How to Fight For Your Dragon

By OneArtsyGamer03

26.3K 1.2K 731

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "How to Fight for Your Dragon" :) ... Ah, Berk. The seaso... More

This is Berk
Flying Free
Dragon Trappers
Next Plan of Action
A Mother's Love
The Dragon's Nest
Beautiful as the Day I Lost You
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Defending the Nest
Soul of a Dragon
Battle at Berk
Challenging the Alpha
This is Berk

The Dragon Rider

1.5K 76 43
By OneArtsyGamer03


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We ride in a tense silence, Hiccup's knuckles white as he tightly grips the saddle with a set scowl, his jaw clenched.

"Hiccup?" I softly call, making him tense up before he sighs heavily.

He screams in frustration, punching at the air and laying back on Toothless as he jumps.

(D/N) purrs softly, looking back at me before jerking his head towards Hiccup. I nod, slowly rising to my feet and balancing as I cautiously scoot closer to the side near Hiccup. He flies closer to Toothless, Toothless steadying himself when he notices me and bracing his wing as I step on it.

Hiccup opens his eyes in surprise, jolting up with a gasp as he sees me. I smile softly, moving and sitting behind him as he sighs again, leaning back.

He leans back fully and rests his head on my shoulder, my arms wrapping around his front as he sets a hand on my own. He relaxes slightly, sighing softly.

Toothless rumbles up at us in concern, (D/N) flying a few feet ahead to keep watch.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)," Hiccup says after a moment, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or them. I promise."

Toothless grumbles happily, making me smile before I notice (D/N)'s ears fully perked, his scales spiking as he looks back and flies near us with a low hiss.

I follow his gaze, looking to my right before gasping softly at the sight of a masked person.


"Aw, come on, Dad! Really?" Hiccup growls, sitting up and turning right before he gasps, tensing when he sees the person.

(D/N) lowly growls in warning, the person's head turning to him before they move their hand, lowering and disappearing in the clouds.

"Okay," Hiccup softly says, looking around as I wrap my arms under his. "No sudden moves."

"(D/N), can you tell where they are?" I question, watching as his eyes narrow and his ears face forward.

He lets out a loud roar, causing Toothless to jerk to a halt as a large dragon screeches and flies up in front of us.

The dragon circles us, the masked person standing on the back of him. Toothless and (D/N) go back to back to guard one another, my grip on Hiccup tightening as I nearly slip off.

Clouds swirl around us, moved by the wind of (D/N) and Toothless' wings as the large dragon comes to a stop, his wings opening and revealing not one, but two sets of wings. The masked person points to us, making Hiccup grunt softly as he reaches an arm back and around me.

"Hold on, hold on," he softly says, staring at the person as I look over his shoulder at them.

The mask covered their expression, their intent unknown to us. (D/N) snarls as I look back, his head jerking as he quickly looks around.



Third Person P.O.V

The large dragon growls at Toothless, who remains eerily silent as he faces the Dragon.

(D/N) lets out a shriek, making Toothless swiftly look back with wide eyes as (D/N) was grabbed by a larger dragon, his wings pinned.

"No!" (Y/N) yelps before gasping as another dragon swoops down, snatching Hiccup.

Toothless starts spiraling down, (Y/N) barely managing to hold on as her world spun.

"(Y/N)!" Hiccup screams as he watches the two fall with wide eyes, struggling against the dragon.


Toothless roars as he tries to stable himself, unable to fly. (Y/N) tries to crawl onto the saddle too late, her world becoming black as she and Toothless slam into the ice and into the frozen waters.

Toothless shakes his head dizzily, roaring and swiftly swimming to (Y/N)'s unconscious form. He grabs her in his arms, swimming up and bursting from the surface while panting heavily.

He raises her onto the ice, growling as he tries to fly out of the water to no avail. The ice around him starts to crack from his attempts, making him stop and sadly rumble. Toothless looks at (Y/N) with a whine as she trembles, making him pull his upper body up and rest his head on her stomach to help keep her warm.

