Perfect Flaws

By hcvwritess

3.5K 209 126

"Can I ask you a question?" She stares into my eyes, "What?" "If you had a chance to get revenge, or even ju... More

Perfect Flaws
Character descriptions
1. Traitor
2. Battles all alone
3. Time-lapse
4. Unfortunate Luck
5. Life is a Deathly Price
6. Just a Soul that Exists
7. Hostility is a Specialty
8. Sanity will Always Lose
9. Snippets of Delight
10. Fail your Sympathy
11. A Dead Baby's Breath
12. Drained Adolescence
13. Forbidden Memories
14. A Caged Freedom
15. Clashing Royalty
16. Dangerously Obsessed
17. A Tattered Mind
18. A Mind and Heart's Grave
19. Scorching Surprises
20. Eager Instincts
21. Drowning in Ecstasy
22. Distant for Doubts
23. Trifling Mind Games
24. A Fool in Royalty
25. Secrets Unveiled
26. Don't Ever Forget
27. Inflicting Torment
28. Reliving Time
29. Carnival Games
31. Such a Thin Line
32. To Trust or To Not Trust
33. Exposed Facade
34. Dear Diary
35. Perfectly Addicted
36. A Cruel Tease
37. A Ballerina's Melody
38. Little Escapades
39. A Violent Waltz
40. An Abyss of Death
41. Strangers In Blood
42. Divulging In Candor
43. A Heavy Mind or Heart?
44. Thrones of Lust
45. The Pits of Hell
46. A Death's Siren's Cry
47. Origins of Hearts

30. Gnawing Remorse

39 3 0
By hcvwritess

(TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that may disturb you and cause discomfort, proceed with caution)


18 hours earlier-

I feel a sharp jab in my back, jolting me awake and ready to attack. I look behind me and see Nala sprawled out on my bed and over my covers. Her paws just behind my back twitching, while she quietly barks and growls in her sleep.

I laugh, slowly and gently scooting her over.

I look over at my alarm clock, seeing three red numbers glow in the dark. 5:59 am, a minute before my alarm goes off.

Right on time, a loud beeping echoes throughout my bedroom, waking Nala up. She stretches her legs and paws, and begins wagging her tail when she sees me.

I smile, "Good morning Nala, you woke me up."

She stares at me, still wagging her tail.

I pet her head, and turn the alarm off by pressing a small button. Rolling over, I get out of bed, and walk to my bathroom across the hall.

Wincing from the blinding brightness of the light, I turn the shower on waiting for it to heat up. While I wait, I take my sweatpants and boxers off, taking a towel and wrapping it around my hips.

I walk back into my bedroom, grabbing a pair of training clothes.

Once I set my clothes down on the counter, I get into the shower, feeling the warmth engulf me and curl around the room.

I lather soap all over me, making sure I'm clean.

Once my shower is over, I step out and onto a gray rug. I use my towel to ruffle though my hair, continuing to wrap it round myself, as I brush my teeth.

I slip on a black compression shirt, sweatpants, and a pair of sneakers. I go into my closet getting my all too familiar duffel bag with various weapons inside, as I grab my phone, clicking the first contact I see.

The phone continues to ring just before I decide to hang up, "Hello?" I hear in a groggy tone. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Are you seriously sleeping right now?"

"I stayed up late last night, didn't get much sleep."

"And who's fault is that? We were supposed to start training at six-thirty!"

I walk into my kitchen, holding my phone to my ear, "Look at the time, jackass."


"Oh shit, my bad, okay I'm getting up, I'll meet you there in ten."

I open my refrigerator door, grabbing my premade smoothie from last night, "Hurry up, Dal."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," he mumbles, hanging up.

I begin sipping on my drink, filling up Nala's food bowl. As soon as she hears the familiar clanking of kibble and metal, I hear her nails clacking against the floor from my room all the way to the kitchen.

She eats her food, while I drink mine, grabbing my duffel bag from my room. Suddenly, I hear Nala barking alarmingly.

