Whiney Psycho // Dandy Mott

By Crimson_Winterbourne

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"Abandonded Work! Might pick it up later! Read A/N ( last chapter ) " ⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰ Summary: If a wo... More

• Introduction •
Meeting The Mott Family
Mixed Feelings
All Goes Wrong
PIC ( Partner in Crime )
Bury What's Left
Psycho Killer

Come As You Are

72 4 38
By Crimson_Winterbourne

TW: I don't think there is any

Several minutes later Elsa and I arrived at the Freakshow. She parked the car infront of the big top, Elsa and I got out of the car which caught the freaks their attention.

Jimmy was the first one I noticed, he was holding a small woman in his arms. On his right stood a really tall woman and on his left a man with stunted arms who was covered in tattoos.

All four of them looked at me which made me slightly uncomfortable. "Why are they looking at me like that Elsa?" I whispered to her.

"Because they have never seen you before darling." Elsa replied while the four of them approached us.

"Goodmorning Y/n, looking great as always I see." Jimmy flirted as Elsa left me alone with them.

"Goodmorning Jimmy, everyone." I smiled and looked at the woman Jimmy was holding, she smiled back at me. "Hi, I'm Y/n." I introduced myself to her and reached out my hand to shake hers.

"Wow, you are so pretty." She complimented me in her high pitched voice which made me blush a little, Jimmy noticed that.

"Ma petite is not wrong though, you really are a pretty lady." Jimmy smirked which made me blush even more.

"I look decent Jimmy, don't hype me up."

"Decent? Girl you look amazing, you could be a model." The tall woman stated.

"You guys are being way too kind." I uttered as I shook the tall woman her hand.

"I'm Eve, and that is Paul." The woman introduced herself and pointed at the man with the stunted arms.

"Really nice to meet all of you." I smiled before someone else came up to us. It was a woman with blonde wavy hair, she wore a long dark green skirt with a orange top on top of it.

"Hello everyone." The woman said, she smiled at everyone and stopped when she saw me. "I don't think I know you, although your face looks familiar."

"Halloween night, when we were running away from that clown." I told her. "That's where we know eachother from."

"Now I remember," She smiled and reached out her hand. "My name is Maggie Esmerelda."

"Y/n." I uttered as I shook her hand. "You are a fortune teller right?"

"Yes that's true." She nodded. "How did you know?"

"A friend of mine told me."

"The rich kid?" Jimmy asked, I turned to him and nodded. "What else did he tell you?"

"He said that Maggie is your new girlfriend and that she's a good fortune teller because she was right about him finding love." I told Jimmy.

"When did you speak to him?" Jimmy asked Maggie as he turned to her.

"Who?" Maggie asked.

"The rich kid. That man child with black hair and green eyes." Jimmy described Dandy to Maggie.

"I don't remember seeing him, he must have mistaken me for someone else." Maggie mumbled.

"Well, it doesn't really matter, it's nice too meet you Maggie." I smiled and changed the subject. "I'm here cause I got a day off from work, Elsa took me here to see her performance tonight."

"Ofcourse she did." Paul uttered. "She only cares about herself."

"Really?" I asked, being surprised by his remark. "I thought she was a good person too all of you."

"She doesn't mistreat us don't worry," Eve began. "Elsa is a woman that loves fame and attention, when the twins joined the show they stole her spotlight. Elsa sold the twins to a rich family to get rid of them, luckily Jimmy took them back to the freakshow."

"They later dissapeared again and we fear that Elsa had something to do with that as well." Jimmy chimed in.

"Elsa never treated us right." I heard one of the twins say from behind me.

"Don't say that Dot, Elsa means the best for us." The other twin uttered.

"For you." Dot stated which made Bette stop smiling, Dot noticed that it made her sister upset. "I'm sorry Bette but it's true, Elsa only treated us this way for her own sake."

"I'm sorry to hear that she treated you that way, no one deserves that." I smiled at them and they smiled back at me.

It went silent for a while untill Jimmy spoke. "Would you like me to guide you around the grounds?" He asked.

"Yes ofcourse, I'd love too see what your cabin looks like from the inside." I smiled and Jimmy grabbed my hand.

"First we are going to the place where we always eat our meals." Jimmy yanked on my arm and took me with him.

We walked towards an open tent with picnic tables. The two women who were sitting at the tables both looked at me, I greeted them by smiling.

