OCEAN EYES III Alessia Russo


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When Daan does her last show in Wembley an all to familiar face pops up. Will she has the courage to confront... More



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I woke up by my alarm and turned it off. I changed my clothes and walked down to the gym. I conected my phone to my headphones and looked through the folder. I sighed as i saw a lot was cardio. "Hey" i heard Mandy say and i turned around. "Hey" i said and gave her a hug. I began doing the things on the folder while Mandy was on her macbook on a bench. I filmed her through the mirror and then me. "Seriously again" i said and laughed. I posted it to my story and began swiping through it while i was hill running. I saw so many people had resposted my song to their story. I put the music on louder and finished up my whole work out.

Once i was done i ran up the stairs. I saw clothes already ready on my bed. I took of my clothes and took a shower. When i was done there i went out. I put on all my clothes and went back down again. I sat down by the dinning table and greeted the Russo family. "Got you something" Mandy said and held up a diamond record of the song hall of fame. "Oh my" i said and gave her a hug. I looked at the record and smiled. "Came in this morning" she said and i laughed. "Owh my god thats awesome" i said and smiled. I got congratulations from the Russo family and took a picture with them while luca and gio held up the record. Mandy had texted it to me. I first send it to Alessia and then posted it on insta. "This song is amazing" Gio said and i smiled. "I tried my best on it" i said and smiled. We all ate breakfast and Mandy started smacking my arm. "We have to go" she said. "Don't smack me then" i said and stood up. I grabbed the shake and we said goodbye. We ran to the car and jumped in. The car started driving and i drank up the shake. I went on my phone and saw so many edits with the song. Once we were at the adress Mandy and i both stepped out. Vanity staff came too us and we followed them inside. They handed me different clothes and i put them on. I sat down by hair and went on my phone. I texted a couple of times with Alessia and once we were done, i got motioned to sit somewhere else. I got handed a water bottle and took a couple of sips. There was a table infron of me. "So today we are going to try dutch vs Australian snacks" she said and smiled. "Have you checked with allergies"? I said and they nodded. Mandy shook her head softly and i nodded. "So if you can film the intro then we can get started" she said and i nodded again. "Hi guys, my name is Daan katuin and today at vanity fair i will be trying dutch versus Australian snacks" i said and the nodded. I got served two plates. One with lays chips and one with cheezels. "Owh damn" i said and picked up the lays. "When i was younger i got to pick out one bag of chips a year and i always choose these because they were fun" i said slid them on my finger. "Like if you are going to marry someone" i said. "Think you girlfriend would say yes if you propose with this"? She asked. "Yess think so" i said and smiled. I tried the cheezels and smiled. "Those are good" i said. "Think Australia take the win" i said and smiled. The plates got taken away and i took a sip of my water. A plate with shapes and a plate with tuc tuc were laid down. "These are dutch right"? I said and pointed to the tuc tuc and the girl nodded. "Never had one of them" i said and smiled while i looked at it. "Why didn't you"? She asked. "To expensive" i said and laughed. I took a bite of the of the tuc tuc. "Oh that's dry" i said and opened the water bottle. I took a sip and looked at. I took a bite of the shapes. "Oh god" i said and took another sip. "There both dry" i said and started laughing. "What do you think of it"? She asked. "Glad i was poor" i said and laughed. "No i will chose the australian one" i said and smiled. The cup of i think chocolate milk was laid down. "So here we have milo and chocomel" she said. "Owh milo i know, it's pretty big in Thailand" i said and took a sip. "Did you make it with sugar"? I asked. "Yeah that's awfull, need to use condensed milk" i said. I took a sip of the chocomel and smiled. "Owh this is bringing back memories" i said. "If you used condensed milk i would've chosen yours but no i have to go with The Netherlands" i said and smiled. They took away the cups.  "What is your all time favourite snack"? She asked. "Fruit i think, I don't snack actually because of the allergies" i said and laughed. Two sandwiches were laid down. "So one is with vegamite and one is appelstroep" she said. "Appelstroop" i said and laughed. "Owh this going to be fun, never had that too but i have heard of it" i said and laughed. "This is turning into a Daan tries snacks from her own country" i said and laughed. I took a bite of the vegamite and it was awfull. "Why the hell would you eat that" i said and got handed a red bull zero. "Come on you try it" i said and motioned Mandy to come. "For everyone Mandy my lovely sister in law" i said and she smiled. She took a bite and then my red bull. "Owh gosh" she said and i laughed. I took a bite of the the other sandwich "Owh it's quite