Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence

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A deadly weapon unleashed. The Separatist battleship Malevolence
advances unopposed through Republic space, tearing apart any ship that stands in its path. After a daring rescue and narrow escape, Revan, and Anakin Skywalker prepares a counterattack on the enemy ship and its diabolical droid commander, General Grievous.

We see a massive fleet with Revan's Capital ship, Hyperion was leading it. On the Resolute, Anakin's Flag Ship, Admiral Yularen is seen briefing Clone Troopers.

Admiral Yularen:
This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt down the enemy's new battleship. As the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front lines, we'll be on our own. General Skywalker has prepared
our attack strategy.

Artoo had a hologram of General Grievous' ship.

Thank you, Admiral. While our capital ships are vulnerable to the enemy's attack, I believe a squad of bombers
can outmaneuver their ion weapon. Our target will be the bridge
and General Grievous.

The head clanker.
Skywalker's getting pretty ambitious.

Our bombers will attack at high speed
to evade the enemy's ion weapon. We'll concentrate our firepower on the bridge superstructure, here. We destroy General Grievous and the ship will fall with him. Any questions?

Matchstick was the first to stand up.

Just tell us where that metal head is, sir.

Broadside then stood up too.

Yeah, we've been waiting for a chance
to take him out.

All right, men, settle down. This is an important mission. We destroy Grievous, we can bring the war to a quicker end. Pilots, prepare your bombers.

Plo Koon:
Skywalker, this is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?

Let's ask them. Matchstick! -You think our boys can pull it off?

Yes, sir! There hasn't been a mission
Shadow Squadron couldn't complete.

That's right. Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us.

Plo Koon:
I admire your confidence, pilot. Even so, minimal casualties may be enough to prevent you from breaking Grievous' defenses.

Master Plo is right. With Grievous on that ship's bridge, it's bound to be well protected.

Don't worry, Ahsoka. We'll destroy that bridge, and Grievous along with it.

Plo Koon:
Master Skywalker seems to inspire
great confidence in his men.

He does lead by example.

We then see the Malevolence ripping apart a Venator. General Grievous was seen on the bridge next to a hologram of Count Dooku, he let out a cough.

General Grievous:
So much for the Jedi escort.

The last transport is fleeing, General. You've got them on the run.

General Grievous:
They won't get far. Charge the plasma rotors!

They're moving to attack position, sir.
Still setting the coordinates.

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