Suckers Punched

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In the McLean spa hotel, Sierra was playing some classical music for Cody 1 and Cody 2. They were obviously enjoying it very little, because they were chewing through the wires. Eventually, they electrocuted themselves, but, at least they got the crappy classical music to stop. Sierra gasped once she realized that the mutant wasn't where she put it to sleep. She picked them both up, and questioned them, as if they could actually respond. "Cody Juniors! Who let you out your crib?!" She didn't even get an answer, because they snarled, and began to attack her hair. She screamed, and forcefully pulled them off. "Bad Cody's!"

/// Sierra ///

*She was holding the mutant a distance away from her.*

"Now that I'm responsible for these little guys, or girls, or one guy, one girl... I don't have time to be in a relationship. Mm, I just hope that Camdy doesn't take it too hard!"

*She held the mutant close to her ear.*

"What's that, Cody Junior?"

*It then vomited all over her face, much to her disgust.*

/// End ///

The Villainous Vultures sat on the porch of the loser cabin, eating what Chef Hatchet claimed to be... 'breakfast'. Really, it was a piece of mouldy toast, with some rotten eggs and bacon. Cameron, disgusted, distanced himself between his green piece of toast. "Um... Is toast supposed to be green?" "Mawmaw calls this 'penicillin puree'. Never had a cold in my life." Scott responded by reaching up and taking it from Cameron, before shoving it into his mouth, and eating it. Gwen gagged, and retched, before looking to her side, to discover that Alejandro's legs were working perfectly fine again.

Scott smirked, and mocked Alejandro. "Well, well. Wakey-wakey, legs-a-fakey!" Alejandro simply smiled, and kept up the act of 'my legs were in a coma'. "It truly is a miracle my legs finally woke up. Now, they can be put to good use for our team." Courtney frowned. "After today, there won't be ANY teams!" Alejandro raised a brow. "What are you talking about?" Courtney had been on enough seasons to figure out how the whole 'merge' system worked. So, she explained it to her team. "There are only nine players left. We have to merge soon. And, after what you did to Heather, good luck finding an ally, Al." Alejandro scowled at Courtney, and spoke through gritted teeth. "I would prefer it if you did not call me that name."

/// Alejandro ///

*He held his head in his hand, and sighed.*

"Last night, I dreamt about my older, smarter, better looking brother, José. He always calls me Al, and I HATE it! More than mutant fire beetles, and conditioners that do not detangle!"

/// End ///

Scott stood up angrily, and defended his family, or whatever countryside relations he had. "What's wrong with the name Al? My sister's named Al, short for Albertha. She's the county pig caller!" He then proceeded to demonstrate by pig calling. Almost not even a second later, a large, brown and pink pig ran up, and jumped on top of him. Scott nervously looked at Courtney, who watched him in some concern. Then, the P.A. turned on, as Chris spoke over the screeching feedback. "Good soon-to-be painful morning, everyone! Head to the Chris-iseum, pronto! Today's challenge isn't gonna hurt itself!"

The Villains and the Heroes walked in their separate groups, as per usual, and Sierra was having some trouble with the twins. They were clawing at her face, biting her ear, one bit her finger, while the other vomited in her face. She was scolding them, but they didn't seem to be listening. Duncan, on the other hand, was much more focused on something else. He pulled Mike and Zoey back, so they could have a private talk, without any unwanted ears. Well, with the exception of the cameras, that is.

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