How to Fight For Your Dragon

By OneArtsyGamer03

26.3K 1.2K 731

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "How to Fight for Your Dragon" :) ... Ah, Berk. The seaso... More

This is Berk
Flying Free
Dragon Trappers
Next Plan of Action
The Dragon Rider
A Mother's Love
The Dragon's Nest
Beautiful as the Day I Lost You
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Defending the Nest
Soul of a Dragon
Battle at Berk
Challenging the Alpha
This is Berk


1.3K 61 43
By OneArtsyGamer03


Third Person P.O.V

"I don't like this."

Astrid huffs, Stormfly anxiously padding around the iceberg her and the group rest on.

"They should have been back with Hiccup and (Y/N) by now," she worries, looking out to sea.

Snotlout offers a chicken leg to Ruffnut, who rudely shoves his hand away and causes the meat to fall into the sea.

"I don't like it either," she pouts, huffing. "Eret, son of Eret was the man of my dreams. My everything!"

Snotlout frowns, stroking his stubble. "But baby, I grew facial hair for you."

"Me, too." Fishlegs sighs, placing a hand on his face.

"What if Drago shot them down?" Astrid fusses, "what if they need our help?" She shakes her head, looking out to the horizen. "We have to find them."

"W-wait, what?" Fishlegs stammers, looking up at her. "No, but Stoick said--"

"It doesn't matter what he said if they've all been captured!" Astrid interrupts, making him jump as she takes off on Stormfly. "Come on!"


Eret and his men sail on the icy sea, avoiding glaciers.

"Do we go back?" A man questions in fear.

"We have nowhere to go, nothing to sell, and no heads to call our own!" Eret sighs, adjusting the ice on his head. "If we don't turn up with dragons, and fast--"

He lets out a shriek as he was suddenly whisked into the air, his men all shouting after him.

"Careful what you wish for!" Astrid muses, grinning down at the man struggling in Stormfly's talons.

"Eret, son of Eret!" His men shout, firing ballistas at the group.

"What is this?!" Eret demands as they twirl to avoid the nets.

"A kidnapping," Astrid nonchalantly replies, shrugging.

"Yay!" Ruffnut grabs his foot before grabbing his arm. "Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" She huskily questions, making Eret groan in disgust and yank his arm away as Tuffnut steers their dragon away from him with a gag.

"You're gonna show us the way to Drago," Astrid calls down to Eret.

"And help dragon riders sneak into Drago's camp?" Eret scoffs, falling limp. "Just kill me now."

"That can be arranged. Stormfly, drop it!" Astrid cheerfully says.

Stormfly chirps and obeys, making Eret scream as he starts flying through the air towards the ocean.

"Good girl!" Astrid coos, making Stormfly chirp happily. "Stormfly, fetch!"

Stormfly dives after Eret, who was still screaming.

"All right! Okay! I'll take you to Drago!" He screams pleadingly, panting in relief as he was grabbed by Stormfly.

"Works every time," Astrid breathes out in amusement, cracking her fingers together with a smirk.


Cloudjumper twirls in the air, Valka balancing on his back skillfully.

Toothless flies at her side, (D/N) on his other side and Malin flying besides him. Hiccup looks back at the pack of dragons following, looking back at (Y/N) with a raised brow as she shrugs in confusion.

"Hey, uh... Mom? I thought we were gonna eat," (Y/N) calls to her as she gently pets Malin's cheek.

"We are!" (M/N) chuckles, sharing a knowing look with Valka as they both fly in front of the two and make them stop.

(M/N) grins widely as Valka holds her hand up, looking down and back up to the two.

Hiccup follows her gaze, his eyes widening when he sees the water-dragons herding a school of fish below. (D/N)'s ears perk as he looks down, sensing the Alpha below them.

The Alpha bursts from the water, scooping the fish inside of his mouth as Hiccup and (Y/N) watch in awe. The Alpha looks at them before he spits the fish out, causing thousands to fall from the sky.

