A Star Wars Story

By N7Legion-Games

157K 2.7K 1.7K

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their respective owners. This is my what if story. More

Phantom Menace Ch:1
Phantom Menace Ch: 2
Phantom Menace Ch: 3
Phantom Menace Ch: 4
Phantom Menace Ch: 5
Phantom Menace Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter
Attack of the Clones Ch: 1
Attack of the Clones Ch: 2
Attack of the Clones Ch: 3
Attack of the Clones Ch: 4
Attack of the Clones Ch: 5
Attack of the Clones Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E1 Ambush
Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.
Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence
Clone Wars S1 E4 Destroy Malevolence
bonus chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E5 Rookies
Clone Wars Bombad Jedi
Mini Chapter.

Clone Wars Trespassers

3.3K 84 138
By N7Legion-Games

Republic outpost overrun! The Jedi have lost all contact with the clone security force stationed on the bleak, snow-covered planet of Orto Plutonia. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin and Revan Skywalker, accompanied by dignitaries from the nearby moon of Pantora, are sent to investigate the disappearance of the clone troopers on the desolate and forbidding landscape.

And this is the planet's tropical zone.

The cold never bothered me anyway.

It's not Tatooine, that's for sure. Captain Rex, have your men survey the area. Place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark.

Right away, sir. Unload that gear!

Command Axe, help him out.

Right sir, Let's move!

Why would the Republic want an outpost way out here?

[Astromech noises]

The Chairman of Orto-Plutonia requested it? But why?

General Kenobi.

Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi. I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area.

I respect your judgment, General Kenobi, but I will go where I choose. This is sovereign Pantora territory.

I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore it's not aligned.

Technically no. The Moon is a part of the Pantoran system and therefore it's under Pantoran rule.


Since the planet is uninhabited, the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as its protectorate.

Anakin, stay here with the Senator and the droids while we secure the base.

They entered the base with Revan in the lead. He scans the room and sees Trooper helmets sitting upon pikes staged as a warning.

I don't understand.

It must be Separatists.

No, Separatists wouldn't place these helmets on pikes as a warning.

He said as he examined the helmets on pikes.

What do you know Master Jedi?

A lot more than you do Chairman Cho. I have fought the Separatist many times and they do not leave warning spikes.

He said as he inspected the helmet. They then take the elevator to the top of the outpost and see a bunch of dead clones but no battle droids.

Do you think the separatist are building a forward base to attack Pantora?

I don't think we're dealing with the separatists. These computers haven't been touched.

And if this were a separatist attack where are the droids? They wouldn't bother recovering their own. And why bother leaving a perfectly good outpost to use.

Spare me your theories, Master Jedi and get me results!

Revan slowly approached him mere inches from his face.

Watch your tone, Chairman. I'm not your dog to bark orders at.

Obi-wan was about to step in until was cut off by Rex.

Sir, our scouts have spotted a droid base on the other side of the ice ridge.

The jedi and a few clones leave the base and get on their speeder bikes to the droid outpost. A few minutes later they arrive to see the same thing at the separatist base that they saw at theirs only with battle droid head stuck on spikes.

Don't let him get under your skin Revan. He's a Chairman, and we need to play nice.

I will not coddle him like the others do Obi-wan. If we always roll over to do what people like him want then the war will never end. We are supposed to be keepers of the peace and yet you're all acting like servants.

They approached Anakin who was inspecting a droid head on a spike.

By the look of things, I'd say whoever attacked our base took out the droids also.

Rex, help Anakin place the sensor beacons.

Yes, General.

Axe secure the perimeter and warn us of anything you see.

Right sir.

You four come with us. Let's go.

They started to search the droid base and all they found were dead dorids with their heads on spikes. Obi-wan and Revan saw Anakin near the entrance.

Did you find anything?!

I found a large footprint.

Make a cast.

They then entered the command bridge as Obi-wan tried to power up the computer but the cold made it difficult.

Sensors are in place.

I think I found something. Blast it.