"Y/n, long time no see, how are you?" The bearded lady, Ethel, asked me.

"I'm doing great Ethel, how about you?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh that's good to hear, I am doing alright." Ethel replied while a woman with no legs came up to me.

"I'm Suzi." She said and reached out her hand.

"I'm Y/n." I replied and shook her hand. "It's nice too meet you." I smiled at her, Suzi smiled back and let go off my hand.

I talked with the two of them for a little while, I catched up with Ethel and told her everything that has happend over the past months. When I was done talking Jimmy wanted to take me somewhere else, but because he saw two people run towards us he waited a little longer.

"Salty and Pepper meet Y/n!" Jimmy introduced me to the two excited individuals, Jimmy explained to me that they have microcephaly, a condition where the head is smaller than the regular.

"Nice too meet you." Pepper reached out her hand, I grabbed her hand and shook it. Salty wanted to shake my hand as well so he pushed Pepper to the side and grabbed my hand.

"Also nice too meet you." He said and he shook my hand excitedly.

"It's nice too meet both of you Pepper and Salty!" I smiled and chuckled while looking at Jimmy who winked and smiled back at me.

Salty and Pepper didn't stay long for a chat because Elsa called for them. They waved at me and Jimmy and ran towards Elsa her tent.

Jimmy grabbed my hand again and took me to the carousel of the freakshow. "Remember this carousel?" He asked as he jumped on a horse.

"It's the carousel we rode the night we met." I smiled as Jimmy pulled me onto the carousel with him.

"I will never forget that day," Jimmy sighed whilst I got onto a horse. "It's the first time I fell in love with a girl who loved me for who I am..."


"Remember when we went to a karaoke bar? We were so drunk that we got on stage and began to sing Sweet Home Alabama!" Jimmy chuckled.

"That was not our brightest idea." I laughed, Jimmy laughed as well and looked at me with a smile.

"You were my muse for a long time Y/n. You're the best thing that has ever happend to me." He sighed heavily. "Think about it, we could've been so good together!"

"You know that our break up was, uhmm, I don't know, completely your fault!" I sassed with emphasis on your.

"I know, cheating on you was the dumbest mistake I have ever made and I am extremely sorry!" Jimmy pleaded.

"It's too late to say sorry Jimmy." I murmured. "I can forgive but I'll never forget what you did."

"I can completely understand that." Jimmy sighed and stared at the horse infront of him.

We both got lost in our own thoughts which created a silence between us. The noises of the squeaking carousel, the crickets and the wind against the flapping canvases of the tents were the sounds that oddly enough made me feel relaxed.

"Is there someone you would like to meet?" Jimmy asked, breaking the silence between us.

"You always talked to me about Meep, I have never met him-"

"Meep is dead." Jimmy blurted out, it left me aghast.

"I am so sorry..." I uttered with a lump in my throat.

"You couldn't know y/n..."

"What happend? If you don't mind me asking."

"Meep... Meep got arrested because of something that I did..." Jimmy sighed heavily before he continued. "I tried to get rid of Dell by framing him, I put the badge of the officer that I killed in Dell his cabin, but he found out and got Meep arrested. Meep didn't survive a day in prison.. The police dumbed his body in a bodybag infront of the big tent-"

Jimmy couldn't finish his sentence without crying. I jumped off the horse and hugged Jimmy to console him. He layed his head down on my shoulder and wiped his tears with the sleeve of my blouse.

"I'm sorry for crying." He sobbed. "It's just that Meep shouldn't have been the one to die... I should have died, because I killed that officer!"

"Jimmy calm down." I whispered as I stroked his back. "You didn't mean to do it, you didn't put the badge in Meep's cabin, so is it really your fault?"

"I don't know..." He mumbled. "Maybe it isn't my fault, maybe it's all Dell his fault."

"It's the police their fault Jimmy!" I stated. "If they used their brains they would've seen that Meep was too weak, but instead of thinking they put him in a prison cell full of strong criminals?! The police knew what they were doing! Don't you see that? You told me this whole story yourself, you must've had a strange feeling when hearing this story as well."

"I thought I was crazy for thinking that..." Jimmy uttered as he pulled away from me and looked me into my eyes. "You fully believe that the police did it on purpose?" He asked as he wiped the last tear away from his eyes.

