Within The Dimenscape And Bey...

By Crusters123

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For many years, the Dimenscape has been living in prosperity. The rulers of this land have been leading with... More

Chapter 1: The Blade of Fate
Chapter 2: Beneath The Sand
Chapter 3: Secrets & Boxes
Chapter 4: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 5: Working Objective
Chapter 6: Criminal Minds
Chapter 7: Visits
Chapter 8: Break Out
Chapter 9: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 10: Family Dramatics
Chapter 11: A Mother's Rage
Chapter 12: Caller's Intel
Chapter 13: Peeping Tom
Chapter 14: Consultations
Chapter 15: Mad Doctor
Chapter 16: Death Wish
Chapter 17: Old Combacks
Chapter 18: "I love you..."
Chapter 19: Cole?
Chapter 20: Alondra
Chapter 21: REVOLUTION! (Part 1/2)
Chapter 22: Revolting Children (Part 2/2)
Chapter 23: Reunion
Chapter 24: True Loves Kiss
Chapter 25: Song of The Battle
Chapter 26: Penemuel
Chapter 28: Babysit? Babygone.
Chapter 29: Hit & Run
Chapter 30: One Last Fight

Chapter 27: Elio

14 2 0
By Crusters123

No One's POV:


The sound of Leo's body hitting a bunch of trash cans catches Varian off guard as he fought against his clone with his new palisman. The evil version of him was a few feet away as his attacks were dangerously undirected at who he was aiming at next.

"LEO!" Varian shouts worriedly while keeping an eye out for their enemies. He hurries over to his brother in hopes to help him, but the clone of Leo, Leon, startles Varian from behind. "AGH!"

Leon cackles at the alchemist's scream with a fondled craze while slowly crawling down the wall, opposite of where Leo lay. "Hello there! Here to join your friend?" He casually asks with a tilt of his head, gripping onto a knife that he takes out of his pocket. "Your head would be a great addition to my collection." Leon laughs crazily once more.

"No way, sicko!" Varian clutches on to his palisman, twirling it around to create a visible magic circle which blasts the evil turtle straight through the wall, and giving Varian enough time to help Leo back up, and fly away to safety. He sighs in relief, "and I thought my counterpart was weird."

As he zoomed away, Leo thanks his brother for the save as he tried his best to wake up after the attack Leon inflicted on him. They land nearby the fountain of the town square that was now broken beyond repair, leaking water onto the ground.

"Let's hope that Tabitha has everything under control at the palace." Cole shouts from ahead, flipping over in their direction. Adrien and Izuku follow in pursuit to join them. Walter notices this and does the same. "I hope she's alright."

Adrien places a comforting hand on the King's shoulder while looking out for the incoming danger. ""Don't worry Cole, she should be perfectly fine. Tabbi's strong." He says with a grin, punching a goon in the face as they had come over to attack them. He then kicks them in the stomach and leaves them on the ground as they dealt with the pain. "You just got to trust her."

"Yeah, trust her." Izuku agrees with a nod. "By the way, who's Alondra? I heard you say that name to Tabitha earlier before we left the valley." The rabbit-man asks Cole with a curious gaze prior to drop kicking a henchman in the face. "The way you said it sounded very serious."

This comment catches Cole's attention to the max as he stops fighting to stare at Izuku. He even stopped strangling the goon that was in his arms. The clones look to each other with confusion, all except for Cole's evil version, Charcoal. He casually strolls over to the heroes with a sly smirk that could strike any woman's attention, coming to a halt once he and the other clones were a foot away from their originals; all of them ready to pounce. Cole and his friends prepared for another back-breaking fight while furiously looking at their counterparts. Walter stared off into the distance, as if something had caught both his eye and attention other than Tabitha's secret spreading.

"So, the secret continues to stay hidden. Isn't that right, Cole?" Charcoal slithers over to the King in a conniving manner that struck his original as a threat, causing Cole to rush a hefty step forward to stop him as his own type of threat. "I believe that your brothers should know before they die. It is the right thing to do, after all. You wouldn't want to lie to them."

Leo glances over at Cole, "what's he talking about, Cole? What secret?" The turtle inquires while batting a pumpkin bomb away with his katanas. An explosion caused by the bomb destroys a bakery which has the group duck for cover.

Once they all regained their stances, all eleven boys stand side by side glaring at their opposite with their weapons or powers at the ready. Walter spots someone in the distance that he couldn't help feeling drawn to. It was strange yet it felt as if they've known each other for years. His hair swayed in the wind as one of the strands begin to turn white.

"I've got to go!" Walter yells to his friends before rushing away towards the stranger.

