Bonus Chapter

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Being Ydoa's apprentice was no picnic, but Revan welcomed the challenge. Revan now looking much older had gone through intense training.

Revan, and Yoda were seen in a swampy jungle.With Yoda strapped to his back, Revan climbs up one of the many thick vines that grow in the swamp. Panting heavily, he continues his course - climbing, flipping through the air, jumping over roots, and racing in and out of the heavy ground fog.

Run! Yes. A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. Hmm a stronger connection to the Force you have.

Revan stopped to take a breath.

Hmm, yes. Strong with the Force you are. Light and Dark side flow through you in a balance, I see. Perfect harmony.

There is no power a Sith hold that a Jedi cannot choose to wield. So why shouldn't I Master the Force in its entirety?

He asked with passion in his voice, but he is restrained, in control.

Hmm, right you may be. But be warned, let it consume you, you mustn't.

I won't.

Revan continues with his trek through the swamp.

Yes, run, jump.

We then see Revan meditating. We see rocks of all shapes and sizes floating around him. Yoda watches with a smile on his face. He could feel him getting stronger, and stronger. Revan has never boasted about it, he was always humble about it.

Anakin, his brother on the other hand has always made it into a competition between the two of them. There were times that Anakin would train his lightsaber skills with Revan, but every single time Revan had always won. Anakin would get more and more frustrated with this. Yoda would lower his head seeing this.

Disturbing this is.

He wants to prove that he's better.

Yes. Come we must continue your training.

Even though Revan already had a lightsaber. Yoda took him to build a new one.

An:(It will have the same color scheme as Obi-Wan's)

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An:(It will have the same color scheme as Obi-Wan's)

Revan used the Force to put the lightsaber together along with a Kyber Crystal, the one he wore around his neck.

As the Crystal was placed in the hilt, Revan activated it.

As the Crystal was placed in the hilt, Revan activated it

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