Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan1...

Oleh kimochinoona

127K 2.5K 1.4K

Dan is an ordinary student who is studying in just one of the most prestigious universities with his best fri... Lebih Banyak

Ch.1 My awkward Encounter
Ch.2 I want him
Ch.3 Sweet dreams
Ch.4 We meet again
Ch.5 How did I end up here? Part 1
Ch6. How did I end up here? Part 2
Ch7. Do you want me?
Ch.8 Oh he's back
Ch.9 Stay away
Ch.10 Dilemma
Ch.11 Pain
Ch. 12 Apologize
Ch 13. Spicy night
Ch.14 Is this Jealousy?
Ch.15 It's getting hot in here.
Ch.16 A date?
Ch.17 Every corner of the house
Ch.18 Being with you
Ch.20 Getting dirty at night
Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation
Ch.22 Who are you?
Ch.23 Hurt
Ch.24 Continued sadness and loneliness (18+)
Ch.25 Confrontation
Ch.26 Hope
Ch.27 Awkward...
Ch.28 Love 18+

Ch.19 Themepark Adventures

1.6K 50 15
Oleh kimochinoona

Here is a little cute chapter for you all.


"I'm so happy for you, Dan," Jooha exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy. "You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."

"So you guys are officially boyfriends?"


Jooha's excitement was contagious as he jumped up and down, unable to contain his joy for Dan. His genuine happiness radiated from him as he exclaimed, "I am so happy for you, Dan! This is wonderful news! You and Jaekyung are officially boyfriends!"

Dan couldn't help but laugh at Jooha's exuberance. He felt his own heart swell with happiness, knowing he had Jooha's unwavering support. "Thank you, Jooha!"

Dan reciprocated the hug, feeling the warmth and sincerity in Jooha's embrace. The bond they shared had always been strong, and moments like these reminded him of the unwavering support he had from his best friend.

Jooha and Dan's friendship had stood the test of time, rooted in the deep bond they had formed since childhood. Dan cherished every moment they had spent together, and his gratitude for Jooha knew no bounds. Throughout their lives, Jooha has been a pillar of strength and unwavering support for Dan, especially during the most challenging times.

When Dan's grandmother passed away, he found himself drowning in grief and sorrow. It felt as though a part of him had been lost forever. But in his pain, Jooha stepped forward, offering solace and comfort like a true brother.

Jooha's presence was a calming force, and his words of compassion were like a balm to Dan's wounded heart. Jooha's empathy and genuine care helped Dan navigate the overwhelming grief, reminding him that he wasn't alone in his sorrow.

As days turned into weeks, Jooha continued to be there for Dan, providing a steady presence and a sense of stability. He took on the role of a brother, ensuring Dan ate well, slept enough, and found moments of respite amidst the storm of emotions. Whether it was through heartfelt conversations or quiet companionship, Jooha showed up for Dan in ways that words could not adequately express.

Dan will forever be grateful for Jooha's unwavering support during that difficult time. It was a testament to the depth of their friendship, an unbreakable bond forged through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of pain and joy.

In the following years, Dan and Jooha's friendship grew stronger. They celebrated each other's triumphs and provided a comforting presence during hardships. They became each other's confidants, always ready to lend an ear or offer a helping hand.

Dan knew that he was lucky to have Jooha in his life, and he made a silent promise to himself to reciprocate the love and support he had received. Their friendship was a gift, a treasure that Dan held close to his heart, knowing that true friends like Jooha were rare and precious.

Jooha then released Dan from the hug, excitement glittering in his eyes. 

"Get ready, bestie! We're going to Everland today! It's going to be an amazing day. It's just you and me, no boyfriends allowed. Today, we reclaim our title as troublemakers!"

Dan couldn't help but chuckle at Jooha's infectious enthusiasm. He appreciated how Jooha always knew how to lighten the mood and bring laughter into their lives. 

"You're right, Jooha. It's been too long since we had some quality time together. I'm excited for our little adventure."

Dan and Jooha arrived at Everland, their excitement was palpable as they entered the bustling theme park. The vibrant atmosphere filled the air, carrying the sounds of laughter and the thrill of adventure. 

Jooha playfully nudged Dan and pointed to a mirror, where they both stood side by side, grinning from ear to ear. They marvelled at their reflection, their matching pink shirts accentuating their joyful spirits. Dan's eyes twinkled with delight as he turned to Jooha, his voice filled with playful affection.