"They have always treated you "freaks" inhumane, they treat you like animals! So yes, I onehundred percent believe that it wasn't accidental which is horrible to think about." I sighed, Jimmy got off the horse and gave me a hug.

"Meep was a good person.." Jimmy cried as he hugged me tightly. "He might have been crazy but that didn't mean that he was a criminal.."

"I am sure he was a nice guy, unfortunately I never met him.."

"He would've loved you, I know it for sure.." Jimmy sobbed and he pulled away from the hug, still being really close to me he tried to crack a little smile through his tears. "Meep is in a better place now, he was too good for this world."

"May Meep fly with all the angels in heaven." I said right before Jimmy pulled me in for a hug again.

"Do you mind if we change the subject?" Jimmy asked, speaking softly. "I don't want to make this a depressing day for us."

"Ofcourse we can change the subject." I smiled, Jimmy slightly pulled away and held his hand to my cheek.

"I love you Y/n." Jimmy whispered and he pulled me in for a kiss, his lips touched mine but I quickly pushed him away.

"I'm sorry Jimmy but I can't do this..." I uttered, Jimmy took a step back and I stepped off of the carousel.

Without looking back I went away from the carousel and began to stroll around the freakshow grounds on my own.

On my way to Elsa her tent I came across two women that I have never seen before. "Who's this pretty lady?!" One of them asked as she eyed me up and down. "I don't think I have ever seen you here before, what's your name?"

"My name is Y/n." I reached out my hand to shake hers, she grabbed my hand and put hers on top of it.

"I'm Desiree and this is Penny." Desiree smiled and Penny smiled as well. "Darling, your hands are cold, should we go to my cabin so you can warm up?"

"That'd be great, I am freezing." I uttered as I started to shiver from the cold.

I forgot to put on a coat at the manor, so the sleeves of my blouse were the only things covering my arms.

"Which man lets a stunning lady like you go out without a coat?" Desiree asked whilst grabbing ahold of my hand.

"I forgot it myself, I was in a hurry." I chuckled. "How I forgot a coat with this weather is a mystery."

"In Desiree her cabin it's always warm, sometimes even hot." Penny asserted with a smile.

"Honey, sometimes it even gets spicy!" Desiree winked at Penny before she pulled the door of her cabin open. "Go ahead, get inside and make yourself at home."

I stepped inside the cabin, it wasn't a big cabin but it looked pretty cozy. I looked around while Desiree and Penny sat down on the couch.

"Come sit down girl, I can make you some tea if you want some." Desiree smiled, I went over to the couch and sat down. Desiree sauntered over to the kitchen and made the three of us some tea.

"Tell us something about yourself." Penny said as she leaned her elbows on the table across of me.

"What do you want me to tell you?" I asked.

"Just a little about yourself, where you are from, what work you do, why you are here-"

"If you have a man!" Desiree interrupted which made me chuckle.

"Only if you want to share it ofcourse." Penny added.

"Well my name is Y/n, but you already know that ofcourse." I began. "I live in a crappy apartment in Jupiter but will probably soon move in with my boyfriend-"

"Ohhh she has a man! I knew it!" Desiree cheered.

"Should I tell y'all how I met him?" I asked right when the tea was ready.

"Absolutely!" Penny uttered.

"Wait for me!" Desiree chanted as she poured the hot water into the teacups.

Desiree put the kettle back on the counter and came our way with three cups of hot water. Penny opened the box with the tea bags and each one of us grabbed one and dipped them into the water.

"So, tell us about your man honey." Desiree said while she stirred her tea with a tea spoon. "Is he rich?"

"And if he's rich, he's a millionair!"

"A millionair? Damn girl you really hit the jackpot!" Desiree uttered.

"I first met him when I got offered a job by his mother to babysit her son. I thought I was going to babysit a child but he turned out to be a man my age, a handsome man my age I must say. I got paid big money just to keep him from getting bored, and when I tell you I kept him from being bored I mean I kept him entertained for hours long!"

I told Desiree and Penny almost everything Dandy and I have done together, except for the murders ofcourse.

Penny and Desiree loved all of the things I told them, they also told me their stories and it felt like we were talking for hours.

Desiree was about to refill our cups when we heard music blast from out of the big top. "Shit! The rehearsals have already started." Desiree hastily put the cups down on the counter. "Let's go girls!"

Penny and I stood up and followed Desiree outside. The three of us hurried to the big top and went inside.