I rush to where she is, hearing knocking on the front door. I check the window to the side of the door, looking for the person there, finding nobody. I grab hold of a dagger, opening my door just slightly.

An Aepresean soldier comes into my view. I immediately shut my door, locking it, while I snap my fingers, ushering Nala towards the back door.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way Mr. Anton," the man shouts from the door. I unlock the back door, beginning to open it, until I find that it's blocked. Something is against the door, keeping me from leaving.


I hear the front door open, as I look behind me, I see the guard enter my house, holding a picklock. He seems familiar.

"Didn't realize the King and Queen were fond of illegal activities," I shot, looking at his fingers. "Is that why there is a corpse of a man buried in the forest, near your sister's grave?" He jokes, staring into my eyes.

I let the blade in my hand fly, he misses it by an inch, letting it connect with the wall behind him. "We have some matters to discuss, mind sitting down?" He asks.

Nala shuffles behind me, sitting against the door.

"Sure, where would you like to be buried?" I question, tilting my head just slightly.

He rolls his eyes, "The obsession you have with killing is ridiculous. Find something better to do."

I begin walking closer to him, letting my fist fly, and connect with his jaw, he stumbles, but composes himself quickly, throwing a blow at me. He misses, while I connect with his abdomen, he grunts in pain, kicking his leg out and under mine.

My stance falters just a bit, giving him the chance to strike me to my jaw. I grab his arm, pulling him close as my elbow connects with his nose, sending his head back. Blood trickles down his lips, as he uses my couch for support.

I don't stop, my fists ricocheting off of his skin, one after another. Cuts dig into his once clear skin, until he sends me back with a knock to my chin.

My back connects with the wall holding my dagger, letting me reach out and grab hold of it. I swing it at him, but he blocks it, holding my wrists in place as I continue pushing the blade down, inching closer to his throat.

His arms slowly lowering, letting the blade barely scrape his skin.

"I'm not here to kill you," he urges, clenching his teeth as his strength dimmers.

"It doesn't matter why the fuck you're here, I just want you dead," I hiss.

"They have an offer!" He stammers, continuing to fight the pressure of my hold. "Who?" He holds his breath, "The king and queen."

I stare at him, deciding to play along with his game, letting up on him as I back away.

He breathes, pushing himself off the back of my couch.

I watch as he straightens out his uniform, composing himself, "They want to meet with you, to discuss the proposition."

I scoff, "They can fuck off, you all can."

"I never said you had a choice, you're meeting them now," he declares, glaring straight at me. "Do you really want to end up with a blade in your throat, bleeding out all over the place? Because I can easily kill you, and not give two shits about you and your little posse of royals."

The soldier laughs at my words, leaning back against my furniture, "That girl you were with, Rhea was her name, right?"

I stop smiling immediately, analyzing the soldier.

"Maybe you don't remember me, but I remember you. I walked in on you and her tying up the prince," he smiles, "It'd be a shame, if she ended up buried right along with your sister and the man in the forest, wouldn't it?"

"I hardly know her, we met that day, do whatever you want to her," I state, staring straight at him.

He clicks his tongue, "See that's the thing, I know you care about her. She definitely cares about you, seeing as she carried you through the field of open fire, and through the streets until you got here."

My breath gets caught, letting panic spread throughout my skin, and into my mind. "The poor girl was terrified of me," I lie, "I made her carry me."

"More lies," he chants, "Something you two have in common, I see."

He looks around my living room and kitchen, "Tell me, did you fuck her over there," he motions to the kitchen counter, "Or maybe here," he nods to the couch.

Laughing, he looks at my bedroom, "Maybe you had a passionate night in between your sheets, and she left-," My hands curl around his throat, squeezing as hard as I can. My fingers feel like they're on the edge of snapping in half, letting my bones break.

He takes hold of my arms, using them as a force to pull me over him, and roll onto the couch, landing on the floor. My back aches, but I get up, looking for him.

