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By Jayycz

7.2K 1.2K 245

Mia, a twenty-four year-old multimillionaire who has dedicated the past fifteen years of her life to hustling... More

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184 29 6
By Jayycz

3:47 pm

Chicago cultural center

Leah, Mia, and Zackeel arrived in a super sleek black Jeep, turning heads as they stepped out. Mia and Zack in their matching black tuxedos with red ties, rocking fresh haircuts and stylish slicked-back ponytails. Their expensive jewelry added a touch of luxury to their ensemble. Leah in a black, floor-length dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.

The dress flowed elegantly as she walked, adding a touch of grace to her every step. Her red heels and matching purse perfectly complemented the ensemble. Her nails, painted in a chic black and white design, added a touch of sophistication to her overall look. Leah opted for a natural makeup look, highlighting her natural beauty and allowing her radiant smile to take center stage. Her hair, styled in a sleek silk press, cascaded down her shoulders.

As they made their way into the Chicago Cultural Center, all eyes were on them. coverage. As they entered the venue, all eyes were on them. The media couldn't resist capturing their arrival, and their entrance even made it to the live news coverage. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and admiration. Helen, Haylee's mother and Mia both recognized each other.

Helen, noticing their black attire, voiced her concern "Wearing black at a wedding is bringing bad luck," she stated, raising an eyebrow. "Who invited them?" she wondered aloud.

"I did" Charles replied. "Now be quiet." he warned Helen, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With a confident stride, he made his way towards Mia, a hidden amusement dancing in his eyes. "Michaela, Leah, welcome," Charles greeted, his voice filled with a touch of playful charm. Turning his attention to the young man standing beside Mia, he asked. "And you, young man, what's your name?" But, before Zackeel could respond, Mia spoke up.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked firmly, it was obvious she didn't want Charles near Zackeel.

"I got a couple of minutes before I need to get in place but sure." Charles replied. "There's a seat reserved in the front for you all." He said gesturing to the seats.

"Alright go head, I'll be right there." Mia said before walking away, creating a proper distance between them. Once they were at a safe distance, Mia turned to Charles.

"What are you on Princeton?" Mia questioned, unamused.

Charles, feigning innocence, responded, "What do you mean?" He pretended to be clueless about Mia's accusation.

"A few days ago I received an envelope with Zack's pictures and birth certificate with Leah's name on it as he's mother and a note saying 'I know' signed C." Mia explained. "If there's a problem, it's between you and I, don't involve my girlfriend and her son." She warned. "Understood?"

Before Charles could respond, his father intervened, sensing the tension between them. "Is there a problem here, gentlemen?" he inquired.

"I'm not a man," Mia asserted, her voice firm as she turned to walk away.

Mister Princeton, recognizing Mia, raised an eyebrow and asked Charles, "Wait, is that who I think it is?"

"Yes, Dad, that was Mia," Charles replied.

"Charles, what is she doing here?" He pressed further,

"I wanna see her suffer when I marry the love her life." He responded, with a determined tone.

His father's expression turned from curiosity to concern as he interrupted, "Charles, is this what this marriage is really about? This isn't some kind of game—"

But Charles quickly cut him off, his voice resolute, "I know what I'm doing, Dad."

4:05 pm

      Wedding March by Felix Mendelssohn,  began to play, filling the Chicago Cultural Center with its enchanting melody, Haylee and her father made their grand entrance Gliding in gracefully, in her stunning white dress, her arm wrapped around his. The room was adorned with elegant decorations, and filled with important people and personalities instead of family and friends. However, a subtle hint of sadness adorned her face, contrasting with the beauty of her attire. That captured the attention of everyone present. Including Mia's, Mia couldn't help but admire her from afar, trying her best not to let her gaze linger for too long. After all, Leah, her girlfriend, was seated right beside her.

Mia tried her best to keep her composure. But she couldn't help but feel disappointed;  the life little Michaela had once envisioned with Haylee was now shattered, just like her dreams and hopes were shattered the day she lost both of her parents. Nothing, she wasn't use to. Yet, Mia clung to the belief that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason meant that her path with Haylee was not meant to be.

"She looks amazing" Leah said just to see what her girlfriend would say.

"I guess." Mia simply said as both her and, Haylee eyes met briefly. Once Haylee got to Charles at the altar her father seated beside her mother and the Mayor, Charles Princeton the second.

As Charles and Haley stood at the altar, Haylee's face betrayed a mix of reluctance and resignation. The officiant, a close friend of Charles , took the stage, ready to lead the ceremony.