"Walter!" Cole was about to rush after him, but Charcoal blocked his way still smirking evilly at him while now holding a large scythe in his hands. "I'm not saying shit! That's for Tabitha to tell, not me!"

"Oh really?" Chat Blanc, or Aiden in this case, purrs intriguingly while sauntering closer to the Vampire King, his claws extending dangerously while a white ball of destruction bubbles in his hand. "Cat got your tongue or are you just a pussy?"

Adrien yowls, "watch your tongue, alley cat!" His growling matched Aiden as they stared each other down.

"UGH! Can we just get this over with?!" Vian growls impatiently as he began to close in on Varian, the Megastone glowing incredibly bright that makes his opponent almost squint the closer he got to him. "We have a job to do!"

Izuku's clone, Zuk, nods his head, grumbling bitterly from not fighting. "Agreed. Noah will have our heads for not killing them."

A despotic rumble in the Earth could be felt from everyone as all eyes were now on the main five(s).

"I DON'T CARE WHAT NOAH SAYS!" Charcoal lashes out. "I'm tired of him controlling us, acting like we're nothing but dirt for him to walk on!" The evil vampire turns to his brothers with a degrading growl. "Just because he made us doesn't mean he can control us! He certainly can't control me. I'm the most powerful being in every dimension! I should be destroying everything and everyone in my path!"

As he ranted, Cole takes this chance to take action. He looks to his own brothers, nodding in approval as they soon cautiously circled the clones all while Charcoal hollered at his teammates. They were trying to attempt to ambush them, yet it didn't go as planned as the clones realize what they were doing, and the fight continued once again. Each man was paired back up with their duplicate, fighting for their lives as none of them were holding back.

While Cole and Charcoal were battling each other, Cole couldn't help but look at the bracelet he had on, as if he was waiting for Tabitha to need help so he could go after her. He would glance at it every once in a while, to the point of distraction while sparring. Cole looks at the bracelet but gets kicked in the gut by his opposite which causes him to fall the ground in pain and throwing up afterward due to the rough impact.

"Stay focused, bitch!" Charcoal barks aggressively while trying to kick Cole a second, yet his foot is blocked by him and swiftly pushed to the side. "Stop looking at that damn bracelet!" He uses his powers to teleport the jewel in his hands to inspect as his opponent struggles to get back up and regain his bracelet. "What's so important about this anyway?"

"Hey! Stop! I need that!" Cole hisses, getting back up while holding his stomach attempting to get his property back from Charcoal who teased the hurt vampire, holding the bracelet higher and mocking Cole to jump and get it. "GIVE IT BACK YOU ASSHOLE!" Cole shoves his enemy roughly as a way to try and get the jewel back, but it wasn't enough. "That is not yours!"

The two then flew into the sky as an air battle commenced. Fists pumping in every direction. Each blow from either vampire got harder and more aggressive the longer they fought. From the ground as everyone else battled, they all saw the two Vampire Kings in the sky brawling viciously against each other with blasts of both Dark Magic, and regular power going everywhere and anywhere which almost harmed the people below.

"Give. It. BACK!" Cole roars into the sky while still floating a hundred feet above the ground, and away from Charcoal. "Tabitha might need my help!"

At the mention of Tabitha's name, Charcoal stops his teasing and stares at Cole in a less evil way, as if he was actually concerned about her.

"What are you talking about? Is she okay?" The villainous clone questions which both shocked but also didn't shock Cole. Even when turned evil, Cole had still loved Tabitha. "What is this for?"

"It's a device I made just in case her water was to break during her fight with Noah and Spencer, and I don't know if she's okay or not." Cole explains, floating slowly and carefully closer to his duplicate in order to not start another fight with them. "The baby is due any day now and I want to be there with her when she has it."

Cole was now a foot away from Charcoal as he gazes at the bracelet with curiosity in his pitch-black eyes that grew more, and more curious by the device. As he did, the purple gem began to glow and a small beeping sound could be heard coming from it as well. Cole stares at the object in complete alarm, snatching the bracelet and staring at it, eyes bulging almost out of his sockets.

"Oh my god! It's happening! It's really happening!" Cole was now shouting in a voice that sounded like a mixture of panic and joy as he practically shaking Charcoal by the shoulders. "She needs me!"

Cole was about to fly away, however, Charcoal did something that surprised him.

"Let us help you."

Cole turns around in midair, startled by Charcoal's suggestion, not entirely sure if he should take him up on that offer. He looks down to the ground and finds that all fighting below had ceased to watch the two kings. Even the other clones' battles come to a halt.