nice, would never eat it again tho but it's okay" i said and handed the sandwich over to mandy. "Owh that's good" she said and took another bite. She took the plate and walked off. "Netherlands" i said and smiled. The plates and two slices of bread with sprinkels were laid down. "This is fairy bread"? I said and looked at it. "Heard about it" i said. "Owh my god hagelslag" i said and smiled. I took a bite. "Owh walk down memory lane" i said and smiled. "This on the other hand, can i eat it"? I said and looked at Mandy. "The said it was organic" the director said. "Yeah I don't know" i said and pushed the plate forward. "Not taking my changes" i said and laughed. "Netherlands" i said and smiled. They took the plates and new plates were laid down. "Socijcenbroodje" i said and laughed. "And a sausage roll" i said. "Think there pretty equal" i said and smiled. I motioned mandy to come to me. We both took a bite out of each of them. "Still think there equal"? The director asked. "Equally disgusting" Mandy and i both said in sync. "Yeah no not for me" i said and laughed. "Not for me either" Mandy said and we laughed. "That was it" the director said. "Owh that's short" i said and laughed. "How did you find it"? She asked. "It's okay, sorry about the fairy bread but it's just health reasons" i said and smiled. "So Netherlands won" she said and i tapped my chest. "Of course" i said and smiled. "Thank you for joining us today" she said. "No worries" i said and the cameras were cut. I stood up and took a sip of my red bull. "Thank you Daan" she said. "You ready to do the interview" she said and i nodded. We walked over to a different room and i wrapped my arm around Mandy. I looked at my phone and saw a couple of texts form Alessia. 'Hi babe how is it going' 'hope the interview is a little okay' she texted. I took a picture of Mandy and me and send it to Alessia. We got into the room and there was another girl. I introduced myself and sat down. "You ready" she said and i nodded. "What got you into music" she asked. "Oh my, I don't know. I remember that i was always writing down lyrics and making sounds with thing i could find" i said and smiled. "Ocean eyes" she said and i smiled. "What was your inspiration for that song" she asked. "Did you know, Alessia the girl who i wrote ocean eyes about asked me that exact same question" i said and smiled. "I wrote ocean eyes when i was 16 so 4 years ago. I went to a football match at het uni and i fell in love with Alessia and her eyes. So she was my inspiration for the song" i said and smiled. "You just received a diamond plate for hall of fame, how do you feel about that" she said. "I feel really grateful for it, i appreciate everyone who is showing love for that song. Its been a blessing to recive another diamond plate" i said and smiled. "Where do you see yourself in 10 years"? She asked. "Oh really" i said and laughed. "I did not saw that one coming" i said and smiled. "10 years, i'm 30 damn" i said. "I hope i'm still making music, married with Alessia and just living my life" i said and smiled. "You have a lot of tattoos" she said and i nodded. "Were going left to right" i said and laughed and she smiled a little. "Which one is your favourite" she asked. "I have a couple" i said and stood up. "I have here my brother saying he's proud of me in his handwriting" i said and showed it to her. "Here i have mandy who says she love me in her handwriting" i said and smiled. "How long do you have those"? She aksed. "Think i was 17" i said and nodded. "Could be 16" i said and smiled. "Would you if you could time travel would you go in the past or into the future" she said. "Past 100%" i said and smiled. "Why that"? She asked. "So i could hug my brother again" i said and her face kind of went shook. "What would you be doing if you weren't an artist" she asked. "Think i would still be in construction" i said and smiled. "You have signed a lot of people" she said and i nodded. "Who is your favourite" she asked. "I don't do favourites " i said and smiled. "That was all" she said. "Oh okay" i said and smiled. I stood up and walked back to the set. "Just a couple of pictures" she said and i nodded. I stood on the mark and posed a couple of times. The photographer held his tumbs up and me and Mandy said goodbye to everyone. We went back to the car. I texted a couple of times with Alessia and how we were both exited to somehow see eachother again. "So i have this idea" i said and mandy smiled. "Lionesses media team agreed to do a video together right"? I siad and mandy nodded. "If the go to the final yeah" mandy said and i nodded. "So, of course they are going, they are bring it home again" i said and pushed Mandy a little. "Go on" she said and i smiled. "What if we film the lioneeses one by one holding there childhood hall of fame picture" i said and mandy smiled. "And then we surprise them with the people in that picture" i said and smiled. "And you just singing the song inbetween"? Mandy said. "Yeah" i said and smiled. "I'll contact them but i think it's a lovely idea" she said and smiled. We pulled up to the house and we both stepped out. I ran upstairs and got changed. I ran downstairs and began doing my work out. I saw Mandy filming me a couple of times and i laughed.

