They'll Come Back at Dusk (Mi...

By independent_together

4.4K 41 8

A fan favourite comes back for a fifth season. She's older, she's stronger, and she's better. Although... thi... More

Meet the Character!
Heroes vs. Villains
Evil Dread
Evil Dread - Extra Scene
Saving Private Leechball
Food Fright
Moon Madness
No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition
Suckers Punched
You Regatta Be Kidding Me
Zeek and Ye Shall Find
The Obsta-Kill Kourse
Sundae Muddy Sundae
The Bold and the Booty-ful
The Final Wreck-ening


465 8 0
By independent_together

(this might get a bit long, i feel like i haven't developed or expanded on some things at all.)

(also, this isn't too related to the series, so, if you want to skip past this, it won't make a difference.)

My dad, Dawn and I moved to a busier part of Canada. It was for his office job, or, whatever he was doing, but that meant I had to move schools, and, away from Zoey. I was only a bit upset, but then, when I found out where exactly we were moving to, I got a lot more frustrated, rather than upset. We were moving to a place four hours away. Sure, I mean, change is a part of life, but, Jesus Christ, I was half-way through my GCSE's, and I had to exchange all my previous work from my old, cramped school to my new, busy one. I guess I was just pissed off at my dad for not telling us until a week prior. I was wondering why he was boxing so much up...

I don't know why I didn't piece it together sooner. I mean, he was doing everything BUT our room...

But, right now, I was walking by myself, being directed to my new school for something they like to call a 'walk-around', just to get an idea of where the rooms and all that stuff was. Of course, I was on my own. Dad was at work, Dawn was homeschooled. Dad's got so many hours, yet he can't spend ten minutes to come meet my teachers. And, I get Dawn, but, seriously? Like, just, face your fears, and go to a public school. I'm the only one that's ever been to a public school. Or, a school, in general. Both my parents were from private schools, and, as I've said before, Dawn's homeschooled.

I checked my phone again, looking at the directions. Apparently, I was here. I raised my head to see a, not large, but not small, school building. It was obvious there were two schools combined into one, and several blocks where they kept offices, classrooms, and all those other things. I think I might've been a bit early... what, like, ten minutes? Still... There was a teenager, a lot more formal, waiting for me.

She was tan, and had black hair with a light brown highlight that was tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a blue hoodie with an orange stripe across the middle, black pants, and white shoes. As soon as she laid eyes on me, her dark brown eyes lit up, as a smile grew on her face. "Hey! You must be... Dusk, right?" I did not share the same expression. I sighed in boredom, and answered. "Yeah, I'm Dusk." She looked down at her clipboard, before looking back up. "Great! My name is Frida, I'll be guiding you around the school! I've already got all of your information from your old school, so we'll go to the places you're most interested first!"

Frida...? That's one of the worst names I've ever heard.

"Listen, before you try and become friends with me, you should know that the 'nerdy do-gooder' spot is already taken, so you better find another skill, or else you're out." She hummed quickly, and tilted her head. "Well... good to know! Hehe... uh... why don't we get started? Follow me, I'll lead you around." I slung my bag over my shoulder, and reluctantly followed after. "Whatever."


"Over here is the assembly hall. As the name suggests, we take assembly here every Wednesday. It isn't the most interesting place on Earth, even I'll admit that." She just kept talking, and talking, and talking. She was the representative for the entire school, so she was off-lesson for today, and, I kid you not... she was disappointed. "Oh! I know that you have phys-ed as a GCSE, so I'll lead you to the sports hall." I raised a brow.

I guess this trip might have some use to me...

We walked around, and the hallways were like every one in the American films, where kids are shoved into lockers, and all that crap. I just want this stupid thing to be over and done with, so that I could just get my GCSE work started again. "So, this is the largest part of the P.E section. It's where we do gymnastics, and other sports than have a court, like netball. We usually go outside on the field for football and rugby."

"Ah! Perfect form!"

My ears perked up. I stared through the door of the sports hall, to find a bunch of students in P.E uniform cheering for someone. I completely ignored and saw through them, as I spotted who they were surrounding.


We locked eyes.

Her grin turned into a mixture of a neutral and a surprised expression. "Dusk! We can't be late!" Frida called. My head snapped back to her, and she was waiting further down the corridor. I looked to the hall again, before rushing after her. "Hey, uh... who was that, that everyone was cheering for?" I pointed towards the open door of the hall.

"Oh, that's just Mike. He's good at gymnastics, I suppose, but he's not really that special. I don't mean to be a rude person, or start anything, but he does act a tad... well, strange." I furrowed my brows, as a frown flashed across my face, but I continued to follow her. "Maybe he should join drama club, then..." Frida simply nodded, and continued to walk.


