns to Drago, making his way down to him.

"What in...?" Stoick mumbles, his eyes widening when he sees the two next to Drago.

"Hiccup! (Y/N)!"

He takes off running, Valka right behind him as they pass Gobber.

"Come on, Gobber!"

"Okay, change of plan!" Gobber pants heavily, turning around and rushing after them.


Malin comes to a stop, looking back at the Alpha as he moves. (M/N) narrows her eyes, looking down at Drago before gasping.



The Alpha snarls at the two, Hiccup looking between him and Drago as (Y/N) raises her sword in defense.

"No dragon can resist the Alpha's command." Drago growls with a smirk, "so, he who controls the Alpha..."

He points his staff to the Alpha before pointing at (D/N), who snarls at the weapon. Drago then points it to Toothless, making him hiss before he looks up at the Alpha.

"... Controls them all."

(Y/N) gasps as (D/N) swiftly shakes his head, roaring as he claws at the ice below him.


Hiccup attempts to rush over to her, gasping as Toothless jerks his head with a snarl.

The Alpha continues staring between them, a low rumble coming from him as he orders them.

Toothless whimpers, shaking his head frantically as (D/N) snarls at Drago, his eyes flickering from slits to ovals.

"Toothless, you okay, bud? What's going on?"

"Hiccup, he's controlling them!" (Y/N) shouts, rushing to (D/N) and attempting to cover his ears before jerking away as he snaps at her, whining.

"Witness true strength." Drago smirks at the two dragons. "The strength of will over others."

(D/N) stops struggling, panting heavily as he slowly rises and stares at the Alpha. Drago smirks, jerking his staff to (Y/N).

"In the face of it... You two are nothing."

He obeys, ducking low as his scales spike and he hisses at the girl, making her stagger back with a gasp.

"(Y/N)!" Hiccup yells before stopping Toothless slowly turns at him, following Drago's command. "What did he just tell you?"


"(D/N), stop! It's me!" (Y/N) frantically says as she backs away, her eyes widening when she notices Toothless approaching Hiccup. "Hiccup!"

She tries to rush to his aid, letting out a yelp as (D/N) dives in front of her with a snarl, blocking her path.


Malin squawks as she shakes her head, the Alpha's command reaching her ears as she struggles to fight it.

(M/N) grunts, Malin diving closer to (Y/N).


Stoick pants heavily as he runs to Hiccup, his adrenaline pounding in his ears.


"Toothless, (D/N), come on!" Hiccup tries to stop, raising his hand as Toothless starts cornering him. "What's the matter with you two?"


(Y/N) tries rushing the other way, causing (D/N) to jump in her path once more with an angry roar.

"Please, (D/N)!" She begs, looking back at Hiccup with wide eyes as she starts to panic. "(D/N)!"

His vision was clouded and he was unable to see (Y/N), her voice disoriented as she speaks to him, but familiar.

He pauses for a moment, panting heavily as he rumbles before he roars, unable to fight for control.

"Stop! Snap out of it!" Hiccup tries, raising both hands as Toothless mindlessly approaches with a snarl.


"Malin, come on!" (M/N) shouts, gasping and yelping as Malin turns to the side, jerking around. "I'm sorry, girl."

(M/N) leaps from her back, landing in a soft patch of snow with a grunt before staggering to her feet, racing to (Y/N).


Stoick hurls his axe through the air, striking a rope and lowering the large wooden beam. He races across it, leaping off with a grunt.


"Toothless, no!"


"Hiccup! Toothless, stop! Please!" (Y/N) practically screams, gasping as (D/N)'s mouth starts to fill with a plasma ball.


Toothless backs Hiccup up against a wall of ice, Drago looking between him and (Y/N) with a smirk before turning away and stalking off.

"(Y/N)!" Hiccup gasps, reaching for her before frantically looking between Toothless and (D/N). "(D/N)! Don't!"