Standing there looking arrogant and pleased with himself, he keeps his eyes locked on me. "Now, unless you want a gift box with a very pretty head inside, I'd do as the king and queen want."

I stay silent, wishing I could put a bullet in between his eyes.

He smirks, stupidly, while blood trickles down his chin, "Right this way," he motions towards my door.

I walk ahead of him, unsure of everything, and terrified. Terrified of the thought of her death, no longer able to yell insults at me, and tell me how psychotic I am.

I see six Aepresean soldiers standing outside, waiting for me. I contemplate on killing every last one of them. Send the last of them to their death with bullets clogging their throat. Or maybe denting their skull to the point of breaking, watching blood pool around their body.

But then I think of her.

The girl who I stupidly began to care for.

The girl who tells me I'm a murderer, and what I do is awful. Even though she doesn't realize yet, how similar she is to me.

How her eyes tell me a similar story to mine. A similar desire for revenge, and a craving for blood.

I think of the chance of her ending up dead, just because I didn't comply with the wants of royals. The chance of her being nothing more than a rotting corpse beneath the surface of the earth.

And that terrifies me, completely demolishes my ego.

So I comply, doing whatever the hell they want.


Two men stand on the sides of me, holding my arms in case I decide against them, as well as two men in front of me, and two men behind.

The soldiers walk me down the wide hallways of the castle, leading me to the famous Campbell couple, partnered with almost every nation.

We stop outside of a very familiar set of double doors. The bastard from before, knocks on the doors, waiting for a reply like the loyal dog he is.

A husky and tight voice calls out, "Come in."

The soldier opens the door, looking at his king and queen, "I've brought him."

Alexander nods, looking me up and down with a piqued interest, analyzing me. I stare at him in disgust, hoping he catches on.

Emery, plasters her famous smile, every inch of it is fake, snakelike, and a fraud of a real smile, "That'll be all Gabriel," she coaxes to the man. He nods, slightly bowing, "I'm off to the recruits, if you need me I'll be here right away," he reassures, giving me a look of arrogant satisfaction.

The door shuts behind him while I turn my attention to the Campbells. I wait for them to speak, letting myself analyze them, to look for any tricks, any weapons besides their words to come.

"Please, have a seat," Emery confides, her tight smile still there. I keep my chin up, sitting down on their velvet chair.

The difference between us is unmistakable. While I sit here in sweats, and marks of blood covering my collar, they sit there in fabrics of wealth. The jewelry they coat themselves in glimmer in my eyes, while they sit with a title of dishonesty and death.

Alexander in Aepresean royalty, with his blonde hair swaying to the side with gel, and a cold stare of blue eyes. Emery, his oh so noble wife, sits there with her ginger locks of hair flowing down her back, as she sits with her legs crossed, in clothes of the same color as her husband, a dark blue.

"I know this may seem sudden," the king speaks.

"Sudden? No. I'd say it seems bold. First you sent an investigator after me," I pause, smiling, "I hope he meant as meaningless as everyone else to you, he's dead now," I continue, "and now, you've gone ahead and sent your soldier after me, making threats all around," I don't hide my coldness and bitter tone from them.

Alexander stares at me, bewildered that I'd speak in a tone as harsh as I have. It's clear everyone here bends over for their every want and need. I don't give a shit who they are, what they want, they deserve to be four feet deep in the dirt.

"You don't seem to hold back from hiding what you think, Mr. Anton," Alexander tenses.

I grin, "There's no point in putting on a show, charading about and acting innocent. I know you know who I am. If your little investigator was following me for a while, then you should know what I do, how well my hands carry a blade, and I'm not afraid to hide it."

Emery pales, her doll-like smile dropping instantly.

"Are you threatening to use your blade?" Emery finds her voice.

I chuckle coldly, flitting my eyes to hers, "No darling, I have no desire to end your life today, and no want in telling useless threats like you commanded your soldier to."

Alexander tenses, "You should have more respect."