The ceremony began, and Charles and Haley exchanged forced smiles, Haylee's eyes searching for an escape from the unwanted union. The officiant's speech emphasized the importance of personal growth and individuality, but her heart was elsewhere. The vows were recited with a hint of bitterness, as Haley struggled to find the right words. They promised to support each other, but their voices lacked the genuine warmth and excitement that usually accompanies such promises.

"Charles Princeton, will you take Haylee Stanfield as your wedded wife, to cherish and love for the rest of your life, till death do you part?" the officiant asked, his voice filled with a mix of formality and anticipation.

"I do" Charles replied as a mischievous smile spread across of his face. Unlike Haylee, he was amused by this whole situation.

"Haylee Stanfield, do you take Charles Princeton as your wedding husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" the officiant asked, his words floating gently in the air. Haylee's eyes quickly darted to Mia, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. But then looked at her father, before her gaze settled on Charles, who stood there with a wide grin on his face, eagerly awaiting her response.

In that moment, Haylee's mind raced. Memories of her past with Mia flashed through her thoughts, a bittersweet reminder of the love they once shared.

With a deep breath, she finally answered, "I do."

"I now declare you husband and wife, Mister and Misses Princeton." The officiant declared. The weight of those words settled on Haylee's shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of realization. This was it. There was no turning back.

As the officiant gave them permission to kiss, Charles wasted no time. He pulled Haylee into a fervent embrace, his lips meeting hers. But in that moment, Haylee's mind wandered, the memories of her past with Mia still lingering.

As the ceremony came to a close, applause filled the room, but it was tinged with a sense of unease. The guests, sensing the couple's reluctance, offered half-hearted congratulations, unsure of how to respond to a wedding that lacked the spark of true love. Since Charles and Haylee were important public no one spoke about the lack of warmth.


Inside, the reception hall was adorned with elegant decorations, reflecting the family's desire for a sophisticated affair. Soft, ambient lighting cast a warm glow over the space, creating an atmosphere that was grand and elegant. Mia, Leah, and Zackeel sat at a decorated table while Zackeel played on Mia's phone, Mia and Leah conversate. Music played in the background as other people danced and others ate.

As the evening unfolded, Charles and Haylee gracefully made their way through the crowd, hand in hand. Haylee forced a smile while Charles was having the time of his life. As they made their way around, their gazes landed on Mia and Leah's table. Charles's eyes locked onto Mia as a mischievous smile grew in his face.

"Here look, Mia." Charles remarked. "Let's go greet them."

"Charles." Haylee called gritting her teeth as her grip on his hand tightened.

"Let's go." He hissed as he tugged Haylee towards the table where Mia and Leah sat. Leah, caught sight of their approach and leaned in to whisper to Mia.

"They're heading our way," Leah muttered

"Michaela" He smiled but Mia's expression hardened as she locked eyes with Charles.

"Congratulations," Leah smiled, though her happiness was tinged with a hint of relief, knowing that Haylee was now away from her girlfriend. Mia, on the other hand, chose to ignore their presence, focusing on her wine instead.

"Thank you, Leah," Charles replied, as Mia and Haylee purposely avoided each other's gaze.

"Leah, can I go see Mimi?" Zackeel asked, pointing towards Veronica and Mitchel gracefully dancing on the dance floor.

"You mean my wife's best friend, kid Micheal?" Charles questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I told you to stop calling her that. Her name is Mitchel," Haylee chimed in, rolling her eyes.

"He's a boy, not a girl," Charles retorted.

Mia couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Wanna be mayor, but transphobic?"

"I'm not," Charles frowned, feeling the weight of Mia's words.

"Right," Mia responded, her tone laced with bitterness.

"Can I?" Zack asked, tugging on Leah's dress.

"Go ahead," Leah replied, and Zackeel immediately dashed towards Mitchel.

"Stay where I can see you," Mia requested.

"Okay!" Zackeel enthusiastically responded.

"Well, it was nice seeing you guys... enjoy the rest of the night," Charles bid farewell.

"We will, thank you," Leah replied before they walked away. Once they were at a distance, Leah couldn't help but express her boredom. "Baby, it's boring in here," she whined.

"I know," Mia sighed.

"White rich people weddings always tryna be elegant and shit," Leah continued to ramble, but Mia's attention was fixated on Zack. Leah followed her gaze and noticed Zackeel dancing on the dance floor with Mitchel.

"Mia, why are you staring at him like that?" Leah questioned. "He ain't going nowhere."

"We never know," Mia shrugged. "I don't trust Charles."

"What could he do?" Leah questioned.

"He'd do anything to hurt me. He literally married my ex just to hurt me," Mia reminded her.

"He's gonna hurt an eleven-year-old... who has nothing to do with you?" Leah asked, concerned.

"You're my girlfriend and his mother, so he's like my stepson," Mia reminded her.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know that," Leah pointed out.