After i was done i crawled upstairs. I took a shower and got changed. I went down and sat down by the table. "Russo family, is having lunch. We meet them there" mandy said and i smiled. I went on my phone and a plate was put down. I began eating and scrolling through all of my socials. After i was done i drank up my shake. We both went to the car and went on our way to open training i put on my sunglasses and leaned back. Once we were there we stepped out and fans came running to us. I took pictures with them and Mandy took pictures of me with fans that had my last name on there back. I signed some shirt and went on our way to the field. I saw the russo family and i went over to them. Me and Mandy greeted everyone and more fans came to us. We all took pictures and turned back to the field. I saw the lionesses coming out of the tunnel and we all began clapping. I saw Alessia and clapped harder. "Calm down you turning red" Mandy said and i laughed. I saw the lionesses camera guy taking pictures of us. "So" i began. "What up D" mandy said and i smiled. "I actually don't know" i said and smiled. "Hi guys" joe said and we all turned our heads. He was holding the hand of ella her niece. With my hands i asked her how she was doing. She pointed to the field and i nodded. "Think she wants to see the field" i said and joe nodded. He picked her up and she looked at the field. I watched how Alessia was training. We would sometimes lock eyes and she would smile. I felt a lot of eyes from the othes players aswell but i was just focused on Alessia. Sometimes fans would pop by and ask pictures with us. I got ticked on my shoulder and turned around. With the hands she asked me to hold her. I opened my arms and she leaned to me. "You okay"? Joe asked. "I love kids" i said and smiled. Joe gave me the little girl and i held her while we watched the training. I pointed to the players and like 'talked' with her a bit. After training was done we both shook our hands in the air as a clap. I handed Joe Ella her niece back and he went back to the family. The girls went down to all of the fans before the could see there family. I watched the line go shorter and shorter. She was done and she ran to us. She jumped over the fence and jumped into my arms. "Owh i have missed you so much" she said while she held me thightly. "I have missed your smell" she said and i put her down again. "I have misssed you too" i said and pulled her closer then close. We let go of eachother and she started hugging her family. she talked a bit with her family and I just wrapped my arms around her and she pulled me into a hug while she talked about campus. a whistle was blown and Alessia started saying goodbye to her family. once she got to me who was last she jumped into my arms. "Walk me away"? she said while she held me closely. I started walking to the tunnel and I heard camera flashes. Once we were there I slowly put her down. she pulled me into a hug and I felt her pull on my sweater. "Are you allowed to take it"? I said while she let go of me. "yes" she said and I took of my sweater. she held it closely to her and we hugged again. "I have to go" she siad. "I know love, have fun" I said and smiled. "bye babe, bye mandy" Alessia said and went back into the tunnel. we all walked back to the car and separated our ways to the car. I stepped in and mandy stepped in with me. I went on my phone and saw I was tagged in so many things. I showed Mandy a couple of thing and she handed me her phone. I scrolled through all of the pictures she took and I smiled. "owh they are lovely" I said and smiled. I handed her her phone back and went back to mine. "so for tommorow" Mandy began. "training, breakfast, rest, training lunch, rest, dinner with Atlantic and rest" she said. "does rest mean studio hours"? I said and she nodded. "alright so a lot of studio hours" I said. we got back to the house and me and Mandy stepped out. my phone went off and I answered it. "yes Ari how can I help" I said and walked upstairs. "yess, first of all congratz on the hall of fame, it's an amazing song" she said and I put on a sweater. "thank you thank you" I said and walked down. "yes, now I wanted you to call about" she said and I sighed. I walked into the dinning room and saw everybody already seated. I turned around and walked out again. "please Ari, I have a dinner waiting for me" I said. "since you are back to making music, thought we could maybe do a song together" she said. "where are you now"? I asked and I heard staff walking to the door. "you have to be kidding me" I said and hung up. "D" Arianna said while she ran to me. She jumped into my arms. "why are you here"? I said confused. "why