I lean forward, "Respect is earned, your majesty, I respect no one unless they respect me, so, why don't we stop making small talk and you tell me why I'm here."

Alexander stares at me, his interest and curiosity drowning out his anger for my manner. He leans back into his stiff chair, "You're talented. Your ability to handle a blade and gun is remarkable, and so is your skill to bury someone so discreetly."

My eyes never leave his, "How interesting, the innocent and charming king and queen are not as innocent as everyone believes."

Alexander continues, unwavering and stable, "I assume you knew that when you first entered this building all together. You wanted no games, no charades, so let's be honest here Mr. Anton," he pauses, leaning forward, "You're a remarkable and crafty killer. You're ruthless, brutal, and have no morals for human life, and I truly believe if given the opportunity, you would be a sight to see when torturing another."

I stay silent, instead I look at him, his movements, the way he looks unhinged and excited about the topic of death all together. Then, my eyes travel to Emery, gazing at the way she twirls her wedding ring around her finger, the way she gazes at me, just as excited as her husband.

"You want me to torture someone? Who?"

"You don't need to know who, you just need to know that you'll be protected. Everything you've done in the twenty years you've lived will be excused. Any blood you've spilled from your own two hands will not matter. We will protect you. You can live your life how you please, but when we call for you, you will come," Emery explains, draping her arm over her chair.

"Why can't your soldiers do it?"

The king sighs, "No one can do what you do as well as you. We need someone who won't get distracted because of personal matters, or back out because it makes them sick to their stomach. We need someone with the ability to get lost in the satisfaction of torture, to see through to the end of it, to get the information they need, and the reaction they want."

My stomach twists and panic spills into me. This wouldn't bother me, if it wasn't them. If I didn't know everything I've known about them for years, then I wouldn't care.

But I know who the Campbells are. I know how manipulative they can be, and the death they can cause.

I used to have a family.

A small family including a little boy with black hair and a funny smile, a blonde curly headed little girl who made you want to live, and a blonde little boy who cared for the world.

But this couple, sitting in front of me, took that from me. They took all three of those little kids from me.

Now, there is a black-haired boy with a smile hiding his pain, using jokes to cover the thoughts he thinks late at night, making him get wasted to the point of exhaustion.

Now, there is a blonde-haired boy with a cold heart and no care for the world. Instead his hands are covered in blood, wanting nothing more than to add to the list of people he's killed, because he wants the pain to stop.

Now, the little girl is the same in memory, because she never had the opportunity to change into someone else. She never got to have the life she wanted, because it ended too quickly.

I look at the royals before me, "And if I don't accept?"

"That is your choice," Alexander pauses, "But Norman did tell you what would happen, yes?"

They'd kill her.

"Well, that's quite a deal you've proposed," I chuckle.

"So what is it going to be Mr. Anton?"

I sigh, "I guess you've got a deal with me."

"Lovely," Emery exclaims, joining her hands together.

Alexander holds his hand out, and I shake it, keeping a firm grip on his hand.

"Gabriel will escort you to the armory, you'll have a change of clothes, and train. We'll get a good look at your skills and how well you do in a different setting. Then your job will begin tonight," the queen explains.

I nod.

The soldier from before, Gabriel, opens the doors, gesturing to me to follow him.

I comply, walking behind him.

He waits until it's just us, "Don't try anything funny, just do what you're told, and nothing unfortunate will happen."

I scoff, "What do you consider unfortunate?"

He grins, "Good. You catch on quick."

I bite my tongue.

We make it to the armory and it is a sight to see. Blades of different hilts and curves hang on the walls, like a royal to their throne. Guns of different models have their own section, attached to numerous rotating walls. Each weapon is completely valuable and worthy of being worshiped.

Bullet proof vests sit on a few racks, training outfits are neatly folded in different bins.

This entire room screams my name.

I grin in excitement, unable to keep my stubbornness intact.

Gabriel hands me a uniform, a pistol, and a large dagger with a curved point.

"Put these on, the changing room is over there," he nods to the door in the corner.