While Desiree and Penny went straight backstage I sauntered up to the stage where guitar music filled my ears.

Jimmy stood on stage, he was bobbing his head to the music. His eyes met mine right before he grabbed the microphone and started singing.

I never knew that Jimmy could sing like that, I mean, I've heard him sing before but I never knew that he was that good!

Elsa was the only one who was sitting on a chair infront of the stage, so I decided to walk up to her. She was looking at Jimmy and didn't seem so happy about him singing.

"He is really talented!" I shouted over the music so that Elsa could hear me.

"Ah yes, it's amazing!" Elsa shouted back at me as I shuffled past her and sat down on the chair next to hers.

"It's a good song too!" I smiled whilst Jimmy rocked out on the stage.

"Not my taste, but he does well." Elsa replied whilst she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.

Jimmy went back to singing, I sang along with him, he saw that and cracked a smile whilst he continued to sing. I looked at the others on stage who were playing an instrument, but my attention quickly went to Penny who was waving at me, she wanted me to come her way. I nodded at her to let her know that I'm coming.

I stood up from the chair and told Elsa that I was going backstage, she nodded in response before I walked up to Penny who dragged me backstage with her.

"Why did you guys want me backstage?" I asked while Penny let me sit down on a chair.

"Desiree and I want to pick out an outfit for your performance!" Penny said excited.

"Performance? I am not here to perform." I said which made her confused.

"What are you here for than?" She asked.

"Elsa picked me up from "work" to take me to the freakshow, I promised her to visit the show when she was going to perform again." I smiled at Penny whilst Desiree walked backstage, she was wearing a long skirt and on all three of her tits she had a nipple tassel.

"Do you have the outfit ready Penny?" Desiree chanted as she came up to us.

"Y/n isn't here to perform." Penny told Desiree.

"Doesn't matter, we can still dress her up. We need a gorgeous woman to lead the people inside the tent." Desiree asserted. "Now, grab the outfit Penny and dress the girl up."

Penny walked around the corner to grab the outfit Desiree and she put together for me. She came back with the outfit, she handed me a pair of black biker shorts, a white lace top with diamond pattern, a red velvet jacket with gold details, knee high boots, a pair of fishnets and a black hat.

It was a ringleader outfit.

"You guys really know how to put an outfit together." I complimented them.

"Ofcourse we do, now put it on girl." Desiree smiled.

"Where can I change?"

"You can do it here." Penny smiled.

I smiled back at her and stood up. I felt comfortable around them so I didn't mind them seeing me change clothes. We talked with eachother whilst I was undressing. When I had just stripped down to my underwear someone came backstage.

"Desiree, Penny you are up-"

"GAH JIMMY!" I yelled as I to covered myself with the jacket.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were-"

"It's a little bit rude to just walk in isn't it Jimmy." Desiree said as she walked past him.


"What is that on your arm Y/n?" Penny asked, completely cutting Jimmy off. She pointed at my arm, looking shocked. She came up to me and grabbed my arm. "D.M? What does that mean?"

Penny noticed the initials that Dandy had carved into my arm more than a week ago. My cheeks turned red, I forgot to cover it up and I was so embarrassed when she pointed it out. Desiree came back and looked at it as well.

"She's getting abused!" Jimmy yelled which made me pissed.


"Did your man do this?" Desiree asked in a whispering tone whilst putting her hand on my arm, she rubbed her thumb over the marking.

"Yes, yes he did and it hurt. But he doesn't abuse me." I stated, Desiree hugged me and began to whisper in my ear.

"It's all okay girl, if you want to talk about it you can always trust me to keep it between us.."

"He doesn't abuse me." I hissed through my teeth. "Why don't you guys just listen?!"

"I'm sorry for pointing it out.." Penny murmured.

"No it's okay.. I should've covered it up anyways." I mumbled as I grabbed the clothes.

Desiree sighed and went on stage with Penny which left me and Jimmy alone backstage. He eyed me up and down which made me feel a little uneasy.

"Do you mind?!"

"Sorry..." Jimmy uttered as he turned around. "Tell me when I can turn back around."

"Mm-hmm" I hummed whilst putting the jacket on the chair. I grabbed the white top, the fishnets and the black short and put them on one after another.

"I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Jimmy uttered when I pulled my shorts up.

"It's fine I guess..." I mumbled whilst grabbing the boots.

"I shouldn't have been so pushy." Jimmy murmured as I put the boots on.