"Hiccup!" Stoick bellows, making the Alpha snarl as he commands Toothless to move quicker.


"(D/N)! Remember when we first met?! You didn't want hurt Hiccup, and you didn't want to hurt me!" (Y/N) tries, staggering back as she sheathes her sword. "Please..."

Tears fall from her eyes as she looks in (D/N)'s eyes, his eyes becoming ovals before turning to slits, repeating as the plasma ball in his mouth grows stronger.

(M/N) gasps and pants heavily as she races to (Y/N), reaching for her daughter with tears of fear streaming down her face.


"Stop!" Hiccup shouts as he looks at the Alpha, Toothless gathering a plasma ball in his mouth.

"Son!" Stoick screams, getting closer and closer to Hiccup with each stride.

"Dad!" Hiccup looks at Stoick with wide eyes, holding his hand up for him to stop. "No!!"


(D/N) winces with a low whine as he shakes his head rapidly, the heat of the blast radiating in his mouth as he snarls. With great effort, he shakes his head, roaring as he jerks his head to the side away just as he fired a blast.

(M/N) wraps her arms around (Y/N), blocking her as the blast strikes her side, narrowly avoiding hitting her full-on.


Toothless fires a blast just as Stoick collides with Hiccup.


Valka staggers back, her throat becoming tight as tears form in her eyes, gasping for breath as she rushes over to them.


(Y/N) pants lightly with wide eyes as (M/N) slumps against her, her breathing shallow as (Y/N) lowers her to the ground.

"No, no, no, no..." (Y/N) mumbles as (M/N)'s eyes open, her face pained as she forces a smile.

"I'm alright, my daughter. It barely... Grazed me," she manages out, her armor on her hip melted off and revealing her side.

(Y/N) sighs in relief, hugging her tightly as she looks over at (D/N) with hope, stopping as he hisses lowly at her with his lip curled back in a snarl.

She frowns, jumping when she realizes there were two blasts fired. (Y/N) swiftly looks at Hiccup, her eyes widening when she sees Stoick knocked under a pile of ice, unmoving.


Drago looks back, his eyes flickering between (M/N) and Stoick before he hums lightly, smirking as he walks away.


"Hiccup!" (Y/N) rushes to him as he sits up while panting, his eyes wide as he looks between Toothless and Stoick.

Steam came from Toothless' mouth as he pants heavily, Hiccup staggering to his feet as (Y/N) helps him up.

"N-no..." Hiccup breathes out, running to Stoick with (Y/N) at his side.

"Stoick!" (Y/N) shouts as she shoves ice from him, Hiccup doing the same.

(M/N) holds her exposed side, gasping when she sees Stoick and quickly running over to help the two. 

"Dad!" Hiccup cries out as he struggles to turn him over, Valka breathing heavily as she arrives.


Valka slides to her knees, leaning her ear on Stoick's chest as (M/N) grabs his wrist, trying to feel for a pulse...

Only to feel nothing.

"No, you..." Hiccup looks at Stoick with sadness, shaking his head and looking at his mom.

Valka slowly sits up, her eyes shutting as tears fall from them. Hiccup looks to (M/N), his breathing picking up as she slowly shakes her head with a pained expression.

"No..." Hiccup's voice came out as a whisper, his eyes filling with tears.

(Y/N) covers her mouth as she cries, looking back at the Alpha. He seems to recoil in guilt, shaking his head as he turns around with a low growl, releasing Toothless and (D/N) from his command.

Toothless pants heavily, shaking his head as his eyes become normal. (D/N) roars over to him, shaking his head out before his ears perk when he hears (Y/N) cry.

"No, no, no," Hiccup sobs, (Y/N) hugging him and cradling his head as he tightly grips at her, his hands shaking.

Valka breathes shuddering breaths, gently rubbing Hiccup's back as (M/N) rises to her feet, cursing at herself for not being able to do anything to revive Stoick.