I comply, walking inside and changing into uniform.

When I come back out, he leads me to the training grounds.

Weights of different amounts sit stacked together on a rack. Thick mats lay on the floor, while dummies stand lined up against the walls. Red targets are attached to the walls above with hundreds of punctures in them.

A side room with a clear window holds a station for gun training. Different types of targets are lined up, with numerous bullet holes in them.

Gabriel starts me off with blades, making me continuously hit the target in the center. Then I practice hitting targets with my gun, it continues for hours.

It feels repetitive and boring. Everything is easy, there isn't a challenge at all. If this is how they train all of their soldiers, then no wonder why they can't capture anyone for the life of them.

"As much as I don't want to admit it, you're good Anton."

My lip curls in disgust, "Don't compliment me, it's an insult coming from you."

"Fine, you asshole."

I stare at Gabriel, analyzing him.

"I remember you," I admit. He turns and looks at me, sizing me up, "How fortunate."

I chuckle coldly, "She did a number on you. I thought you were going to collapse at how pathetic you looked."

He stalks up to me, getting in my face, "Just because you're protected now, don't think I won't hesitate to put you in your place."

I smirk, "Try it."

His fist rises, stopping inches from my face as I keep a firm grip of his fist in the palm of my hand. I bend it backwards, leaning closer to him, "Don't think for a second that I won't hesitate to kill you. I don't care for your rules or stipulations, I would gladly put a bullet in between your eyes without an ounce of hesitation or fear."

I push him back, causing him to stumble as he clutches his wrist.

His jaw clenches, while he looks at the clock on the wall. "It's time to go," he mumbles, pushing past me.

I follow behind him.


It's been a few hours, they've introduced me to a few recruits, and showed me the basics of what I'm supposed to do in regards to torturing.

Their methods are completely bland. Any method of torturing they have is useless, there would be no way to get information out of their enemy.

No wonder they wanted me.

Not that I want to do this for them, but in regards to scaring the life out of someone, they truly do not know how to do it. If I was on the receiving end, I'd laugh.

As of now, I'm standing outside, wearing an Aepresean uniform, with a gun and a dagger. Supposedly, the person I'm supposed to torture is planning an escape. Stupidly enough, they got caught while making plans and they still don't know that every guard is waiting for them.

And, ironically enough, Liam Campbell, the prince of this kingdom, is helping them.

Now, I'm making rounds around the building, patrolling. Waiting for them to escape.

I somewhat pity the prisoner, it must be boring as hell, waiting in a cell all day.

A loud crack of thunder in the form of a bullet sounds in the air, echoing. I race in the direction of the sound, finding the prince and the prisoner being chased by two Aepresean soldiers.

The stranger runs as fast as they can, a hoodie covering their face completely. I dash after them, falling in pace with the soldiers beside me.

Both of them trample over a bush and their pace slows down, making it easier for me to catch up. I watch the prince shove the person forward, as we all catch up to the pair.

The guard beside me grabs the stranger, forcing them back and against his chest.

I watch Liam struggle with the other two patrolling tonight. His fist connects with each jaw, as they do the same to him. It's interesting to witness the prince so desperate to help the one with a hoodie over their head.

Finally, the escaper has a bit of fire in them, reaching out and breaking a pot over both of their heads. I almost laugh, wanting to comment on the stupidity of it. But I hold myself back, watching as they boldly shoot the guard beating on Liam.

The guard collapses in agony, completely blindsided. But, the attention of the other falls on the hoodie person, and I realize this is my cue to grab the escaper.

I stalk up to them, taking hold of them by the back of their neck. As I lean forward, and drive a blade into their shoulder. The scream of a woman rings throughout the air, she cries in pain.

I tighten my hold on her, watching as the soldier punches her. My stomach twists for some reason, seeing the way her head snaps to the left in weakness.

The prince releases a bullet at the guard in front of us, making him collapse as he holds his foot, wailing.