"Who would have thought we'd be the epitome of cuteness today, Jooha?"

Excited by the idea of adding more cuteness to their day, Dan and Jooha ventured into a nearby shop and indulged in a delightful hunt for the perfect headbands. They playfully scoured the shelves, their eyes alight with anticipation, searching for headbands that would perfectly capture the essence of their friendship.

After a few moments, Dan's eyes landed on a charming hamster headband, complete with fuzzy ears and a whimsical design. He knew it would be absolutely adorable for himself. Meanwhile, Jooha discovered a bunny headband with fluffy ears and a playful expression that he knew would suit Dan perfectly.

With a shared glance and infectious laughter, they exchanged their chosen headbands, eager to see their friend adorned with an accessory that embodied their unique personalities.

"Dan, this hamster headband is perfect for you!" Jooha exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"It captures your playful and lovable nature, just like a cute hamster."

Dan grinned and gently placed the bunny headband on Jooha's head. 

"And this bunny headband suits you perfectly, Jooha."

Dan turned to Jooha, a grin on his face. "So, Jooha, how's everything going with you and Dooshik?"

Jooha chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, we're doing well. We like each other a lot, but you know how it is. Sometimes Dooshik can be a bit childish and get a little too possessive. It's something we're working on."

Dan nodded in understanding. "I can relate to that. Jaekyung can be quite similar at times. It's all part of the give and take in a relationship, I suppose."

Jooha raised an eyebrow. "Really? I never thought Jaekyung would be like that."

Dan sighed. "Well, nope! He is like that."

With a map in hand, they eagerly planned out their day, ready to immerse themselves in the wide array of activities and attractions.

"Are you ready for this, Dan?" Jooha asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Dan grinned, adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Absolutely! Let's do it!"

As Jooha and Dan strolled through the park, Jooha's keen eye noticed that Dan seemed to be walking with slight discomfort. Concerned for his boyfriend, Jooha gently placed a hand on Dan's shoulder and asked, "Hey, Dan, are you alright? You seem a little uneasy."

Dan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he appreciated Jooha's attentiveness. He took a deep breath before responding, "Yeah, Jooha, I'm okay. It's just... well."

Jooha's understanding smile widened as he realized the cause of Dan's discomfort. He gently patted Dan's back, offering reassurance.

"It's alright, bestie. I understand now. We can take it easy today, especially since you've already had quite an adventurous night with Jaekyung. I hope he didn't give you a tough time."

"JOOHA!"Dan's blush deepened.

It is true that Dan still feels that pain but compared to the early morning, it is way better now. Jaekyung's sausage is huge, which is not a normal human size. Dan wasn't sure how it did it all fit in his ass.

He lost count of how many times they had sex yesterday. As Dan walked alongside Jooha, his mind couldn't help but wonder, thoughts consumed by Jaekyung. Lost in his own world, he didn't notice Jooha's mischievous grin. However, Jooha couldn't resist playfully teasing his friend.

With a sly smile, Jooha nudged Dan's arm and said, "Babe, you seem to be lost in thought. Care to share what's on your mind? Or should I take a wild guess?"

Startled out of his reverie, Dan blushed and quickly tried to regain his composure. He chuckled nervously, realizing he had been caught. "Oh, uh, it's nothing, Jooha. Just, you know, general daydreaming."

Jooha raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "General daydreaming, huh? Are you sure it's not someone in particular who's occupying your thoughts? Someone with a name that starts with 'J' and ends with 'g'?"

Dan's face turned even redder, and he couldn't help but laugh at Jooha's teasing. He knew he couldn't hide his infatuation any longer.

Jooha's laughter filled the air as he nudged Dan again, this time with a playful smirk.

"Ah, young. It's a beautiful thing, my friend. I can see why Jaekyung has captured your attention. He's quite a catch."

Dan rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face betrayed his amusement. "You're just enjoying this too much, aren't you?"

"By the way, you're a year younger than me."

"I know, but when I'm with you, my motherly instinct comes out." Jooha shrugged, his grin widening. 

"Alright, Dan, let's make the most of our time here! Which ride should we conquer first?"

Dan scanned the park, his eyes settling on the imposing T-Express wooden roller coaster in the distance. "How about the T-Express? It's known for its incredible speed and heart-pounding drops!"