"Wow!" (Y/N) laughs, making her mom smile and chuckle at her daughter.

Hiccup gasps out in awe, Valka laughing at his reaction as the dragons start feasting on the fish.

(D/N) rumbles pleadingly at Toothless, who looks at him before looking at Hiccup, who nods and gestures for him to go.

"Whoa!" (Y/N) yelps, (M/N) gasping and laughing as (D/N) swiftly dives after Toothless.

Hiccup barely manages to lower his hand as Toothless swoops down, catching fish in his mouth as he dodges dragons. (D/N) does the same, tossing some fish to Toothless before feasting on some himself.

By the time the two were done, Toothless had a mouth full of fish and (D/N) had a full belly.


"This is incredible. You two did this?" (M/N) admires their map as Hiccup lays it down on the ice.

"He did the drawings, but we discovered a majority of the lands together," (Y/N) replies, pecking his cheek as he looks over the map.

"You two must spend a lot of time together," (M/N) gushes, (Y/N) huffing in embarrassment as she grabs Hiccup's hand and runs her thumb over his palm.

He smiles to himself, looking at the map and trying to determine where they were.

"Then, from Dragon Island..." Hiccup mumbles to himself, "we found this Archipelago--"

He pauses when he notices Valka drawing on the ice with her staff. (M/N) helps (Y/N) up, smiling at her friend as she finishes her drawing of a map.

"There," Valka softly says as she joins Hiccup and the others, nodding.

"Whoa," Hiccup admires, smiling up at Valka as she smiles back.

"Oh! (D/N)--" (Y/N) sighs, shaking her head with a small laugh as he and Toothless start drawing on the map. "Sorry," she apologizes, Valka simply laughing and (M/N) watching in awe.

Toothless draws a circle around him and Cloudjumper, stopping and rumbling as the long piece of ice sticks to his tongue.

(D/N) chitters, using his flames to melt his ice stick and padding over to Toothless, softly blowing fire to melt the ice from his tongue. Cloudjumper tilts his head, watching the two.


The four dragons glide on a powerful wind blowing up, some other dragons doing the same.

(Y/N) laughs, rising and balancing on (D/N) as she holds her hands out.

Hiccup remains on Toothless, gripping the saddle to hang on as Valka laughs, standing on Cloudjumper's back. (M/N) chuckles at (Y/N), Malin flying besides (D/N) with a happy chitter.

He smiles and rumbles kindly at her, noticing (M/N) admiring his wings in the sunlight.

"You balance on your feet, too?" Valka calls over the wind, making (Y/N) smile and nod.

"Not very well! But I've been practicing," she replies with laughter in her voice.

"You're a natural. You always did quickly learn," (M/N) smiles, making (Y/N) grin back as she sets herself down.

The four spin around each other slowly, Toothless gummily smiling with his tongue out as Hiccup smiles at Valka.

She looks between the two, nodding at (M/N), who rises to her feet and walks onto Cloudjumper's wing as Valka walks onto Malin's wing.

Hiccup and (Y/N) watch their mothers in awe, (Y/N) side-smiling and shaking her head.

"Yeah, I can't do that."

(D/N) rumbles a laugh, curiously watching Valka as she carefully walks onto his wing, walking across him and patting (Y/N)'s head as she laughs. (M/N) steps off Cloudjumper's wing, landing on another dragon before she leaps onto Toothless' left wing.

Valka catches a ride on another dragon, carefully lowering herself on the right wing of Toothless.

They pass each other, Valka ruffling Hiccup's hair and (M/N) leaping onto (D/N)'s wing and quickly hugging (Y/N) before falling backwards, landing on Malin's back and flying besides (Y/N).

Valka smiles at Hiccup as she backs up, slipping from Toothless' wing and momentarily disappearing before reappearing on Cloudjumper's back.

The four fly above the dragon herd, Valka inhaling and sighing softly.

"I love the feeling of the wind," (M/N) sighs happily, Malin chirping softly.

"It... Just helps you forget all your troubles for a moment," (Y/N) agrees, (D/N) rumbling softly as (M/N) nods.

