𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐔𝐧...

بواسطة Jayycz

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Mia, a twenty-four year-old multimillionaire who has dedicated the past fifteen years of her life to hustling... المزيد



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بواسطة Jayycz

Mia's POV

I groggily woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm blaring, signaling that it was already six forty-five in the morning. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, as I sat upright. I haven't slept till like three am going to four.

Why? I wish I knew.

I'm insomniac, I suppose, I haven't had a good night sleep in years. The last time I remember sleeping peacefully was when I was eight, before everything went down hill. I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled towards the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, the warm water cascaded over me, temporarily washing away the fatigue clinging to my body.

Once I was done, did my hair well more like I just fixed the fro and moisturized the curls. I then fixed my eyebrows with eyebrow gel, with precise strokes, I shaped and defined the arches, they thick as hell gotta manage them somehow. Using a tiny brush, I applied Jamaican black castor oil on my eyelashes, to naturally strengthen them so they stay long and healthy, before applying lip balm on my lips. Stud or not, I'm still just a girl.

I slipped into my signature attire - a sleek, all-black tuxedo, paired with a crisp button-up shirt. Slipping on my polished dress shoes on, before heading back to the bathroom. Staring at my reflection as I fix my collar and adjusted my gold nameplate necklace with my government name on it that's always around my neck since the age of three, changed my earrings.

Before stepping out of the bathroom, I made sure to clean my ears and ensure my nails were perfectly groomed. I dabbed some Yara oil roll-on perfume on my pulse points, then spritz of my favorite fragrance. All this after I lotion my body, key to smelling good for a longer period of time.

After I finished getting ready, I walked out of my room, made my way into the kitchen, a wave of thirst washed over me, prompting me to reach for a refreshing cup of water before heading out. But just as I was about to reach the fridge, the doorbell pierced through the silence, its chime echoing through the apartment. Startled, I paused for a moment, confusion clouding my thoughts.

Why would someone be at the door at this hour? It's not even eight am yet.

I made my way towards the front door, my footsteps echoing softly against the floor. As I reached for the doorknob, I leaned in closer to the peephole, to catch a glimpse of who was on the other side for only my eyes to be met by Haylee's familiar face.

What is she doing here?

"What do you want?" I questioned loud enough so she could hear me through the door.

"Can you let me in?" Haylee asked.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Mia please." She pleaded, I sighed before I opened the door and stepped to the side, allowing her entry. Once she crossed the threshold, I closed the door behind he.

As Haylee glanced around, her eyes taking in the familiar surroundings, she remarked, "Nothing has changed." I kinda sorta might have never actually moved out from the apartment I grew up in and I kinda sorta might have bought the entire building three years ago. Attachment issues I guess...it's a long story if the author delves into it, it's going to be a long chapter.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here?" I asked as I slipped my hands into my pockets.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said," Haylee responded, her words carrying a hint of remorse, just a hint. "The feelings I have for you never changed, Mia—"

"—What do you want me to do when you tell me this, Haylee?" I cut her off. "You're getting married, and I'm dating someone else." I reminded her of the reality of our situations.

"You forgot about me so soon?" she asked, sounding hurt.

"Fifteen years, Haylee," I reminded her.

"I also waited fifteen years," she stated, her voice filled with longing. "I tried looking for you on social media before all this bu—"

"—Don't have any." I interrupted, cutting her off.

"Mia, I tried to find you," she pleaded, her voice filled with sincerity.

Haylee took a deep breath before she spoke. "Charles's father is threatening me to send my dad to jail if I don't marry him." She admitted. "Apparently, they have proof of things he did in the past. He has heart problems, he won't survive in prison, and I don't want to lose my father, Mia... I really don't."

I listened in silence, unsure of what to say. I struggled to find the right response. "I still love you. No one will ever replace you. You still have the same place you had in my heart fifteen years ago." She added.

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence till I mustered the courage to speak. "Haylee, I think you should leave," I finally said. It pained me to push her away, but I knew deep down that it was the right thing to do.