"He knows. I know he does," Mia replied, her voice filled with worry.

"But how would he find out?" Leah questioned.

"He's in politics. If he wants to know something, he will find out," Mia explained. "I have a feeling he's going to pull something...I can just feel it."

"Why?" Leah asked, her voice filled with concern. "Mia, is there something I don't know about?"

"A few days ago, I received an envelope with Zack's birth certificate, and your name was on it as his mother. And there's this note that says 'I know,' signed C," Mia explained.

But it doesn't necessarily mean it's him, right?"

"I'm not taking any chances. I'm picking him up from school every day now, just to be safe. And if you need to go anywhere, just let me know," Mia responded.

"Aw, look at you, already being a worried mom," Leah chuckled.

"He is my son, after all," Mia replied, a warm smile spreading across Leah's face.

"Baby?" Leah called.

"Lee?" Mia responded turning to her.

"Can we leave, the food here is disgusting and I'm trynna eat some else right now." Leah said, a smile playing on her lips as she placed her hand on Mia's thigh close enough to her womanhood.

"But what about Zack?" Mia asked, her eyes flickering towards their son.

"We can drop him off at home," Leah suggested, her voice filled with excitement.

"Let's give him a few more minutes with Mitchel," Mia said, her gaze returning to Zack and Mitchel dancing together.

"Ten more minutes, and then can we go?" Leah pleaded.

"Yes ma"

3:07 am


    Haylee and Charles, finally reached Haylee's new home. They walked through the grand hallways together, their footsteps echoing in the spacious house. As they made their way, Charles led Haylee, guiding her towards the room that would now be hers.

After a short walk, Charles stopped in front of a door, his hand gently resting on the doorknob. He turned to Haylee, and motioned for her to enter. With a hesitant yet determined expression, Haylee stepped into the room, followed closely by Charles.

"If you think I'm going to sleep with you, you're out of your mind," Haylee asserted, her voice firm and resolute.

Charles smirked, a playful glint in his eyes, and replied, "Why not? You're my wife, aren't you?"

Haylee's gaze hardened as she met his eyes. "I'm not going to let you touch me," she stated firmly, her voice unwavering.

"I know you don't have any sort of attraction to me. You're still in love with Mia, you're just trying to hurt her by using me." Haylee stated. "Clearly she doesn't feel the same anymore, she's with Leah now, you've seen their grand entrance with Leah and her brother."

her voice filled with anger and hurt.

Charles calmly corrected her, "That's not Leah's brother; it's her son."

Haylee's frustration grew as she realized the truth. "Great, now they're a little family. Leave me alone, Charles," she said, her voice filled with resentment.

Charles couldn't help but chuckle at Haylee's outburst, which only fueled her anger.

"Oh, she still loves you. She's just trying to forget about you. I saw the pain in her eyes when you said 'I do'," Charles smiled, his words dripping with mischief.

"Why include me in this? I never did anything to you," Haylee reminded him, her voice laced with confusion.

Charles sighed, realizing the impact of his actions. "Look, Haylee, I'm not going to force you to have sex with me. You're probably tired, and so am I. I'm going to sleep in my room. Goodnight."

Haylee's anger intensified, and she snapped, "Go to hell!" In a fit of frustration, she threw her heel at him as he walked out of the room. The sound of the shoe hitting the door echoed through the empty hallway.

8:45 am

Mia's apartment

Leah woke up, her eyes fluttering open to find herself alone in the bed. She sat up, her gaze sweeping across the room, searching for any sign of Mia. And just as she was about to get up, a wave of relief washed over her as Mia walked in, a bag of IHOP food in hand.

"Morning, ma," Mia greeted, a bright smile lighting up her face as she locked eyes with Leah.

Leah couldn't help but return the smile. "Morning," she replied.

"I got you something to eat" Mia said handing her the bag, then handed Leah's favorite drink, a strawberry lemonade from Starbucks.

Mia approached Leah, extending the bag of food towards her. "I got you something to eat," she said, then handed her a tall, refreshing strawberry lemonade from Starbucks, her favorite drink.

Leah's eyes widened in delight as she opened the bag, her senses instantly enveloped by the mouthwatering aroma. However, her excitement was momentarily replaced by curiosity when she noticed there was only one container inside. With a playful quirk of her eyebrow, she asked, "Did you get something for yourself?"

"I'm not usually hungry in the morning," Mia explained.

"Okay," Leah responded before eagerly digging into her meal. Mia settled into a nearby chair, her eyes fixed on Leah as she savored each bite. She couldn't help but admire her girlfriend's natural beauty, the way her big white tee hugged her figure and showcased her effortless charm. With her hair pulled up into a high messy bun, Leah looked effortlessly stunning, even without a trace of makeup.

