OCEAN EYES III Alessia Russo


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When Daan does her last show in Wembley an all to familiar face pops up. Will she has the courage to confront... More



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I woke up by my alarm and turned it off. I saw the autoplay was on my MacBook. I closed it down and stepped out of bed. I rubbed my face and groaned. I walked to the bathroom and let the cold water run down the sink. I splashed it a couple of times in my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I could see i had cried in my sleep. My eyes were puffy and my body was sticky and sweaty. I turned off the water and dried my face. I walked down and went to the gym. I put on my headphones, and started doing my workout. Everybody knows when you are depressed you train a lot harder. 

When i was done and fully sweaty i filmed my body in the mirror but covered my face with my phone. I watched it and smiled. I didn't had the worst body to begin with. I already had abs and good biceps. I just needed a bit of a touch up. I posted it to my story and ran up again. I took a good long warm shower. 

After i was done i dried myself off and put on some jeans and a long sleeve off white tee. I went down and sat down with the Russo family. I greeted them and we talked about the game and they told me everything they have been doing for the past couple of days. I smiled through everything while i ate. I was indeed exited to hear there stories. "Can you make me a plate like yesterday"? I asked and the girl nodded. We talked a bit more and they invited me and Mandy to have dinner all together after the game. "Don't think Mandy will make it tonight" i said. "Why can't she" Carol asked. "Mandy isn't feeling alright" i said and a plate got put down next to me. "Thank you" i said and smiled. "Let me quickly bring this up and then i think we can go" i said and smiled. I walked up with the plate and the shake and went to Mandy her room. "Hey M" i said and put the plate down on the nightstand. "Got you some food" I said. I sat down on the edge. "You think you'll be alright if i go to the game"? I asked but she didn't respond. "I love you, text me when you need me" i said and stood up. I took a couple if sips while i walked to the doorframe. I leaned against it and drank up the shake. I closed the door behind me and walked to my room. I grabbed an England jersey with my last name and Alessia her number on it. I put it on and walked down. The Russo family was waiting for me at the entrance. We got into a van and i put on my sunglasses. I texted a couple of times with Alessia. I went on my insta and looked through posts. I saw the lionesses had posted a video of Alessia jumping over the fence and jumping into my arms. I reposted it to my story and put the caption 'come on lionesses' under it. 

I closed down my phone and the van parked. We all got out and Gio with his phone lead us the way. We all had to stop sometimes for fans that wanted to take pictures with us. 

Once we got to the stadium we all had to show them our passes but i could just walk through. "Anyone want drinks"? Luca asked. "Water would be fine" i said and smiled. The rest of the family told Luca their drinks and we went to our seat. Loads of fans stopped me for a picture. I still had my sunglasses on but i think that's for the best. Luca came back with drinks and handed me a red bull zero. "I know you are allowed this" he said and i gave him a hug. We all talked a bit with each other and then the music in the stadium changed. We looked at how the all the players came up. The national anthems were sung but i didn't sing at either of them. I don't know why. I know the lyrics but it's not my nationality. The game was about to begin and to the bottom left of us there was the bench of the lionesses. I saw Alessia looking at me. She made a M with her fingers and with my hands i told her she was sleeping. She smiled and then nodded. 

The game started and me and her brothers started screaming as hell. "THATS A FUCKING PENALTY" i yelled out and almost jumped on Gio. I saw the penalty being signed and we all started screaming. Gio, Luca and i intertwined arms on shoulders with each other and watched the penalty being taken. Once it hit the back of the net we all started screaming. We did a group hug and jumped together. 

Half time it was and we all started talking with each other. 

Once the game began again we sat down and screamed a bit. I saw Alessia getting ready to warm up. I saw she had a tape wrapped around her wrist and something on it but. It was to far away. Rachel daly got taken out and Alessia came in. We all started screaming and went on with watching. 

The final whistle blew and we all screamed and hugged each other. I saw the girls jumping and hugging each other. I filmed them and posted it to my story. They started making a round around the stadium and the fans. Once Alessia came to us we walked down. She gave all of her family members a hug and I was last. "Congrats on the first win my love" I said "didn't do much tho" she said. "You are a team right"? I said and she nodded. "Then you helped a lot as well" i said and smiled. "Thank you babe" she said and gave me another hug. "How is Mandy"? She asked. "Mandy is fine, nothing to worry about" i said and gave her a smile. "How are you"? She asked. "I'm good, I'm great actually. Just saw my girlfriend running after a ball" i said and she laughed and pushed me a little. "I miss you" she said. "I miss you too" i said and we shared another hug. We talked about the game a bit and she got signalled to go back again. 

We al started waving while she ran off. "So dinner"? Luca asked. "Daan you are still coming right"? Mario asked. "Yeah of course" i said and smiled. We made our way out of the stadium and followed Carol. 

We made it to the restaurant and sat down. "So how have you been" Mario asked. "We life together but we barely get to see you" Carol said. "Been working a lot, trying to push as music and collaborations out before i go work on another album" i said. "You going on tour again"? Gio asked. "I'll see if i bring out another maybe yeah" i said and smiled. "Are you sure you are getting enough rest" Carol asked. "I'm trying too but now with Mandy out i'm doing triple work" i said. "How is Mandy doing now?" Carol asked. "Think she is getting better" i said and gave a smile. We ordered food and talked a bit more about the game. 