Obi-wan kept pressing the power button but the computer wouldn't come on line until Revan gave the computer a kick and like magic the computer came alive and projected the last transmission..

685 to command. There are too many of them. They've overrun the base. We need reinforcements. Ah!

They then saw a harry looking creature attack the battle droid from behind before the transition ended.

What was that?

Whatever it was, it's a good warrior.

Hmm, my theories are starting to add up.

The droid's log indicates they were investigating the southern canyon.

Sounds like a good place to start.

Back at the Clone base. Chairman Cho was barking orders at the Clones.

I want the weapon system back online and the shields operational. There's no telling what the Separatists have planned.

Chairman, what makes you so certain the Separatists are behind this attack?

Look around, Senator. Isn't this carnage proof enough?

I know, but there are no dead droids here, no blast marks. The clones' injuries were not consistent with what...

So you're an expert on war now, are you, Senator?

No, Chairman. No, I only...

I happen to have experience with war, and I can tell you that the Senator is correct, Chairman. Separatists aren't known to do something like this. And I trust general Revan's instincts, if this wasn't a droid attack then it was something else.

I didn't ask for your opinion, soldier! You are not here to think, but do what you are told. And let me tell you something, Senator. I have led our people since before you were born. I've seen 100 planets rise and fall through force of arms. If it's not the Separatists, it's a malevolent enemy nonetheless. And I will not let whoever it is jeopardize the security of the people of Pantora.

But if the Jedi discover that the Separatists aren't behind this, then perhaps there is a peaceful resolution.

Senator, I am willing to fight and die for my people. It's time to ask yourself if you are brave enough to do the same.

Back with the Jedi who were in the cold. Revan was not wearing any traditional winter wear.

How are you not cold out here, brother?


You are a weird-

And I have a thermal heater in my suit.

What? Where did you get one and why didn't you give me one!?

One I bought it and two you never asked.

Alright enough. Focus.There's some kind of reflection up there. Do you see it?


He replies as he sees the other side of the ridge showing flashing lights.

Well, they know we're coming. Let's go.

Obi-wan Revan and Anakin continue to ride their speeders and they cross a bridge and see a small settlement on the other side with huts.

Anakin gets ready for a fight, when Obi-wan stops him.

Steady, Anakin. They're only curious. Let's not provoke them as the droids and our troops must have done.

I'll take the lead on this one, Obi-wan.

Be my guest.

Too bad we didn't bring 3PO along. How do you plan on communicating with these things?

Patience. Maybe they're smarter than we are.

As they approached the Talz settlement there was a leader or a general standing between them and a hut. He takes his spear and throws it in the ground.

Any bright ideas, brother?

Yes, shut up. It's a gesture of peace.

Revan took a bow to the leader or a general. Confused by this Anakin, and Obi-Wan did the same.

They then entered the hut where several Talz were talking in a bizarre language as they pointed to a drawing of a separatist droid on a piece of leather.

Anakin and Obi-wan seemed confused about what they were saying but they think they know what they were referring to. Then surprising the two jedi even more Revan starts to respond in the same language as the Talz.

How do you know how to speak their language?

I listen with my ears. And kept my mouth shut like I told you to do.

What are they saying?

Well they're not happy about us trespassing on their home.

The Talz leader and Revan talk back and forth and while Anakin didn't notice Obi-wan saw something in Revans hand and a small smirk appeared on the master's face.

The chief and Revan continued to exchange words, and Revan would translate to Obi-wan and Anakin.

It seems that the Droids were hostile to the Talz, and the Clones were just caught in the middle. They thought they too were a threat to their home.

Well this just made things more complicated.

And I feel that Chairman Cho will make it even more complicated.

The three were seen leaving, and Obi-wan held out a hand only to be taken into a bone crushing hug by the Chief.

I think he likes you, Obi-wan.

Oh shut up.

They made it back to the base only to be greeted by Axe, and Rex. Axe was not in a good mood.

What is it Commander?