Liam raises his gun at me, glaring at me. I reach behind me, pulling my pistol out, lifting it to her temple. With my other hand, I take my dagger out of her flesh, cleaning her blood off with her hoodie. I watch her fabric absorb her blood in fascination.

She wails in pain, while Liam lowers his gun, "Let her go, please," he begs.

I smirk, relishing in his horror, as I gently and smoothly drag the tip of my pistol down her cheek, and stop right under her chin.

We stand in silence, as he watches me, terrified for her life.

I wonder if he started to fall for the girl. Deciding her life meant something to him. The thought of it reminds me of why I'm doing this in the first place.

The very reason I'm holding a gun to this innocent girl's chin. The reason I have to torture her.

I don't want to.

Somewhere inside of me is screaming at me to stop. To back away, and let the girl go. Let her escape and become free from this hell hole.

But my mind brings me back to her.

To the girl I'm doing this for.

The girl I'm protecting.

And that's enough to keep me here. Still in place as I hear the girl's breath hitch in fear. It's enough to force me to dig the gun into her skin, instilling more fear in her.

Somehow without me noticing her hand clamps around mine, jolting my hand away from her as my finger slips and pulls the trigger.

The bullet rings aimlessly throughout the sky, while she jerks forward, as she twists, slashing me in my chest and left arm.

I grunt in pain, clutching myself.

I watch her fingers curl around her pistol, aiming at me, I move out of the way in time, but she gets me the second.

The bullet flying though my flesh and into the very edge of my thigh. The bullet skims my skin, leaving my thigh.

I groan in anguish, as the prince grabs her, they rush past me and into the field.

Anger surges into me, ready to unleash onto anyone. I turn, letting my pain sizzle into me like a blast of energy. I force myself into the field, racing after the two, while blood trickles and streams down my legs and chest.

Aepresean soldiers swarm in front of the prince and girl. I run after her, watching in curiosity as she unstraps her rifle strapped to her back, keeping her pace steady.

She unleashes a series of bullets at the guards before her, without an ounce of hesitation. Her gun drums into her chest as every bullet leaves the gun chamber. It's mesmerizing in a way. Watching someone become so intoxicated in the death of others as much as I am.

Each step she makes slows as she gets closer to the soldiers.

It's as if she's performing an act of art, and I'm the audience. Entranced as I watch each body drop from the machine she holds, waiting for the scene of talent to end so I can applaud.

My feet move skillfully after her.

Until Liam leaves her side, stopping just behind her. The wind finally pushing her hood back, and away from her face.

I see the edge of her cheeks and eyes, how familiar it looks.

The same face I stared at many nights ago.

The same face I watched as she fell asleep in my arms, the gentle breaths escaping her.

I watch as the girl I'm doing this for, smiles. She smiles at her craft, her eyes gazing upon the piling bodies.

My heart stops and my breath gets caught.

Guilt bubbles in my stomach, while a sharp twisting pain forms in my skin and blood.

Hatred instills into me, complete hatred. For myself and what I've done, and for the Campbells. For Gabriel. For every person here.

Except her.

I find myself, continuing to run after her, forgetting all the pain I feel.

I watch as she kills the last of them, running towards the closest guard tower. I look above seeing a soldier hiding in the corner of the tower. Panic seizes into me.

I pick up my pace, as I follow her up the cement stairs of the tower. When we make it to the top, she's entranced in the freedom of it, she doesn't even notice me.

I look over and see the soldier pointing a gun at her, aimed perfectly at her skull.

I panic, grabbing hold of her, squeezing her nose and mouth until she becomes limp and still in my arms. The familiarity of it terrifies me.

I brush the loose hair out of her face, analyzing her.

I see multiple punctures and bruises around her lips, sending a surge of anger in me. I look down, noticing a handprint on her neck. Bruises cover her cheeks, and a single trickle of blood is stained onto her forehead.

My heart pounds in despair and sickness.