"My treat" Mario said and grabbed the bill. "You sure, i'm happy to pay" i said and smiled. "No you silly" he said and laid down the money. We walked outside and walked back to the van. My phone went off. "Sorry" i said and answered. "With Daan" i said. "Yes hi sorry to disturb you but we have all the pictures of the girls ready and the contact info ready" the guy from the lionesses media team said, i still don't remember his name. "Owh that's awsome, can you please email them to me then i will get a team behind it" i said and smiled. "Yeah will make sure of that" he said and we said bye to each other. I went to my contact and called Luna. "Hi, i need your help" i said once she answered. "Yeah of course what can i do" Luna said. "You need to help me find and fly out people" i said. "Owh, you alright? Were is Mandy"? She asked. "Mandy is kind of out for a couple of days but i need to have it fixed" i said. "That's why you calling me? I was suprised to see your name" She said and i laughed. "Yeah i'm sorry but i'm kind of pulling on every string i can right now" i said. "Send me what you need and the info in a mail and i will make sure it get's done" she said. "Thank you Luna" i said. "No worries D" she said and i hung up. I scrolled more down to the list and called Jacky. "D you alright"? She said while she answered. "Yeah i'm great how about you"? I said. "Little suprised to hear from you instead of Mandy" she said. "I'm been getting that lately" I said and laughed. "What can i do for you"? She said. "Music video" i=I said. "Owh i'm loving this already" she said. "Since Mandy is out for a couple of days, i still need to get this handled in time" i said and smiled. "Yeah sure what do you need exactly"? She asked. "Can you maybe fly here"? I said. "Hmm D you coming out of nowhere" she said. "This video is also coming out of nowhere, but i need my best director there" i said. "Oh keep going " She said and we both laughed. "Please Jacks i need you here" I said. "Mind if i come in a couple of day or"? She asked. "No but if you can come with in 7 days that would be the best" i said. "Owh yeah for sure, i just needed a day or two to finsh up work here" she said. "Lovely, call me okay"? I said and we said bye to each other. 

We made it back to the home again. I walked upstairs and went into Mandy her room. I looked at how the plate was untouched. "Need something"? I said and picked up the plate. "I'll bring you something" i said and turned around. I walked back down with the plate and went into the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards for some snacks and soda cans. Once i got a good amount of everything, i walked upstairs again. I went into the room and placed everything down on her nightstand. "I love you" i said and walked out again. I closed the door and sighed. I could feel my own emotions coming up again. I walked into my room and sat down on the edge of the bed. I looked around and just let my thoughts go through my head. I let myself fall back on the bed and let the tears roll down. 

I pulled myself up and changed my clothes. I opened my MacBook while i sat down on the bed again. I looked through the schedule and sighed. I opened the contrustion macbook and logged on to Mandy her account. I answered all of the emails and send them to the people who needed to take care of it. I approved a lot of new contractions and closed down the MacBook. I went on with my other MacBook and went through my mails. A lot of people answering about my parts in their songs. I replied to most of them and saw the mail from Mitchell back. He said they changed the song a bit and wanted me to listen to it first. I put on my headphones and listened to it. I mailed them back that i approved of it. I went through the rest of my mails and aswered everything. Once i was done i sighed. I wasn't tired but i also didn't have any energy left. 

'Hi babe' popped up on my phone. 

'Hi love' i texted back. 

'We just finished up everything , how are you doing' Alessia had texted. 

'Im okay, little weird feeling but it's alright' 'how you doing? Celebrated the win?' I texted back. 

'Yeah, we celebrated a bit in the changing room, sang your song to the fullest' she texted back. 

'Oh that's lovely to hear' i texted back. 

'What are you up to right now?' She texted. 

'Not much just finished up all of Mandy her work' i texted back. 

'She still not out of bed?' Alessia texted. 

'I just bring food to her like always, usally she would eat a bite or two but nothing' i texted. 

'Are you worried?' She asked. 

'No, it's not like i have never had this with her' i texted back. 'And you should definitely not worry about her' i added. 

'But she is important to you so she's important to me too' she texted. 

'I'm not worried so you shouldn't be either' i texted. 

'If you say so then i will let it go' she said. 

 'Thank you love' 'what is your planning for tomorrow?' I texted back. 

'Training and some media things and a briefing' 'not much' she texted. 

'Sounds like a relaxing day' i texted back. 

'Yeah since match day today, tomorrow is kind of off' she texted. 'but I think I'm sleeping in early if you don't mind?' she added. 

'no I can understand it, sleep well my love' I texted back. 

'you to babe I love you' she texted back. 

'I love you too' I turned off my phone and sighed. I walked down with my MacBook and went to the studio. I plugged my MacBook in and turned everything on. I sat down on the couch and put the electric guitar on my lap. I played a soft melody and just hummed with it. 

"I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight. I just need a moment in my own space. Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say "okay, " yeah. But ain't that what we all say?" I sang out. I played on with the melody. "If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain. If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change. If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away. If you want love, if you want love" I sang out. I went on my phone and wrote it all down. I grabbed a new sheet and put in the notes of the guitar. "Sometimes I think back to the old days. In the pointless conversations with the old me. Yeah, back when my brother used to hold me. I wish somebody woulda told me" I sang out. "Yeah, as a kid I used to think life. Is moving so slow, I watch it go by. Look out the window on my bus ride. I thought the world was so small, through my closed eyes. I've always tried to control things. In the end that's what controls me. Maybe that's why I'm controllin'. I wish somebody woulda told me" I sang out and wrote it all down. I played on with the melody and just listened to it. I went into the recording studio. I plugged in the electric guitar and put on my headphones. I started recording with my MacBook. I played the melody and began singing. 

After I had sung the whole song I put my MacBook on my lap and started editing it. I filtered it a bit out. I bopped my head with it and I think I finished it actually. really depressed tho, but it was something. I closed down the MacBook and went upstairs again. I went into Mandy her room and leaned against the doorframe. I looked from a distance if she had taken anything. I saw a open water bottle. I smiled and closed the door again. I went to my room and laid the MacBook down. I took of my clothes and took a quick shower. I put on some sport clothes and went into bed. I scrolled down TikTok until I fell asleep. 

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