Ask Chairman Cho, who believes he can just bark orders at us like we're mindless battle droids.

Well feel free to remind him next time that I give the orders not him.

Yes sir.

What did you find?

It seems we've stumbled onto an inhabited planet.

Impossible. Our explorers have spent much time here over the long history of Pantora. No one lives here. They're trespassers.

They know how to hide themselves from dangers. Your people could have been inches away from them and not even notice them.

The Chairman got into his face with aggression.

I didn't ask for your opinion, Master Jedi Whoever they are, they belong to us. This whole system belongs to us. I---(choking)

He fell to the floor gasping for air.

Actually you did when you requested our help, Chairman. And I have been patient with you since we arrived here and it's running really thin. Now I hear that you're treating my men with the same disrespect as you have given me.

He said in a calming but threatening tone as the Chairman continued to gasp for air as the Chairman's men were frozen with fear as to what Revan would do to them if they intervened.

Just then Chuchi places a hand on Revan's shoulder.

Please, Master Revan let us not fight amongst ourselves. We can resolve this peacefully.

Revan then let go of his force hold on the pathetic man gasping on the floor as he walked away.

I'll report this to the Council!

Go ahead, however I don't think you'll live long enough to do so. I will not let the Third Legion be casualties of your madness, Chairman, if you want to wage war and I know you will. You will do so without my men watching your back. We're done. Commander, pack it up.

Revan, wait. Lets not be hasty here.

Once again you're proving my point Obi-wan. It's done, the Chairman has made his bed, let him lie in it.

You can't do this, I command you to stand down, Commander ready your men for battle.

The Third Legion did not move at his orders. Instead they followed the generals order.

Pack it up boys.

The Third Legion all started to pack up to leave.

What are they doing? I am the leader here! Why are they following his orders?

They are following their General. And technically speaking they're only here to help the investigation not start a war with the locals.

It's amazing how loyal they are to their General.

Because he's loyal to them.

It matters not, we'll deal with these trespassers ourselves. Captain Rex, prepare your troops for battle.

We promised their chief there would be no retaliation.

We've arranged a meeting between their high council and you and the Senator. They want peace.

We can't send troopers. They'll think we lied.

These creatures are little more than animals. You can't lie to an animal. They can't be trusted.

Anakin sighs.

Now I'm wishing I left with Revan.

But, your majesty...

No! It is obvious these creatures are not covered by the convention of civilized systems. The Jedi Council has no say in the matter.

If the Jedi are able to communicate with them, their status is in doubt.

Do you stand against your Chairman, Senator?

Of course not, your majesty.

If we're going to meet with Thi-Sen and his council at the arranged time, we'll have to leave now.

Sir the gunships can't take off in this storm. We don't have enough bikes for the entire platoon.

Have the rest of the men stand by here. No matter what the chairman thinks, we're not going to war.

Captain, put your men on that ice ridge. We will attack as soon as the savages arrive.

There will be no attack, Chairman.

You will do as I command. This planet is under my jurisdiction.

Nothing is under your control, Chairman. The Talz are already here.

The Chairman looks around to see Talz surrounding them.

Their scouts have been following us for some time.

It seems thi-sen doesn't trust you any more than you trust him.

As they were entering the derelict droid machine a party of Talz and Third legion troopers appeared out of the snow aiming their weapons at the group. They saw Revan standing with Chief Thi-Sen.


You Traitor!

The only Traitor here is you Chairman. An opportunity of peace was presented to you, but your lust for war and brutality have clouded your judgment. You spat at the thought of peace, so now we're here trying to bridge that peace with Thi-Sen and your people.

How dare you!? These savages have no rights here.

Be silent! I've had enough of your childish tantrums long enough.

They enter the Droid command center and meet the Chieftain of the Talz. 3PO then talks to the chieftain as Cho has a disgusted look on his face.

Chieftain Thi-Sen welcomes you to his home and hopes you come in peace. He wishes to be good neighbors, but he does not wish you to remain on his planet.

