Saving Private Leechball

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(okay, but, seriously, what the f*ck did they do to mike this season? bro is acting like he's been starved of his necessities, and it's only the third episode)


From inside the 'trashy' cabin beside the spa hotel, Duncan groaned. "Ugh! I had almost forgotten about these crud-tacular cabins." He frowned, as Alejandro sighed to himself. "Let us hope it is our only visit." Scott fell back onto his bed, only for him to yell out in pain, and groan, due to the rock-hard pillows. "Ow! I miss the hotel... Now that I know how rich people live, everything I used to like stinks!" The entire bunk Scott was on collapsed into pieces, some parts of the mattress went into his eye, and some wood gave him splinters. "Ow! LOUSY DISCOUNT BED!" He punched the mattress, only to get MORE springs in his hands. He screamed in pain.

/// Duncan ///

"Scott's okay. At least with him, you know what you're getting... which... is crud. But, still, nice to know."

/// End ///

Alejandro completely tunnelled into his sleeping bag, zipping the zip all the way up to his chin. "Well, good night, gentlemen."

/// Alejandro ///

"After a year in that robot suit, I find it difficult to sleep if I'm all spread out."

/// End ///

Over on the girls' side of the cabin, everyone was arguing over who's fault it was that they lost the challenge. The main suspects were Heather and Jo. "Thanks again for blowing the challenge, Jo!" Heather yelled, as Jo fought back, a low growl in her voice. "Me!? You're the one who wasted time arguing instead of digging!"

This interaction turned into a whole, full-blown argument between them. "I wouldn't have needed to argue if everyone just did what I told them to do! I'm the one with the most experience on this team!" Gwen had just about enough. She raised her voice to overpower the rest, and sat up. "It's everyone's fault for not working together as a TEAM! Now, cram it! I am trying to SLEEP!"

/// Gwen ///

*She gasped, and her eyes widened.*

"Did that sound villainous? I didn't mean to be harsh, but, ooh! Bunking with the Bickersons is driving me bonkers!"

/// End ///

At the resort, the butler was closing up for the night. He stood on the balcony, beside an owl who was hooting loudly. "Shh, sir." He quickly made the owl become sheepish, and hoot quietly. Inside, Sierra was tucking her phone, with a photo of Cody in the shower as her home screen, into bed, talking to it as if it were the actual Cody. "There you go, Codybear. All tucked in! Today was a great day! I made some new friends, and I helped win our first challenge. Aw, you'd be so proud... Sweet dreams!" She kissed the phone, and began to act like a cat, trotting to the end of the bed, adjusting the blanket, before sleeping on her hands and knees. Courtney was watching in pure shock. She sighed, and muttered 'weirdo' underneath her breath.

In another room, most likely the boys', Mike jumped happily into his bed, and relaxed. "Oh, yeah! This is the life!" He laughed to himself, as Cameron sat anxiously on another bed. He turned his gaze to Sam's duffel bag with his face on it. "Yeah, but I feel a little guilty looking at Sam's empty bed. I hope he's okay, over on Boney Island..."

On Boney Island, Sam was not okay. In fact, he was everything BUT okay. A cluster of six bears was waiting at the base of a very tall tree covered in scratch marks, just waiting for Sam to either fall of come down himself. However, Sam had narrowly avoided the bears. "Whew! Oh, haha... That was too close. Right, little guy?" He spoke to a squirrel, who threw an acorn at him, which caused him to fall backwards, directly into the cluster of bears. He began to yell out in pain, as he was mauled by the bears.

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