Zeek and Ye Shall Find

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(can I just say how happy I am that Ezekiel finally got his happy ending?! bro had been through FOUR seasons of constant torture, harassment, and bullying. may I mention that Ezekiel was going through this since birth, never mind the two years and three months of total drama, which nearly half of that was in mutant form.)


Alejandro was taking a dip in the steamy hot tub outside the spa hotel. He decided to relax at night, since he figured that it would be much more peaceful, and much more fulfilling to his desires of exfoliation. He released a long, relaxed sigh, as he spoke to himself, before speaking to the butler. "This is the life. The live I deserve. The life I will have, after I win the million dollars. Butler, would you like to hear a story about me?" The butler did not respond, as he was only there to hold things for Alejandro. Yet, Alejandro spoke. The butler, on the other hand, walked away, completely uninterested in whatever he had to say. "I was born a beautiful man..."

Alejandro was interrupted by Chris. "Hey, roomie! Since my house got destroyed, it looks like I'll be staying here." Alejandro frowned, as Chris took his towel, and threw it in Alejandro's face. "Hey, it's no fun for me, either!" Upon impact, Alejandro dropped his cup into the hot tub, and gagged at Chris' towel, which continued to lay upon his face. Chris then jumped into the hot tub, as he splashed Alejandro with water, much to his annoyance. "I lost everything, including my swim trunks!" Chris laughed to himself, but Alejandro angrily threw off the towel, got out of the hot tub, and walked inside.

He got dressed into his usual wear, before roaming the halls of the spa hotel, grumbling furiously to himself. "Ugh! Qué frío!?" He came to a sudden stop, as his eyes gazed upon a door, that held each and every camera amongst the campgrounds. "Qué? What have we here?" Alejandro questioned, as he stepped into the room. He knew that he shouldn't have been in there at all, yet his curiosity peaked, and, when Alejandro was curious, he always investigated. "So, this is how Chris knows all. All the footage since we arrived here?" He approached a box full of CD's, and selected one at random, gazing down at the label.

"Hm... Mal's greatest hits'? How interesting." Alejandro smirked, as he inserted the CD into the monitor. The screen buzzed its classical black and white screen, before switching on to display a motion picture of Cameron, fast asleep in his bed. Mike was asleep there, too.

The snores of the boys filled the air. Both Mike and Cameron were sleeping comfortably, and it was dark in the room. There were audible footsteps, but they were incredibly light. There was Dusk. They continued past Mike's bed, and moved over to Sam's bag. They dug their hand through his bag, before taking out his GameGuy. They lifted the device above their head, beginning to pull it apart. After a few seconds, it broke. Electricity fizzled and cracked as the circuit boards came loose, and the joysticks came undone.

All of a sudden, the screen switched to another scene.

Dusk was there, too... They took Sierra's phone from her bedside table, and crushed it in their hand with ease. Then, too, electricity fizzled and crackled as the screen shattered into a million tiny pieces. The smart phone was completely defunct.

Yet another switch.

This time, it showed Cameron walking down the steps of the loser cabin, before the fifth challenge, when, all of a sudden, a tanned arm reached out, and grabbed his ankle, causing him to fall forward, and smash his glasses. Suddenly, Dusk stood up from the side of the cabin, raising a brow at the fallen friend of hers.

This time, a confessional.

*He whistled, 'In the Hall of the Mountain King', as he displayed six photos of Cameron, each with a red 'X' displayed on them. After he had finished his tune, he let out an evil snicker.*

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