Toothless looks up at the group of dragons flying away, the large dragon at the front. He whines again in concern, nudging (Y/N) in hopes of waking her.

Unknown to him, a group of water-dragons were approaching underneath.

Toothless' ears perk with a snarl as a lavender Deadly Nadder flies towards them, making her pause with a squeak in fear as she hovers overhead, cocking her head side to side.

He guards (Y/N)'s form while hissing at the Nadder, gasping as he was suddenly grabbed and dragged underneath the water, leaving (Y/N) on the ice.

The Nadder chitters as she lower down to the girl, gently scooping her up in her talons and flying after the others. Hiccup's mask floats to the water's surface after a moment, (Y/N)'s blade left behind on the ice glimmering in the sunlight.


Hiccup breathes heavily, his eyes wide as Toothless and (Y/N) crashed through the ice.

"Hey! You left my dragon and girlfriend back there!" Hiccup yells frantically at the masked person, thrashing his legs with wide, fearful eyes. "He can't fly on his own! And did you see how they hit the ice? She's probably unconscious! They'll drown!"

(D/N) lets out another screech, blasting plasma balls as he struggles against the dragon holding him.

The masked person seems to ignore Hiccup, waving their staff. Hiccup gasps as a Lunar Dragon flies up to (D/N), blowing a purple gas in his face as he snarls.

(D/N) struggles for a moment before passing out, going limp.

Hiccup shakes his head with a shuddering breath, looking ahead as they pass a wall of ice.

A fort made entirely of ice came into view, looking similar to the jagged ice sticking out of Eret's fort.

The dragon carrying Hiccup follows after the masked person, the Dragon carrying (D/N) doing the same as they head inside, avoiding the walls.

The dragon drops Hiccup in the middle of a large group of dragons, making him grunt and gasp as (D/N) was dropped at his side, still asleep from the gas.

"We have to head back for them!" He desperately yells, jumping and holding his hands up as a dragon hisses and approaches him.

Hiccup looks back at (D/N) in concern before grabbing his sword, walking off to the side as the dragon follows his movements. He activates his sword, causing it to light up the area as he swings it around gently.

The masked person watches with their shield raised as Hiccup plays with the dragon, the dragon purring as it follows the swords movements with wide eyes.

Hiccup jumps as another dragon approaches from behind him, making him put away the flame before changing the gas capsules quickly.

He spins in a circle, gas surrounding him as he squats down and lights it, causing the dragons to back away.

Hiccup approaches one of the dragons, making it rumble lightly as he sets his hand on his nose.

(D/N) groans softly as he starts to wake, making Hiccup gasp and back quickly towards him.

"Hey, buddy," he softly coos as the person watches with a head tilt.

(D/N) blinks slowly, groaning as he rises and shakes his head. The other dragons back away from his large figure, (D/N)'s eyes widening and his ears perking when he sees them.

He hisses, swiftly crouching and guarding Hiccup as he looks around the room. His eyes focus on the masked person, making him snarl.

They seemed unbothered, jumping from their ledge and moving to the side.

"Who are you?" Hiccup demands, his hand settling on (D/N)'s neck as they move their bodies to watch the person. "The dragon thief? Uh... Drago Bludvist?"

They ignore him, coming to a stop and tilting their head.

"Do you even understand what I'm saying to you?"

The masked person twirls their staff, slamming it on the floor as the beads inside rattle softly.

A dragon screeches as it flies overhead, dropping Toothless on the ground in front of Hiccup.

"Toothless!" Hiccup gasps, (D/N) perking up with a chitter as he races over to him.

He nudges and paws at Toothless, Hiccup racing over and hugging Toothless' face.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," he coos, Toothless purring softly and licking his cheek. "It's good to see you too, bud. You really had us worried."

