Phantom Menace Ch: 4

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Race crews mill about outside the Main Hanger.

The hanger is a large building with a dozen or so Podracers being readied for the race. Alien crews and pilots rush about, making last minute fixes on their vehicles. Watto, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar walk through the activity.

... I wanta see your spaceship the moment the race is over.

Patience, my good friend. You'll have your winnings before the suns set, and we'll be far away from here.

Not if your ship belongs to me, I think... I warn you, no funny business.

You don't think either Anakin, or Revan will win?

Watto stops before an orange racer. Sitting to one side, having his shoulders and neck massaged by Twin Twi'leks, is Sebulba.

Don't get me wrongo. I have great faith in the boys. They're a credit to your race, but Sebulba there is going to win, I think.

Watto flies over to where Sebulba is getting a massage as Jar Jar's eyes bug out in shock.

Jar Jar:

Why do you think that?

He always wins. (laughs) I'm betting heavily on Sebulba.

I'll take that bet.

(suddenly stops laughing) You'll what??!!

I'll wager my new racing pod against... say... the boys and their mother.

No Pod's worth three slaves ... not by a long shot.

The boys, then ... and I'll throw in my fifty percent of my winnings minus the cost to the parts I need.

Watto thinks a bit as Jar Jar looks around.

We'll let fate decide, huh. I just happen to have a chance cube here. Blue it's the boys, red their mother...

Watto tosses the cube down. Qui-Gon lifts his hand slightly; it turns blue. Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar smiles. Watto is angry.

You won the small toss, outlander, bou you won't win the race, so ... it makes little difference.

Anakin with Sabé were on an Eopie pulling one engine. Shmi with Kitster was pulling the other. Padmé, who was wearing the necklace that Revan gave her and Revan were both on their own Eopies pulling his engines. R2 was seen pulling Anakin's Pod. BD with the help of a few pit droids were pulling Revan's pod. Watto then passes them.

(subtitled) Ouna bakeesa. Bonapa keesa pateeso, o wanna meetee chobodd. (Better stop your friend's betting or I'll end up owning him too.)

What'd he mean by that?

I'll tell you later. Goodmorning.

Qui-Gon walks over to where Shmi is seated on the Eopie and helps her down.

R2 beeps at Threepio.

Oh my! Space travel sounds rather perilous.

BD emits a series of beeps.

I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships!

(to Anakin) This is so wizard Ani! I'm sure you'll do it this time.

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