I want nothing more than to take her, get her somewhere safe. But my moment alone with her is over, the Aepresean soldier stops beside me. "Good job Anton, let's get her to the chamber," he exclaims.

I keep my eyes trained on her, focusing on every detail. Every bruise.

Anger boils in me.

The need to kill everyone in this building amplifies.

What the fuck happened in the two months we've been apart?

A hear static next to me, as the guard talks into his walkie talkie. I ignore him, staring at her face, holding her close to me.

I want her to wake up, and yell at me, slap me, get pissed at me. I need to tell her how sorry I am.

I'm going to get you out of here, I promise.

I will do anything.

I will kill anyone I have to.

The soldier goes to grab her, I shift her out of his reach. "I got it," I snap.

He looks at me in suspicion, "Alright dude, I was just trying to help."

I glare at him, while I scoop her up into my arms gently.

I carry her all the way back inside, even down into the chamber. I make sure she doesn't leave my side. I keep her out of the way of prying hands, trying to take her from me.

Her blood from her wound soaks into my chest and arms, completely drowning me in guilt.

I set her down into a metal chair as gently as I can.

Gabriel instructs me to strap her to the chair.

I want to drive a blade so far into his throat, that he bleeds out internally, choking on his own blood.

Instead, I grab the leather straps, slightly tightening them around her wrists and ankles.

She sits unconsciously, blood leaking from the chair.

I stand in the room for what feels like hours. She's weak and it terrifies me. Watching as raspy breaths escape her, like she's struggling to breathe.

She's weak because of me.

I did this to her.

Terror engulfs me entirely. The single thought of her dying, bleeding out, no longer able to breathe, no more blood pumping in and out of her heart, it completely horrifies me.

Liam sneaks into the room, a kit in his hand.

"I can't be here right now, can you do this?" He asks, holding up the first aid kit.

I nod, desperately clutching it.

He lets go of it, leaving the room.

I race over to her, unstrapping her from the chair, as I lift her leather jacket and hoodie off of her. I stare at her bloodied shirt in shame.

I push her forward, and lean over her back. I lift her shirt, past her bra straps, and to the very top of her neck, beginning to treat her wound.

Stopping anymore blood from leaving her.

Once the wound is somewhat cleaned and patched, I pull her shirt down, strapping her back to the chair.

I slap a large closure strip onto my wound, not caring to treat it.

Gabriel comes into the room, he looks at her, smirking. "What?" I snap. He looks at me in anger.

"Come out," he murmurs, leaving the room.

I glance at her, internally promising I'll be back.

Gabriel makes me return the daggers and pistol. I comply, deciding I have no actual fight against him and every soldier here.

Not while she's hurt, not when there's a possibility I can't protect her.

I begin to walk into the room again, but he stops me, "Don't forget your deal. It hasn't changed, we will easily kill her, so if you want to keep her alive, do what you're told," he smirks.

I glare at him, "Be careful, you're walking on a very thin line of me caring. Her life comes before anything, if you so as much touch a hair on her head, I will drag out your death to the point of you pleading with me to end your life."

I walk back into the room, seeing her awake, she looks out of it. She chuckles to no one in particular, "Well, that didn't go as planned, did it?"

I stare at her, amused in her ability to joke in times like this.

I compose myself, holding myself back from asking if she's okay.

Her gaze changes as she analyzes me. Complete hatred and betrayal laces itself into her features. Her jaw snaps shut, and her smile vanishes.

I gulp, willing myself to keep still.

"Miss me?" I smile.



How'd we feel about this chapter?

So far, this is the longest chapter yet!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Love ya! :)

-hc <3

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Vincent For so long, my power has existed to be absolute. Unchallenged. I've always aimed for complete control and won't settle for anything less. Un...
1.1K 27 22
"All week, you've been on my mind, and I can't make it go away. Finally, after suffering in silence for so long at the thought of your lips, your lau...
40.7K 2.8K 62
Marrying a straight person isn't good at all. But falling in love with a straight person is it wrong? Having crush on him for several years is it a c...