"Mia—" Haylee began, her voice filled with a mix of longing and hope.

"—Haylee, just stop," I interrupted, my voice firm. "This isn't some romantic movie or whatever, it won't end well. This is real life with real consequences." I reminded her. "You chose your dad stand on that."

She looked at me, her eyes pleading for understanding. "But I lo—"

"—Apparently, not enough" I said cutting her off. "I know he isn't innocent, if what you're saying is true, let him pay for his crime."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she reminded "I can't, Mia. He's my dad. Wouldn't you do the same?"

"My dad went to prison and died there for a crime he didn't commit." I responded. "You think I'll have empathy for a man who actually committed a crime?"

"You want me to experience the same thing?" She questioned.

"Don't." I cautioned. "Our situations are completely different, my dad was innocent." 

"How are you so sure my dad isn't?" She questioned.

I took a deep breath before responding, "Your mom called the cops on my dad, Haylee," I stated firmly. "It wasn't just mere rumors; I had it confirmed by an officer. Your mom accused my dad of selling drugs in his bakery. They weren't any real proof or a trial, my dad died there awaiting for his trial." I explained. "I managed to gather information with the help of that same officer, and I discovered what your dad did. The only reason he's not behind bars is because I didn't want to hurt you, Haylee. But you know what he did to those women, and he covered it up. Yet, you're willing to sacrifice your own life for a molester."

"But he's my dad," she whispered, her voice filled with fear. "It would ruin my family. People would—"

"—Listen to yourself, you sound just like your mom," I said, my words sharp and cutting. "I know it's hard to accept, but your dad is not innocent. He's a molester, a freaking rapist. He needs to face the consequences of his actions, regardless if he's your father. If you can't see that, then maybe it's best if you leave. You've clearly made your choice, I've made mine." I said before opening the door, gesturing her to leave.

"Are you serious?" Haylee questioned, her hurt and disbelief evident in her voice.

"Very." I replied.

"Fine," she said bitterly, her words laced with resentment. "Have a great life."

"You too," I responded, the words escaping as a whisper. As I watched her walk away, I closed the door behind me. A heavy sigh escaped my lips.

Once I got myself together, I carefully placed my Mac and neatly organized documents into my sturdy black leather briefcase, making sure they were secure. With a satisfying zip, I closed the briefcase. Before stepping out of my apartment, I patted my pockets, feeling the weight of my phones, the familiar jingle of my keys, the reassuring presence of my wallet, and the snug fit of my EarPods. Confirming that I had everything I needed, I did a little prayer like I do every morning before stepping out of the apartment.

On my way to The Oblivion, I decided to stop for some coffee, I had a long day ahead, and look how it started. As I sipped the warm brew, the voice of the podcast hosts resonated through the speakers of the car. As the miles rolled by, I found myself engrossed in the podcast from the Blessed app, the world outside my car fading into the background. The combination of the smooth ride and the thought-provoking podcast created a sense of tranquility, a sanctuary amidst the chaos in my mind.

After a while, I finally arrived at The Oblivion. I parked my sleek Tesla and stepped out, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing my face.

The oblivion wasn't the only business I own, I got a restaurant and a group home. I'm not too fond of the name but I guess that's what it was but I rather a the term safe place. HOME, welcomed, anyone from zero from eighteen and we offer help to adults from the age of eighteen to twenty-five, whether if it's a place to stay, school or a job.

I founded HOME with the first millions I made from the club, I poured my heart and soul into creating HOME. The profit made from the restaurant, HOME'S COOK, goes straight to HOME.

Unlike traditional foster care, we took a hands-on approach to ensure the well-being of the children under our care. Before any child was considered for adoption, we conducted a deep background investigations. I care for these kids like my own, I couldn't bear the thought of them ending up in the wrong hands.

As I walked into The Oblivion, I ascended the stairs to my office, exchanging greetings with the cleaners who were already there. I made sure to turn on the AC to keep the space comfortable, and then adjusted the blinds to reveal the breathtaking view of the city before setting at my office chair. I'm always here, that's where I do all my work, where I spent most of my days. Well not anymore since now I have a girlfriend who wants and deserves my undivided attention.