Valka looks at her friend and daughter, nodding in agreement. "Oh, when we're up here... I don't even feel the cold. I just feel..."

"... Free," Hiccup finishes.

Valka looks at him, making him grin at her. She smiles after a moment, extending her arms.

"This is what it is to be a dragon, you two!" She chuckles.

"... Hiccup... I know that look," (Y/N) cautiously says, making (D/N)'s ears flatten as he groans and looks at Hiccup.

Hiccup winks at (Y/N), making her sigh with a blush. "It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon, but can you fly?"

"Hiccup!" (M/N) and Valka gasp as he leaps from Toothless' back, diving towards the ground.

He opens his wing-suit, gliding up and flying on the wind.

(D/N) snorts and swiftly dives after him, hovering near him as (Y/N) carefully watches him.

"Oh, my! He always was a clever boy!" (M/N) laughs, clapping as Malin curiously rumbles.

Valka gasps in awe, smiling at Hiccup as Cloudjumper raises a brow at Toothless. Toothless nonchalantly watches the three, looking at Cloudjumper with a startled rumble. He quickly dives after them with a roar.

Hiccup lets out a laugh, flipping on his back and frowning when he only sees (Y/N) and (M/N) in the distance.

He jumps and smiles as Valka rises at his side with Cloudjumper, admiring the suit and extending her arms.

Hiccup laughs, cheering and spinning around before gasping.

"Hiccup!" (Y/N) shouts, noticing the mountain approaching.

(D/N) roars, Toothless struggling to fly as fast as he can to Hiccup. He blows a fireball, causing Hiccup to fly higher and into the small gap in the mountain. Toothless wraps his body around Hiccup, spiraling and crashing into the snow and rolling down the hill.

"Not again," (Y/N) winces sympathetically, (D/N) sighing and shaking his head as he flies down to Toothless.

Toothless raises his wing, startled when he doesn't see Hiccup. Hiccup bursts from the snow with a laugh, making Toothless jump and stare at Hiccup with unamused eyes.

(Y/N) hops off of (D/N), jogging to Hiccup as he continues to laugh and dust himself off.

"Man, almost!"

Toothless lets out a sneeze, shaking his head rapidly as (D/N) jumps and sniffs at him.

"We just about had it that time! Did you see, beautiful?" He grins, making (Y/N) stare at him before backing up a step.

Hiccup tilts his head in confusion before grunting as Toothless trips him with his tail, missing (Y/N) purposely.

(M/N) laughs and rushes to (Y/N), Malin landing next to Cloudjumper and wiggling under his wing for warmth as Valka rushes to Hiccup.

Hiccup rises, sputtering and dusting snow from his hair once more as Valka inspects him and his suit.

"Incredible!" She admires, lightly opening the wing-suit.

"Well... Not bad yourself," Hiccup replies with a small grin.

Valka laughs softly, her laughter dying as she gently caresses Hiccup's cheek. (M/N) wraps her arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, pecking her temple and smiling at her friend as (Y/N) watches the two.

"All this time you took after me..." Valka breathes out, her smile dropping. "(M/N) told me you always were different. (Y/N) encouraged you to be different," she pauses, shaking her head. "And where was I?"

Tears form in her eyes as she sighs, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can... We start over?" Valka pleads softly, "will you give me another chance?"

Hiccup smiles as Valka pulls away, walking over towards the dragons.

"We can teach you all that we've learned! I've had a bit more time, but (M/N) is an excellent student!" Valka continues, (M/N) snorting and playfully rolling her eyes as she joins Valka.

"Oh! What about...?" (M/N) trails off, looking at Toothless.

Valka nods with a grin, trailing her hand down his head and pressing her fingers into his neck. His body shakes, his back fins expanding and splitting.

"Wow," Hiccup gasps, Toothless looking back and shaking his body out.

"Now you can make those tight turns!" Valka chuckles as Toothless admires himself.