As Mia watched Leah eat, a wave of contentment washed over her. After eleven long years of solitude within the confines of her apartment, she had finally found a sense of companionship and love that filled the empty spaces. Waking up beside Leah, sharing meals, and simply enjoying each other's company brought Mia a joy she hadn't experienced in far too long, erasing any trace of loneliness.

"Uhm I was just wondering if you wanna move in with me?" Mia pondered "I like ur company." She added as She scratched the back of her neck, a telltale sign of her anxiety.

"I'd love to" Leah smiled but as quickly the smile it appeared, it disappeared. "But I don't think I can"

"Why?" Mia asked.

"My mom is pretty old school and traditional, I can't move in with my partner unless I'm married." Leah explained. "Lesbian or not."

"Oh, I understand" Mia responded sounding a bit disappointed.

"I'ma ask her cause I thought she wouldn't accept me being a lesbian and she did. " Leah shared.

Mia's curiosity shifted to concern as she asked about Zack, her brows furrowing slightly. "And what about Zack?"

Leah paused for a moment, her eyes searching Mia's face as she contemplated her response. "I was thinkin' that he's old enough to know the truth," she replied.

"I mean, if you think so," Mia shrugged. "So when are you going to tell him?"

Leah let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't know, I really don't want him to hate me for lying to him," she responded.

"I'm sure he won't," Mia reassured her.

"Hopefully," Leah sighed softly.

"He won't," Mia repeated. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower," she said, pushing herself off the small chair and leaning in to land a gentle kiss on Leah's forehead.

Couple of days later

Leah's appartement

        Zack was completely immersed in his intense 2k gaming session, the sound of virtual sneakers squeaking on the court filling the room. Just as he was about to make a crucial play, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump in surprise. Startled, he quickly hit the pause button and swiftly removed his headset, and  turned to face Leah.

"We need to talk," Leah stated firmly.

"Now?" Zack questioned, a hint of frustration in his tone. "I'm in the middle of a game."

"Zackeel," Leah said, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "we really need to talk." With a deep sigh, Zack reluctantly got up from his seat and followed Leah out of the room.

They entered the living room where Mia sat waiting on the comfy white couch. Leah took a seat beside her, and Zack stood there, waiting for Leah to speak so he could quickly return to his game.

"Sit," Leah demanded, pointing to the chair across from them. Zack skeptically followed her instructions and took a seat, his curiosity mixed with a sense of apprehension.

"Am I in trouble?" Zack asked, sensing the tension in the air.

"No, but there's something I have to tell you," Leah replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "You deserve to know the truth. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for not telling you everything before." Her words were soft, carrying a mix of regret and hope.


"You know how I always, well, me and ma always told you to respect all women, no matter what. When a woman says 'no,' it means no. No manipulating, no gaslighting whatsoever," Leah questioned, her voice filled with a mix of concern and seriousness.

"Yeah," Zackeel replied reluctantly, his tone indicating a hint of understanding.

"Well, Twelve years ago, someone didn't respect me," Leah started, her voice slightly trembling as she tried to leave out the most painful details.

"Please don't talk to me like I'm five," Zackeel asked, his voice pleading for honesty.

"Sorry," Leah said, her voice filled with empathy before she continued. "I was sexually assaulted by someone I didn't expect to do such a thing."

"Who? Tell me!" Zack asked, his voice filled with a mix of anger and protectiveness.

"It's okay he's dead." Leah reassured him. "It's okay, he paid for what he did, but it did have consequences," Leah's voice started to crack as tears flowed down her face. Mia noticed and placed a comforting hand on her thighs.

Zack, unable to comprehend the situation, rose from his seat in disbelief. "What?"

Leah, struggling to find the right words, got up as well. "Zackeel, I'm not just your sister, but I'm also your mom. I gave birth to you."

Zack's mind was reeling with shock as he rose up from his seat. "What the—"

"—Zackeel, listen," Leah interrupted as she stood up as well. "I know it's hard to comprehend, but look, I love you, and—"

"I don't know why he would do that, but it's in the past. You're my future, and I love you," Leah said, gently cupping Zack's face. "I want you to forget about all this."

Zack, trying to lighten the mood, remarked, "I mean, I always thought we looked a little too much alike." He couldn't bear to see Leah cry. "I love you too," he added. "Now, stop crying, or you're gonna make me cry." Zack wiped away her tears and pulled her into a comforting hug. They stayed like that for a while before pulling away.

"Man, you're ugly when you cry," Zack playfully teased, causing Leah and Mia to chuckle. Leah playfully pushed his shoulder.

"I guess this means you're not just my sister-in-law, but my actual mom too," Zack smiled.

"I guess so... Son," Mia replied with a warm smile.

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