Moon Madness

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(oh yippee! it's my favourite all-stars episode! with my favourite character's first full episode!!)


The heroes were eating their disgusting gruel outside of the cabins. Duncan, Mike, Zoey, and Cameron were there. Duncan threw his bowl onto the ground, and spat it out, coughing. Cameron nervously poked his bowl with his spoon, and began to walk down the steps of the cabin. "This slop is like dirty gravy. Which, technically, would be mud, but-" He suddenly fell forward, and face-flat into his bowl of gruel. He yelled as he went down, which brought everyone's attention to him, not that it wasn't, already.

Dusk approached Cameron, and helped him up. "Woah, Cam! Are you okay?" She picked up his glasses, and handed them to him. They broke in his hand, however. Cameron anxiously spoke, looking at the glasses. "Oh, boy..." Zoey gasped, and turned away, as Dusk looked at Cameron curiously.

/// Zoey ///

"I can't believe what I just saw! Or, have just seen... No, saw. Either way, I can't believe it!"

/// End ///


[1 Minute Ago]


Cameron nervously poked his bowl with his spoon, and began to walk down the steps of the cabin. "This slop is like dirty gravy. Which, technically, would be mud, but-" A hand reached out, and grabbed Cameron's leg, causing him to trip. He suddenly fell forward, and face-flat into his bowl of gruel. He yelled as he went down, which brought everyone's attention to him, not that it wasn't, already. Dusk stood up from beside the cabins, blinking in confusion.


/// Zoey ///

"Why would Dusk do that to Cameron?! They're friends!"

*It was like she was piecing together the puzzle in her mind. She suddenly gasped.*

"Is that why Dusk didn't want to eat? Because... she broke Sam's GameGuy? And, why she was so nervous around Sierra, because she broke her phone? But... why?"

/// End ///

/// Sierra ///

*She pointed to her palm.*

"Look at my hand! It looks so weird without my phone! And, without my phone, do I even exist!? And, if I can't talk to him... Does Cody even exist!?"

/// End ///

Sierra anxiously walked up behind Zoey. "Zoey, can you see me? Am I here?" After getting no response, Sierra screamed directly into Zoey's ear. Zoey immediately reacted, by holding her ear in pain. "OW! What was that for?!" Sierra smiled, and let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you couldn't see me!" However, this went unrecognized by Zoey, as Sierra's scream gave her temporary deafness. "WHAT?!" "I thought I was invisible. Thanks, Zoey!" Sierra walked away, but Zoey still could not hear a word she was saying. "WHAT!?"

In the spa hotel, the villains were having their dinner. As Alejandro ate, though, he whistled through his nose, which was beginning to anger Heather. She slammed her fork down, and raised her voice. "Do you HAVE to whistle through your nose while you eat, Windy!?" Alejandro sighed, and got onto his hands, walking away. "Typical Heather." Heather released a shocked gasp, as her eyes widened.

/// Heather ///

"'Typical Heather'? He calls that a comeback?! It's like... It's like he's not even trying! It's like he's lost interest in me. No one has EVER lost interest in me!"

They'll Come Back at Dusk (Mike x OC)Where stories live. Discover now