"Then, we've got all the clubs. They're in this cluster of rooms. There's... rugby, wrestling, sports in general... gardening, fashion, history, robotics and mechanics, gaming, a bunch of interesting things. But, my personal favourite is math club! Actually, do you mind if I share some information about it?"

Perfect... I'm getting a MATH lesson, when I'm supposed to be getting told where places are in the school. Perfect. I knew going anywhere near Frida was a bad idea.


[Mike's Subconscious]


"I'm telling you, I saw her!"

Svetlana desperately tried to convince the other alters that Dusk was the one she saw after her gymnastics session. However, none of them seemed to believe her.

"Yeah, but don't she live, like, four hours away from us? Ain't no way she just here without a word." 

Vito questioned, raising an eyebrow. In response, Svetlana nodded, but she still had things to say. 

"Yes, but zhis is her! I knew her when I saw her pass zhe door!"

"Woah, calm down, Svet! If you're so confident you saw her, why don't I front to see what's goin' on?"

Manitoba spoke, adjusting his hat.

"Yes! I need another source! Do it!"

Svetlana was anxiously close to begging.


"Oh! Looks like the tour is up already! Wasn't this fun?" With a fake smile, I spoke through clenched teeth. "Yes. It was great...!" "See, I knew you would warm up to me! Anyway, here's your timetable. It's fifth period in a few minutes, and you're in... B10! I'm in A7, so I guess I'll be seeing you whenever we're in the same room." She smiled at me before walking away, to some other classroom.

I stared down at the timetable, frowning.

Now, how the hell did they manage to make such crappy lesson orders? I thought this was a school, not juvie...


I strolled into class, dropped my bag down beside a chair, and sat down. I was the first one in the classroom, but it god damn didn't feel like that. The stupid teacher didn't even notice I came in until she turned her focus away from her computer. And, as every computer-obsessed teacher is, she had the most frustrating, nasally voice EVER. "Why are you here? I thought the hallways were crowded in last period."

I raised a brow in disbelief. "That's- Why do you think I'm early?! It's my first day, jeez..." I finally got her to shut up, as she turned back to her computer. Soon enough, everyone was coming in and sitting down, but I noticed one thing about them.

Every single one of them was a Revenge of the Island contestant. 

Like, there was not a singular regular teenager in this classroom.

The worst part was that it wasn't even Mike fronting after gym. It was Manitoba. And, he was sitting right next to me.

Could this lesson get any worse?

(this is the seating plan for each period)

- - -

...This has got to be, by far, one of the worst places I have ever existed, ever, in the existence of me.

I was sitting next to... Staci... ew. Like, nobody god damn liked her. The fact it was a history lesson, too...

"Today, since there is a cluster of new students..." I frowned as the teacher spoke. "...We'll just be reading and making notes from the textbook today." There seemed to be a murmur of agreement, as the teacher just began to do her own work, on her computer. I sighed, took a moment to think, before completely ignoring the task at hand. Like I was going to listen to Ms. Nerd Emoji over there.

"Okay, spill the beans. What are you doing here, four hours away from your neighbourhood?" Jo turned around, raising an eyebrow. I raised my sight to match hers. "Why do you care? Weren't you the one that tried to end me on several occasions?" I raised a brow at her. She put up her hands in defence. "Hey, I'm not trying to start anything. I was just asking..." She hit me with that scowl.

I groaned, and leant back in my chair. "I moved to a new, crummier place close to here. I didn't exactly have time to tell you guys, I mean, not even I was told until a week prior to the move." Cam, Anne Maria, and Scott turned to face me, too. They were clearly interested in all this crap. B had no part, obviously, but was still listening intently. "Well, um... how are you guys? I haven't seen Dawn or Zoey in a while." Cameron asked, smiling.

Dawn, this, Dawn, that, Dawn DOES. NOT. MATTER.

"I don't know about Dawn. She's spending more time either outside, or with Dad, rather than with me, and Zoey's mostly the same as before. Nothing that special's going on. What about you guys?" I shrugged, and looked to everyone around me. "Oh, well, G.I Joke over there failed fashion school." Jo said, half-mockingly, as Brick blushed in embarrassment, and spoke up. "That is a lie! I dropped out! Every single other student there was ruthless... Due to the majority of them being girls." In response, Jo laughed. "What do you expect? It's a GIRL subject. You should get back in your army group, or wherever you came from." "Well, whatever. If it wasn't for you, it wasn't for you. That's that. You'll just find something else." I explained, shaking my head at the pair's antics.

