Phantom Menace Ch: 5

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The Palace can be seen in the distance.

Nute sits in a strange, mechanical walking chair, which moves beside Sio Bibble. A group of armed Guard Droids march behind them.

Your Queen is lost, your people are starving, and you, Governor, are going to die, much sooner than your people, I'm afraid.

This invasion will gain you nothing. We're a democracy. The people have decided...

Take him away.

Bibble is taken away as OOM-9 approaches Nute.

My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps for these rumored underwater villages... they will not stay hidden for long.

The ship is asleep. Padmé is seen walking through the ship lost in thought over the message she saw, and the gift that Revan gave her, she was then brought out of thought when she hears noises.

BD-2 beeps and whistles.

Well, I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, but you wanted this tune up.

BD-2 blorps at him.

Calm down, I'm almost done. You know I've encountered many droids in my time but never have encountered one with such a strong personality.

BD-2 let out a series of beeps at him.

And such strong language too. Heh heh.

Padmé smiles at this.

You're welcome to join us if you like.

She was stunned by this, she hadn't made a sound when she approached him.

Can't sleep?

Not really. It's kinda cold, and I tend to tinker when I'm restless. Helps keep my mind occupied, and this was the warmest part of the ship I could find.

Well, you are from a warm planet, a little warm for my taste.

He smiled at her, but saw her face.

What troubles you?

Her face fell.

The Queen is... worried. Her people are suffering... dying. She must convince the Senate to intervene, I'm not sure what will happen.

I'm sure it will happen the way it's supposed to happen.

She gave him a smile. He looks at her, and sees that she is wearing his necklace.

You're wearing the necklace.

He said with a smile.

It's beautiful, I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me. (Small pause as she looks at it, then back at him) Many things will change when we reach the capital, Revan. My caring for you will remain.

I too care for you, Padmé.

They gaze into each other's eyes.

Cut to Sabé:

She was passing Jar Jar was asleep, she goes to a monitor, and watches Bibble's plea recording. She looks tired, and she turns to see Anakin sitting in a corner as if he was in time-out. But he was shivering, and looking very dejected.

Are you all right?

It's very cold.

She goes over to him. He looks up at her with tears in his eyes. He is holding his arms to keep himself warm. Sabé gives him her over-jacket.

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