(D/N)'s ears perk up as he swiftly looks towards the masked person, watching as they shake their staff.

The lavender Nadder from before rumbles lightly as she flies overhead, making Hiccup gasp when he sees (Y/N) in her claws. (D/N)'s ears flatten as he closely watches the two, hissing.

She lowers down slowly, dropping (Y/N) into Hiccup's arms as he catches her bridal style once more.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Hiccup softly repeats, kneeling down and cradling her as he brushes her damp hair from her face.

(D/N) whines softly, nudging her hand before nuzzling her cheek and backing away as Toothless rumbles in concern.

Both dragons perk up as she groans softly, her eyes opening as she blinks rapidly at the sight of Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" (Y/N) gasps, quickly hugging him as he laughs in relief and hugs back. "Ow," she groans again in pain, making him pull away in concern as she grips at her head.

"Let me see," Hiccup breathes out as she moves her hand, his own hand replacing hers. "Quite the bump on your head, beautiful."

"And here I was hoping it was going to be a cut. Would have been cool to have another scar," she jokes as he slowly rises with her, stabling her as she stands.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Hiccup softly sighs in relief, cupping the sides of her face and placing a lingering kiss on her forehead as she places her hands over his.

(D/N) lets out a rumble, nuzzling into her side as she weakly laughs and pets him, resting her forehead against his.

The masked person watches the group closely, a light gasp coming from them as they stare closely at the boy. They raise their staff, nodding and shaking it as a dragon nods, opening its mouth and revealing flames as it hisses softly.

The lavender Nadder backs away towards the person, opening her mouth and revealing flames as well.

Hiccup grunts softly, looking around with narrowed eyes as tugs (Y/N) behind him. Toothless hisses softly, (D/N) nodding and moving on the other side to defend that side as the other dragons light the area with their flames.

The person approaches as Toothless scoots towards Hiccup, wrapping his tail around him and (Y/N). She peeks around Hiccup with concern, setting her hand on his shoulder as they start slowly backing away.

(D/N) moves closer to the two, lightly brushing against them as he uses his right wing to wrap around them to block their backsides, him and Toothless on either side of their friends protecting them.

The person slowly kneels down, setting their shield and staff on the floor as they continue approaching.

Toothless hisses, (D/N)'s lip curling up and revealing his sharp fangs as the person raises both of their hands. They open their hand in front of Toothless, causing him to rumble and fall over with a purr as his eyes shut.

(D/N) watches their other hand move with narrowed eyes, flinching and rumbling as they suddenly move their hand to lightly poke the (G/S) stone on his forehead. He blinks rapidly, collapsing in confusion and stunned. The person gently rubs his ear before rubbing Toothless' neck, approaching Hiccup.

Hiccup grunts as he backs away, looking back as (Y/N) suddenly stops, inches from a dragon.

The person reaches their hand out, making (Y/N) gasp as Hiccup flinches away while mumbling in confusion.

They gasp, a faded scar below Hiccup's mouth startling them as they lower themselves and back up a step.


He jumps as the woman says his name, looking back at (Y/N) in confusion.


(Y/N) looks around him as the woman removes her helmet, her dark brown hair and green eyes eerily similar to Hiccup's.

"Could it be? After all these years..." The woman breathes out, rising with wide eyes as she shakes her head while looking at the ground. "How is this possible?"

Hiccup looks down at (Y/N), her eyes wide as she stares at the woman.

"Uh... Should I... Should I know you?" He questions in confusion, squinting and shaking his head as he frowns.

"No," the woman softly replies and blinks rapidly, looking away with a sigh. "You were only a babe."

(Y/N) now knew for a fact who this person was. The woman swallows thickly, hesitantly lifting her eyes from the floor to Hiccup.

"... But a mother never forgets." She softly says after a moment, her voice trembling.

Hiccup breathes heavily, sharply inhaling as Valka gently shushes him, her eyes widening when she looks at (Y/N) before she smiles widely.



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