The others quickly land around Toothless, Astrid gasping when she sees Stoick. The others look at each other with wide eyes, their hearts heavy.

Gobber removes his helmet as he looks down at his friend, Valka looking at him with sadness.

(D/N) rumbles softly as he approaches (Y/N), jumping as (M/N) seems to flinch when he brushes against her. He tilts his head in confusion, his eyes flickering to her damaged side before he gently nuzzles into her hand.

She looks down at him with a soft sigh, rubbing his head before allowing him to move closer to (Y/N).

He presses his forehead to her shoulder, purring softly as he tries to soothe the girl. (Y/N)'s throat felt tight as she tries to calm herself, stroking Hiccup's hair in comfort as he continues to tightly hug her.

(D/N) roars softly to Toothless, making him tilt his head in confusion before he rumbles and approaches Stoick.

Hiccup jumps when he hears him, his eyes wide as he sees (D/N) before gasping as Toothless nuzzles into Stoick's limp hand.

"No!" Hiccup shouts, shoving Toothless away as (D/N) jumps back with a startled yelp. "Get away from them!"

"Hiccup!" (Y/N) tries, grabbing his arm and gasping lightly as he shakes it off.

(D/N) staggers back, nearly running into (M/N) as he backs away with a whine. Toothless whimpers as Hiccup glares sharply at him.

"Go on! Get out of here!" He yells in pain and sadness.

(D/N) rumbles at Hiccup, lowering himself to show he meant no harm as Toothless did the same.

"Get away!" Hiccup shouts a last time, shooing them back further.

Toothless whimpers softly, turning and rushing away as (D/N) sadly looks to (Y/N) before quickly racing after him.

"It's not their fault. You know that," Valka speaks quietly as Hiccup slumps to the floor with a sob.

"(D/N)... Toothless... They tried to fight it," (M/N) sighs softly, trying to hold back tears when she sees Malin joining the other dragons.

The Alpha roars, making the rest of the dragons fly to his side and join him.

"Good dragons... Under the control of bad people... Do bad things."

Fishlegs gasps and turns as Meatlug starts flying off, ignoring his call. The other dragons do the same as the group reaches for them while shouting, the dragons ignoring them.


Drago faces the Alpha with a triumphant nod and smirk, pausing when he hears two roars.

Toothless stiffly flies in the air, (D/N) roaring after him and shaking his head frantically. Toothless lands roughly, attempting to fly again when Drago uses his staff to swiftly pull him to the ground as Toothless cries out.

(D/N) snarls as he faces Drago before his eyes widen, his mind taken over by the Alpha.

He walks to Toothless' side, waiting for him to move with his wings opened. Drago smirks as he walks to Toothless, forcing him down as he tries to rise and climbing on his back.

Toothless lets out a whimper, making the group look over as Drago yells.

"Come on!"

"(D/N)!" (Y/N) stumbles after them as Toothless flies off with Drago, (D/N) remaining loyal at his side.

Gobber quickly stops the girl with a heavy heart as she tries to get around him, shaking her head as she watches (D/N).

"You can't," (M/N) sighs heavily, walking to (Y/N) as she turns and hugs her.

"Gather the men and meet me at Berk!" Drago orders, raising his staff.

"No!" Hiccup yells, grunting and fighting against Valka as she stops him.

"No, don't," Valka softly says as she watches Toothless and (D/N) fly off in the distance.

The Alpha lets out a low roar, Drago's men preparing the ships as Hiccup watches with tearful eyes, shaking his head.

(Y/N) turns to him, making him cry softly as he quickly approaches her and hugs her, the group all mourning the death of Stoick the Vast.



When I first saw this I thought he was just gonna be stunned or really hurt or Toothless would stop ;-;

I couldn't believe they killed him like that 😭

Why'd they do Hiccup dirty man. He has a father with no mother, then he has a mother with no father

Like wHYYYY--

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