Which is why I have a so much to do now. Once I settled down and got consistent I dived into to some unfinished work, Time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, it was already noon, inching closer to one o'clock. I had an important meeting scheduled at HOME for two pm, so I focused on organizing the necessary documents.

Just as I heard the door creak open and then softly shut. I instinctively looked up, to see her in a stunning nude-colored Skims Lounge Long Slip Dress. Her curls were out and the sunlight streaming through the large window reflected on her caramel skin, highlighting her pretty brown eyes and lashes.

She's just effortlessly beautiful.

"Hi baby" Leah said before pecking my lips.

"Hey" I replied.

"You okay?" Leah asked, settling herself onto my lap.

"Haylee came to my apartment this morning." I told her.

"Why?" She frowned.

"I don't really know, something about being forced to marry Charles because of a—"

"—Forced?" She repeated. "What did you say?"

"That it doesn't matter" I replied. Leah hummed in response before sliding off my lap. my lap.

"Do you even have feelings for me Mia?" Leah questioned. "Be honest."

"What did I do to make you think that I don't?" I questioned.

"You didn't have to do anything, romantic dates gifts attention isn't enough." Leah stated.

"I thought actions were louder than words."

"I want you to tell me you love me. When I say it you respond.  'Love you too' not 'I love you too'."

"Same thing." I shrugged.

"No it's not." She stated. "Do you really want to be with me."

"Yes" I replied.

"Then, say it." She demanded.

"I wanna be with you." I said and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"You still got feeling for her don't you?" She asked bitterly.

"Look, I'm not good with words or expressing my feelings and all but I'm trying." I explained. "I'm new to all of this" I reminded her.

"Answer my question" She persisted, ignoring what I just said.

"I could've not told you and kept this to myself but I told you, not so you could question me. But if you want an answer so badly, I don't know. I'm not sure if I still do have feeling for her" I admitted. "What I'm sure of is that, I want to be with you. But if you keep acting like this I won't be able to take it any longer." I stated. "You mention her any chance you get."

"How am I not suppose feel insecure about a girl you loved your entire life I can't top that if she's still in your life today." She explained.

"She's getting married, I'm not bout to be anyone's side piece or whatever"

"You're going to that wedding." She reminded me.

"With you, my girlfriend." I reminded her. "The only reason I'm going is to not give Charles the satisfaction." I explained. "Okay?"

"Okay." She said as her face softened. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" I reassured her.

"I don't like this tension, I came here because I missed you." She stated.

"You saw me yesterday" I reminded her.

"So?" she said, as a smile played on her lips. She sat back on my lap, facing me, her hands wrapping around my neck. I instinctively placed my hands on her sides, our faces just inches apart. She smelt and looked good. I already know what she's doing, and she wants.

"I'm wearing my favorite suit right now." I stated.

"And you look good in it" She said as she played with my collar.

"We agreed on spending more time bonding rather than sex." I reminded her.

"We could bond in bed too you know" She said and I chuckled. "How can you resist me?"

"We agreed on spending more time bonding rather than sex."

"It's been three weeks, almost four since the last time, and I'm living off flashbacks," she whined.

"Miss Hernandez, can we just have a simple conversation without it turning to sex?" I asked.

"Girl, I'm horny," she continued whining. "Why are you torturing me?"

"There's this new place I wanted to take you," I said, changing the subject.

"When?" she asked as she started kissing my neck.

"Whenever you want to," I replied.

"Do I get sum pu—"

"—Lee," I called, cutting her off.

"I gotta be somewhere in forty-five minutes," I stated.

"We could start now and finish later," she said, pecking my lips.

"You won't leave me alone, will you?" I asked, in between the kisses.

"Nope," she replied. I pulled away from the kiss and just stared into her pretty, lustful brown eyes as a smile formed on her face.

She has such a pretty smile.