Listen, droid, translate everything I say and exactly as I say it.

Your majesty, I have to represent Pantora in this matter as you have been-

Be quiet, Senator! There will be no diplomacy this time. Listen here, you savage, this world belongs to the moon of Pantora. And as the Supreme Chairman and exalted ruler of Pantora, you will not command me to leave this planet or do anything else.

Your Majesty, you have no say-

Droid, Tell him!

Oh dear.

I recommend a less confrontational discussion. The Talz are easily provoked.

Thi-Sen starts to speak with anger.

That didn't go over very well.

You think?

He exclaimed sarcastically.

Cho, I promised the Talz that we would leave them in peace.

BE SILENT! This is now an internal affair of Pantora.

The great Thi-Sen, Son of Suns, asks again that you leave or it will mean war.

Then war it is.

Revan do something.

If he wants a war then he'll get one.

Revan then leaves with Thi-Sen.

Revan Where are you going?

To try and clean up this mess. Talk some sense into Cho, or talk to the Speaker of the Assembly. Better yet you should have spoken up senator as it is you who speaks for pantora not him.

He looked at Chuchi before leaving.

Troopers, mount up and follow me.

What's up, general?

You're gonna stay with the Chairman until we can work things out. Protect him at all costs.

Mount up! We're moving out!

Senator, you know a preemptive strike is illegal. You heard Revan you represent your people in this matter now.

I'll need to confirm with the speaker of the assembly.

Let's get back to the base. The storm is letting up. Maybe we can get a transmission through.

Meanwhile Former chairman Cho, Rex and his troops are on their speeder bikes when they see 3 Talz on their beasts. They took off in the opposite direction.

Here they are. Fire when you're in range.

Sir, with all due respect, we're only here to protect you.

Revan was seen talking to Thi-Sen up on a ridge.

Listen, Chief Thi-Sen. I know that Chairman Cho is a bit of an idiot, but there's always a way we can come to an agreement of peace.

Chief Thi-Sen thinks for a moment before they hear blaster shots coming from Chairman Cho's speeder. Apparently the idea of peace was not optional for Chairman Cho. But then a group of Talz appeared from the snow battle ready.


It's a trap. Kill them!

Revan shakes his head and walks away. Axe followed him with a questionable look.

Cho, you are a fool.

What are we going to do, General?

What can we do? The Chairman is the one who spat on the Chief's hand when he offered peace. Wait, I have an idea.

Revan rushed towards the Chief and whispered something in his ear. The Chief thinks for a moment before nodding at him. Revan then gave an order, and the Third Legion was seen arriving at the battlefield and all the fighting stopped. The Chairman looks around in confusion.

What is happening? Shoot these animals!

Third Legionnaire:
We don't take orders from you Chairman. Our orders were to stop the fighting.

Nobody moved from their spot afraid to anger the Talz just from breathing wrong. The Chairman continued to bark orders to deaf ears.

Meanwhile with Obi-wan, Anakin, and Senator Chuchi. They were on a hologram call with the Speaker of the Assembly.

The assembly has decided that the actions of Chairman Cho are out of order. Senator Chuchi, you're given the authority to negotiate a peaceful settlement between the sovereign planet of Pantora and the Talz.

It is decided then.

Pilot, let's get moving.

The dropships take off and Obi-wan addresses the Senator.

Senator, now that you have the authority, how do you plan on making peace with the Talz?

Actually, Master Jedi, since you're far more experienced, I was hoping you could negotiate on Pantora's behalf.

I'm afraid that's not possible, Senator.

But I don't understand. The Jedi serve the Senate. I must order you to...

Senator, it is your people the Talz are at war with. If the violence is to stop, it is you who must represent your people.

The Clones, and Chairman Cho were still at a standstill when the dropships arrived to see no fighting. Revan, and the Chief were seen approaching the battlefield when Obi-wan, and Anakin departed from the dropship.

What's going on?

The Third Legion came in and stopped the fighting but the Chairman here is still insisting on fighting.