"Dakota working as a part-time fitness coach! I do punching!" Dakota said happily, grinning. Her mutant effects had seemed to have toned down, if even just by a small amount, but she wasn't as large or unusual as she was previously. Lightning still had his white hair, and it was as if it had just happened, because the colour was still so, so vibrant. "Lightning sha-won the Super Bowl in his dreams! No more airhorns for Lightning!"  

As if he jinxed it, a loud airhorn sounded out over the P.A. The whole class covered their ears, but the teacher was, like, hypnotised at her computer, and she didn't even flinch. Just from the voice that came out of it... I knew something bad was about to happen to us.

"Kids! Get your sorry butts to the hall right now, or I'll drag 'em there myself!"


We all took our seats, and every single student, yes, all 2,000 of them, were looking around, as if they were none the wiser about whatever was going on. It seems my row of Total Drama contestants was, by far, the most concerned. All twelve of us exchanged puzzled looks, as Chef Hatchet was standing on the stage, a microphone in hand. He had a piece of paper, and he looked like he didn't want to be there. Like, at all.

He tapped the microphone a few times, before speaking from the paper. "Hello students of... school name here...?" There was a small collection of laughter in the crowd. Instead of brushing it off as a mistake, Chef immediately scrumped up the paper, and threw it aside, before yelling into the microphone, silencing the room. "Alright, listen up! I do NOT have time for any of this crap on the script, so I'll get through this fast! Some of you maggots in the crowd here are old elimination bait from the old seasons of Total Drama, and I'm here to collect y'all, on orders of Chris."

My eyes widened again, as our entire row gazed at each other in concern. We were all ripe for the picking... and I was begging I wasn't one of them. A murmur arose again, as he grew frustrated. "SHUT THE HECK UP! If I call your name, you're gonna get your stupid butt up here, or you're gonna wish you had, got that?!" He picked up some of the papers he crumpled, and unfolded them, to look at them. He scanned through it several times, before his eyes stopped on a particular line. "Alright, so, we got here..."

He began to read out the contestants' labels. "Wide-Eyed Bubble Boy!" Without hesitation, Cameron quickly stood up, and rushed to the front. "The Take-No-Prisoners Machine!" Proudly, Jo stood up, and walked to the front, smirking. "Athletic Overachiever!" Lightning looked around confused, before standing up, and walking to the front. "MPD kid!" Me and Mike shared a look of worry, before I ushered him up, without actually getting up myself. "The Nice-Guy-Gamer!" Sam stood up, still playing his GameGuy. "Sunkid!"

...Oh, crap.

I stood up nervously, and made my way to the front. "Now we're goin' to the older ones! Alright, who we got...? Type-A!" Some girl with short, brown hair stood up, and walked over, not really showing an expression.


"Delinquent!" A guy with a green mohawk stood up, and walked over, frowning.


"Loner!" The same girl with blue and black hair stood up, and had the same expression as the guy with the mohawk.

Wait... I recognize her. That's Gwen. She got buried alive...

"Queen Bee!"


They're really bringing anyone up at this point.

She stood with a scowl, and distanced herself from the rest of us. "Dumb Princess! ...That's you, Lindsay!" A girl with long, blonde hair, wearing a blue headband stood up cluelessly, looking around, before rushing over to Heather, grinning happily.

She must've been one of those kids without enough stuff in her system as a kid...

Wait, she was in the fashion challenge, wasn't she?

"Obsessive Uberfan!" I heard a squealing female. I raised a brow, as this tan girl, with a purple, long ponytail stood up excitedly, and ran towards us. She definitely lived up to her name, that's that. It was like she was so excited to be surrounded by Total Drama contestants.


The assembly ended, and it was just the people that were called out left. So... from what I've picked up, the person with the purple hair is Sierra, and... she's a creepy stalker. Great. I'm in a confined space with two criminals. Hasn't God punished me enough by putting me near Duncan?

Chef stood in front of us, just like he did the cooking challenge. "You losers have been hand-picked by Chris McLean to participate in the newest season of Total Drama." Every single one of us gasped, completely flabbergasted by this. Meanwhile, several contestants were expressing their shock.

"We've been sha-what!?"

"No freakin' way! I am NOT coming back for a fifth time! Not happening!"

"He's WHAT?!"

"Play again?!"

Chef only rolled his eyes at our confusion and shock. "Buncha buses waitin'. We leave in fifteen minutes. Get ready, or we'll leave without you, and Chris won't be very happy." He left the auditorium, leaving us standing in pure silence.

Another chance at... a million dollars?

Winning a million dollars?

For myself?






Count me IN!

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