Phantom Menace Ch: 6

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We see Revan with his lightsaber practicing with a training remote.

Revan was also wearing a blindfold over his eyes

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Revan was also wearing a blindfold over his eyes. His lightsaber was activated, and he was deflecting the bolts that were coming at him.

Why are his eyes covered? He won't be able to see.

Suddenly Revan deflects a series of bolts that impressed everyone watching.


We just found out that my brother is a reincarnation of a Jedi Master who died four thousand years ago.

That's amazing. Are you able to remember anything from your past life?

Most of my Jedi training, the wars I fought. So much death and destruction. People who needlessly died, and the pattern is repeating itself.

We'll put a stop to it, right? We have to.

Cut to the Palace, Nute, and Rune stand before a hologram of Darth Sidious.

Darth Sidious:
Is the planet secure?

We have taken over the last pockets of primitive life forms. We are in complete control of the planet now.

Darth Sidious:
Good. I will see to it that in the Senate, things stay as they are. I'm sending my apprentice, Darth Maul, to join you.

Yes, my Lord.

Darth Sidious fades off.

A Sith Lord here?!!

In the cockpit of the Ship Anakin sits next to Ric Olie, pointing at various buttons and gauges.

Ric Olie:
Those are the forward stabalizers.

And those two control the pitch?

Ric Olie:
You catch on pretty quick.

Revan was seen still with the remote, blindfolded. Somehow everyone managed to have a meeting go on with him in the room. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan took turns watching him. But their main goal was to discuss on what to do.

Capt Panaka:
As soon as we land the Federation will arrest you, and force you to sign the treaty.

I agree... I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish by this.

I will take back what's ours.

Capt Panaka:
There are too few of us, Your Highness.... we have no army.

And I can only protect you. I cannot fight a war for you.

What about the Gungans? I heard something about the Gungans having a grand army.

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