are you not happy"? she said and cupped my cheeks. "wait here" I said. "just stay here and don't do anything stupid" I said and walked into the dinning area. "Mandy can I pleas-" and the door got pushed open further. "Mandy" Ari said and walked over to her. Mandy looked at me shocked at me while Ari pulled me into a hug. she let go of Mandy and introduced herself to everyone. Gio looked shocked at me while Ari gave him a hug. "Daan"? Mandy said. "Mandy" I said and we both just blinked and looked at each other. "Ariana can I please talk to you"? Mandy said. "can we maybe eat first"? Gio said. "owh you having dinner? I haven't ate anything since the plane" she said and sat down. Mandy and I looked at each other and sat down. food was laid down and we all started eating. "why are you eating diffrent? or is it the allergies"? Ari said. "no, training schedule " I said and she nodded. "you getting back in shape" she said and I nodded. "good for you, no that you have lost it. You still look good" she said. between me and Mandy were there was a bit of tension. once food was done I dragged Ariana by her arm outside. "of every possible timing you could come by, you thought it was a good idea to just pop by" I said and she pouted. "I missed you" she said and tried to hug me but I pushed her away. "Come on D we used to have fun" Ari said. "no you used to have fun" I said. "you can't be here, and I don't want you to be here" I said. "seriously, I have flown form America to England were you weren't to Australia and you don't want me here" Ari said. "Listen to me, the people that you have met here, Is my family in law" I said and her mouth dropped. "you have a girlfriend"? she asked. "yeah"? I said and was suprised that she didn't know. "I am so sorry" she said. "yeah so please I don't know with what intensions you came here but please" I said and pointed to the door. "I came here because I wanted to make a song with you" she said and I lifted my eyebrow. "Really D, I miss making music with you" she siad. "owh and I can I maybe stay here the night" she said. "we don't have any spare rooms" Mandy said while she also walked out. "please D I'll promise to keep my hand to myself" she said. "you rich go by a house or a hotel" I said. "Please D tommorow I'll be gone" she siad. "M" I said. "no definatly not" she said and shook her head. "I'll take the couch then and you can sleep in my room" I said. "thank you D" Ari said and tried to jump on me. I pushed her off me. "so a song"? she said. "we'll look okay" I said and walked inside. I texted Alessia about the whole situation and went into the studio. I sat down behind the desk and openend everything up. "Feels like home" Ari said while she entered. She closed the door behind her and i sighed. "So what you got"? She said and i sighed. "Actually i got nothing" i said and she gasped. "The Daan Katuin has nothing on her mind"? She said. "Nope got nothing" i said and smiled. I went on my phone and scrolled through the insta. I saw the lionesses has posted them with family. I swiped through the pictures and saw one if me and Mandy watching the training. I reposted it on my story and put some heart underneaath it. "So you and you girlfriend" she said. "Were is she"? Ari asked. "She's at campus" i said. "She a child"? Ari said. "No not like that" i said and laughed. "She football player, she at campus for the world cup" i said and she looked shocked."got a picture of her"? She asked and i showed her my lockscreen. "Oh my long have you guys been together" she asked while she grabbed my phone. "Couple of weeks" i said and she nodded. "But here you don't have any tattos on your hands, and you got them a year ago"? Ari said and i grabbed my phone. "That picture was taken about 4 years ago" i said. "Wait I don't understand it anymore" she said. "I have met Alessia 4 years ago at a football match of her, but we never exchanged anything, but i know who she was. We both fell in love with each other and now 4 years later we met again" i said and smiled. "You have a picture of her now"? She asked. "Just go to my insta" i said and turned around again. I grabbed the midi keyboard and plugged it into the imac. "Owh she gorgeous" ari said. "I know" i said while i messed with the settings. "She got beautiful eyes" she said and i turned around. "Beautiful ocean eyes" i said. "Wait is she the girl"? Ari said. "Yeah she is" i said and smiled. "Owh i'm so happy for you" ari said. "Thank you" i said and turned back around. A staff member came in and handed me a shake. "Owh can i maybe get a bottle of champagne" ari said and the guy nodded. I messed around with the keyboard and the settings. I got something and