A Twisted Origin// A Spider G...

By TheHogwartsAvenger

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What if things turned out differently for Spider-Gwen? What if Gwen Stacy never had a crush on Peter Parker... More

Beat 1
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Beat 13

Not the Last Beat (A Twisted Origin Part 2: Beat 1)

38 1 8
By TheHogwartsAvenger

Two Years Later.

Gwen Stacy: Age 19

"Easy going now." 

She moved the test tube easily, slowly pouring a mixture. 


Her eye twitched as she continuously did the task. 

"Easy dose it... GWEN STOP!"


A black explosion happed. Gwen Stacy took her goggles off leaving her face black, and eyes and nose fine. 

"That could have gone better."

"YOU—... I'm not gonna talk." Gwen said throwing her lab coat off. 

"Not going to say what?" Harry Osborn asked folding his arms. "Hit me I can take it."

"No kidding Sherlock. If you hadn't been distracting me I could have done it!" She snapped. 

"I did no such thing!"

"YES YOU DID!" Gwen yelled. 

She had a crazy look in her eyes. Harry took a step back taking his lab coat off. 

"Your right, your right. I asked you to do it because you have the steady hand of the two of us." Harry said taking off gloves. 

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." Gwen said sarcastically. 

"There's more isn't there?"

"Oh yes there is! I'm so very sorry I hurt your feelings, and I think you should probably go live your life as the influencer you are!"

"Are you mad about something?" 

"I'm being hunted by my own father, my mom was laid off, and not to mention the city hates me!"

"I don't." 

Gwen looked up at Harry. He had a small smile. Gwen looked down. She glanced up, and he was still smiling. Gwen hung her head. 

"Can you stop!" 


"No reason." 

Harry walked over and crouched down. "Your smiling." 

"Shut up!" 

Gwen pushed him backwards.

"I want to be mad at you and your making it worse!" Gwen yelled. 

Harry laughed hard. Gwen finally stood up. 

"Allow me to take you home." He said with that thick British accident he always had. 

"I'm not going to my apartment." Gwen said sassily. 

"Okay then where to?" 

"I'm going home, mom and dad invited me over for dinner." Gwen said tilting her head. 

"Oh wow so fancy, but you need to get changed, therefore you need to go to your apartment." 

Gwen looked down. She was covered in the black dust. She looked at Harry who was also covered.

"You do too! You need to go to your big fancy rich boy house to get changed."

"Are you bullying me?"

"Yes I am, and your coming to dinner!"

A worried look crossed his face. "Well erm... I dunno if that's necessary." 

Gwen looked at him. "It's fine Harry. They won't care."

"Are you positive?"


"Fine... if you say so." He said calmly. 

Gwen rolled her eyes and smiled.

Gwen looked at Harry. He seemed extremely nervous. 

"Dude... are you sure your fine?" 

He nodded his head. "I actually don't remember your family that well." He admitted. 

"Oh it's fine. Howard isn't here because he is in collage too, but my two younger brothers are. Philip is an eighth grader, and Simon is a sophomore." 

Harry nodded his head. 


Gwen knocked on the door of her old home.

"You know you didn't need to where a black tux, with a blue scarf." Gwen teased.

"I didn't know wut to where." Gwen smiled at him. 

A figure came to the door. He was taller than Gwen remembered.

"Who is it?"

"Your sister."

Philip opened the door. He was about her height now. His eyes directly fell on Harry. 

Philip started to hyperventilate. He slammed the door on their faces, running inside yelling, "MOM DAD GWEN BROUGHT A BOY!" 

Gwen's face went red. She looked at Harry who was adjusting his scarf of discomfort. 

"So... that's Philip... the youngest."

"I could tell... very energetic..."

"Yeah... he plays baseball." 

Harry nodded his head. The door opened again, and this time it was her father. 

"Hello dear." 

"Hi dad." 

The two hugged. 

"Who is this?" 

"It's Harry." 

He then eyed Harry for a moment. 

"Long time no see! How are you boy?"

"Erm... fine." Harry said nervously. 

"Well come on in you two." 

They walked in, as pictures hung on the wall. One with Howard with a draft to Alabama to play college football as a wide receiver. Another had a younger Gwen and Peter sitting on the sidewalk with ice cream. 

Gwen looked at it, and remembered the night her friend died... in her arms. Harry took off his coat and hung it on a random coatrack, and looked at Gwen.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"So, Harry, what do you do?" Gwens father asked. 

Harry looked up from his salad. "Erm... I'm in training right now... to own Oscorp."

"Oh that's right, your father is in the hospital right?" 

Gwen looked at her mom. Gwen's mom watched as Gwen shook her head. Gwen's mom suddenly got the memo and turned back to Harry. 

"Oh I'm sorry Harry! It has to be difficult."

Harry shrugged. "Not really. Yeah I'm sad, but he never cared for me." Harry said looking up. 

"So... can we ask a few questions?" Simon said smirking. 

Gwen eyed Simon and Philip.

"Erm... alright."

"So... how long have you and Gwen been a thing?"

Gwen and Harry looked at each other.  The two suddenly started to laugh. 

"Bro, we aren't a thing! I just invited him from his lonely cell of a house." Gwen said laughing. 

Harry then looked up a Gwen, and smiled... then looked down at his food.

"Harry! How much money do you make!"


"What? I think it's a good question!" Philip said reaching for more mashed potatoes.

"It's rude!" His mother said. 

Philip rolled his eyes. "Okay then, how rich are you?"

"PHILIP STACY!" His mother yelled.

"Philip... I recommend you don't ask anymore questions revolving work." Gwen's father said. 

Her father then looked at Harry's watch. "That's a nice watch there... why is it flashing a green light?"

Harry looked up. "Erm... thanks? It dose that." Harry explained trying not to give away the fact, the watch made him appear more human, than evil guy in a kid's nightmare.

"Harry... killersaywhat!" Simon said quickly.


"DAD! HARRY'S A KILLER!" Simon and Philip yelled. "I told you boys that that isn't a true method, and Harry is not a killer... at least I hope not."

"I swear the only thing I kill are mosquitoes!" Harry said holding his hands up. 

"So you are a killer?" Gwen's father said.  "I'm gonna have to sent you to the slammer for... two seconds." Her father said smiling, anfter all, he was the head of New York's Police Department.

Harry wondered around and got to Gwen's room. He looked around, as there were photos everywhere, from her camera. He looked at her dresser, and opened a drawer to find it full of drumsticks.

"Yeah... never can have enough." Gwen said walking in. Harry smiled. "Sorry about my brothers. They're idiots." 

Harry suddenly laughed.

"It's fine. It was the watch question that got me." He said holding up his left arm. 

Gwen nodded her head.

"I felt a shiver down my spine, because I made that stinken watch." She said softly.

Harry looked around more, and found a really old photo. Okay, not that old, but from second grade. He held it up. 

"You kept this?!" He asked with wide eyes.

"Um... yeah."

Harry flung the paper over, and Gwen caught it perfectly, thanks to her senses. She looked at the photo.


Harry started to laugh. It was a photo of the two, with faces full of icing from cupcakes. Gwen smiled at it and set it down. 

"Well, I'm going to check on my brothers, you never know with them." She said walking off.

Harry smiled and nodded his head. He looked down and at the photo. 

Let's just say, then he and Gwen were friends. Now, Harry wanted to be more than that.

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