The Chief approached the group with Revan, and Axe in tow.

So what do we do now?

That's up to the Chief.

C3PO then speaks to the chieftain who responds with his answer and 3PO gives a worried expression.

Oh dear. It appears that the great Thi-Sen wants this to end but since Chairman Cho is unwilling to accept peace a duel will state the terms of who decides the outcome.

Okay so-

And they have chosen Master Revan as their Champion While master Kenobi represents the Pantoran People.

Everyone but Chairman Cho, and Senator Chuchi had a worried look on their faces.

Is this a bad thing?

Kinda, Revan was trained by Master Yoda, and he's one of the best swordsmen between Yoda and Master Windu combined.

Well surely we can settle this-

The sound of a lightsaber fills the air.

They have never seen this lightsaber before.

A blue blade emerged from the hilt.

Anakin: Oh boy. That's new.

An:(Shit just got real).

A circle is formed around Revan, and Obi-Wan as Revan begins to approach Obi-wan.

I guess there's no way out of this is there?

Revan said nothing as he got into an attack position. Obi-Wan then took out his lightsaber and ignited it.

Obi-Wan and Revan stared at one another for what seemed like forever.

What are they doing?

She asked with confusion.

They're gonna settle the dispute with aggressive negotiations.

Both of them lunged at one another and clashed lightsabers and held for a moment.

Sorry it had to come to this, my friend. But it's better than the alternative.

Well at least we're being civil about it.

They released from their holds and continued to clash lightsabers a few more times. Revan was quick, and ruthless with his attacks, and Obi-Wan was deflecting his attacks as if his life depended on it.

Why do I feel like this is a death match?

If they held back then this chance for peace won't be real to the Talz. But I think Revan is giving Obi-wan a fighting chance by using only one blade in this fight.

After what felt like a long battle between the two Masters. Revan sent Obi-wan into the snow with a blade at his throat, and his lightsaber out of reach.

Do you yield, Master Kenobi?

I yield.

Revan held out his hand to Obi-wan who graciously accepted.

Now's the time to speak senator.

NO! I will not accept this!!!


The Chairman fell to his knees, and shouts in pain. Revan then released the Chairman who moaned in pain.

I will not let you bring death to a race who just want to be left in peace.

I agree. Chairman, the Speaker of the Assembly has found you out of order, and has relieved you of your command.

No, I will die for my people!

He grabbed a blaster and attempted to shoot Revan only to be impaled by a spear, and it was the Chieftain who threw it. He growled in anger as Revan held his arm out to stop the Chief from doing anything else, and stopped the other soldiers from attempting to do anything else.

Enough! Further bloodshed will not solve anything. The only thing we'll achieve is more death. Senator, is there something you'd like to say?

She thinks for a moment before grabbing the Chairman's hat, and a spear that was nearby.

Protocol droid, come with me.

3PO, get going.

Yes, Master Ani.

Droid, translate for me.

Yes, Mistress.

To die for one's people is a great sacrifice. To live for one's people, an Even greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people. What do you choose?

The Chief speaks as he impaled his spear in the ground next to hers.

He chooses to live as well.

We will leave Orto-Plutonia under the watchful eyes of the Talz from this day forth and recognize your sovereignty as a free and equal people.

I'm impressed with your words, Senator. You truly are a speaker for your people.

Agreed, Well done, Senator.

Yes. Most impressive.

Thank you, Master Jedi.

Now that you have created peace between your people and the Talz, remember one crucial thing.

Yes, Master Kenobi?

Make it last, Senator. Make it last. And be an example to others so not only this war, but every war waged may come to an end as well.

I will. I promise you.

With that the ships of the Third Legion took off leaving the area where Cho's helmet was sitting on one of the spears, and disappeared into the sky. Can this peace last? Only time will tell.

An:(I would like to apologize to you guys for the delay, and thank MrTubbyguts for helping with this story. We both hope you enjoy it, and see you in the next chapter).

May the force be with you.

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