From the crow, Cole spots Varian on his palisman while wearing his amulet that he acquired back from Vian, who was angrily glaring at his double with hatred, yet held back on trying to tear him apart limb from limb. Without the powerful Megastone to help him the clone was just a regular guy, minus the skills of a ninja that Cole and his ninja friends had once taught him. This included teaching him Spinjitzu.

"Why?" Cole asks, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "I thought you wanted us dead."

Charcoal chuckles which sounded very genuine for once. "Noah mostly wants you dead. Us on the other hand, sure, it would be more of a convenience if you were so we could take over, but we don't care much about the five of you." He informs Cole calmly while floating over to him. "However, Noah has been a pain in our sides since day one and I for one would like to get back at the power-hungry freak."

"Wasn't I a power-hungry freak when I was you?" Cole says with a joking smirk to tease the clone.

Charcoal glares at the man with a bubbling annoyance that was almost regretting his decision. He holds his hand out for the King to shake and Cole does the exact same. The two of them shake hands to call their truce before flying back to the ground to meet up with the others.

"What's going on?" Both of the Leo's ask in voices of surprise, eyeing the other with a perplexed expression.

"Tabitha's water broke. We need to go back to the valley, now." The Vampire King tells his friends, his face fully serious now as he addressed the issue. "Charcoal and I formed a truce to not attack each other."

Izuku's face scrunches up in disgust, "how do we know that he's not lying? He could easily be tricking us into a trap once we head back. We can't trust him! We can't trust any of them!"

Zuk grunts at this, "watch it buster." He warns while aiming a jagged knife right at Izuku's throat. "We don't know if we can trust you either."

"I definitely don't trust people who take my things!" Vian furiously as he lashes out at Varian in an attempt to regain his amulet back, but Varian has multiple tentacles from his waist grab hold of the looney villain. "GIVE IT BACK!"

"That's enough V!" Charcoal growls in order to stop the raging man trapped in the tendrils that Varian made to save himself. "We are doing this whether you guys like it or not! This is our one chance to get back at Noah, don't you want that?"

All the clones look nervously at each other while thinking of their decision. It appeared to be a difficult choice, but they decided to make together for the sake of their lives. All four of them nodded and agreed to the truce, shaking their double's hand firmly, yet cautiously as both sides were unaware of what the future could possibly tell them. Even Vian shook hands on the truce, although, they keep giving the poor alchemist a death stare afterward.

"Alright guys, let's bring these warriors to safety." Cole says with a firm nod, looking over to find Hunter drop kicking a goon in the fast then pushing them away with his staff. "Hunter! We're going back! Tabitha needs our help! Leo, call the retreat."

Leo nods his head before ordering everyone on their side to fall back and retreat back to the valley. As the retreat was called many citizens began their trek back to the valley. Some had passed on during the fight which made it difficult to return back to the valley without a few of their village comrades by their sides, yet it was the only choice they had at the moment if they wanted to survive.

Once back at the safe refuge, Cole tells Yugataro to check on everyone and secure the protection spell around the valley before rushing over to his tent with his brothers right behind him. Zooming inside with their father, the royal children hurry inside to find Tabitha lying in bed, Lee by her side clutching hold of the queen's hands for support as she screamed in pain. Among them were Perillia, Ruby, and Alcina, and many nurses and doctors all by the bedside preparing to deliver the baby.

"Tabitha!" Cole huffs, rushing over to her side in which Lee takes a step back to give them some room. Tabitha's aching howl was the first response he got out of her. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay! I'm here babe. I'm here."

"AAGGHH!!!" Tabitha squeezes her husband's hand so tightly that he had to let out a little yelp in surprise. "GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!"

"Mom? Is she okay?" Max questions the adults in the tent with a fearful expression as he made his way over to the bed. "On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?"

Another blood curdling scream erupts from the pregnant queen as this gave Max his answer. Alcina took this as her cue to shoo the children and other guests out of the tent, telling them that only the father was allowed to be in there with Tabitha. When everyone was gone, Alcina looks to the doctors, nods her head, and leaves them to do their job.

One of the doctor's go over to Tabitha and makes provisions before beginning the delivery while nurses dressed Cole in patient scrubs over his armor. Tabitha wore her own version of the outfit as the doctors and nurses ran around the tent grabbing supplies.

"Okay, your majesty, I'm going to need you to push," the main doctor orders the pregnant mother in a soothing voice to help calm Tabitha down. "And make sure you breathe, ma'am."

The Queen nods her head with a shaky smile as she soon grits her teeth and does as she was told, gripping tightly on to both Cole's hand and the bed frame behind her, scratching large marks into the wood. Her agonized screams were prolonged the longer she kept pushing. Cole had a wet washcloth to cool his wife's face down that he gently patted on her face every time she was finished pushing. He could only watch in amazement and brings words of encouragement to Tabitha.