"You're right, you shouldn't have." I sighed and finished dressing up. I checked myself in the mirror before putting the hat on.

"Perfect!" I smiled and glanced at Jimmy in the mirror. "You can turn around now, looking at your back while we speak is boring."

Jimmy turned around and looked at me, he smiled and came closer. I looked at him in the mirror as he put a hand around my waist and turned me around.

"You're going to be our new leader?" Jimmy asked as he lifted up my chin with his index finger.

"No, I am going to lead people into the tent and to their seats." I smiled and pulled away from him.

"I'm sure people won't hesitate to come inside when they see you." Jimmy winked at me which made me blush a little. I smiled at the ground and Jimmy grabbed my hand.

"I have to put on my make-up." I said so Jimmy would let go off my hand, but he didn't.

"It's still 2 hours before the show starts, we can do something else in the meantime." Jimmy requested.

"I will put my make-up on first..."

I pulled my hand out of his and went to sit down on the chair infront of the mirrors. I grabbed the eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipgloss and began to do my make-up. Jimmy and I talked while I was applying the make-up.

When I was done with my make-up I heard that Desiree and Penny came back backstage. I turned around in my chair, Desiree smiled surprised and ran up to me.

"This is what I mean, this is exactly what I wanted it to look like!" Desiree wrapped her arm around me. "Honey you look stunning!" She looked at me and smiled.

"Awhh, thank you Desiree, you don't look bad yourself."

"You are welcome honey, let's go outside and prepare you for tonight." Desiree took my hand.

"Jimmy also wanted to do something with me-"

"Don't worry, I wanted to do the same." Jimmy smiled.

"We can all go outside to prepare our girl for tonight." Desiree said and she took me with her. "Come on y'all."

Penny and Jimmy followed me and Desiree outside. I stood still next to the entrance of the big top and rested my hands on my hips.

"Imagine that we are visitors, alright?" Desiree uttered, I nodded before she strutted up to me and smiled.

"Welcome to the freakshow, I will bring you to your seat." I smiled as I pointed my hand to the entrance.

"Well aren't you a sexy thing, do you give private shows?" Desiree winked which almost made me burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry but this is a freakshow, not a stripclub." I said and Desiree began to laugh.

"Oh girl, you are fantastic!" Desiree chuckled as she patted me on the shoulder. "Can she please stay for ever?!"

"I wish but unfortunately she has a hard and difficult job." Jimmy sighed as he approached us with Penny.

"How hard can it be for her to work for her millionair boyfriend?" Desiree asked which made Jimmy glance over at me instantly.

"Boyfriend?" Jimmy asked. "You're kidding right?" I sighed and looked away from him. "Oh god you really are serious, wow..." Jimmy muttered and he walked back into the big top.

"Why is he so disappointed?" Penny asked as she turned towards me.

"Jimmy doesn't like him, he hates him actually... First time I mentioned his family name to Jimmy he didn't want me to go back there. He also got into a fight with him, he knocked Jimmy out which could be the reason he hates him even more now." I explained to the girls.

"Jimmy must really care about you, why else would he get so gloomy." Desiree stated.

"Maybe because he's my ex and he ruined everything we had." I rambled.

"Wait hold on, pause, Jimmy is your ex?" Desiree asked. "What chapter of your story did I miss this afternoon?"

"It wasn't important enough to mention I guess." I shrugged.

"Well, I don't know what happend but Jimmy is sure missing out." Penny asserted.

"Heck yeah he is." Desiree said. "Every man that rejects one of us is missing out."

"Absolutely!" Both Penny and I said at the same time right before Elsa came out of the big top.

"Girls it's time to prepare everything for the show." Elsa informed, the three of us nodded and went back inside the tent with Elsa.

I offered to help Eve and Ethel with moving the chairs and the lights, Elsa gave me a thumbs up when the lights were in the right position.

When we were done with the preparations Elsa sent everyone to their places. Jimmy and I have agreed to lead people inside the tent together so we went outside.

In the time we were preparing it got dark. The colored lights gave the whole place a mysterious vibe. I noticed all the people who were standing in front of the tent, waiting to enter inside. I don't think I have ever seen so many people here, the last time Dandy and I went to the show we were the only ones.

"That's a lot of people, I wasn't expecting so many." I whispered to Jimmy.

