Attack of the Clones Ch: 5

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In the Senate building there was a hearing being held for giving the Chancellor emergency powers to create an army. Jar Jar was voicing for a vote. Mace Windu was seen walking towards one of the open doorways, where Master Yoda, and a female Cathar youngling were at. She sat quietly, but had peeked interest in the debate.

Jar Jar:
It's-a clear desa separatists made a pact... wesa desa Federation du Trade. Senators, ''dellow felagates''. In response to this direct threat to the Republic... mesa propose that the senate... give immediately emergency powers... to the supreme chancellor.

Shouts Of Approval were heard across the room. Some were in disapproval.

Mas Amedda:
Order! We shall have order!

There was silence as Chancellor Palpatine stood, and spoke.

It is with great reluctance... that I have agreed to this calling. - I love democracy. I love the Republic. - [Applause] The power you give me... I will lay down when this crisis has abated. [Cheering, Applause] And as my first act with this new authority... I will create a grand army of the Republic... to counter the increasing threats of the separatists.

Cheers were then heard. Mace Windu then turned to Yoda.

Mace Windu:
It is done, then. I will take what Jedi we have left and go to Geonosis and help Obi-Wan.

Take her too, you will. Apprentice to Revan she will be.

Mace Windu:
Why would I bring her, if she's to be Revan's apprentice?

Know my Padawan, I do. Went to save Obi-Wan he did. A good learning experience for her, it will be.

Mace Windu bows to Yoda, and looks to the Cathar.

Mace Windu bows to Yoda, and looks to the Cathar

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He then looks to her lightsaber.

Mace Windu:What is your name, young one?

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Mace Windu:
What is your name, young one?

Ashla Tirgir, Master Windu.

She said as she gave him a bow, and she did it with a smile on her face. She was anxious.

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