Leah's POV

"You win," she said, as she rose with me, she gently placed me on the polished surface of her office table, the coolness seeping through the fabric of my clothes. As she removed her suit jacket, her shirt followed, exposing her in a black sports bra, revealing her toned arms abs and stomach. I couldn't help but admire her, she's just fucking beautiful.

I was brought back out of my trance when her soft lips met mine, I eagerly responded, my own lips parting slightly to invite her in. The taste of her on my tongue was intoxicating as our kisses deepened, becoming more passionate and sloppy. I could feel her hand on my thighs, slowly traveling up under my dress, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

She pulled away, her lips finding my neck, and a soft moan escaped my lips, a testament to the pleasure coursing through my body, feeling her warm breath sending shivers down my spine. I missed this, the feeling of her hands on my skin, the taste of her lips, the feeling of her on my neck. I couldn't get enough. Desperate for more, I pulled her closer, by the waistband of her pants, my fingers fumbling to unbutton her pants.

"No, just you," she said, her grip on my wrist firm.

"Mia" I whined. She barely lets me to touch her.

"Lee, I don't got time for this. I've got things to do" she stated. I truly don't give a fuck. "Later I promise."

"Fine," I said, trying not to push the issue further.

"Don't be mad at me, Lee," she pleaded, kissing me on my sweet spot. A louder moan escaped my lips, erasing any trace of anger or disappointment.

"Just fuck me already," I whimpered. Suddenly, I felt the warmth of her hand inching closer under my dress, she began teasing my clit in my draws. "Please" I moaned, as her fingers glide along my clit.

She then delicately slides my panties to the side before her sliding two fingers in and her thumb on my clit. She began stroking her fingers in me rhythmically while circling her thumb on my bundle of nerves.

"Fuck" I moaned feeling her fingers pumping in and out of me so harshly that made my back managed to arch with each thrust. I look down to see her fingers disappear into me then I felt other hand left my chin up.

"Look at me," she demanded, her voice low and raspy, sending a shiver down my spine. Her eyes, dark and smoldering, locked with mine as her fingers curled up and immediately hit my spot. The pleasure washed over me like a tidal wave, causing my eyelids to flutter shut involuntarily.

"Lee." she called in that same tone, making me open my eyes, meeting her gaze once more, not even a second later a surge of pleasure coursed through my veins. It started as a gentle hum, a tantalizing tease of anticipation that gradually built into an electric current of ecstasy.

Every touch, every caress, sent shivers of delight racing across my skin, like a symphony of pleasure playing on my senses. The world around me faded away as I came. Her fingers thrust into me a few more time before slowly took her finger out of me so did a gush of liquid. I then I pulled her into a kiss, a passionate one. I didn't wanna let her go, I wanted more, I needed more.

"Lee, I gotta go," Mia groaned in between the kisses. She tried to pull away, but my grip on her waist was tight. However, she was stronger and managed to break free. "Later, I promise."

"What time will you be back and where are you going?" I questioned.

"I have a meeting at HOME, and I'm not sure what time, maybe around 6pm," she replied, walking towards the bathroom in the office. "I have other things to take care of over there after that," she explained.

"You're gonna come back and tell me you're tired," I said before she walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I heard the sound of water running, so I guess she was washing her hands.

"I won't," I heard her say. "I always keep my promises." She came back, putting her shirt on. I couldn't help but stare as she buttoned up her shirt, and she noticed.

"What?" she asked softly.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes," I reassured her.

"I was just admiring my pretty girlfriend." I said, and she smiled.

"Thank you," she responded as she put her vest back on. "Well, I gotta go," she said before she walked up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"One more," I asked, and she obliged, giving me another peck on the lips.

"Bye, ma'," she said as she picked up her leather briefcase-type bag. I couldn't remember what it was called either.

"Bye," I responded. "Don't forget to text me," I reminded her.

"I won't," she reassured me before walking out of the office.

After she left, I made my way to the dressing room. I freshened up, cleaned up, and changed my panties before slipping into something more comfortable to dance in. Before joining the girls to practice for tonight's show.

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