"Since the locals found out that I rescued the people from the killer clown they came to visit the show." Jimmy told me.

"So the killer clown was the reason Jupiter got a curfew? And you saved the people?" I asked.

"Yes, I saved them from two crazy clowns actually." Jimmy stated proud.

"That's so brave!" I said, but I already knew that Jimmy saved those people.

I heard him yell "RUN" right before the people ran away. Knowing that Dandy was one of those clowns made it hard to pretend like I didn't know anything about the whole situation.

"It's time to let the people inside!" Jimmy gently hit my shoulder with his before he walked up to the people, I followed him.

"Welcome everyone, welcome." He began. "My name is Jimmy, this is Y/n, and we will lead you inside the big top and to your seats."

I smiled at the visitors before Jimmy and I told them to follow us. We went inside the tent and everyone looked around, all of the children were really excited and some already ran to the front row.

"I am sorry for my son, he can't wait for the show to begin." A young woman appologized.

"It's okay, we were planning to go from the front to back row." I said and led her and her family to the front row, they all sat down on the chairs. "Enjoy the show!"

"Can I say something before you go?" The woman asked, I turned back towards her.

"Ofcourse, go ahead."

"I love your outfit, you look stunning." The woman said with a genuine smile.

"That's so kind, thank you." I smiled before I walked away to take another family to their seats.

Everytime I brought people to their places I wished them a great evening and told them that I hope that they'll enjoy the show.

It took me and Jimmy a quarter of an hour to get everyone to their seats. The whole tent was full of people in the end, all the chairs were occupied.

I smiled at Jimmy before he went backstage. "Goodluck!" I whispered to him, he smiled and turned around the corner.

The lights went out, I walked to the entrance of the big top and grabbed my own chair and sat down in the middle. One of the stage lights turned on and Ethel stood in the middle of the stage.

Ethel opened the show like she usually does, showing the audience all the freaks with a little introduction. The audience seemed to love it because they clapped their hands everytime a new act began.

I loved seeing how the people were enjoying the show, it is beautifull to see how the freaks are finally getting accepted by the normal people in town.

Meanwhile the show was going on I sold Hot dogs, caramel popcorn, cotton candy, drinks etc.

"And now the last performance tonight, behold the great Elsa Mars!"

Ethel anounced and the music started. The audience cheered and I cracked a smile when Elsa came on stage with the rocket ship. This was my first time seeing Elsa perform Life on Mars live and it was amazing! When she began to sing the whole audience went silent, all listening to her singing.

When Elsa finished singing and the music went out everyone stood up and applauded her, Elsa brightened up and almost started to cry from happiness. Ethel came onto the stage and told everyone that this was the end of the show. Everyone cheered once again before the curtains closed, the stage lights went off and I turned on the normal lights that lit up the whole inside of the tent.

The people slowly got out of their seats and sauntered out of the tent, some shook my hand and thanked me for the service and the foods and drinks.

When almost everyone was outside the daughter of the family I led to their seats first ran up to me.

"Thank you for the cotton candy! I really liked it!" She gushed, I saw that she had cotton candy all around her mouth when she looked up at me with smile.

"I am so glad to hear that!" I smiled and she gave me a hug, I hugged her back as her parents approached me.

"She loved the cotton candy." The mother said. "The show was great, thank you for having us."

"Thank you for being our guests." I replied whilst the little girl pulled away from the hug.

"Can you come with me outside?" The girl asked as she grabbed my hand.

"Ofcourse." I smiled and went outside with her, she started to run with me to the grass. She let go off my hand and got on her knees to pick a flower. She got up and turned to me, holding the flower up.

"This is for you." She smiled which made me crack a little smile as well, I almost teared up.

"Really?" I asked, she nodded and I took the flower from her. "Thank you so much, I will give it a special place." I smiled at the girl as I heard her parents walk up to us.

"Did she pick you a flower?" The father asked, I turned to both of her parents.

"Yes she did, she's a very sweet girl."

"She got that from her mom." Her mother said proud as she pointed at herself. The little girl hugged her dad and he stroked her hair.

"Say bye to the sweet girl Isidore." Her father said.

"Bye bye!" Isidore smiled and waved before she and her dad ambled to their car, I waved back at her.

"Thank you for being so kind." The mother thanked me once again.

"Anytime, take care!"

"We will." The woman smiled before she followed her family to their car. I waved them farewell when they drove away and went back inside the tent where Elsa was waiting for me.