put it in a channel. I added some other channels in and made a beat with it. I grabbed a guitar and put it on my lap. I drank a bit of the shake and and messed with the guitar. I heard a knock on the door. "Yeah" i said and Gio his head popped through. "Mind if i chill here?" He asked. "You know the rules" i said and laughed. He went in and sat down next to Ari. I messed around more with the whole template and found a good flowing pop beat. "I see it, i like it, i want it, i got it" ari sang out. Staff member came in with the bottle of champange and a couple of glasses. "Since when are you so cheap"? Ari said while she held up a domperigion bottle. "I am not allowed to drink" i said while i started messing around with the whole template. "So you don't drink does this mean your guest can't have a decent drink either" she said. "Ari just shut up" i said. "Quite busy in here" Mandy said while she walked in with her macbook. I stood up and grabbed a chair for her next to mine. I let the beat play and bopped with it. I started typing down lyrics and turned around. "Got something"? I asked ari. "Maybe"? She said and i motioned her to go in. She picked up the head phones and i copy and pasted the template. I let the beat  play and made new channels for Ari to sing in. "So" i began. "Yeah" Mandy said. "Why can't she just be normal or so" i said and held up my shoulders. "She has had quite a lot of bad timings, she really sucks at that" Mandy said. "To be honest, i wouldn't be mad if i brought out an ep or some" i said and she nodded. "But i feel like a lot of pushing is coming towards me" i said and Mandy nodded. "Maybe just maybe" she began. "Yeah i know Alessia has told" i said while i went on with cutting Ari her vocals. "She is right tho" mandy said. "I know you want to be busy and all" she said. "When was the last time, you didn't think about any of the buisnesses" Mandy said and i sighed. "What am I supposed to do then" i said. "Everything i'll ever do is make sure we don't ever have to go back from were we came from" i said. "D calm down" Mandy said. "Everything is getting to much" i said. " 'owh can you help me with this song' 'i need to release a album' 'can we make music together' i mimicked out. "What am i spossed to do then, say no and if that song would've made good money, i get a good part of it" i said and held my head in ny hands. "You know, this used to be a lot more fun when it was just the three of us" i said. "D calm down please" Mandy said. "I'm tired okay, I'm tired of everything" i said and let my head fall on the desk. I began slamming my head softly against the desk. "You want a cigarette" Mandy said. "I would love one but I promised Alessia, and I can't break fucking promises" i said and she laid her hand inbetween the desk and me so i would now be smashing my head on her hand. "D go to bed please" she said. "I'll Handle everything just go" she said. "I can't "i said and pointed to Ari. "One hour and then i drag you" she said and i looked at my watch. "We do have spare room by the way" Mandy said and i looked confused at her. "I wanted you to kick her to the curb but you didn't" Mandy said. "You know how i am, you could be anyone in the world and i would still sleep on the couch and let the other one take the bed" i said. "She a millionaire, who flew here privately. Think her manager could've booked something" Mandy said. "I know" i said.  Ari was i think singing for straight half an hour by now. I held up my hand and she stopped singing. I went with editing her song and i bopped with it. "Think you have enough"? Ari asked and i held my thumbs up. I edit the shit out of the song but it didn't really go as planned. "D" mandy said. "Take your macbook upstairs and go to bed" she said. I closed my macbook an flipped through the other ones. I grabbed the construction one and turned around. "Night guys" i said an waved off. "Were are you going"? Ari asked. "She's going to bed, she need to rest" i heard Mandy say. "But i just got here" Ari said. "I know, i have everything planned out but you" Mandy said and i laughed. "Guys don't fight again" i said and walked through the door. While i was walking upstairs i was yawning a lot. I made it to my bed and got changed into some shorts and a top. I sat down on the bed and went on my macbook. I put on my headphones and edited the song. It was something completely diffrent from what i used to make for Ari. I got tired and closed down the macbook. I laid down and opened the construction one. I flipped through bulding plans and looked at how everything was going, my eyes slowly started to close and i fell asleep.

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