"Come on, your majesty, keep pushing. That's all you need to do." The doctor reminds her. "I can almost see the head."

Tabitha pushes once more before taking a large gasp for breath. "I can't! I can't do this!" Tears were starting to leak out her eyes and she attempts once more to push the baby out. "What if she doesn't make it?"

"Don't say that!" Cole tells her in a worried tone while also trying to keep a happy smile on his face. "She'll be fine! Just keep pushing baby. I know you can do this. I believe in you." He pats her forehead with the washcloth again.

"I can't do this, Cole." Tabitha cries. "I c-can't. It hurts."

"Hey, I know it hurt baby, but you just got to push through it. Give it one more my love, trust me. Then we'll be able to see our baby girl."

"O-okay." The Queen whimpers before her grunts become more screams as she pushes one last time with all her might.

After that, the sounds of an infant's cries fill the tent with emotion and life that could possibly melt the toughest of hearts, and the coldest of villains which gave both Cole and Tabitha the biggest relief they've ever received in months.

Slumping down in bed. Tabitha sighs heavily, her eyes drooping in exhaustion, yet the tears were still dripping out as quickly as they had started. The doctors did their business cleaning and checking on the baby right before finally handing it over to the mother who was more than overjoyed to see the newest creation.

Her chocolate skin soft to the touch. Hair as dark as the night with patches of other colors appearing to form, like blonde, green, and even a bit of orange and blue to it. Freckles was plastered along her button nose and cheeks. And to make her even more beautiful, once she opened her eyes, Cole and Tabitha see the spellbinding shade of purple they were.

"She's beautiful," Cole gasps while trying his best not to cry but to no avail as tears trickled down his face. "Our baby girl is here. Oh, my goodness, she's gorgeous." He looks to Tabitha. "Oh Tabby, you did such a good job. I'm so proud of you."

The two of them share a loving kiss then continue to look at the baby in awe. As they did this, they barely even noticed their friends and family walk in the tent.

"Is that her?" Adrien asks with a hopeful gaze. "Can I hold her?"

Tabitha weakly laughs at her brother's excitement. 'You'll get your turn Adrien." She looks to Varian with a proud smile. "Hey V, you wanna hold your goddaughter?"

Varian is taken aback by the comment but didn't stop and think twice about his sister's offer. His grin was so wide while tears formed in his eyes as he nodded in response to walking over to Tabitha. Carefully grabbing hold of the infant, Varian finally gets an amazing look at his new niece/goddaughter. Hunter stood on the other side of the bed next to Cole with a notable smirk, patting his brother-in-law on the back.

"How was she?" He as the king.

Cole sniffles as he wiped the tears from his eyes, "amazing. Just spectacular. She fought like always."

"This'll teach you to maybe put on a condom next time." The witch remarks which cause everyone in the room to laugh out loud.

Varian shushes them instantly. "Quiet everyone. My goddaughter's trying to sleep." He coos while still holding the baby and graciously as he could. "Hi there little one! Welcome to the Dimenscape. Oh, you're so pretty, yes you are. You're mommy and your daddy are so lucky to have you."

"Okay Varian times up, it's my turn." Adrien says while reaching out for the baby. "Give her to me."

Cole laughs, "am I gonna get the chance to hold my kid?"

"No way. You guys are gonna have to kill me before I hand this little girl over." Varian says with a snarky grin but the look on Tabitha's face told him otherwise. "Fine. Here ya go, Cole."

The king eventually holds the baby which made it harder for him to not cry.

"Hey mom, what are you gonna name them?" Shadow asks curiously from the end of the bed.

Cole looks to his wife with the same amount of curiosity. "Yeah? What's the name gonna be this round? This is your specialty after all." He tells her with a smirk, still holding his child who was way too small for her bulky body. "Whatcha feeling this time?"

As Tabitha thought for a name, there was one that stuck in her mind like a magnet on a fridge.

"Elio," the Queen says with a fond grin, stroking her little's girl's cheek as Cole held her. "Her name is Elio."

Everyone happily agrees with this as they watch the couple caress their new child.

Meanwhile, the clones waited outside watching everyone, unsure of whether to join them or not. Yugataro kept watch over them just in case they planned on breaking the truce they had formed with their doubles. He didn't trust them or Cole's decision to trust them, and he definitely wasn't going to take any chances.

While waiting, Charcoal grunts angrily and turns around.

"You know the plan." Zuk says with a disgruntled sigh, disappointed by it.

"... yes." Charcoal growls. "But that doesn't mean I'll like it."

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