"Hallo mein Darling." Elsa greeted me with a smile, she held my other clothes in her hands.

"Hello." I said as I sauntered up to her.

"What did you think of my performance?" She asked a bit unsure of what to think of it herself.

"You did great Elsa! The people told me that they loved it!" I said which brightened her up.

"I wanted to ask you to come with me to my tent. I'd like to have a talk with you." Elsa uttered.

"Okay, I'll follow you." I nodded and followed Elsa out of the big top.

We walked across the terrain which was illuminated by all the colorfull lights that hung everywhere. As we approached Elsa her tent I could already hear the record player play German music. Elsa and I went inside the tent and I noticed how big it actually was, it was massive, it even had separate rooms.

"Your tent is even bigger than it looks like from outside." I said as I looked around.

"Come take a seat darling." Elsa uttered before she sat down on the couch. I smiled at her and walked up to the couch and sat down across of Elsa.

"What do you want to ask me Elsa?" I asked.

"I want to ask if you are interested in working here. You only have to do what you did today." Elsa explained.

"I'm sorry Elsa, I loved helping you today but I already have a job where I get paid enough."

"That's a shame but it's okay mein darling, I'm already glad that you came with me today in the first place." Elsa replied.

"Ofcourse Elsa, I am glad that I did." I smiled before I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Elsa asked and she stood up as well.

"Back to the mansion, the day is almost over." I uttered.

"How do you want to get there? You have no car with you." Elsa stated.

Right. I totally forgot that Elsa brought me here, and there was no way she would bring me back in the middle of the night. I sighed, what now? Where do I have to sleep? On a bench in the cold?

"Oh darling don't worry, I am sure Jimmy has a place for you to sleep in his trailer." Elsa asserted which calmed me down.

"Thank you Elsa." I smiled and Elsa gave me my clothes. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight mein darling." Elsa said before I got out of the tent.

With the little light I still had from the colorfull light bulbs I navigated my way to where I thought Jimmy his trailer was.

When I read "lobster boy" on the trailer I was onehundred percent sure that it was his one. I knocked on his door three times and waited for him to answer.

"What? Who is it?!" I heard Jimmy shout from inside the cabin.

"It's Y/n, I need a place to stay tonight." I shouted back.

"I'm coming, hold on for a second." I heard Jimmy shout, I waited a minute long for him to open the door. Jimmy was wearing nothing besides his underwear, I found myself staring at him for a second but then he spoke.

"Sorry that it took me so long." He appologized.

"It's okay, can I come inside?" I asked.

"Yes, ofcourse you can, come on in." Jimmy said as he made way for me to get inside his cabin, he closed the door behind me.

"So you need a place to sleep?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes, Elsa told me that she was sure that you have a place for me to sleep here."

"For you I always have a place." Jimmy smirked.

"I assume you mean your bed." I said which made Jimmy chuckle.

"How did you know?" He asked while chuckling.

"Lucky guess." I winked which made him smile.

"Let's go to sleep, it's already 12 AM and I presume that you have to be back at the Mott Mansion early." Jimmy uttered as he led me to his bed.

"Most of the time I sleep there so I don't really have a strict time to be there, but when I sleep at home I try to be there before 10." I yawned as I took my jacket off.

"I'll try to get you there before 10 tomorrow morning." Jimmy said as he sat down on his bed.

"That would be great, thank you." I smiled as I sat down on the bed as well, I took off my boots and shoved them against the wall. "If you don't mind, I am going to change my clothes now."

Jimmy understood what I meant by that and looked away. I took off all the clothes Desiree and Penny gave me and changed into a large shirt from Dandy that I took with me just in case. I folded all of the other clothes and put them on the floor next to my boots before I got under the sheets next to Jimmy.

"You can look now, I am already under the sheets." I said and Jimmy glanced at me before he got under the sheets himself. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"You don't want a pillow barrier?" Jimmy asked.

"Why? Do you want one?"

"No, but because we aren't dating I thought maybe you prefered that." Jimmy explained.

"I don't expect you to do anything weird, and if I did I would've let you sleep on to the couch." I replied.

"That makes sense." Jimmy chuckled as he pulled the sheets over his chest. "Have a good sleep Y/n, I'll wake you up tomorrow morning at 8AM." He smiled.

"Great, goodnight Jimmy."

"Goodnight my love.

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