(D/N) tiles his head as Valka approaches, his ears nervously flattening as she reaches up and presses her fingers on both side of his (G/S) stone.

He blinks rapidly as the feathers on his wings become hardened, sharp and jagged on the ends.

"That will help protect you from enemies close up," (M/N) explains as he flexes his wings. "And help you fly even faster. They can also slice through any rock." 

(D/N) pads over to (Y/N), making her chuckle as she admires his wings. Toothless bounces over to Hiccup, his tail wagging.

"Did you two know about this?" Hiccup teasingly questions the dragons.

Toothless rumbles, opening and closing his back fins happily as (D/N) pads over to a rock, carefully tapping it with his wing.

He jumps as the rock easily splits in two, his wing unharmed.

"Wow... That would have been helpful against the Whispering Death--"

(D/N) hisses in embarrassment, cutting the girl off as she laughs.

"How did you know about this?" (Y/N) questions after she regains her composer.

"Every dragon has its secrets!" (M/N) smiles, watching Malin snuggle into Cloudjumper's side as he carefully watches over her.

"And we'll show them all to you!" Valka grins, walking over to Hiccup and wrapping her arm around him. "We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species together!"

Toothless dives into the snow, (D/N) concentrating and making his feathers relax again as he softly snorts in awe.

"As mother and son, and mother and daughter!" Valka continues, smiling over at (M/N).

Toothless bursts from the snow in front of Cloudjumper, making Malin jump and squeak as snow was piled on her and Cloudjumper's head. Cloudjumper snorts, dumping the snow on Toothless as Valka laughs.

"This gift we share, it bonds us," Valka sighs softly. "It's what lead Roma here when (M/N) was injured. And it's what joined you and (Y/N) together."

(Y/N) walks over, Hiccup grabbing her hand automatically as he looks at Valka. (M/N) joins Valka's side, looking between the two with a smile.

"It's who you both are," Valka softly breathes out.

"Who we all are," (M/N) adds, Valka nodding in agreement. "It's what will help dragons everywhere."

"We will change the world for all dragons. We will make it a better and safer place!"

"Yeah!" Hiccup breathlessly laughs, quickly smiling at (Y/N) and releasing her hand to ruffle his hair. "That's what we've always wanted. That sounds amazing!"

Valka steps forward, (Y/N) moving out of the way with a grin as Valka hugs Hiccup tightly.

Hiccup looks up at (M/N) for a moment, smiling as she and (Y/N) share their own hug. He sighs softly, tightly hugging Valka back. Valka exhales in relief, tears in her eyes as she squeezes Hiccup.

He pulls away after a moment, laughing tearfully as he blinks away tears. "Oh, this is so great! Now we all can go talk to Drago together."

"Drago?" (M/N) questions with a raised brow, pulling away from (Y/N). "The word 'talk' isn't in that man's vocabulary."

"There's no talking to Drago," Valka agrees with a small laugh of disbelief.

Cloudjumper joins her side, Malin lightly pushing (M/N) for attention. She smiles, petting Malin with a soft sigh.

"That man is dangerous and cannot be reasoned with, if that's what you're hoping," (M/N) warns, climbing onto Malin as (Y/N) looks at Hiccup.

"But we have to--"

"No." Valka interrupts Hiccup, shaking her head as she pets Cloudjumper. "We must protect our own."

"Trying to speak with him won't work, Hiccup. I know how persuasive you are, but trust me on this," (M/N) firmly says, looking over at him sharply with a raised brow.

Hiccup sighs in frustration, (Y/N) watching sympathetically and offering him a small smile as she takes his hand.

"Come on, we should be getting back," Valka calls to the two, her and (M/N) taking off and flying slowly as they wait for the two.

Hiccup sighs once more, pausing and looking back when he hears Toothless panting. He was staring at the two with a smile, his tongue out as he opens and closes his back fins.

(D/N) hardens his wings, walking over to a rock and tapping it with his wing. He jumps and roars in surprise as it cracks all the way to the top, swiftly racing over to (Y/N) as she laughs.


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