Jooha chuckled, ready to embrace the challenge. "Sounds like a plan! Let's go!"

They joined the line for the T-Express, eagerly chatting and sharing stories while they waited their turn. As they climbed aboard the wooden coaster, their hearts raced with a mixture of anticipation and adrenaline. The ride lived up to its reputation, propelling them through twists, turns, and breathtaking drops that left them screaming with a mix of fear and excitement.

Their laughter echoed through the park as they disembarked, breathless and filled with a renewed zest for life. They moved on to explore other thrilling rides, such as the Hurricane, a high-speed spinning coaster that left them feeling dizzy and exhilarated.

Between rides, they took a break to indulge in some delicious treats. The tempting aroma of freshly made churros caught their attention, and they couldn't resist getting a serving each. With a generous dusting of cinnamon sugar and a side of rich chocolate sauce for dipping, the warm churros provided a delightful burst of sweetness.

As they strolled through the park, their hunger piqued once again. The enticing scent of corndogs wafted through the air, leading them to a food stand. They eagerly ordered corndogs, savouring the crispy outer layer and the savoury bite of the hot dog nestled inside. It was the perfect combination of flavours and textures, satisfying their hunger and adding to the overall enjoyment of their day.

Dan and Jooha then ventured into the whimsical world of the park's fantasy-themed attractions. They hopped on a magical carousel, feeling like carefree children as they rode the beautifully adorned horses, spinning in circles to the enchanting music.

Amid their adventures, they stumbled upon a lively parade filled with colourful floats and performers. They found a spot among the cheering crowd, clapping and swaying to the infectious music, their spirits lifted by the vibrant spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

As the day progressed, Dan and Jooha explored every nook and cranny of Everland, making memories that would last a lifetime. They laughed, screamed, and discovered the childlike joy that comes with surrendering to the magic of a theme park.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the park, Dan and Jooha found themselves atop a Ferris wheel, taking in the breathtaking view of Everland from above. The twinkling lights and the panorama of joyous faces below served as a reminder of the beauty that exists in simple moments of happiness.

With tired feet but hearts full of contentment, Dan and Jooha bid farewell to Everland, their day of adventure and excitement coming to a close.  Dan completely forgot about his backache 

Dan turned to Jooha, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, Jooha. Today has been amazing."

As they made their way back home, the conversation was filled with animated recollections of their favourite moments. Dan couldn't help but feel grateful for Jooha's unwavering presence in his life, and the day spent in Everland had only solidified their friendship.

With hearts brimming with joy, Dan and Jooha returned home, ready to carry the magic and happiness they had experienced into their everyday lives. Everland had provided them not only with a day of fun but also a reminder of the significance of friendship and the power of shared adventures.

As Dan and Jooha made their way back home, the conversation continued to flow between them. Dan's curiosity sparked, and he turned to Jooha with a question.

"Hey, Jooha, how about Seungho hyung? Has he found someone special too?" Dan inquired.

Jooha nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, from what I've heard through the grapevine, Seungho hyung is dating a pretty guy named Nakyum. He's an art student from a rival university. They say he's pretty talented and quite the looker."

Dan's eyes lit up with intrigue. "That sounds interesting! Ever since I met Seungho hyung, I've realized how genuinely nice he is. It would be great if I could meet Nakyum someday. It's always wonderful to expand our circle of friends. I'm really curious to see how pretty he is."


Dan burst into laughter, finding the revelation both surprising and amusing. "No way! So, all three of the 'bad boys,' Jaekyung, Dooshik, and now Seungho, are in serious relationships? That's quite a transformation!"

Jooha joined in the laughter, jokingly nodding in agreement.

Dan and Jooha finally arrived home after a long day at Everland, their energy spent from the excitement and adventure. Jooha tossed his keys onto the table with a sigh, his fatigue evident.

"I'm exhausted," Jooha declared, rubbing his temples. "I think I'll take a quick shower and hit the sack."

Dan nodded in understanding, placing his own bag down. "Sounds like a plan. You go ahead."

As Jooha headed towards the bathroom, Dan reached for his phone, which had been vibrating on the table. Curiosity piqued, he returned the call, wondering who could be reaching out to him at this hour.


"Hey, sweetheart."


Thank you for reading!

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